Yep, It’s Official: Elizabeth Warren Did Not Pay Voluntary Higher Tax Rate in MA


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Yep, It

Earlier this week Elizabeth Warren was asked by the Boston Globe a seemingly simple and straightforward question about her taxes: In 2011, did she pay the 5.85% rate (which is voluntary) on her Massachusetts state tax form? Since 2001, as I explained in a previous post, residents of the Commonwealth have had the option – if they so choose – to pay a higher tax rate than the 5.3% minimum. And since the former consumer advocate raked in more than $700,000 last year, the Globe believed their inquiry was an appropriate and reasonable one. At the time, however, she refused to answer the question and though I was quick to criticize her silence, I acknowledged that it was still possible she paid the top rate. Unsurprisingly – according to the Brown campaign – it’s clear she did not.
Yep, It

Earlier this week Elizabeth Warren was asked by the Boston Globe a seemingly simple and straightforward question about her taxes: In 2011, did she pay the 5.85% rate (which is voluntary) on her Massachusetts state tax form? Since 2001, as I explained in a previous post, residents of the Commonwealth have had the option – if they so choose – to pay a higher tax rate than the 5.3% minimum. And since the former consumer advocate raked in more than $700,000 last year, the Globe believed their inquiry was an appropriate and reasonable one. At the time, however, she refused to answer the question and though I was quick to criticize her silence, I acknowledged that it was still possible she paid the top rate. Unsurprisingly – according to the Brown campaign – it’s clear she did not.

Hey, she didn't have to, so she didn't. She may continue to demand that the laws be passed to make her do so.

Same with all those, THAT COULD HAVE CHOSEN TO PAY MORE TO IRS, THROUGH CONTRIBUTION, but chose not to. Including some on this board, along with Obama and many, many others. The rules and ability to do so are there, they choose not to.
She was no consumer advocate there,either.
she sucked rocks,and only appeases complaints to her own interests.
700 K.

She's a 1%er.

I don't hear the left blasting her for being out of touch.

It's almost like you are looking for those that are screaming for 'fairness' to lead by example? Silly.
Of those who earn more than 250K yearly and post on this board, I doubt one pays more taxes voluntarily.

This OP has no significance.
It's a very valid point. And typical liberalism. They scream for the rich to pay higher taxes yet when given the option to pay more themselves they choose to pay less in taxes.
Another typical lefty... My rules are for you to follow, not me....

Brown was a disappointment, but this woman makes him look like the second coming.
How many of you pay more voluntarily? Or send your SS checks back? Or don't drive on the highways and roads? Send your kids to public schools?

If your house was on fire, how many of you would let it burn rather than call the "socialist" fire department?

You're a bunch of hypocrites.
It's a very valid point. And typical liberalism. They scream for the rich to pay higher taxes yet when given the option to pay more themselves they choose to pay less in taxes.

I haven't been following that race very closely: is Warren running on some kind of "optional taxation" platform?
It's a very valid point. And typical liberalism. They scream for the rich to pay higher taxes yet when given the option to pay more themselves they choose to pay less in taxes.

I haven't been following that race very closely: is Warren running on some kind of "optional taxation" platform?

I think she means that all the other rich people should pay their "fair share"
It's a very valid point. And typical liberalism. They scream for the rich to pay higher taxes yet when given the option to pay more themselves they choose to pay less in taxes.

I haven't been following that race very closely: is Warren running on some kind of "optional taxation" platform?

I think she means that all the other rich people should pay their "fair share"

Through some form of "optional taxation"?
If Wasserman had a sister, its Elizabeth Warren, her attitude towards those who went to college to learn business administration, and those who started off starting a business in their garage/home and later on became very succsessful is,,,,,F____K You !!! you goddamm millionaires!!! you made your profits off of the backs of the middle class!! give me your F-----King money so I can buy a second home and yaght, just like my buddy John Kerry did !!! then I can park my yaght in Rhode Island so I wont have to any F----king taxes on it !!!
It's a very valid point. And typical liberalism. They scream for the rich to pay higher taxes yet when given the option to pay more themselves they choose to pay less in taxes.

Serves her right...SHE is NO different than OBAMA...another scathing Socialist piece of crap.

[ame=]Elizabeth Warren on The Myth of Class Warfare: Nobody Got Rich on His Own... - YouTube[/ame]

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