You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

No pole cutters, I helped clean up the course. In fact I'm the one who first
discovered it. The poles were bent until they broke, that's why I know there
was at least 3 people with ALOT of time on there hands.
Any suspects? They're probably not far away. You know the return-to-the-scene-of-the-crime thing?

They should be the same height.
Any and all PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association) sanctioned courses
have very strict rules about basket height.
Must have just been the angle of the pics.
Joz said:
Any suspects? They're probably not far away. You know the return-to-the-scene-of-the-crime thing?

Must have just been the angle of the pics.
The police aren't to interested in this case so no suspects.
They should be though, the baskets cost anywhere from $300-$500 each.
The police aren't to interested in this case so no suspects.
They should be though, the baskets cost anywhere from $300-$500 each.
Police not interested in vandalism?
Where's the money going to come from to replace the equipment?
Ah, I knew that question was comming. The parks department considers
us (the local club that purchased the baskets) as a sub contract. All
subcontracts are required to have insurance to operate at the park.
The club had the insurance when the course was established but they've
been pretty quite when asked to file a claim. Some of the locals have pitched
in to get replacement poles for the baskets. We got a deal from a major
vendor at $20 a pole.

Seems a little expensive for a metal poll but it's a good deal because there is
a sleeve at the bottom of the poll (part A) which is prefabricated that allows
you to padlock the polls. It's also designed for quick release (once unlocked)
to change the basket possition. All basket possitions can be changed provided
they have part B of the unit. Part B consists of a poll in the ground that is set
with concrete and is fabricated so part A fits into it, making it one unit.
It's convenient to have this two piece system so you can have mutiple basket
possitions for each hole. So it's a good deal because our "part B's" are intact.

We change the layout (possition of the baskets) about once every 2 weeks.
Adds value to the game and course difficulty.
Yet another thing that grinds my gears.
I hate seeing items that people don't want at the checkout, in various places.
Nothing like reaching for the latest issue of tv guide to find a pork tenderloin
in it's place. Just give the damn thing to the checker and say "I don't want
this anymore". Pure and simple laziness.
You know what really grinds my gears?

Stupid emails that I get that tell me to forward it so I can see Jesus
do the chicken dance on my computer. THIS CRAP DOESN'T WORK!!!
STOP SENDING IT TO ME!!! You're not getting any money from Bill Gates,
You will not go to Hell if you refuse to send it, we know you love Jesus,
and you will not get a magic phone call. GIVE UP!

And what really gets me is I always get it from people that should know better.

"Ten minutes later something really neat will happen!"
No it won't!
Along the e-mail lines...I hate it when people forward something with 10,000 e-mail addresses attached! Geeezzzz cut an past the damn messege I don't want all that other crap!! (I most likely don't want what yer forwarding either).
A rant? Venting? What grinds my gears? Yeah, I got one.

People who don't know what the hell they are doing trying to tell you how to do it.

I've been at my job for 8 years now, and not to toot my own horn too loudly I am pretty good at it. Not long ago, I had to take some time off for personal reasons, and when I returned things had backed up a good bit.

I work on the swing shift. This is by choice as I prefer to work alone, as the person on swing shift usually does, and get more done that way. Well, things were backed up enough that the powers that be decided I needed help for a couple of days, so they stuck me with two "helpers". One, I had trained and worked with before, so I ahd no problems with him. The other was a different story.

Every comment he made was something about how I wasn't doing it right.

"No, you can't do it that way. Do it like this."
"Why do you do that? This way is better."
"Don't tell me you do it that way! That way never works!"

This was usually followed by, or at least included, the phrase, "I know because I worked in this area for two months...on first shift." This, of course, raised the ugly head of the Shift Beast, the one that says first shift knows all and second shift is a bunch of morons that don't know what they are doing.

I was pretty stressed out by the experience that put me away from work for so long, so I was doing my best to let all this roll off my back. I would calmly explain that this was how I did things and it worked fine. Finally, the last straw fell.

After he spent nearly an hour checking a procedure manual looking up something that I told him three times in ten seconds, he smugly put the book in my face and pointed out that I was "wrong". Which I wasn't. After taking 60 minutes to look up something that would have taken me 2 minutes to finish, he was looking in the wrong book. What we were doing had little to do what what he looked up. In a sense, what he had dug up was only half the story.

After presenting this to me, he again said, "See, I worked on first shift, so I was trained doing this."


"With all that training...on first'd think they would have taught you how to read", I said, pointing out the fact that he was looking in the wrong book. I told him, "I understand you did this for two months, and I'm sure you're very impressed by that. I've been doing this for eight f***ing years, and I spend as much time fixing what first shift f***ed up as I do finishing my own work. If this is the way you were trained to do this, I now know why they can't get anything right. Now, you can do this one of two ways. You're way and get it wrong, or my way and get it right. My way and it's over with. You're way, and it comes back and I'll come and get you and you can do it again."

Even then, he went about doing it the right way as if he were being forced to do something wrong. I don't know what happened to him after that night, but I think my supervisor recognized that if he wanted to keep me around, he didn't need to send someone I might choke to death to work with anymore.
You know what really grinds my gears?

That one guy in the office who wants to see a written procedure for
everything. Provided it's necessary, I don't have a problem with it.
This guy wants to make a big deal out of EVERYTHING needing written pros.

I told this fella
"Bring all sensitive material to me before it gets sent out
"Is there a written pro for that?"
"No you dichkhead just bring it to me."
"I want it in a procedure that says I have to bring it to you"
"Ok" [writes on paper "Bring all sensitive material to me before it's sent out"]
"That's not good enough, I want it approved in a real pro."
"Tough shit"
"I'm not doing it then"
"Then you can send it out the wrong way and go to jail"

I understand the cover your ass thing but this guy does it to be a dick.
He's a software engineer, nuff said. We had a similar conversation about
badging into the building, and some other common sense shit.
What really grinds my gears is people who steal Ideas from "Family Guy". You know what I mean.

Feel free to list any issues you have.

So I leave for work this morning and about a mile down the road this guy
refuses to stop at the intersection so he can pull out in front of me. No
problems yet, but then he starts driving about 10 mph under the limit. Two
lane road and only a few places to pass (safely) so I wait. Another jerk pulls
out in front of him and now we’re going 15 under. We get to the straightaway
and he decides to pass the car in front, I do the same. We make it around
the car and he starts to merge into the other lane, and I think “ now’s my
chance”. I attempt to pass both of them and the guy in front speeds up,
enough to tell me that he isn’t letting me in. I slow down and start to merge
in the other lane (keeping my distance) and the asshole slams on his breaks
and flips me the bird. WHAT AN ASS!!! I gave him PLENTY of space the entire
time, then he continued to drive 10mph under only to turn off the road 2
minutes later. And That’s what really grinds my gears.
T-Bor said:
What really grinds my gears is people who steal Ideas from "Family Guy". You know what I mean.

And you know what's even worse?


Know what I mean?

Where do you get your ideas from '101 ways to stalk men on the internet'?

'How to convince people that picture you displayed is recent '

Or, the number one best seller amoung the troll community 'how to not stink while saving on toilette paper'
ya know what really grinds my gears?

people who argue with you no matter what you say. its like they have nothing better to do than to contradict every statement or comment you make. then they always have to be right, better, best, an expert, etc., at or about any subject you mention.
fuzzykitten99 said:
ya know what really grinds my gears?

people who argue with you no matter what you say. its like they have nothing better to do than to contradict every statement or comment you make. then they always have to be right, better, best, an expert, etc., at or about any subject you mention.

you are so far off base on this........................:tongue1:
Incompetent people that are "great guys" that get raises, bonuses and promotions because they are trying....50% raises at that..... while those of us that do are told we are held to a higher standard and get 7% ....
You know what really grinds my gears?

People who wait in line for 10 minutes at a fast food place, act all huffy to get the cashier's attention, complain about the wait time, then look up at the menu and start going, "Hmmm, do I was this, or do I want this?" Look at the damn menu while you're waiting in line, idiot.

You know what else really grinds my gears?

Hot girls who smoke. I mean, she's walking down the street in some hot outfit, showing herself off and you're just stealing glances of her gorgeousness, then she pops out a cigarette and lights up and it turns you off faster than Helen Thomas in a g-string. Maybe you're get a little action every once in a while if your mouth didn't smell and taste like an ash tray, honestly.
T-Bor said:
What really grinds my gears is people who steal Ideas from "Family Guy". You know what I mean.
You know what really grinds my gears?
People who think that everything should be original.
There's nothing wrong with "Influence".
I took a good idea and made it better.

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