Yea Or Nay: The Biblical Religion


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Difficult to get a ‘yea’ when every vehicle for the dissemination of information is on the other side.

1.One of the primary results of militant secularism, creeping neo-Marxism, government school (the three are essentially the same) is hatred of the faith of our Founders. That's the 'nay.'

Here is my pal Gidget:
“LOL I despise religion…”
Things To Come

He never misses a chance to insert that.

2. But….I’m gonna say that, aside from being responsible for Western Civilization, a whole bunch of super ideas came by way of the Bible. And by that, I mean largely in opposition to every other religion of antiquity. Brand, spanking new ideas that came from no other philosophy!

Here is one of the brand new ideas in biblical religion:

God is beyond nature (all previous gods were gods of nature or part of nature). God is not a sexual being (all previous gods engaged in sex—with other gods and/or mortals). • There is only one God of humanity (all pre-existing gods were attached to one tribe, religion, or nation—there was no god of all humanity). We do not worship trees—because trees are created, not creators. We worship the Creator of trees. Unlike the other religions of the ancient world, biblical religion never worshipped nature. (Dennis Prager, “Genesis”)

Of course, paganism is having a re-birth, with Leftists celebrating the worship of Gaia, mother earth…..on April 22nd, Lenin’s birthday, no less.

3. In Genesis 1.28 God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fertile and increase, fill the earth and master it
To have children is the first commandment in the Bible. Seems to be a pretty good idea….today, young people in many European countries and Japan are having so few children that the continued existence of some of those nations is at risk. Liberals claim that they are saving the earth by reducing their child-footprint. But I think it’s a pretty good idea, having chidren.

4. Genesis 12.12 If the Egyptians see you, and think, ‘She is his wife,’ they will kill me and let you live.
…the Egyptians were deemed quite capable of killing strangers and taking their wives. Perhaps this story is included in order to show just how revolutionary was the new system of ethical monotheism that God was trying to institute. In contrast to the normative behavior toward strangers in Egypt, God commands those who follow the Bible to love the stranger (Leviticus 19:34, Deuteronomy 10:19, Exodus 22:21). “The stranger was to be protected, although he was not a member of one’s family, clan, religion, community, or people, simply because he was a human being. In the stranger, therefore, man discovered the idea of humanity.” This was not the case anywhere else . I have not found any other civilization that demanded love of the stranger.
Dennis Prager, Op. Cit.

Without this view, Western Civilization could not have prospered. We’d be warring savages, just like a certain other ‘religion.’

But the best idea comes up in chapter 22: Next…
5. Being kind, protective even, of strangers is a pretty good idea. But how about this idea….an even better one.

Virtually every ancient society about which we have data had human sacrifice—the killing of human beings to propitiate their society’s god(s). [The current pagans pretty much the same.....abortion.]

“25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice”
By Owen Jarus - Live Science Contributor June 16, 2017

In Genesis chapter 22, God tests Abraham, but makes it clear that sacrifice of a human being is a no-no.

“…the command to sacrifice his son probably did not strike Abraham as unjust (even though Isaac was an innocent) because in the ancient world, child sacrifice was universally considered acceptable, even admirable (insofar as it showed devotion to one’s god), and because children were regarded as possessions of parents.

…if one understands this can one understand why God would test Abraham in this way: “Are you, Abraham, willing to do for Me what all other human beings are prepared to do for their (false) gods?” And only by understanding how universal human sacrifice was can one begin to appreciate how radically different the Torah was from every

other society. And then, one must ask the most important question: Why did only one book, one culture, one faith on earth abolish an evil practiced by every other society and faith in the world?”
Prager, Op. Cit.

The God of the Bible prohibits human sacrifice…..I’d say that’s a pretty good reason to appreciate the Bible.
Difficult to get a ‘yea’ when every vehicle for the dissemination of information is on the other side.

1.One of the primary results of militant secularism, creeping neo-Marxism, government school (the three are essentially the same) is hatred of the faith of our Founders. That's the 'nay.'

Here is my pal Gidget:
“LOL I despise religion…”
Things To Come

He never misses a chance to insert that.

2. But….I’m gonna say that, aside from being responsible for Western Civilization, a whole bunch of super ideas came by way of the Bible. And by that, I mean largely in opposition to every other religion of antiquity. Brand, spanking new ideas that came from no other philosophy!

Here is one of the brand new ideas in biblical religion:

God is beyond nature (all previous gods were gods of nature or part of nature). God is not a sexual being (all previous gods engaged in sex—with other gods and/or mortals). • There is only one God of humanity (all pre-existing gods were attached to one tribe, religion, or nation—there was no god of all humanity). We do not worship trees—because trees are created, not creators. We worship the Creator of trees. Unlike the other religions of the ancient world, biblical religion never worshipped nature. (Dennis Prager, “Genesis”)

Of course, paganism is having a re-birth, with Leftists celebrating the worship of Gaia, mother earth…..on April 22nd, Lenin’s birthday, no less.

3. In Genesis 1.28 God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fertile and increase, fill the earth and master it
To have children is the first commandment in the Bible. Seems to be a pretty good idea….today, young people in many European countries and Japan are having so few children that the continued existence of some of those nations is at risk. Liberals claim that they are saving the earth by reducing their child-footprint. But I think it’s a pretty good idea, having chidren.

4. Genesis 12.12 If the Egyptians see you, and think, ‘She is his wife,’ they will kill me and let you live.
…the Egyptians were deemed quite capable of killing strangers and taking their wives. Perhaps this story is included in order to show just how revolutionary was the new system of ethical monotheism that God was trying to institute. In contrast to the normative behavior toward strangers in Egypt, God commands those who follow the Bible to love the stranger (Leviticus 19:34, Deuteronomy 10:19, Exodus 22:21). “The stranger was to be protected, although he was not a member of one’s family, clan, religion, community, or people, simply because he was a human being. In the stranger, therefore, man discovered the idea of humanity.” This was not the case anywhere else . I have not found any other civilization that demanded love of the stranger.
Dennis Prager, Op. Cit.

Without this view, Western Civilization could not have prospered. We’d be warring savages, just like a certain other ‘religion.’

But the best idea comes up in chapter 22: Next…

Hinduism mandated "love" of the stranger
Difficult to get a ‘yea’ when every vehicle for the dissemination of information is on the other side.

1.One of the primary results of militant secularism, creeping neo-Marxism, government school (the three are essentially the same) is hatred of the faith of our Founders. That's the 'nay.'

Here is my pal Gidget:
“LOL I despise religion…”
Things To Come

He never misses a chance to insert that.

2. But….I’m gonna say that, aside from being responsible for Western Civilization, a whole bunch of super ideas came by way of the Bible. And by that, I mean largely in opposition to every other religion of antiquity. Brand, spanking new ideas that came from no other philosophy!

Here is one of the brand new ideas in biblical religion:

God is beyond nature (all previous gods were gods of nature or part of nature). God is not a sexual being (all previous gods engaged in sex—with other gods and/or mortals). • There is only one God of humanity (all pre-existing gods were attached to one tribe, religion, or nation—there was no god of all humanity). We do not worship trees—because trees are created, not creators. We worship the Creator of trees. Unlike the other religions of the ancient world, biblical religion never worshipped nature. (Dennis Prager, “Genesis”)

Of course, paganism is having a re-birth, with Leftists celebrating the worship of Gaia, mother earth…..on April 22nd, Lenin’s birthday, no less.

3. In Genesis 1.28 God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fertile and increase, fill the earth and master it
To have children is the first commandment in the Bible. Seems to be a pretty good idea….today, young people in many European countries and Japan are having so few children that the continued existence of some of those nations is at risk. Liberals claim that they are saving the earth by reducing their child-footprint. But I think it’s a pretty good idea, having chidren.

4. Genesis 12.12 If the Egyptians see you, and think, ‘She is his wife,’ they will kill me and let you live.
…the Egyptians were deemed quite capable of killing strangers and taking their wives. Perhaps this story is included in order to show just how revolutionary was the new system of ethical monotheism that God was trying to institute. In contrast to the normative behavior toward strangers in Egypt, God commands those who follow the Bible to love the stranger (Leviticus 19:34, Deuteronomy 10:19, Exodus 22:21). “The stranger was to be protected, although he was not a member of one’s family, clan, religion, community, or people, simply because he was a human being. In the stranger, therefore, man discovered the idea of humanity.” This was not the case anywhere else . I have not found any other civilization that demanded love of the stranger.
Dennis Prager, Op. Cit.

Without this view, Western Civilization could not have prospered. We’d be warring savages, just like a certain other ‘religion.’

But the best idea comes up in chapter 22: Next…

Hinduism mandated "love" of the stranger

The term therein is 'hospitality.'
Leviticus says 'love.'

But that is certainly close enough for you to be correct.
6. For clarity, and a more recent comparison with religion outside of the Judeo-Christian faith of the Founders, this is where we could, arguably be without the Bible.

“The priest quickly sliced into the captive’s torso and removed his still-beating heart. That sacrifice, one among thousands performed in the sacred city of Tenochtitlan [a city-state in what is now the center of Mexico City], would feed the gods and ensure the continued existence of the world.

Death, however, was just the start of the victim’s role in the sacrificial ritual, key to the spiritual world of the Mexican people in the 14th to the 16th centuries. Priests carried the body to another ritual space, where they laid it face-up. Armed with years of practice, detailed anatomical knowledge, and obsidian blades sharper than today’s surgical steel, they made an incision in the thin space between two vertebrae in the neck, expertly decapitating the body. Using their sharp blades, the priests deftly cut away the skin and muscles of the face, reducing it to a skull. . . .

For the Aztecs—the larger cultural group to which the Mexicans belonged—those skulls were the seeds that would ensure the continued existence of humanity.” (Lizzie Wade, “Feeding the gods: Hundreds of skulls reveal massive scale of human sacrifice in Aztec capital,” Science Magazine, June 21, 2018.)

Yet some guy says “LOL I despise religion…”
7. The government schooling that pushes secularism probably omits another advance from the Bible. The Bible is a powerful argument against the slavery practiced in the Democrat South.

Charles Q. Choi, “Ancient Human Sacrifice Victims Faced Slavery Before Death, Live Science, June 16, 2017. Choi is a science writer for Scientific American, the New York Times, Science, and other publications.

Here’s why:

Genesis 1:26-27 makes equality clear: “…God created mankind in his own image…”

And the ‘slavery’ represented in the Bible is in no way equivalent to that of the Democrat South.

The aspects that identify what we call 'slavery' today, the colloquial meaning, are the following:

a. permanence of bondage

b. treatment as material assets

c. control of the life and death of the slave: the slave could be beaten to death

d. an escaped slave had to be returned to his master….as decreed in the Dred Scott Democrat Supreme Court decision.
None of the above are allowed to the 'slave owner' by the Bible.
7. The government schooling that pushes secularism probably omits another advance from the Bible. The Bible is a powerful argument against the slavery practiced in the Democrat South.

Charles Q. Choi, “Ancient Human Sacrifice Victims Faced Slavery Before Death, Live Science, June 16, 2017. Choi is a science writer for Scientific American, the New York Times, Science, and other publications.

Here’s why:

Genesis 1:26-27 makes equality clear: “…God created mankind in his own image…”

And the ‘slavery’ represented in the Bible is in no way equivalent to that of the Democrat South.

The aspects that identify what we call 'slavery' today, the colloquial meaning, are the following:

a. permanence of bondage

b. treatment as material assets

c. control of the life and death of the slave: the slave could be beaten to death

d. an escaped slave had to be returned to his master….as decreed in the Dred Scott Democrat Supreme Court decision.
None of the above are allowed to the 'slave owner' by the Bible.

Slavery by Torah's law is quiet different from what's associated in today's culture,
that which is associated with what was practiced in the South.

There's an old Jewish saying: "Acquired a slave, acquired oneself a master." (Kidushin 22)

Why? A slave's master is obligated to provide with at least equal conditions as for himself.
Even more, i.e. if the master has only one pillow that pillow goes to the servant.

Of course don't take it as an argument for slavery.
But that's not even close to what the South was.
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7. The government schooling that pushes secularism probably omits another advance from the Bible. The Bible is a powerful argument against the slavery practiced in the Democrat South.

Charles Q. Choi, “Ancient Human Sacrifice Victims Faced Slavery Before Death, Live Science, June 16, 2017. Choi is a science writer for Scientific American, the New York Times, Science, and other publications.

Here’s why:

Genesis 1:26-27 makes equality clear: “…God created mankind in his own image…”

And the ‘slavery’ represented in the Bible is in no way equivalent to that of the Democrat South.

The aspects that identify what we call 'slavery' today, the colloquial meaning, are the following:

a. permanence of bondage

b. treatment as material assets

c. control of the life and death of the slave: the slave could be beaten to death

d. an escaped slave had to be returned to his master….as decreed in the Dred Scott Democrat Supreme Court decision.
None of the above are allowed to the 'slave owner' by the Bible.

Slavery by Torah's law is quiet different from what's associated in today's culture,
that which is associated with what was practiced in the South.

There's an old Jewish saying: "Acquired a slave, acquired oneself a master." (Kidushin 22)

Why? A slave's master is obligated to provide with at least equal conditions as for himself.
Even more, i.e. if the master has only one pillow that pillow goes to the servant.

Of course don't take it as an argument for slavery.
But that's not even close to what the South was.

I said that.


And the ‘slavery’ represented in the Bible is in no way equivalent to that of the Democrat South.

The aspects that identify what we call 'slavery' today, the colloquial meaning, are the following:

a. permanence of bondage

b. treatment as material assets

c. control of the life and death of the slave: the slave could be beaten to death

d. an escaped slave had to be returned to his master….as decreed in the Dred Scott Democrat Supreme Court decision.
None of the above are allowed to the 'slave owner' by the Bible.
8. None of the biblical benefits mentioned in this thread can minimize the effect militant secularism, the schools, have stamped on the people. Our pal, Gidget, who wrote , “LOL I despise religion…” Things To Come

…certainly he not be convinced. Indoctrination appears to be indelible.

But, it goes beyond disregard of our Founder’s faith,….it results in atavistic beliefs.

"When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing; they believe in anything."
G. K. Chesterton

“One of these substitute gods has been nature.
Indeed, of all the false gods, nature is probably the most natural for people to worship. Every religion prior to the Bible had nature-gods -- the sun, the moon, the sea, gods of fertility, gods of rain and so on.
That is why the farther Western society gets from biblical, i.e., Judeo-Christian, religions, the more nature is worshipped.” Maybe Nature Shouldn't Be Worshipped After All

What other effects result from giving up faith?

“New York Times columnist Ross Douthat described the 2009 James Cameron blockbuster film, "Avatar," as "Cameron's long apologia for pantheism, a faith that equates God with Nature, and calls humanity into religious communion with the natural world." That equation of God with nature was a major reason for the film's popularity.” Ibid.

With these ‘substitute’ beliefs come all the dangers, slaughter, and law of the jungle that is associated with paganism. None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

To put it succinctly, and in comparison, the Bible teaches life, not death.
chic----I DESPISE your adulation of the "biblical religion" OVER so many others ideologies that ALSO include very fine humanistic
ideals. You trivialize very fine ideologies -----you are a bible
supremist------sorta like Hernan Cortez who committed genocide
against the entire Aztec nation with the help of Jesus Christ and the
filthy whore Queen (of the auto de fe) Isabella. Ok----Aztec belief
was a bit bloody-----but that is no excuse for genocide and massive
gold theft and forced conversions (and you can add chattel slavery
based on shade of skin)
Last edited:
chic----I DESPISE your adulation of the "biblical religion" OVER so many others ideologies that ALSO include very fine humanistic
ideals. You trivialize very fine ideologies -----you are a bible
supremist------sorta like Hernan Cortez who committed genocide
against the entire Aztec nation with the help of Jesus Christ and the
filthy whore Queen (of the auto de fe) Isabella. Ok----Aztec belief
was a bit bloody-----but that is no excuse for genocide and massive
gold theft and forced conversions (and you can add chattel slavery
based on shade of skin)

In a firmament of stupid and vapid posts, this must be near the very top.

Truly a dull and stupid conflation of mis-affiliated points.

If you thought it would make you appear knowledgeable, guess again.

Now you can go back to thumbing through the encyclopedia.
chic----I DESPISE your adulation of the "biblical religion" OVER so many others ideologies that ALSO include very fine humanistic
ideals. You trivialize very fine ideologies -----you are a bible
supremist------sorta like Hernan Cortez who committed genocide
against the entire Aztec nation with the help of Jesus Christ and the
filthy whore Queen (of the auto de fe) Isabella. Ok----Aztec belief
was a bit bloody-----but that is no excuse for genocide and massive
gold theft and forced conversions (and you can add chattel slavery
based on shade of skin)

In a firmament of stupid and vapid posts, this must be near the very top.

Truly a dull and stupid conflation of mis-affiliated points.

If you thought it would make you appear knowledgeable, guess again.

Now you can go back to thumbing through the encyclopedia.

is that the best you can do? ------well, yeah-----probably
Difficult to get a ‘yea’ when every vehicle for the dissemination of information is on the other side.

1.One of the primary results of militant secularism, creeping neo-Marxism, government school (the three are essentially the same) is hatred of the faith of our Founders. That's the 'nay.'

Here is my pal Gidget:
“LOL I despise religion…”
Things To Come

He never misses a chance to insert that.

2. But….I’m gonna say that, aside from being responsible for Western Civilization, a whole bunch of super ideas came by way of the Bible. And by that, I mean largely in opposition to every other religion of antiquity. Brand, spanking new ideas that came from no other philosophy!

Here is one of the brand new ideas in biblical religion:

God is beyond nature (all previous gods were gods of nature or part of nature). God is not a sexual being (all previous gods engaged in sex—with other gods and/or mortals). • There is only one God of humanity (all pre-existing gods were attached to one tribe, religion, or nation—there was no god of all humanity). We do not worship trees—because trees are created, not creators. We worship the Creator of trees. Unlike the other religions of the ancient world, biblical religion never worshipped nature. (Dennis Prager, “Genesis”)

Of course, paganism is having a re-birth, with Leftists celebrating the worship of Gaia, mother earth…..on April 22nd, Lenin’s birthday, no less.

3. In Genesis 1.28 God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fertile and increase, fill the earth and master it
To have children is the first commandment in the Bible. Seems to be a pretty good idea….today, young people in many European countries and Japan are having so few children that the continued existence of some of those nations is at risk. Liberals claim that they are saving the earth by reducing their child-footprint. But I think it’s a pretty good idea, having chidren.

4. Genesis 12.12 If the Egyptians see you, and think, ‘She is his wife,’ they will kill me and let you live.
…the Egyptians were deemed quite capable of killing strangers and taking their wives. Perhaps this story is included in order to show just how revolutionary was the new system of ethical monotheism that God was trying to institute. In contrast to the normative behavior toward strangers in Egypt, God commands those who follow the Bible to love the stranger (Leviticus 19:34, Deuteronomy 10:19, Exodus 22:21). “The stranger was to be protected, although he was not a member of one’s family, clan, religion, community, or people, simply because he was a human being. In the stranger, therefore, man discovered the idea of humanity.” This was not the case anywhere else . I have not found any other civilization that demanded love of the stranger.
Dennis Prager, Op. Cit.

Without this view, Western Civilization could not have prospered. We’d be warring savages, just like a certain other ‘religion.’

But the best idea comes up in chapter 22: Next…

Hinduism mandated "love" of the stranger

The term therein is 'hospitality.'
Leviticus says 'love.'

But that is certainly close enough for you to be correct.

so? both DEMAND excellent treatment and consideration----playing semantics again. -----besides----your are using very
approximate translations. In hindu tradition---the "stranger"
is supposed to be treated like either a "god in disguise" or a
reincarnated relative------seems kinda good to me

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