You Should Vote for Biden If:


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
You want more Federal Taxes taken out of your Pension and SS.
If you want your Federal Income Tax Return to be decreased by 15%.
You want the Federal Government to decide what Health Care you can have. ( Joe says if you like your Health Care Insurance you can keep it. ) We have been down this road before.. You lied about Obama Care letting us keep our Health Care Plans. You will not fool us again.
Everybody wants a VP whose son is a rapist of children. Joe Biden Goes Into Hiding After His Lawyer Confirms Laptop Story Is Real. How sad the mentally challenged don't have to hide their pride for child molesters.
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
You want more Federal Taxes taken out of your Pension and SS.
If you want your Federal Income Tax Return to be decreased by 15%.
You want the Federal Government to decide what Health Care you can have. ( Joe says if you like your Health Care Insurance you can keep it. ) We have been down this road before.. You lied about Obama Care letting us keep our Health Care Plans. You will not fool us again
Are these some of the beginning steps to socialism ?
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?

It's not. That's what the debate is about over the next stimulus. The Democrats want to spend more and the Republicans want to spend less. The Republicans keep allowing more and more of their pork, but they insist they want all of their pork. No dice.
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
Lol California want to give people $800 a week for the next two years with no strings attached.. Those are Democrats so please do not tell me that you care about the debt
Someone should vote for Biden if they like poking forks in electrical outlets. Or if they enjoy the feeling they get when squirrels are gnawing off their nuts.

Trump/Pence 2020

LOL They should also vote for him if they want the economy in the toilet and green shit to bankrupt the country.
You want more Federal Taxes taken out of your Pension and SS.
If you want your Federal Income Tax Return to be decreased by 15%.
You want the Federal Government to decide what Health Care you can have. ( Joe says if you like your Health Care Insurance you can keep it. ) We have been down this road before.. You lied about Obama Care letting us keep our Health Care Plans. You will not fool us again.

The Biden plan includes raising taxes on our job creators when we need them the most.
Increasing capital gains taxes which will hurt the stock market.
Increasing our cost of energy to perhaps over twice as much with this green nonsense.
Destroying the suburbs by inserting low income, high crime people into them, even going as far as making project buildings in these currently nice and safe places.

How anybody could support this I have no idea. It's really a decision of whether you hate Trump more than you love your country.
You want more Federal Taxes taken out of your Pension and SS.
If you want your Federal Income Tax Return to be decreased by 15%.
You want the Federal Government to decide what Health Care you can have. ( Joe says if you like your Health Care Insurance you can keep it. ) We have been down this road before.. You lied about Obama Care letting us keep our Health Care Plans. You will not fool us again.

The Biden plan includes raising taxes on our job creators when we need them the most.
Increasing capital gains taxes which will hurt the stock market.
Increasing our cost of energy to perhaps over twice as much with this green nonsense.
Destroying the suburbs by inserting low income, high crime people into them, even going as far as making project buildings in these currently nice and safe places.

How anybody could support this I have no idea. It's really a decision of whether you hate Trump more than you love your country.

If I hated Trump I still wouldn't vote for Biden. Hell I'd write in Mickey Mouse.

That man will put the economy in the toilet and his green shit will bankrupt the Country. If Biden is elected it will be a train wreck.
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?

It's not. That's what the debate is about over the next stimulus. The Democrats want to spend more and the Republicans want to spend less. The Republicans keep allowing more and more of their pork, but they insist they want all of their pork. No dice.

Trump has doubled Obama's debt at the 4 year mark.
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
Lol California want to give people $800 a week for the next two years with no strings attached.. Those are Democrats so please do not tell me that you care about the debt

Its going to happen everywhere sooner or later. California will pay for what they implement.
If I hated Trump I still wouldn't vote for Biden. Hell I'd write in Mickey Mouse.

That man will put the economy in the toilet and his green shit will bankrupt the Country. If Biden is elected it will be a train wreck.

Absolutely. HIs VP was asked if she was elected President, would she end fracking on her first day in office? She answered yes she would. While that might appear superficial given she's only the VP, she will probably end up running the country.
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
Lol California want to give people $800 a week for the next two years with no strings attached.. Those are Democrats so please do not tell me that you care about the debt

Its going to happen everywhere sooner or later. California will pay for what they implement.
California’s begging for a bail out money for socialist programs that don’t work. You can’t keep putting a Band-Aid on your failures.
California’s begging for a bail out money for socialist programs that don’t work. You can’t keep putting a Band-Aid on your failures.

Social programs for their American citizens is one thing. Giving free medical care to illegals who broke our laws by coming here is another. I don't want any of my tax dollars going to them........not one dime.
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
Lol California want to give people $800 a week for the next two years with no strings attached.. Those are Democrats so please do not tell me that you care about the debt

Its going to happen everywhere sooner or later. California will pay for what they implement.

California won’t pay for shit...productive Californians will.
I’m sure that will go over like a fart in church.

“Listen up productive Californian’’s the deal...Starting now you will be forced to pay wetbacks to fuck your state up, you will be forced to hurdle human shit piles on your sidewalks, you will be forced to pay ShaQuita and Guadalupe to stay home, smoke weed and run their baby factories to produce more of their filthy same....NOW, I know you have the means and capacity to leave this disgusting thirdworld shithole but I’m confident that you are so noble you can’t wait for more opportunity to fuck yourself over.”
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?

It's not. That's what the debate is about over the next stimulus. The Democrats want to spend more and the Republicans want to spend less. The Republicans keep allowing more and more of their pork, but they insist they want all of their pork. No dice.

Trump has doubled Obama's debt at the 4 year mark.
Democrats refuse to make any cuts to the budget and in fact demand more spending or they won’t vote for a budget. And then you assholes go out screaming how Trump increased the debt. You’re idiots.
California’s begging for a bail out money for socialist programs that don’t work. You can’t keep putting a Band-Aid on your failures.

Social programs for their American citizens is one thing. Giving free medical care to illegals who broke our laws by coming here is another. I don't want any of my tax dollars going to them........not one dime.
But then if we allow refugees that are close to the age of 65 into this country by the thousands we have to pay for their healthcare I don’t wanna do it

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