Your thoughts on fake Russian Dossier just now be reported by even progressive media?

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Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
How stuff works is you collude with Russians to build a story Trump colluded with Russia to wipe an election, of which the FBI, CIA, Democrats, Obama, the Justice Dept. and everything the Demonicrats have control of participated. Then you go onto impeach TWICE without cause breaking the meaning of impeachment, all rules and ethics out the door. And just in case that's not enough you incite riots and exploit everyone and everything under the disguise of COVID.

Then when you recapture the White House and Senate, what you do is lift COVID restrictions DESPITE there being more cases, and when it's safe you come out to admit without saying so that the Russian scandal was simply what leftists do best........................................Fabricate and project.

So left news has come out to report it was all a fraud without saying so, because you know, they cannot hold their own accountable. I suppose they're saving face but surely because the timing is right and the election is over. What I'm wondering is, since the left elite has allowed left media to finally come out with at least part of the truth, what is their end-game? Are they simply trying to appear they're legit sources of information or is it more than that? Surely it's more.

And to anyone who thinks the job of major "news" sources is to report the news, fuck you're dumb. We no longer do that, they only report what they're told, and it's not reporting at all, they're simply narrations fed them through a channel from the elite, specifically, the progressive elite which is another way of saying they're communists.
My thoughts are that this rises to the level of treason and absolutely everybody involved in it should be jailed, with the very top organizers being put away for life, if not executed for it.
Everything is going to leak out now....the people know what Hillary and Obama and Biden did...and how they used the FBI and the DOJ and the worse job Joe does the angrier people are getting....we had a great president and the dems impeached him over a fucking hoax and opposition research....the media can't stop this train now....If I were Hillary I would be a little worried right now....she is the one Obama will toss under the bus....
Everything is going to leak out now....the people know what Hillary and Obama and Biden did...and how the used the FBI and the DOJ and the worse job Joe does the angrier people are getting....we had a great president and the dems impeached him over a fucking hoax and opposition research....the media can't stop this train now....If I were Hillary I would be a little worried right now....she is the one Obama will toss under the bus....

That's not going to stop them from doing it again, which they will. The public doesn't remember dick, especially dependent Democrats, they only remember what's going on today, which is all built on fabrications they so easily adopt.

What you figure the left is planning for the next election or two? Race-riots, another disease or the same one? How about start a war?
That's not going to stop them from doing it again, which they will. The public doesn't remember dick, especially dependent Democrats, they only remember what's going on today, which is all built on fabrications they so easily adopt.

What you figure the left is planning for the next election or two? Race-riots, another disease or the same one? How about start a war?
Joe will start a war...he comes from the age and time where that was how presidents improved their standing....but those times are over....
How stuff works is you collude with Russians to build a story Trump colluded with Russia to wipe an election, of which the FBI, CIA, Democrats, Obama, the Justice Dept. and everything the Demonicrats have control of participated. Then you go onto impeach TWICE without cause breaking the meaning of impeachment, all rules and ethics out the door. And just in case that's not enough you incite riots and exploit everyone and everything under the disguise of COVID.

Then when you recapture the White House and Senate, what you do is lift COVID restrictions DESPITE there being more cases, and when it's safe you come out to admit without saying so that the Russian scandal was simply what leftists do best........................................Fabricate and project.

So left news has come out to report it was all a fraud without saying so, because you know, they cannot hold their own accountable. I suppose they're saving face but surely because the timing is right and the election is over. What I'm wondering is, since the left elite has allowed left media to finally come out with at least part of the truth, what is their end-game? Are they simply trying to appear they're legit sources of information or is it more than that? Surely it's more.

And to anyone who thinks the job of major "news" sources is to report the news, fuck you're dumb. We no longer do that, they only report what they're told, and it's not reporting at all, they're simply narrations fed them through a channel from the elite, specifically, the progressive elite which is another way of saying they're communists.

My thoughts are: There have been several threads on this.

Find one
How stuff works is you collude with Russians to build a story Trump colluded with Russia to wipe an election, of which the FBI, CIA, Democrats, Obama, the Justice Dept. and everything the Demonicrats have control of participated. Then you go onto impeach TWICE without cause breaking the meaning of impeachment, all rules and ethics out the door. And just in case that's not enough you incite riots and exploit everyone and everything under the disguise of COVID.

Then when you recapture the White House and Senate, what you do is lift COVID restrictions DESPITE there being more cases, and when it's safe you come out to admit without saying so that the Russian scandal was simply what leftists do best........................................Fabricate and project.

So left news has come out to report it was all a fraud without saying so, because you know, they cannot hold their own accountable. I suppose they're saving face but surely because the timing is right and the election is over. What I'm wondering is, since the left elite has allowed left media to finally come out with at least part of the truth, what is their end-game? Are they simply trying to appear they're legit sources of information or is it more than that? Surely it's more.

And to anyone who thinks the job of major "news" sources is to report the news, fuck you're dumb. We no longer do that, they only report what they're told, and it's not reporting at all, they're simply narrations fed them through a channel from the elite, specifically, the progressive elite which is another way of saying they're communists.

It's fun to watch the WashPo START to admit that everyone including THEM were deceived by "Russian Disinformation".. They've put a couple brave columns out to that effect in the past coupla weeks.

But it isn't about "fooling" the media.. It's about how the FBI KNOWINGLY abetted this treasonous fraud by getting the keys to the Worlds Greatness Domestic Spy Machine by FABRICATION AND LIES.. And HELPED the "circular reporting" that top level FBI PUMPED to the media to make the accusations look real..

Until the criminals in the DOJ/FBI are punished, the media wont feel any public backlash..

I'm waiting for the Friday or Saturday night Massacre, where the Dems PUSH the Attty Gen to FIRE Durham and his staff just when they've finished with the "lower level" indictments. THAT WILL NOT STAND if it happens.

SOMEBODY in the Clinton Campaign was coordinating and organizing this stupid fairy tale.. My bets are on Sidney Blumenthal, the Clintons "bagman" and "foreign affair expert".. Largely, because one of the indictments talks about contacts with "Clinton's personal foreign affair consultant",..

The Biden Admin will TRY to stop it there and blame the media for being so stupid. And unless Blumenthal starts talking (HE'S NEVER BEEN QUESTIONED UNDER OATH on this) -- they will not allow Durham to proceed past Blumenthal and into the FBI and CLinton/DNC.
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