Yemen "Iran v Saudi proxy war" hoax for dummies: crash course on the BIG LIE technique


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Syria and Yemen wars, same as every other battle of World War III:
IV Reich military (NATO, Russia, Iran, etc) air bombing and/or supplying ground troops and weapons to suppress the revolt of freedom loving people.
Differences are details such as:
1. Iran vs Saudi roles
- Syria: second battle (Iraq was the first) that Iran entered playing a leading role on the ground
- Yemen: first battle that Saudi Arabia entered playing a leading role in the air
2. Roles played by puppets acting as presidents
- Syria: IV Reich tries to prevent a puppet from being deposed, Assad;
- Yemen: IV Reich tries to reinstall a puppet, Saleh, who 2012 had to be "deposed" and replaced with another puppet, in this case Hadi. Same basic type of illuminati theater as 2013 in Egypt, Morsi with Sisi.

Saudi Arabia enters Yemen war air bombing in a leading role - for dummies
To get the real script all you need is these two basic facts:
1. Iran has been an illuminati puppet government for even longer than Saudi Arabia, where illuminati only got complete control after the "1973 oil crisis".
2. 2014: Yemen's president Hadi's role was to let the illuminazi agents dressed as "Houthis" take control.

"Yemen proxy war" - the two underlying BIG lies
1. Saudi and Iran government are enemies.
2. Deposed president Hadi (by Houthis, now officially allied with Saleh) and deposed president Saleh (previously replaced by Hadi) are enemies.

"Saudis wage war against Houthis to reinstall deposed president Hadi" : BIG LIE and BLACK is WHITE
To get why it's a BIG LIE all you need is another BIG LIE: "Yemen proxy war Saudi vs Iran".
These headlines also illustrate the ultimate type of rewriting reality, "black is white": the fake war will be used for a real war, bombing the real rebels who are fighting against the "Houthis".

Yemen: Saudi vs Houthis theater: outcome of the real war against the real rebels ("BLACK is WHITE") could apparently reduce the fake war (BIG LIE) to only a half-truth...
IF against all odds the fake rebels ("Houthis") will not be able to defeat the real rebels (Southern Popular Movement) ...
THEN the fake war "Saudi led coalition against the Houthis" will be used to send ground troops and indeed reinstall puppet Hadi in Aden, as last resort to prevent freedom fighters to take power.
Paradoxically in this case the BIG LIE in BLACK is WHITE "Saudi Arabia starts air strikes to reinstall deposed president Hadi" would apparently become only a half-truth.

Yemen "news": mix of SIMULATED REALITY and black is white, mix of real and fake blood.
The only military targets will be the REAL rebels (called "Qaeda by media) NOT the FAKE "rebels" that media calls Houthis.

Yemen: why Saudi led coalition will air bombs civilians everywhere
Main goal - it depends on which area in Yemen:
- in the south, Aden: carry out the genocide of sunnis.
- in the north, Sanaa: have the masses rally behind the "Houthis"; convince the audience, in particular sunnis, that the fake war is real.
Secondary goals: use war crimes by the saudis to:
1. Yemen war: divert from the war crimes of "Houthis"
2 Saudi Arabia: advance the agenda "saudi government playing suicide bomber", scripted to end with yet another staged coup, again with puppets playing sunnis replaced by puppets playing sh'ia.
In other words: have
- first all the UN and "humanitarian" organizations denounce the Saudi crimes (this is also part of the preciously mentioned Yemen war diversion agenda).
- later use these crimes (for one time real) to stage the "trial of Saudi government by the Hague Internationl Court for War Crimes".
3. Global: agenda "war through bombings against civilians" as the new norm.
In other words: until the staged regime change in Saudi Arabia the government will continue to be praised by US, UK & Co, starting with the hoax "again the #1 buyer of western weapons".

Last Prophet's words from Oct 2014 and Feb 2015 explaining in advance:
- the Yemen coup 2014 as a remake of the Syria coup 1970, with illuminati using the shi'a minority to secure control.
- Hadi's staged escape from Sanaa to Aden as a stoppver before the final staged escape to Saudi Arabia, in a remake of the role of fake Yanukovich in the staged Maidan revolution in the Ukraine.
Illuminati suicide bombers: Yemen staged coup Hadi TRUTH is OPPOSITE of what illuminati media tells you

World War III is as simple as this: illuminati air bombing 99% of the population:
**ALL** THREE stages began in Syria: 2011 airforce bombing own civilians, 2012 foreign mercenaries, 2013 massive chemical attacks:
Battle of Armageddon - Ongoing since 24 March 1999: World War III: ALL 3 stages began in Syria 2011 airforce bombing own civilians, 2012 foreign mercenaries, 2013 chemical attacks

Fake sunnis of Saudi Arabia gov illustrate to what lengths illuminati agents playing suicide bombers go before their full detonation:
Staged days before the 2015 Hajj stampede hoax:
Mecca Haj: crane kills 111 faithful : ZERO DEAD mockery, hidden 111 symbology.
"The disaster, the latest in a series of deadly mishaps to hit the haj" part of these agendas: destruction of icons of false religions, END of SHOW.
Mockery staged as :
- Bin Laden family runs company of crane that crashed on 9/11 2015.
- crane crashes on roof, doesn''t even break apart, so no logical reason for anyone to be killed.
Illuminati suicide bombers: Mecca Haj crane HOAX ZERO DEAD mockery.

BIG LIE TECHNIQUE: Yemen "proxy war" hoax: even if it will apparently become a half truth. will in fact remain a "black is white" BIG LIE
Houthis agree to join Yemen peace talks...

Houthis agree to join Yemen peace talks in Kuwait
April 20, 2016 -- Iran-backed Houthi militants have finally agreed to join United Nations peace talks in Kuwait aimed at ending the ongoing conflict in Yemen. "We will [seek to meet] the aspirations of our people to achieve dignity, independence and freedom," Houthi leader Mahdi Al Mashat said in a statement on Facebook.
Talks had been scheduled to start on Monday, but Houthi delegates didn't show up. Anadolu Agency reported that the Shia group demanded an end to airstrikes being carried out in Yemen by a Saudi-led military coalition. They were also insisting on a "clear agenda." Al Mashat said late Tuesday that they had received assurances from Kuwait and Oman that there would be an end to violations of a weeklong cease-fire in Yemen by the Saudi coalition.


Yemen has been in turmoil since September 2014, when the Houthis and their allies took control of the capital, Sanaa, and other parts of the country. President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi and his government were forced to flee to Riyadh.

Saudi Arabia and its allies launched a huge air campaign in March last year, aimed at reversing Houthi gains and restoring Hadi's government. During the conflict, more than 6,000 people have been killed, around half of them civilians, according to the U.N.

Houthis agree to join Yemen peace talks in Kuwait
Yemen peace talks atmosphere shows progress...

U.N. says Yemen peace talks atmosphere shows progress
Fri Apr 22, 2016 Yemen's warring factions held their first direct talks in a U.N.-backed peace process on Friday and will meet again despite failing to agree on an agenda, participants said.
The United Nations envoy, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, said the meetings in Kuwait had been constructive and the positive atmosphere was a step forward in efforts to end the conflict. They discussed a more permanent ceasefire in Yemen and how it would be implemented, he said. The talks, which opened late on Thursday, seek a solution to a war which has killed more than 6,200 people, triggered a humanitarian crisis and enabled al Qaeda and Islamic State militants to consolidate their presence in the country.

They bring together the Iran-allied Houthi movement, who control the capital Sanaa, and its General People's Congress (GPC) allies with the Saudi-backed government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, based in the southern port city of Aden. "The meetings held today were constructive and the atmosphere is an important advancement," Ould Cheikh Ahmed told a news conference. "We will intensify our efforts." But sources present at the talks, delayed since Monday due to the late arrival of the Houthi delegation and its allies, said the two sides continue to be divided on the priorities.


Yahya Doad (2nd R), a member of the General Committee of the General People's Congress Party, and Mohammed Abdul-Salam (2nd L), head of the Houthi delegation to scheduled peace talks in Kuwait, gesture after they finish a news conference at Sanaa Airport, Yemen​

The government delegation wants Houthis and fighters loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh to withdraw from cities and hand over weapons before discussing a political solution, the sources said. The Houthis and its allies want the formation of a new government representing all parties, which will then oversee disarmament. They also want to focus the discussion on security arrangements and detainees, the sources added. The sources declined to be named because the talks, being held at the palace of Kuwait's ruling emir, are closed to the media.

A temporary truce between the government and Houthis has mostly held in place since April 10 in preparation for the talks although both sides have accused each other of violations. The Yemen conflict began in September 2014 when the Houthis seized Sanaa. A Saudi-led Arab alliance intervened in March last year, launching a campaign of mostly air strikes against the Houthis in support of Hadi's forces.

U.N. says Yemen peace talks atmosphere shows progress
US drone strike kills local Yemen al-Qaeda leader...

US drone strike kills local Qaeda leader in South Yemen - residents
Wednesday 27th April, 2016 : A suspected U.S. drone strike killed a local leader in Al Qaeda and five of his aides in southern Yemen on Tuesday, residents said, as Yemeni and Emirati troops pressed their offensive against the militant group.
Abu Sameh al-Zinjibari and other men died when a missile struck their moving car in Amoudiya, a village near the Qaeda-controlled towns of Jaar and Zinjibar. Government and Emirati forces based in the port city of Aden, about 40km (25 miles) away, have been mounting a ground push against towns held by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) along a vast stretch of Yemen's coast.

AQAP, which has planned several foiled bombing attempts on Western-bound airliners and claimed credit for the 2015 attack at the Charlie Hebdo magazine's offices in Paris, is considered the most dangerous branch of the global militant group. It is unclear whether the ground fighting is being coordinated with the United States, which has for years launched drone strikes against Al Qaeda throughout the country.

U.S. officials said earlier this month they were considering a request from the United Arab Emirates request for air power, intelligence and logistics support. The UAE is a member of the Saudi-led coalition that intervened in a civil war in Yemen in March 2015 to back Yemen's government against the Iran-allied Houthi group, opening up a security vacuum that allowed AQAP to seize territory.

It led a dramatic shift in strategy for the mostly indecisive campaign this month, spearheading a drive westwards to roll AQAP back from a 600-km (370-mile) stretch of Arabian Sea coastline between Aden and Mukalla. Yemen's third largest port, Mukalla was the militants' de facto capital for over a year where they grew rich by shaking down local businesses and charging port taxes. The coalition advance forced them to quit the city largely without a fight on Sunday.

US drone strike kills local Qaeda leader in South Yemen - residents
American boots onna ground in Yemen...

US Troops on the Ground in Yemen, Navy Ships Positioned Nearby: DoD
May 06, 2016 | A small team of U.S. troops has deployed on the ground in Yemen to help Emirati forces in a fight for a port city against an al-Qaeda offshoot, the Pentagon said Friday.
The service members were sent to the region about two weeks ago. The amphibious assault ship USS Boxer and its amphibious ready group of vessels with the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit are positioned offshore to back up the team on the ground and support the forces of the United Arab Emirates in assisting Yemeni government forces against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.


Staff Sgt Jeffrey S. Ray, a drill Instructor at MCRD Parris Island S.C., speaks to a delegation of officers from Yemen​

The Yemeni and UAE operations recently ousted the terrorist group from the port of Mukalla. Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, declined to say how many U.S. troops were on the ground in Yemen but said "we view this as a short-term operation" and they were expected to be withdrawn soon.

Davis also confirmed that the U.S. has been conducting airstrikes against the terrorist group apart from the effort to assist the Emiratis. He said four airstrikes have been carried out since April 23, killing an estimated 10 terrorists.

US Troops on the Ground in Yemen, Navy Ships Positioned Nearby: DoD |

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