Your trump donations paying trump bills!


VIP Member
Feb 7, 2020
Trump funneling millions into his businesses from republican voter donations and united state tax payers.
Tragic abuse of the office!
Trump funneling millions into his businesses from republican voter donations and united state tax payers.
Tragic abuse of the office!
The only reason Trump got into office was to fleece the taxpayers and make deals at our country's expense.
First paragraph reads:

He has spent one out of every three days as president visiting one of his luxury resorts, hotels or golf courses. He has leveraged his powerful international platform to promote his developments dozens of times. And he has directed millions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers to his businesses around the globe.

Why do I give a shit where he does his business as POTUS from, especially considering he owns the places and has accomplished more as POTUS since at least FDR?

I get it, we're not supposed to relate to the energizer bunny.

Should I read the 2nd paragraph. Well, US. taxpayer to his businesses is sure worth a read....I can't wait, pending. Fuck-N-A I found it. The paragraph reads:

Trump and his adult children have been criticized for frequenting Trump resorts around the globe on vacation and on business trips, forcing the Secret Service and other federal agencies accompanying them to spend taxpayer money at Trump properties.

The Secret Service spent more than $250,000 at Trump properties during a five-month period in 2017, according to documents, providing a hint of what it may have spent over the three years of his presidency. There’s no way to determine how much in total the administration is spending because no single entity tracks that money.

Do I agree with this practice? Nope. But secret service follows these guys regardless, how many servants did Michelle Obama have again? Perks of the job, Trump can stay where he wants to, same with certain staff. End of the day Trump's lost billions because of snowflakes, who no long buy into Trump products for his crime of being POTUS. I figure some more is worth a read. And since when is 250K a lot of money? Ridiculous.

But Democrats say Trump’s decision to accept foreign government money is where they may have the most leverage.

More than 100 officials and groups from 57 foreign countries have made visits to a Trump property, according to Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a government watchdog group. Trump even invited leaders of seven countries to meet with him at Mar-a-Lago.

Ah no shit, some foreigners frequented public hotels and perhaps wanted to show Trump some love because he's POTUS? Poor babies, ah! Of course this was expected, Trump's situation was unique from start, he runs hotels and shit, dude owns stuff, begging the question, what took so long for this story to pop-up? I quit reading, anothernothinburger. Trump wins in November.
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First paragraph reads:

He has spent one out of every three days as president visiting one of his luxury resorts, hotels or golf courses. He has leveraged his powerful international platform to promote his developments dozens of times. And he has directed millions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers to his businesses around the globe.

Why do I give a shit where he does his business as POTUS from, especially considering he owns the places and has accomplished more as POTUS since at least FDR?

I get it, we're not supposed to relate to the energizer bunny.

Should I read the 2nd paragraph. Well, US. taxpayer to his businesses is sure worth a read....I can't wait, pending.
Amazing. You sure know more than anyone on Trump's finances and business dealings. Care to share some of those details he refuses to divulge to the public?
Trump funneling millions into his businesses from republican voter donations and united state tax payers.
Tragic abuse of the office!

Yep, I just heard Rachel Maddow lay it out in detail. More presidential corruption.
Trump funneling millions into his businesses from republican voter donations and united state tax payers.
Tragic abuse of the office!

Yep, I just heard Rachel Maddow lay it out in detail. More presidential corruption.
Did she mention the family trips to set up golf business?
Did I hear you guys say the entire Trump family must cease business dealings while Trump is POTUS? I'm positive I did.

I also heard you say foreigners are not allowed to stay under Trump establishments if they're a government official.

Come out and say it PROGS, because that's all this is. Stop being pussies and come clean so it's clear.
Trump funneling millions into his businesses from republican voter donations and united state tax payers.
Tragic abuse of the office!

Yep, I just heard Rachel Maddow lay it out in detail. More presidential corruption.
Did she mention the family trips to set up golf business?
Not only covid dollars for their family...
Trump funneling millions into his businesses from republican voter donations and united state tax payers.
Tragic abuse of the office!

Poor little commie, I guess politico can't invest in reporters with an IQ high enough to do research. The President and VP are EXEMPT from conflict of interest laws. Also the Trump organization writes a check to the Treasury for the profits, when any foreign officials stay at one of his properties. And don't think it went unnoticed you had to dig up propaganda from 7 months ago.

Trump funneling millions into his businesses from republican voter donations and united state tax payers.
Tragic abuse of the office!

You really are stupid. Trumps a billionaire and his business make money. He has no need to funnel donated money anywhere except into his campaign.

Another lefty loon dumbass.
And by challenging the election results he has found another avenue for his chumps to pay his bills.....

President Trump is racing to raise money for an “official election defense fund.” But the fine print on the solicitations tells a different story: Half -- or more -- of any contribution will be used to retire debt from his re-election campaign.

Trump funneling millions into his businesses from republican voter donations and united state tax payers.
Tragic abuse of the office!

There is a sucker born every minute and there are 71 million or so in the United States.
Trump funneling millions into his businesses from republican voter donations and united state tax payers.
Tragic abuse of the office!
The only reason Trump got into office was to fleece the taxpayers and make deals at our country's expense.
Way to be unifying
First paragraph reads:

He has spent one out of every three days as president visiting one of his luxury resorts, hotels or golf courses. He has leveraged his powerful international platform to promote his developments dozens of times. And he has directed millions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers to his businesses around the globe.

Why do I give a shit where he does his business as POTUS from, especially considering he owns the places and has accomplished more as POTUS since at least FDR?

I get it, we're not supposed to relate to the energizer bunny.

Should I read the 2nd paragraph. Well, US. taxpayer to his businesses is sure worth a read....I can't wait, pending. Fuck-N-A I found it. The paragraph reads:

Trump and his adult children have been criticized for frequenting Trump resorts around the globe on vacation and on business trips, forcing the Secret Service and other federal agencies accompanying them to spend taxpayer money at Trump properties.

The Secret Service spent more than $250,000 at Trump properties during a five-month period in 2017, according to documents, providing a hint of what it may have spent over the three years of his presidency. There’s no way to determine how much in total the administration is spending because no single entity tracks that money.

Do I agree with this practice? Nope. But secret service follows these guys regardless, how many servants did Michelle Obama have again? Perks of the job, Trump can stay where he wants to, same with certain staff. End of the day Trump's lost billions because of snowflakes, who no long buy into Trump products for his crime of being POTUS. I figure some more is worth a read. And since when is 250K a lot of money? Ridiculous.

But Democrats say Trump’s decision to accept foreign government money is where they may have the most leverage.

More than 100 officials and groups from 57 foreign countries have made visits to a Trump property, according to Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a government watchdog group. Trump even invited leaders of seven countries to meet with him at Mar-a-Lago.

Ah no shit, some foreigners frequented public hotels and perhaps wanted to show Trump some love because he's POTUS? Poor babies, ah! Of course this was expected, Trump's situation was unique from start, he runs hotels and shit, dude owns stuff, begging the question, what took so long for this story to pop-up? I quit reading, anothernothinburger. Trump wins in November.

Trump has done nothing good for the country. That is why Biden got the largest number of votes in history. He could have waived the charges but he charged taxpayers for the use of rooms, golf carts and other things.

Did the Obamas' charge the Secret Service for rent to stay at their home? Trump criticized Obama for spending so many days playing golf. Yet he did it more frequently because it meant money in the bank for him. Don't fprget the CIA headquarters that was proposed for a space across from one of Trump's hotels. Some Air Force personnel were rerouted to stay at Trump's Scottish reaort.

The fact is that Trump has made billions thanks to suckers like you.
Trump funneling millions into his businesses from republican voter donations and united state tax payers.
Tragic abuse of the office!

You won the election, you can put some cream on the butthurt now
Trump funneling millions into his businesses from republican voter donations and united state tax payers.
Tragic abuse of the office!
The only reason Trump got into office was to fleece the taxpayers and make deals at our country's expense.

okfine: Duh, dar, I can read minds, hic, drool ...

Sure, you can, Speed Racer. Sure you can ...

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