You Think We Have Trouble Now Read Doonesbury Today

I thought you were a retired senior, armed to the hilt, living in an isolated region, hoping for an authoritarian dictator to save your ass from the commies.

Nope. I’ve never claimed to be retired. I am armed to the hilt. I live in the edges of Society. I do hope for a true Moral Authoritarianism to take over and save us all from our Kiberal Society.
So you admit to be a lying stack of shit blowhard! That's a start!

Not at all. I simply avoid contact with the three minority employees in my department. Avoidance, not deceit. Much easier. Besides, I can’t be bothered to remember their names.

Why not let the world know your true beliefs? Oh, that's right! You are such a mentally challenged racist wingnut that you be fired in a millisecond!

Got it!
taz he's running our government like he was a mafia boss.......he wants your loyalty before what's in the best interests of our country imo....sure we want him out ,he's made a mockery of our nation

The entirety of the federal government has been making a mockery of our nation for a long time. The problem is it only matters to most of you when the other guy is in charge.
what you say is true but imho the boat seems to sail a bit smoother when a dem is in the wh
The boat sails smoother? I suppose it feels that way when you aren’t even asking where the hell it’s going.
[Why not let the world know your true beliefs? Oh, that's right! You are such a mentally challenged racist wingnut that you be fired in a millisecond!

Because you Leftist wastes of flesh and oxygen only believe in freedom or free speech for people who agree with you.

My boss is well aware of my views, as do several others in the department. They agree with them. We went out for a celebratory dinner a few months back when our female Manager got fired and our single black employee retired.
[Why not let the world know your true beliefs? Oh, that's right! You are such a mentally challenged racist wingnut that you be fired in a millisecond!

Because you Leftist wastes of flesh and oxygen only believe in freedom or free speech for people who agree with you.

My boss is well aware of my views, as do several others in the department. They agree with them. We went out for a celebratory dinner a few months back when our female Manager got fired and our single black employee retired.

I rest my case. You are a degenerate human being who has no business criticizing others. You should just STFU. The world will be a less stupid place without your input..
There is a significant segment of the population that has been brainwashed by decades of conservative media and the Republican Party to the point where they can’t function in a democracy — and don’t want to.

You Think We Have Trouble Now? Read Doonesbury Today.
Man you think we have troubles today? Wait until you see the drawing a far left cartoonist drew! Holy shit that’s an eye opener! Idiot.
you have said woman have no business voting or being if you dont hate them,you have very little respect for them......

Only Feminists want females in politics. Real women know and accept their role in Society.

basic education involves questioning what you are taught,you have said kids are not supposed to question,just do....

No. Basic education is the exact opposite of questioning what you are taught. It’s the acceptance that your elders and betters have created Traditions and Values for a successful Society.

in other words as long as those endeavors are something i agree with....

No. So long as they agree with and fall inside the Traditional Values and Morals our ancestors determined thousands of years ago and which we followed until the last century, over which we’ve destroyed Society by notvjudt ignoring but destroying them.
Only Feminists want females in politics. Real women know and accept their role in Society.
what a crock of i said you have no respect for women
Basic education is the exact opposite of questioning what you are taught.
you cant learn if you dont question something you dont understand or feel is not right....if you were raised that way i can see why you are so mentally stunted....
So long as they agree with and fall inside the Traditional Values and Morals our ancestors determined thousands of years ago and which we followed until the last century
like i long as you agree with it its society advances....things change.....yea i was shocked to find that out too...
taz he's running our government like he was a mafia boss.......he wants your loyalty before what's in the best interests of our country imo....sure we want him out ,he's made a mockery of our nation

The entirety of the federal government has been making a mockery of our nation for a long time. The problem is it only matters to most of you when the other guy is in charge.
what you say is true but imho the boat seems to sail a bit smoother when a dem is in the wh
The boat sails smoother? I suppose it feels that way when you aren’t even asking where the hell it’s going.
Well would you say starting a BS trillion $$ war, or getting all our allies to hate us, while costing America farmers big dough was knowing where our ship was sailing?
There is a significant segment of the population that has been brainwashed by decades of conservative media and the Republican Party to the point where they can’t function in a democracy — and don’t want to.

You Think We Have Trouble Now? Read Doonesbury Today.
seems like you have been a little brainwashed yourself......

Democrats aren’t chanting “Lock her up” in unison at every Party event since the election. Or marchingbthrough the streets chanting racist hate towards Jews.

Watching Trumpbots and Russian trolls parrot his daily tweets denigrating his enemies, the media and those who are disloyal is like watching a reality TV version of 1984.

I feel sad for decent Americans.
the far left is just as brainwashed as the far right is....both of them only care about one thing....what they believe in and want....if you dont agree with them, then as far as they are shit and die....we see that every day in this forum from members of both....
There is a significant segment of the population that has been brainwashed by decades of conservative media and the Republican Party to the point where they can’t function in a democracy — and don’t want to.

You Think We Have Trouble Now? Read Doonesbury Today.

Nothing but bullshit, leftist propaganda at the Daily Kos. A whole article on a cartoon strip....pretty typical. No facts, no news, just Neo-Marxist propaganda.
Amusing when you consider the source being linked is the hyper partisan Daily Kos.
[Why not let the world know your true beliefs? Oh, that's right! You are such a mentally challenged racist wingnut that you be fired in a millisecond!

Because you Leftist wastes of flesh and oxygen only believe in freedom or free speech for people who agree with you.

My boss is well aware of my views, as do several others in the department. They agree with them. We went out for a celebratory dinner a few months back when our female Manager got fired and our single black employee retired.
Because you Leftist wastes of flesh and oxygen only believe in freedom or free speech for people who agree with you.
thats the way you just got through telling me this.....woman should know their should never ask definitely are someone who should be back in the dark ages...
taz he's running our government like he was a mafia boss.......he wants your loyalty before what's in the best interests of our country imo....sure we want him out ,he's made a mockery of our nation

The entirety of the federal government has been making a mockery of our nation for a long time. The problem is it only matters to most of you when the other guy is in charge.
what you say is true but imho the boat seems to sail a bit smoother when a dem is in the wh
The boat sails smoother? I suppose it feels that way when you aren’t even asking where the hell it’s going.
Well would you say starting a BS trillion $$ war, or getting all our allies to hate us, while costing America farmers big dough was knowing where our ship was sailing?
Since that’s what you think is happening yes. You have no clue where we’re going.

It’s the opposite of a trillion dollars and BS corporate bailouts, not so shovel ready jobs, letting allies and enemies alike take advantage of us and calling the farmers in the middle of the country deplorable or bible hugging, gun clutching losers.
what a crock of i said you have no respect for women

have no respect for ANYONE who does not understand, accept, and embrace their proper place in Society.

you cant learn if you dont question something you dont understand or feel is not right....if you were raised that way i can see why you are so mentally stunted....

It’s not about questioning. It’s about doing what is expected of you, whether you like it or not. Your feelings or desires related to it are totally irrelevant.

like i long as you agree with it its society advances....things change.....yea i was shocked to find that out too...

It’s not about me agreeing with it or not. It’s about compliance with the accepted norms that our ancestors put in place centuries ago.
thats the way you just got through telling me this.....woman should know their should never ask definitely are someone who should be back in the dark ages...

Yes I should have been born back then. I’d do almost anything to have been a Norman huscarl fughting in Duke William’s army in 1066.
what a crock of i said you have no respect for women

have no respect for ANYONE who does not understand, accept, and embrace their proper place in Society.

you cant learn if you dont question something you dont understand or feel is not right....if you were raised that way i can see why you are so mentally stunted....

It’s not about questioning. It’s about doing what is expected of you, whether you like it or not. Your feelings or desires related to it are totally irrelevant.

like i long as you agree with it its society advances....things change.....yea i was shocked to find that out too...

It’s not about me agreeing with it or not. It’s about compliance with the accepted norms that our ancestors put in place centuries ago.
I have no respect for ANYONE who does not understand, accept, and embrace their proper place in Society.
and who is to tell everyone their role in society...people with your mindset?.....
It’s not about questioning
yes it is....people with intelligence question things to learn.....robots dont.....
It’s about doing what is expected of you, whether you like it or not.Your feelings or desires related to it are totally irrelevant.
in an oppressive society yes, were people are mindless a society were people are allowed to think on their
It’s about compliance with the accepted norms that our ancestors put in place centuries ago.
things change over time,the accepted norms in 817 AD just might be different today....
thats the way you just got through telling me this.....woman should know their should never ask definitely are someone who should be back in the dark ages...

Yes I should have been born back then. I’d do almost anything to have been a Norman huscarl fughting in Duke William’s army in 1066.
geezus ...well that kind of sums it up....
[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 20660114, member: 16291”]and who is to tell everyone their role in society...people with your mindset?.....[/QUOTE]

No. The traditional values, Morals and norms that ruled Society since our ancestors put them in place thousands of years ago.

[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 20660114, member: 16291”]yes it is....people with intelligence question things to learn.....robots don’t...[/QUOTE]

You know who questions things?... people who cannot or will not conform to normal Society. The drugs and outliers who should be removed from Society.

[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 20660114, member: 16291”]in an oppressive society yes, were people are mindless a society were people are allowed to think on their[/quote]

Most human beings are not equipped to think on their own. Never have been and never will be. They need a strong hand steering them in the right direction before they destroy Society.

[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 20660114, member: 16291”]things change over time,the accepted norms in 817 AD just might be different today....[/QUOTE]

In terms of technology, but not morality or values. Which is why we need to start limiting technology via those values.
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[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 20660114, member: 16291”]and who is to tell everyone their role in society...people with your mindset?.....

No. The traditional values, Morals and norms that ruled Society since our ancestors put them in place thousands of years ago.

[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 20660114, member: 16291”]yes it is....people with intelligence question things to learn.....robots don’t...[/QUOTE]

You know who questions things?... people who cannot or will not conform to normal Society. The drugs and outliers who should be removed from Society.

[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 20660114, member: 16291”]in an oppressive society yes, were people are mindless a society were people are allowed to think on their[/quote]

Most human beings are not equipped to think on their own. Never have been and never will be. They need a strong hand steering them in the right direction before they destroy Society.

[QUOTE="Harry Dresden, post: 20660114, member: 16291”]things change over time,the accepted norms in 817 AD just might be different today....[/QUOTE]

In terms of technology, but not morality or values. Which is why we need to start limiting technology via those values.[/QUOTE]
No. The traditional values, Morals and norms that ruled Society since our ancestors put them in place thousands of years ago.
so people with your i said....
You know who questions things?... people who cannot or will not conform to normal Society.
you mean like all the great thinkers who have ever lived?....those guys?.....
Most human beings are not equipped to think on their own. Never have been and never will be.
so they need someone like you to guide them right?.....

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