You can put down your veggie burger


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.

What whack would eat a veggieburger when a nice, juicy delicious beef burger is available?

Vegetables don't moo. They make salads.
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.
Moderately effective grazing systems.
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.

What whack would eat a veggieburger when a nice, juicy delicious beef burger is available?

Vegetables don't moo. They make salads.
And salads are for rabbits
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.
Moderately effective grazing systems.
Its the sheep I tell you......they eat all the grass.
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.
Moderately effective grazing systems.
Its the sheep I tell you......they eat all the grass.
Sheep and goats both can ruin a pasture in nothing flat.
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.

What whack would eat a veggieburger when a nice, juicy delicious beef burger is available?

Vegetables don't moo. They make salads.
Lettuce makes great garnish. And tomatoes are a fruit so they don’t count.
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.
Moderately effective grazing systems.
Its the sheep I tell you......they eat all the grass.
Sheep and goats both can ruin a pasture in nothing flat.
Ruin? Within a year Mt St Helens was a lush landscape.
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.
Moderately effective grazing systems.
Its the sheep I tell you......they eat all the grass.
Sheep and goats both can ruin a pasture in nothing flat.
Ruin? Within a year Mt St Helens was a lush landscape.
Goats and sheep will pull out by the roots. You usually have to reseed if you let them graze your pasture bare.
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.
Moderately effective grazing systems.
Its the sheep I tell you......they eat all the grass.
Sheep and goats both can ruin a pasture in nothing flat.
Ruin? Within a year Mt St Helens was a lush landscape.
Goats and sheep will pull out by the roots. You usually have to reseed if you let them graze your pasture bare.
Not all.
And Mt St Helens nuked all life at 1500 degrees. California is using sheep for weed control.
Moderately effective grazing systems.
Its the sheep I tell you......they eat all the grass.
Sheep and goats both can ruin a pasture in nothing flat.
Ruin? Within a year Mt St Helens was a lush landscape.
Goats and sheep will pull out by the roots. You usually have to reseed if you let them graze your pasture bare.
Not all.
And Mt St Helens nuked all life at 1500 degrees. California is using sheep for weed control.
You can doubt all you want, my father is a cattle rancher. I've seen this with my own eyes.
Its the sheep I tell you......they eat all the grass.
Sheep and goats both can ruin a pasture in nothing flat.
Ruin? Within a year Mt St Helens was a lush landscape.
Goats and sheep will pull out by the roots. You usually have to reseed if you let them graze your pasture bare.
Not all.
And Mt St Helens nuked all life at 1500 degrees. California is using sheep for weed control.
You can doubt all you want, my father is a cattle rancher. I've seen this with my own eyes.
I’m surrounded by cows and they’re lush green. As well as the sheep herds I’ve seen.
Ruin? Within a year Mt St Helens was a lush landscape.

This has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever seen posted ...

Oh wait ... you're being facetious ... ha ha ha ... funny guy ain'tch ya? ...

You can doubt all you want, my father is a cattle rancher. I've seen this with my own eyes.

I ran goats for a few years, my pasture was never ruined ... they're not grazers, they browse ... like deer ... but this was in Iowa, everything grows great there ... I understand your father's experiences may be different, just remember your father's ranch isn't everyplace ... pasture in Western Oregon is a nuisance ... can't run enough sheep to keep it back ...

The issue isn't taking an existing grassland, like Free State or the San Joaquin Valley, and running some cattle ... it's clear-cutting immense forests, burning the wood off and planting non-native grasses ... specifically corn ... the cattle themselves are keep in a pen and fed the corn silage ... this is more true for pigs, very rarely are they put to pasture ... No, I'm sorry, you'd be wrong if you said corn fields encapsulate more carbon than old growth Douglas fir forests ...

Next is just pure numbers ... by some estimates there are a billion cows in the world today ... more biomass than even humans ...

Face the facts ... retards ... all this meat production is warming the Earth by entire tenths of a degree ... in just 100 short years we'll be able to actually measure this ... think of the expense of having to change the average temperature data every 50 years, the 5% extra rainfall will make everything 5% wetter, what are we going to do with all our hurricane and tornado warning infrastructure when these storm are fewer? ... our great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren will suffer because of us ...

Except cheese ... cheese production is of great benefit to the environment ... give me a few days to workout the bullshit story why this is true ...
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.
Moderately effective grazing systems.
Its the sheep I tell you......they eat all the grass.
Sheep and goats both can ruin a pasture in nothing flat.
Ruin? Within a year Mt St Helens was a lush landscape.

Maybe "lush" is little bit more than necessary --- and the lakes took several years to clear up naturally... But YEAH -- if nature didn't regenerate faster than natural disasters or man can change it -- there'd be nothing left.. When I lived in Florida and watched how QUICKLY nature reclaimed the abandoned houses or streets, I imagined the gators and armadillos would be living large in a matter of years if man just disappeared...
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.

There was SO much "phony accounting" in the original accounting of "mankind's CO2 footprint" that it's not funny...

This whole "cow thingy" being charged to mankind's GH gas emissions is phonier than the SocSec Trust Fund. Before cows and pigs, this land was covered in Buffalo, mountain goats, elk and deer... The Indians used to run a hundred buffalo over a cliff and take home maybe 6... The "wild" was replaced by the "domesticated".. That's the reality... And the bigger hit WAS the loss of grasslands traded for concrete and asphalt and farmland..

Their is no "cow crisis" compared to the PRE GW baseline...
Moderately effective grazing systems.
Its the sheep I tell you......they eat all the grass.
Sheep and goats both can ruin a pasture in nothing flat.
Ruin? Within a year Mt St Helens was a lush landscape.
Goats and sheep will pull out by the roots. You usually have to reseed if you let them graze your pasture bare.
Not all.
And Mt St Helens nuked all life at 1500 degrees. California is using sheep for weed control.

California WAS using sheep a lot.. We lived near a big nunnery with a canyon in it.. We walked the dogs in there. And they started bringing in sheep once a year to clear the canyon... But they STOPPED, because the goats were destroying EVERYTHING.. Even the cactus and the brush... And the erosion got out of control...

Don't think that fad is as big as it once was....
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.

There was SO much "phony accounting" in the original accounting of "mankind's CO2 footprint" that it's not funny...

This whole "cow thingy" being charged to mankind's GH gas emissions is phonier than the SocSec Trust Fund. Before cows and pigs, this land was covered in Buffalo, mountain goats, elk and deer... The Indians used to run a hundred buffalo over a cliff and take home maybe 6... The "wild" was replaced by the "domesticated".. That's the reality... And the bigger hit WAS the loss of grasslands traded for concrete and asphalt and farmland..

Their is no "cow crisis" compared to the PRE GW baseline...

You forget to include the million square miles of forests cut down and corn fields planted ... corn to feed the cows and pigs ... and don't forget this land was covered in wolves, coyotes and mountain lions ...

I can't comment on how much GHG's cows emit ... there quite a bit of environmental damage from meat production other than dreaded CCC ... it would probably be healthier for all of us to be eating more veggies ... walking to the store instead of driving ... and quit with the airline travel, that's bad for us on all kinds of different levels, carry a dosimeter with you next time, bet you didn't know that ...
Cows are saving the planet. How many times do greenies have to be wrong before they question the next green fad?
Put down your veggie burger. Could cows really solve the climate crisis?
Researchers at Texas A&M University led by Professor Richard Teague found that even moderately effective grazing systems put more carbon in the soil than the gasses cattle emit. Around 30% to 40% of the earth's surface is natural grassland, and Teague says the potential for food security is immense.

There was SO much "phony accounting" in the original accounting of "mankind's CO2 footprint" that it's not funny...

This whole "cow thingy" being charged to mankind's GH gas emissions is phonier than the SocSec Trust Fund. Before cows and pigs, this land was covered in Buffalo, mountain goats, elk and deer... The Indians used to run a hundred buffalo over a cliff and take home maybe 6... The "wild" was replaced by the "domesticated".. That's the reality... And the bigger hit WAS the loss of grasslands traded for concrete and asphalt and farmland..

Their is no "cow crisis" compared to the PRE GW baseline...

You forget to include the million square miles of forests cut down and corn fields planted ... corn to feed the cows and pigs ... and don't forget this land was covered in wolves, coyotes and mountain lions ...

I can't comment on how much GHG's cows emit ... there quite a bit of environmental damage from meat production other than dreaded CCC ... it would probably be healthier for all of us to be eating more veggies ... walking to the store instead of driving ... and quit with the airline travel, that's bad for us on all kinds of different levels, carry a dosimeter with you next time, bet you didn't know that ...

Probably a little less meat is healthy.. Just don't want Unk Sam FORCING my shopping and menu choices like they did when they adopted the faulty "ethanol" program and drove meat prices sky high..

But MOST crops are very very efficient CO2 sinks while they grow.. Got a quote somewhere that a cornfield absorbs its volume in CO2 every couple hours.. But I just located this...

Corn fields help clean up and protect the environment

How much carbon dioxide does an acre of Michigan corn absorb in a growing season? That is a question that is often asked, and the answer may surprise many people. Our calculations show that number to be in excess of 36,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per acre! Of course, much of that carbon is eventually returned to the atmosphere as the corn crop residue decomposes or the grain is consumed as feed or burned as biofuel, but farmers can maintain a significant amount of carbon in the soil with proper management including implementing reduced or no-till cropping systems. Currently, the Climate Exchange bases Michigan carbon payments on approximately 0.4 to 0.6 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per acre per year depending upon your location and the specific management practices implemented. The price paid per unit of carbon is based annually upon current market prices.

Like I said above, the ACCOUNTING on this is so shoddy, I believe it's purposeful to LEAVE out parameters that don't fit the narrative...

Cows aren't even a NEW introduction to the biosphere/ GH calculations as I said above.. Those buffalo were doing pretty much the same thing, but had larger more pristine grazing conditions than most cows do today..

The dosing for airline travel is pretty well known.. I actually CARRIED a dossimer badge when I was doing research and product development for a Radiology company..Used to commute once a week out of California to various test sites.. If I was in the air 4 hrs a day for a month, it probably wouldn't equal a chest Xray... BUT -- OVER A LIFETIME -- you increase your chances of mutations and genetic changes for sure..

A year in the SPACE station WILL change your genetic code... Just heard a story last week about an astronaut with a twin brother. Upon his RETURN, their identical DNA was off by SEVERAL PERCENT....
What whack would eat a veggieburger when a nice, juicy delicious beef burger is available?

Vegetables don't moo. They make salads.

I've never been a fan of having a limp dick and constipation, so that's why I personally avoid all of that grease, but hey, people can eat whatever they want.
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