WTF? Diaperless Babies Seen As Earth-Friendly Solution


Aug 28, 2003
New York
( - As environmentalists celebrate the 34th annual Earth Day, some in the green movement are now advocating "diaper-free" babies to help save the planet.

Citing concerns about plastic disposable diapers clogging landfills and the amount of washing and detergents that cloth diapers require, many environmentalists are taking a page from tribal cultures and seeking to eliminate the use of the baby diapers altogether.

The green movement is now promoting diaperless babies as a "retro, cutting-edge, environmentally friendly scheme" to mothers throughout the industrialized world.

The green movement already has declared war on the modern flush toilet, declaring it an "environmental disaster," and has instead pushed waterless "dry" toilets as an earth-friendly solution.

Former Vice President Al Gore joined the board of a waterless urinal company late last year to further the dry toilet cause and to help avert what many environmentalists believe is a looming international water crisis.

"There is a way to have a baby and NOT use diapers," says one website advocating diaperless babies. Parents are urged to get in tune with their infant's body signals and hold babies over toilets, buckets and shrubbery or any other convenient receptacle when nature calls.

One advocate suggests bringing a "tight-lidded bucket" along to serve as a waste receptacle when mothers take their babies out in public.

Read the rest here:\Culture\archive\200404\CUL20040422a.html
What idiots.

I suppose cloth diapers are environmentally bad too? :rolleyes:
I just can't imagine shitty toilets and shitty shrubbery being good for the environment. Yuk!
Originally posted by jimnyc
I just can't imagine shitty toilets and shitty shrubbery being good for the environment. Yuk!


:cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:
This is called the Michael Jackson solution-- freeing those sexy babies from the confines of their diapers.

Sorry Michael, you bring it on yourself.:eek:
Are these people nuts or what?!!! If this mom has any more babies,it will be Luvs and Pampers all the way!!!!Newborns tend to go a lot-I guess parents should have no life other than waiting for their babies to shit!? Not to menton,I doubt the babysitter wants to run aroung holding your kid over the toilet so he doesn't crap on the furniture. What the hell do you do when your in the car? And there is no way a restaurant would put up with this.I don't know who the looney tune is that came up with this,but they need their head examined. This could also be very unsanitary for a baby if they went in a car and had to sit in it for a while-yuk!

:cuckoo: :lame2: :bs1:
What about those cloth diapers? I remember my mother used them with my little bro at least in part. A service would come every week and pick up the used ones and drop off fresh "linens". That would definitely be a little more earth-friendly.

You have to admit, Americans create A TON OF WASTE, and certianly diapers make up a good part of this. Plus, people got by fine for years without them.

However, this does sound REDICULOUS. Know when to hold your infant over the toilet? Come on...

Hard to imagine this working in civilized society. I don't think we have that much tolerance for shit.

People even walk around with plastic bags picking up there dogs mess, nevermind their kids.

I like to joke to my friends, "Going to walk your bag of shit?"
That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. What about a premature baby? my Daughter was 3 lbs. and on a Apnea Monitor, how would someone like that, know a signal and run with a monitor to a toilet, bucket, garbage pail, etc.. ?

They are reallyl using their brains now!:wtf:
Originally posted by janeeng
That has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. What about a premature baby? my Daughter was 3 lbs. and on a Apnea Monitor, how would someone like that, know a signal and run with a monitor to a toilet, bucket, garbage pail, etc.. ?

They are reallyl using their brains now!:wtf:

Not to mention,what about when the kid id sleeping at night? Every morning that would be a huge mess!!!
Originally posted by krisy
Not to mention,what about when the kid id sleeping at night? Every morning that would be a huge mess!!!

This is so true - but I guess they think we should just sit up all night to watch for expressions? such crap! really blows my mind.
Originally posted by krisy
Not to mention,what about when the kid id sleeping at night? Every morning that would be a huge mess!!!

Seriously, this is one poorly thought out idea.
I mean, can you imagine waking up to Your Child the Mudbath every morning?
Well,I guess in order to keep up with all the kids in the rest of the world that are so much more advanced than ours,we could potty train them at ...say...2 months. Shouldn't be too hard!
Originally posted by jimnyc
The green movement already has declared war on the modern flush toilet, declaring it an "environmental disaster,"

So... we find these people's house and start going in their lawns. Who's with me??
These people are their own worst enemy. They're defeating themselves in the public eye with their sheer levels of stupidity. Their main goal is to ruin the economy anyway, doncha know.
You guys are missing the big picture here. Just think of all of the methane released into the atmoshpere by all of these shitting babies!
Something needs to be done about this.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
You guys are missing the big picture here. Just think of all of the methane released into the atmoshpere by all of these shitting babies!
Something needs to be done about this.

Require all kids less than 30 years old to be smogged every other year. :rolleyes: :p:
( - As environmentalists celebrate the 34th annual Earth Day, some in the green movement are now advocating "diaper-free" babies to help save the planet.

Citing concerns about plastic disposable diapers clogging landfills and the amount of washing and detergents that cloth diapers require, many environmentalists are taking a page from tribal cultures and seeking to eliminate the use of the baby diapers altogether.

The green movement is now promoting diaperless babies as a "retro, cutting-edge, environmentally friendly scheme" to mothers throughout the industrialized world.

The green movement already has declared war on the modern flush toilet, declaring it an "environmental disaster," and has instead pushed waterless "dry" toilets as an earth-friendly solution.

Former Vice President Al Gore joined the board of a waterless urinal company late last year to further the dry toilet cause and to help avert what many environmentalists believe is a looming international water crisis.

"There is a way to have a baby and NOT use diapers," says one website advocating diaperless babies. Parents are urged to get in tune with their infant's body signals and hold babies over toilets, buckets and shrubbery or any other convenient receptacle when nature calls.

One advocate suggests bringing a "tight-lidded bucket" along to serve as a waste receptacle when mothers take their babies out in public.

Read the rest here:\Culture\archive\200404\CUL20040422a.html

When Al Gore has installed composting toilets (which smell), in all of his mansions and his light bill is less than as your average consumer, along with his not using personal jets, I might try a composting toilet... but that will never happen with Gore.

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