WSU stocks men's bathrooms with FREE menstrual products

As for proof, you show where you have proof than Trans
You speak out hate, fear and bigotry.

I bet you one them so-called "Christians" who talks about how god loves everybody....and then posts crap like this.

God does love everybody.

WE are not God.

And frankly, there are some people only God COULD love.

Is that "We" like you and me or it that "We" like you let go in your pants.

Do not include Me in your "We".

I do not believe in your version of your god and I sure do believe in a Man who never existed.

As I recall you are suppose your Love Your Neighbor and Care for them.

But because you are a so-called "Christian" who in facts hates people, I doubt if you understand that.

You speak from fear, hate, ignorance and bigotry.

Which is how I knew you were a so-called "Christian" people seem to spend a lot of time hating.
What if your neighbor is a child rapist like Harvey Milk? Embrace him or urge him to change his ways?

Leftists don't understand the concept of loving others not requiring you to approve of and applaud all of their actions.

I am NOT a Leftist....Just because I refuse to believe in Mystical Non-Existent Magic Sky Man does not make me a Leftist. It mean I am not afraid to think for myself.

You talk of loving Others, while at the same time hating Trans Men and Trans Women. You cannot have it both ways. When you love someone, you accept them. You hate them.

Not believing in some Mystical Non-Existent Magic Skyman does not make you special. It means you just to goddamn dumb to know you being Conned.

You are so damn afraid to think for yourself you hide behind something that is no real and proclaim how you love while at the time you hate.

There is no god. There never was.

You claim to believe in a loving Non-Existent god, while you practice hate.

Yep, you're a sure as shit stinks "Christian".
Interesting concept, this no God thing.

Nothing created everything.

That's what you call thinking for yourself.
  • Washington State University has begun stocking men's bathrooms on one of its campuses with free menstrual products.
  • =========================================
  • So are they free in the women's bathroom too?
  • Need free products have your bf go into the bathroom and get them for you
  • what lunatic really believes men are made like women......
  • i'm sorry if you think that you are way, way past mentally ill and should seek help right now.
Academic credentials should be removed from any university who says men can have menstrual periods.
  • Washington State University has begun stocking men's bathrooms on one of its campuses with free menstrual products.
  • =========================================
  • So are they free in the women's bathroom too?
  • Need free products have your bf go into the bathroom and get them for you
  • what lunatic really believes men are made like women......
  • i'm sorry if you think that you are way, way past mentally ill and should seek help right now.
Academic credentials should be removed from any university who says men can have menstrual periods.

Neanderthals like yourself probably want to remove urinals from the nation's ladies' rooms as well.
  • Washington State University has begun stocking men's bathrooms on one of its campuses with free menstrual products.
  • =========================================
  • So are they free in the women's bathroom too?
  • Need free products have your bf go into the bathroom and get them for you
  • what lunatic really believes men are made like women......
  • i'm sorry if you think that you are way, way past mentally ill and should seek help right now.
Who gives a shit?
This harms you in what way?
It harms the collective social psyche by introducing lunacy “as normal”. That’s a thing that is unsafe in Homo sapiens.


The only lunacy is you people freaking out over things of no consequence.
Teaching children that men can have periods is lunacy. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Thank god nobody is doing that.

But a very nice strawman you built, well done!
This harms you in what way?
It harms the collective social psyche by introducing lunacy “as normal”. That’s a thing that is unsafe in Homo sapiens.


The only lunacy is you people freaking out over things of no consequence.
Teaching children that men can have periods is lunacy. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Thank god nobody is doing that.

But a very nice strawman you built, well done!
Does lying come naturally to you or do you have to work at it?
  • Washington State University has begun stocking men's bathrooms on one of its campuses with free menstrual products.
  • =========================================
  • So are they free in the women's bathroom too?
  • Need free products have your bf go into the bathroom and get them for you
  • what lunatic really believes men are made like women......
  • i'm sorry if you think that you are way, way past mentally ill and should seek help right now.
Who gives a shit?

When you have to ask why give a shit , then you are part of the problem as to why we even see this kind of trash.

Have a little girl send her in with a male tranny who thinks they are a female let us know how that works out for you ...

Maybe you can help teach them tho whores themselves out just like planned parenthood teaches them.

A new video featuring an 11 year old drag queen celebrating drugs has gone viral. Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer expose the LGBTPQ agenda as anti-family and how the adults that allow children to act this way may need to be reported to authorities.

You Will Call CPS After Seeing This Disturbing Video

As for proof, you show where you have proof than Trans
You speak out hate, fear and bigotry.

I bet you one them so-called "Christians" who talks about how god loves everybody....and then posts crap like this.

God does love everybody.

WE are not God.

And frankly, there are some people only God COULD love.

Is that "We" like you and me or it that "We" like you let go in your pants.

Do not include Me in your "We".

I do not believe in your version of your god and I sure do believe in a Man who never existed.

As I recall you are suppose your Love Your Neighbor and Care for them.

But because you are a so-called "Christian" who in facts hates people, I doubt if you understand that.

You speak from fear, hate, ignorance and bigotry.

Which is how I knew you were a so-called "Christian" people seem to spend a lot of time hating.
What if your neighbor is a child rapist like Harvey Milk? Embrace him or urge him to change his ways?

Leftists don't understand the concept of loving others not requiring you to approve of and applaud all of their actions.

I am NOT a Leftist....Just because I refuse to believe in Mystical Non-Existent Magic Sky Man does not make me a Leftist. It mean I am not afraid to think for myself.

You talk of loving Others, while at the same time hating Trans Men and Trans Women. You cannot have it both ways. When you love someone, you accept them. You hate them.

Not believing in some Mystical Non-Existent Magic Skyman does not make you special. It means you just to goddamn dumb to know you being Conned.

You are so damn afraid to think for yourself you hide behind something that is no real and proclaim how you love while at the time you hate.

There is no god. There never was.

You claim to believe in a loving Non-Existent god, while you practice hate.

Yep, you're a sure as shit stinks "Christian".

You sure you aren't a leftist? You certainly have the primary hallmark of a leftist: complete conviction that everything is about YOU.

And the whole "I can't talk about people's beliefs without childish insults to signal that I'm SO MUCH SMARTER!" thing? Classic leftist.

And leftists practically have a copyright taken out on the "If you disagree with me, it's because of HATE! No other reason is possible!" line.

If you're not a leftist, you certainly are giving an Oscar-winning performance as one.
  • Washington State University has begun stocking men's bathrooms on one of its campuses with free menstrual products.
  • =========================================
  • So are they free in the women's bathroom too?
  • Need free products have your bf go into the bathroom and get them for you
  • what lunatic really believes men are made like women......
  • i'm sorry if you think that you are way, way past mentally ill and should seek help right now.
Who gives a shit?

When you have to ask why give a shit , then you are part of the problem as to why we even see this kind of trash.

Have a little girl send her in with a male tranny who thinks they are a female let us know how that works out for you ...

Maybe you can help teach them tho whores themselves out just like planned parenthood teaches them.

A new video featuring an 11 year old drag queen celebrating drugs has gone viral. Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer expose the LGBTPQ agenda as anti-family and how the adults that allow children to act this way may need to be reported to authorities.

You Will Call CPS After Seeing This Disturbing Video

View attachment 235752

Oh, do not even get me STARTED on that poor kid cruising the fast lane to the therapist's couch. Did you see the story about him dancing in a gay bar with men throwing dollar bills at him? If he was an ACTUAL little girl, the cops would have raided the joint, arrested everyone there, and put the kid in foster care.
  • Washington State University has begun stocking men's bathrooms on one of its campuses with free menstrual products.
  • =========================================
  • So are they free in the women's bathroom too?
  • Need free products have your bf go into the bathroom and get them for you
  • what lunatic really believes men are made like women......
  • i'm sorry if you think that you are way, way past mentally ill and should seek help right now.
Who gives a shit?

When you have to ask why give a shit , then you are part of the problem as to why we even see this kind of trash.

Have a little girl send her in with a male tranny who thinks they are a female let us know how that works out for you ...

Maybe you can help teach them tho whores themselves out just like planned parenthood teaches them.

A new video featuring an 11 year old drag queen celebrating drugs has gone viral. Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer expose the LGBTPQ agenda as anti-family and how the adults that allow children to act this way may need to be reported to authorities.

You Will Call CPS After Seeing This Disturbing Video

View attachment 235752

Oh, do not even get me STARTED on that poor kid cruising the fast lane to the therapist's couch. Did you see the story about him dancing in a gay bar with men throwing dollar bills at him? If he was an ACTUAL little girl, the cops would have raided the joint, arrested everyone there, and put the kid in foster care.

I sure did and I Posted it too. ( the story you mention of him dancing)
  • Washington State University has begun stocking men's bathrooms on one of its campuses with free menstrual products.
  • =========================================
  • So are they free in the women's bathroom too?
  • Need free products have your bf go into the bathroom and get them for you
  • what lunatic really believes men are made like women......
  • i'm sorry if you think that you are way, way past mentally ill and should seek help right now.
Who gives a shit?

When you have to ask why give a shit , then you are part of the problem as to why we even see this kind of trash.

Have a little girl send her in with a male tranny who thinks they are a female let us know how that works out for you ...

Maybe you can help teach them tho whores themselves out just like planned parenthood teaches them.

A new video featuring an 11 year old drag queen celebrating drugs has gone viral. Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer expose the LGBTPQ agenda as anti-family and how the adults that allow children to act this way may need to be reported to authorities.

You Will Call CPS After Seeing This Disturbing Video

View attachment 235752

Oh, do not even get me STARTED on that poor kid cruising the fast lane to the therapist's couch. Did you see the story about him dancing in a gay bar with men throwing dollar bills at him? If he was an ACTUAL little girl, the cops would have raided the joint, arrested everyone there, and put the kid in foster care.

Some don't get how indoctrination and acceptance is pushed using just this " a kid dumb enough to be used as a political football" because his parents are freaking retards who hate Trump lmfao.

That kid will end up getting it right where the sun doesn't shine before he's 18 he's already destroyed once the dumbass ass isn't a little boy any more nobody will have any interest in what the confused fk. even does any longer.
  • Washington State University has begun stocking men's bathrooms on one of its campuses with free menstrual products.
  • =========================================
  • So are they free in the women's bathroom too?
  • Need free products have your bf go into the bathroom and get them for you
  • what lunatic really believes men are made like women......
  • i'm sorry if you think that you are way, way past mentally ill and should seek help right now.
Academic credentials should be removed from any university who says men can have menstrual periods.

Neanderthals like yourself probably want to remove urinals from the nation's ladies' rooms as well.
Either that or I'm never shaking hands with a Dyke again.
  • Washington State University has begun stocking men's bathrooms on one of its campuses with free menstrual products.
  • =========================================
  • So are they free in the women's bathroom too?
  • Need free products have your bf go into the bathroom and get them for you
  • what lunatic really believes men are made like women......
  • i'm sorry if you think that you are way, way past mentally ill and should seek help right now.
Who gives a shit?

When you have to ask why give a shit , then you are part of the problem as to why we even see this kind of trash.

Have a little girl send her in with a male tranny who thinks they are a female let us know how that works out for you ...

Maybe you can help teach them tho whores themselves out just like planned parenthood teaches them.

A new video featuring an 11 year old drag queen celebrating drugs has gone viral. Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer expose the LGBTPQ agenda as anti-family and how the adults that allow children to act this way may need to be reported to authorities.

You Will Call CPS After Seeing This Disturbing Video

View attachment 235752
"Part of what problem" If there were really a "problem", there would be guards posted in every bathroom in the country. Proof that there is no "problem", because there are no guards. Lol! What a bunch of homophobic idiots.
This harms you in what way?
It harms the collective social psyche by introducing lunacy “as normal”. That’s a thing that is unsafe in Homo sapiens.


The only lunacy is you people freaking out over things of no consequence.
Teaching children that men can have periods is lunacy. What the fuck is wrong with you?
How do you know they are men? What field of scientific studies are you versed on?

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