You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

Dan said:
Another movie pet peeve: people who act as though they deserve recognition for knowing what's coming next in a scene. I can't tell you how many times I've been in a theater watching some stupid action movie and the hero kills the bad guys and someone yells out "I knew that was coming!" No crap! Anybody who's ever seen a movie in their lives knew that was coming!
Or, people like my father-in-law who rave about a movie they just got, and have seen it, and want you to see it. Then they proceed to talk through the whole movie, pretty much telling you what will happen next, or why a character did something, or whatever.

I have actually asked him why keeps doing this, because it ruins the movie, and there's no point in watching it if he's gonna keep telling us what goes on.
Someone called MY dog a bio-hazard. A BIO-HAZARD.

These neeeeewwwb yuppies HAVE to go.

My dog was on leash, I stopped for a second to talk to my friend at the same park I mentioned earlier in this thread (no dogs OFF leashes is the actual "rule") and this man had the nerve to say "This isn't a dog park. Get your dog out of here, it's a bio-hazard and you're going to make my kids sick". :finger: :death: :dev2: :firing:

What is with these people???????
Said1 said:
Someone called MY dog a bio-hazard. A BIO-HAZARD.

These neeeeewwwb yuppies HAVE to go.

My dog was on leash, I stopped for a second to talk to my friend at the same park I mentioned earlier in this thread (no dogs OFF leashes is the actual "rule") and this man had the nerve to say "This isn't a dog park. Get your dog out of here, it's a bio-hazard and you're going to make my kids sick". :finger: :death: :dev2: :firing:

What is with these people???????
Well, it is a Beegle right?:)

That is really funny though..
Mr. P said:
Well, it is a Beegle right?:)

That is really funny though..

No, it's NOT funny. I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore. I'm starting an anti-yuppy movement and will be protesting and throwing flamming bags of crap at this guys house, first. :laugh:

Or maybe I won't poop and scoop when Precious craps on his lawn....which he has....once or twice. :dev3:
You know wha...
Ah hell,

I hate it when you take the time to set up a really good prank
and it doesn't work IE when the target never shows up for a blind date
with his sister.
I hate being gone from work for ONE DAY, because nothing ever gets done
the right way. I usually end up doing it RIGHT the next day. I fear for them
when I go on vacation at the end of the month.:eek2:
I went to the grocery. My bill came to $14.17. I gave the young lady (not a teenager) $20.22. She counts the money, then stops. She said, " Your bill is $14.17". Being as I'd had little sleep, worked all day and was still up after dark, I tho't I'd made a mistake so I recounted what I'd given her, $20.22. So I said, "yes". She looks at me and the money saying, "YOUR TOTAL IS $14.17". And I said, "Yes, I know". A third time she tells me my total & I said "I will get a nickel back", assuming she could at least understand that 20 minus 14 gives you six. She said she was a bit slow that day since when she keyed the amount into the register the amount returned was $6.05. What a shame.
Joz said:
I went to the grocery. My bill came to $14.17. I gave the young lady (not a teenager) $20.22. She counts the money, then stops. She said, " Your bill is $14.17". Being as I'd had little sleep, worked all day and was still up after dark, I tho't I'd made a mistake so I recounted what I'd given her, $20.22. So I said, "yes". She looks at me and the money saying, "YOUR TOTAL IS $14.17". And I said, "Yes, I know". A third time she tells me my total & I said "I will get a nickel back", assuming she could at least understand that 20 minus 14 gives you six. She said she was a bit slow that day since when she keyed the amount into the register the amount returned was $6.05. What a shame.
20.22 as in two dimes and two pennies?
The ClayTaurus said:
20.22 as in two dimes and two pennies?
Yes. A $20 bill, 2 dimes & 2 pennies. I didn't have a nickel. I hate pennies, so I was glad to get rid of some; I didn't want 3 back. I wanted a nickel.
Joz said:
Yes. A $20 bill, 2 dimes & 2 pennies. I didn't have a nickel. I hate pennies, so I was glad to get rid of some; I didn't want 3 back. I wanted a nickel.
I just wanted to make sure you didn't give her like a dime and two nickles and two pennies or something. It's a slow morning for me, too :cheers2:

For what it's worth, people totally crap their pants whenever you try and consolidate change like that. Like if the bill is 18.50 and you hand them 23.50. I'm a 100% on board with your grinding of gears :)
The ClayTaurus said:
I just wanted to make sure you didn't give her like a dime and two nickles and two pennies or something. It's a slow morning for me, too :cheers2:
Has dillo been sharing his ice cream with you??? (I suggested it may be freezing his brain):rotflmao:

For what it's worth, people totally crap their pants whenever you try and consolidate change like that. Like if the bill is 18.50 and you hand them 23.50. I'm a 100% on board with your grinding of gears :)
Or hand them $22 when the total is $12. And they even have a sign up saying they need singles. :happy2:
Joz said:
Has dillo been sharing his ice cream with you??? (I suggested it may be freezing his brain):rotflmao:

Or hand them $22 when the total is $12. And they even have a sign up saying they need singles. :happy2:

When I was a bagger thats all I got was singles. I would go to buy a game or something and give them 50 $1 bills. Im sure I grinded some gears with that!
So a few buddies talked me into going to a "gentlemen’s establishment"
after work for a beer. I generally don't do this unless it's during the hours of
no cover charge and the majority of the guys in my group will not settle
for a pub. I make it a habbit to pretty much ignore the dancers because I
don't want to send out the message that I want a lap dance. If I notice a girl
who has admirable dancing skills, then I usually stroll up to the stage, drop
my money and walk away as fast as I came up there.

The majority of the girls are ok with this behavior and often respect the
distance I place between us. Most of them already have a sucker on the line
anyway. By sucker I mean that one guy she sits and talks with for hours
and ends up with all of his money. All he gets is a hard on and an obligation
to come back for more, but there's always one girl who nobody wants to talk
to. On this day, she approached me and asked me if I would like to tip her
for her dance. I felt like telling her "If I wanted to tip you, I would have" but
I was nice and threw a dollar at her.

Then she sat down.:bang3: I understand that they make their money from
lap dances, but I never really got in to that. So I tell her all four times that
she asks "No thanks". Here's the part that grinds my gears...
Most women in the business "know when to fold em" so to speak, but this
girl wouldn't take no for an answer. I even told her " I'm sure you could
be making more money off someone else." but she still sat at our table.

And no I don't pick and choose, I just don't get lap dances. In fact I'd rather
be anywhere else for that matter, or at least at the pool table.
This has to be the thing that burns my ass the most out of everything I've posted.

Some of you know that I'm a regular disc golfer, by regular I mean at least
3 times a week. The course I play is about 5 miles from my house at the local
park, so it makes it easy for me to play. Last week, some kids vandalized the
course and broke all of the equipment, which closed the course. This was no
light task as the baskets weigh alot (minimum of 30 pounds each) and are
constructed of solid steel. You can even see (5 or 6 pics dow) that they are
firmly planted in the ground and they also have concrete holding them.

Someone took alot of time and effort to do this. Most of the baskets were
broken off at the base where the pole meets the ground. The others were
bent over utnil they touched the ground, and one was removed concrete and
all. I hate the people who did this, I REALLY do!!!
no1tovote4 said:
I can't imagine why people would do something like that...

People is right. you know how sturdy these things are. Must have been at
least 3 people.
Stuff like this really angers me!
I wonder if they used some kind of pole cutter; I don't see how they could have just broken them off.

One thing though, the poles holding the baskets seem to be of different heights. Is that true? I still think it's a cool sport!
Joz said:
Stuff like this really angers me!
I wonder if they used some kind of pole cutter; I don't see how they could have just broken them off.

One thing though, the poles holding the baskets seem to be of different heights. Is that true? I still think it's a cool sport!
No pole cutters, I helped clean up the course. In fact I'm the one who first
discovered it. The poles were bent until they broke, that's why I know there
was at least 3 people with ALOT of time on there hands.

They should be the same height.
Any and all PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association) sanctioned courses
have very strict rules about basket height.

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