Yaxley going back to jail

How many years, did the police, know about rape ring in Rotherham and let it go on?

While Tommy reports on it, and gets arrested in minutes?
You seem to be confused. He was commenting on the trial of people who had already been arrested and charged. His actions could have caused a mistrial. The proper journalists followed the rules and did not get arrested. His actions could have caused guilty men to go free. Is that what you want ?

Sure. I get it. It is embarrassing to have someone report on the horrors that your policies inflicted on the UK citizens.

Someone doing that, needs arrested far more promptly than mass rapists.

That is your nation. That is what you support.
This explains it very well.
Dame Victoria said Robinson's right to freedom of expression "could not justify an interference with fair trial rights".

And she is spot on. A fair trial goes back to Magna Carta. It is our right. I suspect it may be a right in your constitution.

Where was she when thousands of your nation's young girls were being raped and the cops were looking the other way?

What was Dame Victoria doing about their right to not be raped and tortured and enslaved?

Or does she save herself for the big fights, like locking up reporters?

You are all over the place now. Why dont you explain why the judgement is wrong ?

You brought up Dame Victoria, as an Authority on Rights.

So, where was she, when the rights of thousands of young girls were begin violated by them being raped and tortured and enslaved, with the knowledge and de facto permission of the local UK government.
You brought up Dame Victoria, as an Authority on Rights.

So, where was she, when the rights of thousands of young girls were begin violated by them being raped and tortured and enslaved, with the knowledge and de facto permission of the local UK government.
Yaxley/Robinson is clearly being targeted because he isn't afraid to point out how the UK government has provided cover for Muslim rape gangs. He is an embarrassment to them and he's saying things that make them accessories to sex crimes against young girls.

Clearly Dame Victoria, whoever this pompous officious person is, wants Robinson shut up and put away.
She isn't interested in the law or people's well being. If she was she wouldn't be part of a cover up machine.
You brought up Dame Victoria, as an Authority on Rights.

So, where was she, when the rights of thousands of young girls were begin violated by them being raped and tortured and enslaved, with the knowledge and de facto permission of the local UK government.
Yaxley/Robinson is clearly being targeted because he isn't afraid to point out how the UK government has provided cover for Muslim rape gangs. He is an embarrassment to them and he's saying things that make them accessories to sex crimes against young girls.

Clearly Dame Victoria, whoever this pompous officious person is, wants Robinson shut up and put away.
She isn't interested in the law or people's well being. If she was she wouldn't be part of a cover up machine.
of the

So which part of law did she get wrong ?
You seem to be confused. He was commenting on the trial of people who had already been arrested and charged. His actions could have caused a mistrial. The proper journalists followed the rules and did not get arrested. His actions could have caused guilty men to go free. Is that what you want ?

Sure. I get it. It is embarrassing to have someone report on the horrors that your policies inflicted on the UK citizens.

Someone doing that, needs arrested far more promptly than mass rapists.

That is your nation. That is what you support.
This explains it very well.
Dame Victoria said Robinson's right to freedom of expression "could not justify an interference with fair trial rights".

And she is spot on. A fair trial goes back to Magna Carta. It is our right. I suspect it may be a right in your constitution.

Where was she when thousands of your nation's young girls were being raped and the cops were looking the other way?

What was Dame Victoria doing about their right to not be raped and tortured and enslaved?

Or does she save herself for the big fights, like locking up reporters?

You are all over the place now. Why dont you explain why the judgement is wrong ?

You brought up Dame Victoria, as an Authority on Rights.

So, where was she, when the rights of thousands of young girls were begin violated by them being raped and tortured and enslaved, with the knowledge and de facto permission of the local UK government.
Where were you ?

I never said all of them; just those for which there was sufficient evidence to prosecute, it's all about this inconvenient legal principle of people being considered innocent until proven guilty.

Right. :113:Because bringing attention to a severe social problem always jeopardizes solving the problem.
That's just common sense. And the corollary is the girls who were repeatedly raped by these gangs jeopardized their situation by not being somewhere else.

Just like Yaxley/Robinson they contributed to the problem by bringing attention to it.
Everyone knows that.

Yaxley-Lennon wasn't bringing attention to a severe social problem, he was just pursuing his racist anti Muslim agenda. Had he been bringing attention to a severe social problem, he'd be talking about all the white "christian" grooming and rape gangs.

Only a person who is completely retarded and completely dishonest would possibly think the fix wasn't in.

"Only a person who is completely retarded and completely dishonest would possibly think the fix WAS in"

There, fixed it for you. No don't bother thanking me.

I never said all of them; just those for which there was sufficient evidence to prosecute, it's all about this inconvenient legal principle of people being considered innocent until proven guilty.

Right. :113:Because bringing attention to a severe social problem always jeopardizes solving the problem.
That's just common sense. And the corollary is the girls who were repeatedly raped by these gangs jeopardized their situation by not being somewhere else.

Just like Yaxley/Robinson they contributed to the problem by bringing attention to it.
Everyone knows that.

Yaxley-Lennon wasn't bringing attention to a severe social problem, he was just pursuing his racist anti Muslim agenda. Had he been bringing attention to a severe social problem, he'd be talking about all the white "christian" grooming and rape gangs.

Only a person who is completely retarded and completely dishonest would possibly think the fix wasn't in.

"Only a person who is completely retarded and completely dishonest would possibly think the fix WAS in"

There, fixed it for you. No don't bother thanking me.
I think that they only get their news filtered through info wank and similar. Yaxley is everything they profess to hate. Odd behaviour.
I never said all of them; just those for which there was sufficient evidence to prosecute, it's all about this inconvenient legal principle of people being considered innocent until proven guilty.
The British government until relatively recently just got serious about this important issue. If there are gangs out there still plying their trade of addicting and raping young girls who fall somehow under their influence it's due to the lax attitudes of officials afraid of being accused of anti Muslim attitudes.

It's vigilance that's lacking..not evidence. That Yaxley-Robinson still has a target on his back for exposing the duplicity of British officials is proof of that. Convicted, sentenced and put in prison all in a matter of a few hours.
Proof positive right there!
Yaxley-Lennon wasn't bringing attention to a severe social problem, he was just pursuing his racist anti Muslim agenda. Had he been bringing attention to a severe social problem, he'd be talking about all the white "christian" grooming and rape gangs.
Utter bullshit!
The problem of grooming gangs has been almost entirely a Muslim one. Look at who has been prosecuted if you doubt that. Talk about white Christian rape gangs is a diversion and a weak one at that.

75% of these sex criminal gangs are "Asian". Only 21% were all white or mostly white. What do we know about the ethnicity of sexual abuse gangs?
Clearly 3/4 of the problem is caused by Pakistani immigrants to the UK. That remaining quarter consists of scumbags already residing as natives in the country and little can be done about them (with regard to limiting their numbers).

So where should the focus be if not on the vast majority of the problem? Figure it out, smart guy. When a fire is put out should most of the attention not be paid to 75% of the blaze? Jeeezus you are lame.

Robinson is talking about limiting further damage, quite rightly, and
controlling the problem with the only variable that can be managed. Can you not understand this?
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I never said all of them; just those for which there was sufficient evidence to prosecute, it's all about this inconvenient legal principle of people being considered innocent until proven guilty.
The British government until relatively recently just got serious about this important issue. If there are gangs out there still plying their trade of addicting and raping young girls who fall somehow under their influence it's due to the lax attitudes of officials afraid of being accused of anti Muslim attitudes.

It's vigilance that's lacking..not evidence. That Yaxley-Robinson still has a target on his back for exposing the duplicity of British officials is proof of that. Convicted, sentenced and put in prison all in a matter of a few hours.
Proof positive right there!
Yaxley-Lennon wasn't bringing attention to a severe social problem, he was just pursuing his racist anti Muslim agenda. Had he been bringing attention to a severe social problem, he'd be talking about all the white "christian" grooming and rape gangs.
Utter bullshit!
The problem of grooming gangs has been almost entirely a Muslim one. Look at who has been prosecuted if you doubt that. Talk about white Christian rape gangs is a diversion and a weak one at that.

75% of these sex criminal gangs are "Asian". Only 21% were all white or mostly white. What do we know about the ethnicity of sexual abuse gangs?
Clearly 3/4 of the problem is caused by Pakistani immigrants to the UK. That remaining quarter consists of scumbags already residing as natives in the country and little can be done about them (with regard to limiting their numbers).

So where should the focus be if not on the vast majority of the problem? Figure it out, smart guy. When a fire is put out should most of the attention not be paid to 75% of the blaze? Jeeezus you are lame.

Robinson is talking about limiting further damage, quite rightly, and
controlling the problem with the only variable that can be managed. Can you not understand this?
Robinson is a career criminal making a good living out of racist American chumps. Thats it.
Robinson is a career criminal making a good living out of racist American chumps. Thats it.
Be a good sheep and go away like you said you would.

He and two others in this thread have made a deliberate decision to enable and facilitate the rape of children.

When these soulless individuals hear about the massive numbers of children being raped by misogynistic, racist Muslim men, instead of feeling horror at it all, they feel pleasure. Now, this pleasure they feel isn't because they are actually thinking about the plight of these poor children and enjoy their suffering as they have so dehumanized these children that they do not even exist. The fact that these are white British children being targeted for their ethnicity relegates them to that of a necessary sacrifice. The actual pleasure they feel is more of an anticipatory one in that they know that their support for the rapists will earn them praise by their fellow supporters of child rape.

This is the nature of the true believer, where people can support truly horrific things as long as it is reinforced thoroughly as being a virtue. Their facilitation of child rape is actually a search for virtue, and the praise they all give each other for supporting it is all the proof they need that they are, indeed, virtuous.

It's little beyond a conditioned response when it gets down to it as these individuals are missing something vital -- the sense of self-awareness that allows them to place themselves in the shoes of the victims and feel empathy for them. They aren't true psychopaths, however, as this is more a case of cult-like behavior than anything else.
He and two others in this thread have made a deliberate decision to enable and facilitate the rape of children.
I don't take pleasure especially in calling people assholes but for people who are more alarmed by Yaxley-Robinson's presumed Islamophbia (as if being fearful of creeping Shariah, or gang rape, is "hateful") than the epidemic of rape of young intentionally drug addicted women in the UK are assholes!

There is no other word for them.
He and two others in this thread have made a deliberate decision to enable and facilitate the rape of children.
I don't take pleasure especially in calling people assholes but for people who are more alarmed by Yaxley-Robinson's presumed Islamophbia (as if being fearful of creeping Shariah, or gang rape, is "hateful") than the epidemic of rape of young intentionally drug addicted women in the UK are assholes!

There is no other word for them.

I consider them as bearing at least some guilt for the rapes, themselves due to the way they are so actively facilitating them.

That goes WAY beyond asshole in my book.
I never said all of them; just those for which there was sufficient evidence to prosecute, it's all about this inconvenient legal principle of people being considered innocent until proven guilty.
The British government until relatively recently just got serious about this important issue. If there are gangs out there still plying their trade of addicting and raping young girls who fall somehow under their influence it's due to the lax attitudes of officials afraid of being accused of anti Muslim attitudes.

It's vigilance that's lacking..not evidence. That Yaxley-Robinson still has a target on his back for exposing the duplicity of British officials is proof of that. Convicted, sentenced and put in prison all in a matter of a few hours.
Proof positive right there!
Yaxley-Lennon wasn't bringing attention to a severe social problem, he was just pursuing his racist anti Muslim agenda. Had he been bringing attention to a severe social problem, he'd be talking about all the white "christian" grooming and rape gangs.
Utter bullshit!
The problem of grooming gangs has been almost entirely a Muslim one. Look at who has been prosecuted if you doubt that. Talk about white Christian rape gangs is a diversion and a weak one at that.

75% of these sex criminal gangs are "Asian". Only 21% were all white or mostly white. What do we know about the ethnicity of sexual abuse gangs?
Clearly 3/4 of the problem is caused by Pakistani immigrants to the UK. That remaining quarter consists of scumbags already residing as natives in the country and little can be done about them (with regard to limiting their numbers).

So where should the focus be if not on the vast majority of the problem? Figure it out, smart guy. When a fire is put out should most of the attention not be paid to 75% of the blaze? Jeeezus you are lame.

Robinson is talking about limiting further damage, quite rightly, and
controlling the problem with the only variable that can be managed. Can you not understand this?

Were this true, I'd agree with you, however the CEOP reports of 2011 and 2013 clearly state that the data was incomplete and inconsistant enough so that it was impossible to draw national conclusions about the overall ethnicity of abusers. The 75% figure is at best inaccurate, at worst, made up.
Were this true, I'd agree with you, however the CEOP reports of 2011 and 2013 clearly state that the data was incomplete and inconsistant enough so that it was impossible to draw national conclusions about the overall ethnicity of abusers. The 75% figure is at best inaccurate, at worst, made up.
So you claim. :113:
But what else can you say? Do a photo search, as I did, of those arrested and convicted of being in grooming gangs.
See if you notice a common thread, as I did. And grow up and stop being so disingenuous. You are absurd.
How many years, did the police, know about rape ring in Rotherham and let it go on?

While Tommy reports on it, and gets arrested in minutes?
You seem to be confused. He was commenting on the trial of people who had already been arrested and charged. His actions could have caused a mistrial. The proper journalists followed the rules and did not get arrested. His actions could have caused guilty men to go free. Is that what you want ?

Sure. I get it. It is embarrassing to have someone report on the horrors that your policies inflicted on the UK citizens.

Someone doing that, needs arrested far more promptly than mass rapists.

That is your nation. That is what you support.
This explains it very well.
Dame Victoria said Robinson's right to freedom of expression "could not justify an interference with fair trial rights".

And she is spot on. A fair trial goes back to Magna Carta. It is our right. I suspect it may be a right in your constitution.

Where was she when thousands of your nation's young girls were being raped and the cops were looking the other way?

What was Dame Victoria doing about their right to not be raped and tortured and enslaved?

Or does she save herself for the big fights, like locking up reporters?

You are all over the place now. Why dont you explain why the judgement is wrong ?

Dame Victoria is pretending to be so concerned about the rights of people. Asking about the far, far larger and far more serious violation of rights that was the Rotherham (and other) rape gangs, and her lack of concern about them,

reveals that her supposed concern is utter bullshit. As is yours.
You brought up Dame Victoria, as an Authority on Rights.

So, where was she, when the rights of thousands of young girls were begin violated by them being raped and tortured and enslaved, with the knowledge and de facto permission of the local UK government.
Yaxley/Robinson is clearly being targeted because he isn't afraid to point out how the UK government has provided cover for Muslim rape gangs. He is an embarrassment to them and he's saying things that make them accessories to sex crimes against young girls.

Clearly Dame Victoria, whoever this pompous officious person is, wants Robinson shut up and put away.
She isn't interested in the law or people's well being. If she was she wouldn't be part of a cover up machine.

Agreed. And tommy doesnt' want to answer because it is obviously true.

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