"Would you please raise my taxes?"

how about the level we had under Clinton where the wealthy did just great.

The middle class also paid a higher rate during the Clinton years...that okay with you too?

All this talk about taxes is a red herring. We could not possibly collect enough in taxes to begin to cover THIS YEAR'S DEFICIT, much less the crippling debt we've accumulated and continue to accumulate. It's a spending problem!

Besides, if you really want job creation, what makes you think higher taxes on job creators is going to help? We already have tons of capital on the sidelines because of debt, burdensome regulations and the omnipresent specter of higher taxes. Nobody is investing in expansion and you think higher taxes will help that? That is insane. All this tax the rich talk is a distraction, a hope that voters will ignore the debt and shambles the economy is in as the take sides in class warfare. It's really pathetic that you and the others with their heads in the sand can't see that.

And, all the while, proposing 450billion more in spending while he tells us to pound sand.
so only the wealthy who care about this country should pay their fair share?

The top 10% of this country pay 70% of the taxes.

What do you consider fair share?

Do they have 70% of the money?

Or more?

If they have all the money, then of course they should be paying all the taxes!


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Critics Still Wrong on What

there is a chart in here based on CBO numbers that shows the effect of the Bush tax cuts on the deficit

Just two policies dating from the Bush Administration — tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — accounted for over $500 billion of the deficit in 2009 and will account for almost $7 trillion in deficits in 2009 through 2019, including the associated debt-service costs. [6] (The prescription drug benefit enacted in 2003 accounts for further substantial increases in deficits and debt, which we are unable to quantify due to data limitations.) These impacts easily dwarf the stimulus and financial rescues. Furthermore, unlike those temporary costs, these inherited policies (especially the tax cuts and the drug benefit) do not fade away as the economy recovers (see Figure 1).
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have you EVER looked at the long term history of the US recessions?
In California, Obama Defends Push To Raise Taxes On High-Income Americans | Fox News

At a town hall, one man set up the president to make his point, saying: "Would you please raise my taxes?" The questioner said he was unemployed by his own choice, having done well at a nearby start-up search-engine company in Silicon Valley, and was willing to pay more.

If this douche bag wants Obama to raise more taxes, then he should donate to the IRS.

I don't believe there is anything in the law to prevent him from making a vountary financial contribution to the US.

What an idiot :cuckoo:

The idiots are those that think we can get out of this by cuts alone. No impartial economist would say otherwise. We're in "class warfare", alright, but it's the well-off that are winning and a substantial portion of the middle class is going against their own self-interest by giving them political cover!!!
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...they have all the money...

You talk like money is static, as though there is a fixed amount that gets spread around. That's not how is works. Wealth can be created and it can be destroyed. No group has "all the money" regardless of their wealth.

You aren't looking to create a 'fair' tax system, you want to punish those that you're jealous of. It's class warfare pure and simple.
OK then lets go back to the tax rate when the US was most prosperous.

The 50s and 60s
...they have all the money...

You talk like money is static, as though there is a fixed amount that gets spread around. That's not how is works. Wealth can be created and it can be destroyed. No group has "all the money" regardless of their wealth.

You aren't looking to create a 'fair' tax system, you want to punish those that you're jealous of. It's class warfare pure and simple.

post of the day.
...they have all the money...

You talk like money is static, as though there is a fixed amount that gets spread around. That's not how is works. Wealth can be created and it can be destroyed. No group has "all the money" regardless of their wealth.

You aren't looking to create a 'fair' tax system, you want to punish those that you're jealous of. It's class warfare pure and simple.

Just can't figure out why so many of you would take sides against your own "class". :cuckoo:
...they have all the money...

You talk like money is static, as though there is a fixed amount that gets spread around. That's not how is works. Wealth can be created and it can be destroyed. No group has "all the money" regardless of their wealth.

You aren't looking to create a 'fair' tax system, you want to punish those that you're jealous of. It's class warfare pure and simple.

post of the day.

Someone set the bar too low.

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