WOW 9/11 again.

Is it time for yet another 9-11 / Mossad conspiracy theory?

Has it been 24 hours already?

I think I was pretty clear in my statement regarding the lack of credibility of most theories.
Take a look at who this guy is.
He's not just some bloke with a simple political agenda and a chip on his shoulder.

When someone of this nature speaks, you have to consider his views as potential truth.
Of course, as with all opinions, it has to be researched and considered against all other available evidence, not blindly accepted.

While there is irrefutable evidence of Israeli prior knowledge of the event, there are major flaws in the theory that Israel could have conducted the operation alone. I don't buy that proposition at all, as common sense would demand that the War Games being conducted by the Defense Department on the morning of 911 could not have been initiated by Israel, and those operations have to be considered as providing a support role in the main event. The idea that "Israel did it" doesn't fit the larger picture, of which 911 was only the latest operation in a string of events which allowed each successively larger operation to be implemented.

We've become a nation of sleep walkers who suffer a severe impairment in overall awareness and memory, and in our collective lack of critical analysis skills. The 1993 WTC bombing is a classic example of this. Just how many remember, or were ever actually aware of the FBI's involvement in that first attack? I'm sure, at this moment, there are those who will immediately think ... what? WTF is this GuyNTexas blabbering about? Aren't you? Sure you are. It's OK ... this is amazingly common. Nevertheless, the FBI's involvement in the 1993 bombing of the WTC is undeniable, because the FBI itself has admitted to it. And I don't think one can have a greater level of evidence than a damned confession. Of course, that confession came in the form of admitting that the bombing was a covert sting operation that went south ... yet the details clearly indicate that it was far more sinister in nature, given the fact that the FBI provided the REAL explosives used in that bombing to their informant-asset, Emad Salem who was placed on the inside, and was intimately familiar/involved in all aspects of the planning and implementation conducted by this group of "Muslim Terrorists". That was the big tip off to Salem, as he argued with his FBI handler about the wisdom of providing real explosives, rather than inert material. That's when Salem began recording his conversations with his FBI handler for his own protection, realizing that they may indeed be planning to use him as a "patsy". And that is the only thing that saved his rear end when this information was presented in Federal Court, forcing the FBI to own up to their participation in this "sting operation". One would think that such a revelation would make the headlines of every newspaper and television news across the nation ... but it was treated as non-news ... finding little interest, save of a couple of paragraphs on page 20 of the New York Times, and then quickly finding obscurity thereafter.

Then we have the Oklahoma City Bombing in which a widespread conspiracy involving the FBI, ATF and the national media is beyond question ... though this was kept totally out of the public's perception due to that national media complicity. Within 24 hours of the OKC bombing, the entire story was rewritten, and the truthful details scrubbed from all national news reporting, save for one local OKC news channel who insisted on continuing to highlight the fact that there were other explosive devices found inside the building undetonated, as was clearly reported by authorities at the site that day. That news channel was subsequently bought by the New York Times media conglomerate, and it's executive staff fired, ceasing that rogue group of truth tellers.

I remember watching the live news coverage that morning, and the reports of TWO additional, undetonated explosive devices found inside the building. Yet, the very next day, the story was changed to the "ANFO" bomb in the Ryder truck parked outside as being the only explosive responsible for all of the death and destruction, including 19 children in the building's daycare center, and some 150 adults. All mention of explosives inside the building was very quickly exorcised from the national news coverage, and the new story became the new truth. How is it that public can be so easily duped by this rather obvious demonstration of fraud?

So, it's no wonder why the many other details of that crime were successfully covered up, such as the torture/murder of OKC Police Officer Yeakey, who was first on the scene and rescued the first survivors. Officer Yeakey had seen troubling things, and was in the process of collecting evidence in the days after the attack. He was the subject of FBI surveillance in the following days ... known to him and his family. On the day of his death, he had arranged to meet a friend for dinner after he finished moving a bunch of files related to his investigation to a storage facility for safe keeping. He told his friend that he just had to shake the FEDS following him. He never made it. His body was found ... showing he had not only been murdered, but brutally tortured, with severe bruising on the bottoms of his feet (a common means of torture to inflict pain), bruises and lacerations all over his body ... throat slit, and a gunshot wound to his temple with no gunpowder residue (meaning it couldn't have been self inflicted). Nevertheless, the coroner listed his death as a suicide.

The thumb suckers who will deny .. challenge .. or try to explain away these and many other damning details showing OKC as an inside job, helped ensure 911 would follow, and those that are doing the same thing regarding 911 will be complicit in the next "terror" event. Anyone who asks the questions how and why did 911 happen, there's your answer. As long as the public insists on remaining in an intellectual coma, and chooses to continue sucking their thumbs .... the perpetrators of these crimes are going to continue committing them, and if the pattern remains consistent, the next one will be larger and more deadly than the last.

Now, I don't know if this man really believes his story about "Israel did it", or whether this is just another disinfo tactic to further muddy the waters. What people have to understand is that people even in high positions of authority and level of knowledge are as easily duped as the general public. It's called compartmentalization, and the "need to know". Even people with identical levels of security clearance are not privy to the same information, based on that subjective "need to know" process. In fact, Law Enforcement types are particularly vulnerable to deception, because they are often given "classified intelligence information" not available to the public, which reasons certain activities that might otherwise be questioned as dubious. For example, LE might be briefed on the high alert probability of a suspected terrorist event that is deemed "immanent" , including information that sets the stage with suspected sources of that threat like "al qaeda", and the inside informants providing that intelligence. Therefore, if and when those "informants" are caught participating, they already have their cover story established, and the LE officials previously "briefed" see nothing untowards, as they were already told about that activity ahead of time.

These types of covert operations always employ a means for "plausible deniability", often using some form of cover story, be it a "sting operation" or a "training exercise". This was certainly true of the 7-7 London subway bombing, as it was admitted afterward that the group "Visor Associates" were conducting a terror response exercise at the exact same time and places for which the "real" attacks took place. This was also true on 911 as well .... both in the form of DOD-Pentagon live training exercises involving hijacked aircraft, and also the alleged "Tripod" training exercise being conducted in New York City which had FEMA officials arriving in NYC the night of September 10.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to detect something out of the ordinary going on here ... but it does take a supreme level of naiveté to think it all just an endless set of coincidences.

Your memory serves you well on remembering the media reporting THREE bombs the police found inside the murrah building on oklahoma.Funny how the evidence is clear cut from the reporting of how they found three bombs in the building that all that got ignored and the official version was one bomb in the front made out of fertilizer from Mcveih.

watch this video.

[ame=]Multiple Bombs in Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building (News Reports) - YouTube[/ame]

clear cut proof the government lied back then on the events about oklahoma city.our government wouldnt dare lie to us about 9/11 now would they,or would they?:rolleyes:
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YOU'LL UNDERSTAND WHY WHEN I SAY you're full of shit and stfu. regards...

I dont claim it, I repeat it
[ame=]Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was "shot down." - YouTube[/ame]
Flight 93 Shot Down by Lt Col Rick Gibney on 9/11
Last edited:
YOU'LL UNDERSTAND WHY WHEN I SAY you're full of shit and stfu. regards...

I dont claim it, I repeat it
[ame=]Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was "shot down." - YouTube[/ame]
Flight 93 Shot Down by Lt Col Rick Gibney on 9/11

amazing how you guys waste time with these paid trolls giving them the attention they seek taking their bait which makes their handlers very happy since they send them here just to try and derail these threads and then you guys always take the bait.this advise goes ignored everytime.:trolls:
Most crypto-Jew-haters will never admit they hate Jews.

You believe the lunatic ramblings of a proven Jew-hating liar -- not because there's any evidence of his claims, but because you share his feelings.

But as I said, you will never admit it.

Let me get this right.
You say I hate Jews because I never say I hate Jews.
Wrong. I say you hate Jews because you believe what a known and proven Jew-hating liar says about Jews.

Do you know the word, "Pillock"?
Yes. And it doesn't apply.
YOU'LL UNDERSTAND WHY WHEN I SAY you're full of shit and stfu. regards...

I dont claim it, I repeat it

amazing how you guys waste time with these paid trolls giving them the attention they seek taking their bait which makes their handlers very happy since they send them here just to try and derail these threads and then you guys always take the bait.this advise goes ignored everytime.:trolls:

The advice goes ignored because the conspiracy theory loons desperately seek an audience for their conspiracy theories. The conspiracy theory peddlers are like crack whores addicted to rock cocaine except the conspiracy theorists are addicted to posting youtube videos and getting into a lather over their imagined conspiracies.
Most crypto-Jew-haters will never admit they hate Jews.

You believe the lunatic ramblings of a proven Jew-hating liar -- not because there's any evidence of his claims, but because you share his feelings.

But as I said, you will never admit it.

Let me get this right.
You say I hate Jews because I never say I hate Jews.


Do you know the word, "Pillock"?

amazing how Toto and Dunceman never get tired of showing they have reading comprehension problems isnt it?:D:lol::lol:
The Jew did not fuck up your life.

YOU did.
Since it's my thread, please show a post were I've stated hatred for Jews.

That or apologies for your lie. :eusa_angel:
why should I apologize for your reading comprehension disorder.
Nowhere in this thread do I state you personally hate Jews .
the bulk of the the posts in this thread are about the alleged Jewish connection to 911.
knowing that, I made the comment .

Actually the bulk of the the posts in this thread are By jews denying the alleged Jewish connection to 911, while keeping an eye out on their escape plan to Israel
Really? Who all in this thread is a Jew?

And calling someone a Jew is the worst insult you can imagine, isn't it? :lol:
YOU'LL UNDERSTAND WHY WHEN I SAY you're full of shit and stfu. regards...

I dont claim it, I repeat it
[ame=]Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was "shot down." - YouTube[/ame]
Flight 93 Shot Down by Lt Col Rick Gibney on 9/11

amazing how you guys waste time with these paid trolls...
Who's paying me, and how much? :lol: them the attention they seek taking their bait which makes their handlers very happy since they send them here just to try and derail these threads and then you guys always take the bait.this advise goes ignored everytime.:trolls:
Yeah. You're a lunatic, you know that?

Speaking of things you don't know:
F-16 Pilot
Claim: In February 2004, retired Army Col. Donn de Grand-Pre said on "The Alex Jones Show," a radio talk show broadcast on 42 stations: "It [Flight 93] was taken out by the North Dakota Air Guard. I know the pilot who fired those two missiles to take down 93.", citing de Grand-Pre, identifies the pilot: "Major Rick Gibney fired two Sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in midflight at precisely 0958."

FACT: Saying he was reluctant to fuel debate by responding to unsubstantiated charges, Gibney (a lieutenant colonel, not a major) declined to comment. According to Air National Guard spokesman Master Sgt. David Somdahl, Gibney flew an F-16 that morning--but nowhere near Shanksville. He took off from Fargo, N.D., and flew to Bozeman, Mont., to pick up Ed Jacoby Jr., the director of the New York State Emergency Management Office. Gibney then flew Jacoby from Montana to Albany, N.Y., so Jacoby could coordinate 17,000 rescue workers engaged in the state's response to 9/11. Jacoby confirms the day's events. "I was in Big Sky for an emergency managers meeting. Someone called to say an F-16 was landing in Bozeman. From there we flew to Albany." Jacoby is outraged by the claim that Gibney shot down Flight 93. "I summarily dismiss that because Lt. Col. Gibney was with me at that time. It disgusts me to see this because the public is being misled. More than anything else it disgusts me because it brings up fears. It brings up hopes—it brings up all sorts of feelings, not only to the victims' families but to all the individuals throughout the country, and the world for that matter. I get angry at the misinformation out there."​
Of course, you will predictably dismiss this eyewitness account, because it does not validate your fantasy.

Seek help. You obviously have a growth inside your skull.
The Truth About 9/11
Theories of Government Conspiracy Are Thoroughly Debunked
David W. Thornton, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Sep 4, 2011 "Share your voice on Yahoo! websites. Start Here."
.More:911 RememberedOsama Bin Laden Death PhotosSeptember 11 Anniversary.tweet0PrintFlagClose
Post a commentAs the U.S. approaches the tenth anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001, it is time to put to rest the myriad of conspiracy theories that have surrounded both the attacks and the U.S. response. Radicals from both the extreme right and left have sought to propagate these theories in order to further their own aims. Not coincidentally, many of these conpiricists have also made handsome profits from books and films that purport to dispel the lies about 9/11.

The attacks, which were the worst attack on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor, resulted in the deaths of 2,996 people. Several Georgians were also killed in the attacks. Maynard Spence of Douglasville, Harshad Thatte of Norcross, Adam White of Atlanta, and Claude Michael Gann of Roswell died in the World Trade Center. Leslie Whittington of Atlanta died when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. U.S. Army Maj. Steve Long of Georgia died in the Pentagon.

Five years after the attacks, Popular Mechanics released a definitive analysis of many of the conspiracy claims. Much of the information in the book "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up To Hard Facts" is now available for free online at The website also debunks many of the conspiracy theories around the attacks.

The Popular Mechanics report notes that only 14 American fighter planes were on alert in the 48 contiguous states on the morning of September 11. Further, intercepts of civilian aircraft were not common for air defense fighters. In the decade before the attacks, the one and only civilian aircraft intercepted by fighters in U.S. airspace was the Learjet carrying golfer Payne Stewart, which flew uncontrolled from Florida to South Dakota before crashing after the cabin depressurized. PM reports that it took an F-16 one hour and 22 minutes to make the intercept.

In answer to the skeptics' claim that the damage to the World Trade Center buildings was too widespread to be caused by a single aircraft strike on each tower, PM responds that thousands of pounds of jet fuel atomized on impact and traveled throughout the buildings. The burning fuel spread flames through elevator and utility shafts. Flames reportedly exploded through the elevator doors in the lobby moments after impact. The 1500 degree flames from burning jet fuel was not strong enough melt steel, but it did reduce the steel frames of the towers to about ten percent of their normal strength.

PM notes that at least one conspiracy site cropped seismology charts to support the notion that controlled demolitions toppled the towers. The full charts clearly show the impacts of both aircraft followed by the collapse of the towers. Extensive damage to surrounding buildings also lends credence to the fact that the collapse of the towers was a chaotic, catastrophic event.

Conspiracy theorists have charged that the Pentagon was hit by a missile rather than an airplane, citing the small size of the hole in the wall. PM points out that both wings of the aircraft were sheared off by the impact and that the 75 foot wide hole that is consistent with the size of the airliner's fuselage. A separate 12 foot hole was likely made by the landing gear.

In contrast with conspiracy claims that no aircraft wreckage was recovered at the Pentagon, there are both photos and eyewitness accounts of aircraft wreckage. Allyn Kilsheimer, a structural engineer and blast expert who arrived on scene shortly after the crash, is quoted in the PM article, "I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box. I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?"

In Pennsylvania, where United Flight 93 crashed, a white jet reported in the area is revealed to be a business jet that was descending into nearby Johnstown. Air traffic control asked the jet's pilots to investigate Flight 93 and they subsequently orbited the crash site at 1500 feet.

PM reports that the debris pattern of the Flight 93 crash site is consistent with a surface impact given the flight path and wind direction at the time of the crash. Lighter debris was thrown up and carried downwind for several miles. Similarly, an engine was found 300 yards downrange. This is consistent with the mass and velocity of the engine at impact.

Reports on a conspiracy radio show that claimed an F-16 pilot shot the airliner down were revealed to be lies. Ed Jacoby, director of the New York State Emergency Management Office, was with the pilot reported to have fired the missiles at Flight 93. The F-16 and pilot were tasked to return Jacoby from a meeting in Montana to Albany, N.Y. where he could coordinate the emergency services response to the attacks. Jacoby categorically denies that the pilot, Lt. Col. Rick Gibney, shot down Flight 93.

An examination of the timing of the attacks backs up Jacoby's story. The North Dakota Air National Guard operated F-16Bs. The straight-line distance between Bozeman, Mt. and Albany, N.Y. is 1,857 miles. Using the fighter's top speed listed on the plane's Air Force fact sheet, 1,345 mph, the trip would take less than an hour and a half, which would barely give Gibney time to get in position to shoot down Flight 93 at 10:03 a.m. if he took off from Bozeman immediately after American Flight 11 crashed into the WTC at 8:46 a.m. Eastern Time. But, according to the Air Force, the F-16B's range is only 1,407 miles and that range could only be achieved by flying at slower speeds. It is likely that Gibney had to rendezvous with an aerial tanker, which would further slow down the flight to Albany. It is also highly unlikely that Gibney was ready to launch immediately after the first WTC attack. In fact, Gibney first had to fly from his base at Fargo, N.D. to Bozeman to pick up Jacoby. There is simply no way he could have been over Pennsylvania in time to shoot down Flight 93.

Logically, the conspiracy theories do not add up.
An obvious reason is that the government and the military were clearly caught by surprise.
The Truth About 9/11 - Yahoo! Voices -
YOU'LL UNDERSTAND WHY WHEN I SAY you're full of shit and stfu. regards...

I dont claim it, I repeat it
[ame=]Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was "shot down." - YouTube[/ame]
Flight 93 Shot Down by Lt Col Rick Gibney on 9/11
alex jones !you're far more stupid than I gave you credit for.
The Truth About 9/11
Theories of Government Conspiracy Are Thoroughly Debunked
David W. Thornton, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Sep 4, 2011 "Share your voice on Yahoo! websites. Start Here."
.More:911 RememberedOsama Bin Laden Death PhotosSeptember 11 Anniversary.tweet0PrintFlagClose
Post a commentAs the U.S. approaches the tenth anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001, it is time to put to rest the myriad of conspiracy theories that have surrounded both the attacks and the U.S. response. Radicals from both the extreme right and left have sought to propagate these theories in order to further their own aims. Not coincidentally, many of these conpiricists have also made handsome profits from books and films that purport to dispel the lies about 9/11.

The attacks, which were the worst attack on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor, resulted in the deaths of 2,996 people. Several Georgians were also killed in the attacks. Maynard Spence of Douglasville, Harshad Thatte of Norcross, Adam White of Atlanta, and Claude Michael Gann of Roswell died in the World Trade Center. Leslie Whittington of Atlanta died when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. U.S. Army Maj. Steve Long of Georgia died in the Pentagon.

Five years after the attacks, Popular Mechanics released a definitive analysis of many of the conspiracy claims. Much of the information in the book "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up To Hard Facts" is now available for free online at The website also debunks many of the conspiracy theories around the attacks.

The Popular Mechanics report notes that only 14 American fighter planes were on alert in the 48 contiguous states on the morning of September 11. Further, intercepts of civilian aircraft were not common for air defense fighters. In the decade before the attacks, the one and only civilian aircraft intercepted by fighters in U.S. airspace was the Learjet carrying golfer Payne Stewart, which flew uncontrolled from Florida to South Dakota before crashing after the cabin depressurized. PM reports that it took an F-16 one hour and 22 minutes to make the intercept.

In answer to the skeptics' claim that the damage to the World Trade Center buildings was too widespread to be caused by a single aircraft strike on each tower, PM responds that thousands of pounds of jet fuel atomized on impact and traveled throughout the buildings. The burning fuel spread flames through elevator and utility shafts. Flames reportedly exploded through the elevator doors in the lobby moments after impact. The 1500 degree flames from burning jet fuel was not strong enough melt steel, but it did reduce the steel frames of the towers to about ten percent of their normal strength.

PM notes that at least one conspiracy site cropped seismology charts to support the notion that controlled demolitions toppled the towers. The full charts clearly show the impacts of both aircraft followed by the collapse of the towers. Extensive damage to surrounding buildings also lends credence to the fact that the collapse of the towers was a chaotic, catastrophic event.

Conspiracy theorists have charged that the Pentagon was hit by a missile rather than an airplane, citing the small size of the hole in the wall. PM points out that both wings of the aircraft were sheared off by the impact and that the 75 foot wide hole that is consistent with the size of the airliner's fuselage. A separate 12 foot hole was likely made by the landing gear.

In contrast with conspiracy claims that no aircraft wreckage was recovered at the Pentagon, there are both photos and eyewitness accounts of aircraft wreckage. Allyn Kilsheimer, a structural engineer and blast expert who arrived on scene shortly after the crash, is quoted in the PM article, "I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box. I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?"

In Pennsylvania, where United Flight 93 crashed, a white jet reported in the area is revealed to be a business jet that was descending into nearby Johnstown. Air traffic control asked the jet's pilots to investigate Flight 93 and they subsequently orbited the crash site at 1500 feet.

PM reports that the debris pattern of the Flight 93 crash site is consistent with a surface impact given the flight path and wind direction at the time of the crash. Lighter debris was thrown up and carried downwind for several miles. Similarly, an engine was found 300 yards downrange. This is consistent with the mass and velocity of the engine at impact.

Reports on a conspiracy radio show that claimed an F-16 pilot shot the airliner down were revealed to be lies. Ed Jacoby, director of the New York State Emergency Management Office, was with the pilot reported to have fired the missiles at Flight 93. The F-16 and pilot were tasked to return Jacoby from a meeting in Montana to Albany, N.Y. where he could coordinate the emergency services response to the attacks. Jacoby categorically denies that the pilot, Lt. Col. Rick Gibney, shot down Flight 93.

An examination of the timing of the attacks backs up Jacoby's story. The North Dakota Air National Guard operated F-16Bs. The straight-line distance between Bozeman, Mt. and Albany, N.Y. is 1,857 miles. Using the fighter's top speed listed on the plane's Air Force fact sheet, 1,345 mph, the trip would take less than an hour and a half, which would barely give Gibney time to get in position to shoot down Flight 93 at 10:03 a.m. if he took off from Bozeman immediately after American Flight 11 crashed into the WTC at 8:46 a.m. Eastern Time. But, according to the Air Force, the F-16B's range is only 1,407 miles and that range could only be achieved by flying at slower speeds. It is likely that Gibney had to rendezvous with an aerial tanker, which would further slow down the flight to Albany. It is also highly unlikely that Gibney was ready to launch immediately after the first WTC attack. In fact, Gibney first had to fly from his base at Fargo, N.D. to Bozeman to pick up Jacoby. There is simply no way he could have been over Pennsylvania in time to shoot down Flight 93.

Logically, the conspiracy theories do not add up.
An obvious reason is that the government and the military were clearly caught by surprise.
The Truth About 9/11 - Yahoo! Voices -

meaningless cut and paste of no substance..
I dont claim it, I repeat it
Rumsfeld says Flight 93 was "shot down." - YouTube
Flight 93 Shot Down by Lt Col Rick Gibney on 9/11

amazing how you guys waste time with these paid trolls...
Who's paying me, and how much? :lol: them the attention they seek taking their bait which makes their handlers very happy since they send them here just to try and derail these threads and then you guys always take the bait.this advise goes ignored everytime.:trolls:
Yeah. You're a lunatic, you know that?

Speaking of things you don't know:
F-16 Pilot
Claim: In February 2004, retired Army Col. Donn de Grand-Pre said on "The Alex Jones Show," a radio talk show broadcast on 42 stations: "It [Flight 93] was taken out by the North Dakota Air Guard. I know the pilot who fired those two missiles to take down 93.", citing de Grand-Pre, identifies the pilot: "Major Rick Gibney fired two Sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in midflight at precisely 0958."

FACT: Saying he was reluctant to fuel debate by responding to unsubstantiated charges, Gibney (a lieutenant colonel, not a major) declined to comment. According to Air National Guard spokesman Master Sgt. David Somdahl, Gibney flew an F-16 that morning--but nowhere near Shanksville. He took off from Fargo, N.D., and flew to Bozeman, Mont., to pick up Ed Jacoby Jr., the director of the New York State Emergency Management Office. Gibney then flew Jacoby from Montana to Albany, N.Y., so Jacoby could coordinate 17,000 rescue workers engaged in the state's response to 9/11. Jacoby confirms the day's events. "I was in Big Sky for an emergency managers meeting. Someone called to say an F-16 was landing in Bozeman. From there we flew to Albany." Jacoby is outraged by the claim that Gibney shot down Flight 93. "I summarily dismiss that because Lt. Col. Gibney was with me at that time. It disgusts me to see this because the public is being misled. More than anything else it disgusts me because it brings up fears. It brings up hopes—it brings up all sorts of feelings, not only to the victims' families but to all the individuals throughout the country, and the world for that matter. I get angry at the misinformation out there."​
Of course, you will predictably dismiss this eyewitness account, because it does not validate your fantasy.

Seek help. You obviously have a growth inside your skull.

Your the one who needs to seek help.You live in this fantasy world ignoring the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years .:lol::lol::lol: No its just YOUR obviously afraid and scared of the truth so you ignore evidence and facts that dont go along with your know it,I know it DUNCEMAN.:lol:

only lunatics ignore the laws of physics and how there was ZERO evidence of a jet airliner at the shanksville crash and pentagon.:lol: everytime i ask wheres the luggage,wheres the tail section,wheres the film of the airliner coming in? all you trolls can do is produce is five shots of a fireball that prove NOTHING.:lol:

all you did is post a bunch of ramblings ignoring that expert pilots,architects and enginners,demolition experts,physists and high ranking military officers and the best pilots in the world dont accpet your fairy tales you present.YOU are the the one that dissmiss everything Dunceman cause as we both know,you are afraid of the truth.none of your ramblings shoots down these facts that you always run away from.:lol::lol: you always dismiss them for those ramblings you just posted.

Pilots For 9/11 Truth

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

you might actually try and read through this and watch those videos and these links in there on that bottom link.something as we both know you WONT do.

oh and Jos was talking to paid agent who knows it was an inside job DAWGSHIT so i wasnt talking about YOU and toto for instance are just loyal Bush dupes who only see what you want to see cause you are scared shitless of the truth as we both know.

and of course according to your logic,all these people are not credible people at all.They are nutcases.:lol:

your REALLY getting desperate now using popular mechanics as a souce.Popular mechanics has been debunked.:lol: you might try reading the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,AN ANSWER TO POPULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY. unlike popular mechanics,that book does edit out well known facts and withold testimonys and evidence.:lol::lol::D you can pick up up at any library.
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amazing how you guys waste time with these paid trolls...
Who's paying me, and how much? :lol: them the attention they seek taking their bait which makes their handlers very happy since they send them here just to try and derail these threads and then you guys always take the bait.this advise goes ignored everytime.:trolls:
Yeah. You're a lunatic, you know that?

Speaking of things you don't know:
F-16 Pilot
Claim: In February 2004, retired Army Col. Donn de Grand-Pre said on "The Alex Jones Show," a radio talk show broadcast on 42 stations: "It [Flight 93] was taken out by the North Dakota Air Guard. I know the pilot who fired those two missiles to take down 93.", citing de Grand-Pre, identifies the pilot: "Major Rick Gibney fired two Sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in midflight at precisely 0958."

FACT: Saying he was reluctant to fuel debate by responding to unsubstantiated charges, Gibney (a lieutenant colonel, not a major) declined to comment. According to Air National Guard spokesman Master Sgt. David Somdahl, Gibney flew an F-16 that morning--but nowhere near Shanksville. He took off from Fargo, N.D., and flew to Bozeman, Mont., to pick up Ed Jacoby Jr., the director of the New York State Emergency Management Office. Gibney then flew Jacoby from Montana to Albany, N.Y., so Jacoby could coordinate 17,000 rescue workers engaged in the state's response to 9/11. Jacoby confirms the day's events. "I was in Big Sky for an emergency managers meeting. Someone called to say an F-16 was landing in Bozeman. From there we flew to Albany." Jacoby is outraged by the claim that Gibney shot down Flight 93. "I summarily dismiss that because Lt. Col. Gibney was with me at that time. It disgusts me to see this because the public is being misled. More than anything else it disgusts me because it brings up fears. It brings up hopes—it brings up all sorts of feelings, not only to the victims' families but to all the individuals throughout the country, and the world for that matter. I get angry at the misinformation out there."​
Of course, you will predictably dismiss this eyewitness account, because it does not validate your fantasy.

Seek help. You obviously have a growth inside your skull.

Your the one who needs to seek help.You live in this fantasy world ignoring the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years .:lol::lol::lol: No its just YOUR obviously afraid and scared of the truth so you ignore evidence and facts that dont go along with your know it,I know it DUNCEMAN.:lol:

only lunatics ignore the laws of physics and how there was ZERO evidence of a jet airliner at the shanksville crash and pentagon.:lol: everytime i ask wheres the luggage,wheres the tail section,wheres the film of the airliner coming in? all you trolls can do is produce is five shots of a fireball that prove NOTHING.:lol:

all you did is post a bunch of ramblings ignoring that expert pilots,architects and enginners,demolition experts,physists and high ranking military officers and the best pilots in the world dont accpet your fairy tales you present.YOU are the the one that dissmiss everything Dunceman cause as we both know,you are afraid of the truth.none of your ramblings shoots down these facts that you always run away from.:lol::lol: you always dismiss them for those ramblings you just posted.

Pilots For 9/11 Truth

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

you might actually try and read through this and watch those videos and these links in there on that bottom link.something as we both know you WONT do.

oh and Jos was talking to paid agent who knows it was an inside job DAWGSHIT so i wasnt talking about YOU and toto for instance are just loyal Bush dupes who only see what you want to see cause you are scared shitless of the truth as we both know.

and of course according to your logic,all these people are not credible people at all.They are nutcases.:lol:

your REALLY getting desperate now using popular mechanics as a souce.Popular mechanics has been debunked.:lol: you might try reading the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,AN ANSWER TO POPULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY. unlike popular mechanics,that book does edit out well known facts and withold testimonys and evidence.:lol::lol::D you can pick up up at any library.
Get a CAT scan. Seriously.
Who's paying me, and how much? :lol:

Yeah. You're a lunatic, you know that?

Speaking of things you don't know:
F-16 Pilot
Claim: In February 2004, retired Army Col. Donn de Grand-Pre said on "The Alex Jones Show," a radio talk show broadcast on 42 stations: "It [Flight 93] was taken out by the North Dakota Air Guard. I know the pilot who fired those two missiles to take down 93.", citing de Grand-Pre, identifies the pilot: "Major Rick Gibney fired two Sidewinder missiles at the aircraft and destroyed it in midflight at precisely 0958."

FACT: Saying he was reluctant to fuel debate by responding to unsubstantiated charges, Gibney (a lieutenant colonel, not a major) declined to comment. According to Air National Guard spokesman Master Sgt. David Somdahl, Gibney flew an F-16 that morning--but nowhere near Shanksville. He took off from Fargo, N.D., and flew to Bozeman, Mont., to pick up Ed Jacoby Jr., the director of the New York State Emergency Management Office. Gibney then flew Jacoby from Montana to Albany, N.Y., so Jacoby could coordinate 17,000 rescue workers engaged in the state's response to 9/11. Jacoby confirms the day's events. "I was in Big Sky for an emergency managers meeting. Someone called to say an F-16 was landing in Bozeman. From there we flew to Albany." Jacoby is outraged by the claim that Gibney shot down Flight 93. "I summarily dismiss that because Lt. Col. Gibney was with me at that time. It disgusts me to see this because the public is being misled. More than anything else it disgusts me because it brings up fears. It brings up hopes—it brings up all sorts of feelings, not only to the victims' families but to all the individuals throughout the country, and the world for that matter. I get angry at the misinformation out there."​
Of course, you will predictably dismiss this eyewitness account, because it does not validate your fantasy.

Seek help. You obviously have a growth inside your skull.

Your the one who needs to seek help.You live in this fantasy world ignoring the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years .:lol::lol::lol: No its just YOUR obviously afraid and scared of the truth so you ignore evidence and facts that dont go along with your know it,I know it DUNCEMAN.:lol:

only lunatics ignore the laws of physics and how there was ZERO evidence of a jet airliner at the shanksville crash and pentagon.:lol: everytime i ask wheres the luggage,wheres the tail section,wheres the film of the airliner coming in? all you trolls can do is produce is five shots of a fireball that prove NOTHING.:lol:

all you did is post a bunch of ramblings ignoring that expert pilots,architects and enginners,demolition experts,physists and high ranking military officers and the best pilots in the world dont accpet your fairy tales you present.YOU are the the one that dissmiss everything Dunceman cause as we both know,you are afraid of the truth.none of your ramblings shoots down these facts that you always run away from.:lol::lol: you always dismiss them for those ramblings you just posted.

Pilots For 9/11 Truth

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

you might actually try and read through this and watch those videos and these links in there on that bottom link.something as we both know you WONT do.

oh and Jos was talking to paid agent who knows it was an inside job DAWGSHIT so i wasnt talking about YOU and toto for instance are just loyal Bush dupes who only see what you want to see cause you are scared shitless of the truth as we both know.

and of course according to your logic,all these people are not credible people at all.They are nutcases.:lol:

your REALLY getting desperate now using popular mechanics as a souce.Popular mechanics has been debunked.:lol: you might try reading the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,AN ANSWER TO POPULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY. unlike popular mechanics,that book does edit out well known facts and withold testimonys and evidence.:lol::lol::D you can pick up up at any library.
Get a CAT scan. Seriously.

comedy gold.priceless.thats how you counter facts? I love it.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

as always,Dunceman proves he is a chickenshit coward in denial and scared of the truth so like all Bushs always do,comes back with pathetic one liners instead of trying to refute the information put forth before him cause he knows he cant refute any of it.:lol::D

I provided information that refutes Duncemans ramblings,when challenged to refute mine,like all Bush dupes,can only resort to pathetic one liners.You and Toto should consider getting married two have a lot in common.:D

I was about to post a couple more videos as well for Dunceman to look at but no sense in doing that now.Like the chickenshit coward he is,as always,he can only throw back pathetic one liners before running off with his tail between his legs.congrats.:clap2::clap2:

You would be laughed out of a debating hall in seconds the way you try and debate.:D

I'll get a cat scan soon as you check in with a psychiatrist and get some sessions with him to overcome your fear and fright you have about denying reality and government corruption.:D:lol:
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