Would you be a cop in todays America?

The parts where these guys claim that someone was trying to take their penis compensater, and they are the only witnesses.

If Wilson really thought Brown was dangerous, then getting into a physical confrontation with him and hid friend without backup was really kind of a stupid thing to do.

Not near as stupid as thinking a cop is going to let you beat the shit out of him or steal his firearm.

I mean damn ... Michael Brown had some balls but playing with another man's penis compensator didn't work out so well for him.

Is self defense a bad apple?

You cop haters were SO emotionally invested in your lust to see a cop jailed. You cant accept the truth now.

Actually, reading the "evidence" hasn't changed my mind. what I saw was a lot of self-serving statements that frankly would make me roll my eyes in disbelief if I read them in a fiction story.

So what we are to beleive here is that a guy who just knocked over a corner store was going to draw attention to himself by verbally abusing a cop.
HEY asshole....We're not going over this again.
Stop the fucking revisionist bullshit
Funny....when a black man kills another black man and cops ask what happened....nobody saw anything.

But a cop? Hell they could tell you exactly how his shoe laces were tied if you wanted.

WHY is that? Fear. They know snitching on other blacks could end up getting them killed. But cops wont come back and kill them or even charge then.

Hmmm. Yet they say they fear cops more than fellow thugs? The snitching records dont reflect that.

Or they don't trust the police.

Yes, cases where one gang members shoots another, people aren't keen to come forward, but it's usually because they don't expect the cops to CARE enough to protect them. And they are usually right.
Yeah, fair questions.

If you're a white cop, all it takes now to have your life ruined is for someone to make a racial accusation.

Just an accusation. Then the PC Police (ironic name, huh?) take it from there.

Your career, your life, you family's safety, all at grave risk every fucking day, all for their political gain.

Yeah, I mean, what's a dead kid on the ground? Come on, why would people make a big deal about some kid who got 8 holes blown into him and was left like garbage in the middle of the street.

Damned PC Police, actually demanding answers to that one.

Oddly, most cops do their jobs, and are never accused of abusing their authority. Imagine that.

When any story of a white cop and a black person comes up, you folks will always jump to the same conclusion.

While most of the rest of us will be waiting for information and evidence, you will be calling for the cop's head, making everything worse.

Deny it all you want, Joe, I don't care.

Joey could give a shit about anybody but himself. He posts in these threads simply to antagonized..He's a miserable, hateful, person. He posts here to try to make it look like he give's a shit as he antagonizes normal people:cuckoo:
Yeah ... But you believed what you currently believe before you read the evidence ... Then you read the evidence as it applied to your beliefs. Which means you would make a horrible jurist incapable of not having an opinion based on speculation not provided in evidenced.

I think when someone tells whoppers, like broken orbital bones that weren't, or claiming that they politely asked them to walk on the sidewalk seconds before getting an alert that these were the store robbers, I would look at that a bit askonse.
Uhh. stupid....The media speculated. They were too anxious to be FIRST to report.
So they went with rumor. And you swallowed the bait.
Not near as stupid as thinking a cop is going to let you beat the shit out of him or steal his firearm.

At the point he put the fatal bullet in Brown, Brown was 120 feet away from his cruiser and in no danger of getting his gun.

Again, if Brown had been fatally wounded when they were tussling in the car, I'd probably give Wilson the benefit of the doubt.

When he's 120 feet away from the car and sixteen witnesses say he had his hands up, not so much.
Funny....when a black man kills another black man and cops ask what happened....nobody saw anything.

But a cop? Hell they could tell you exactly how his shoe laces were tied if you wanted.

WHY is that? Fear. They know snitching on other blacks could end up getting them killed. But cops wont come back and kill them or even charge then.

Hmmm. Yet they say they fear cops more than fellow thugs? The snitching records dont reflect that.
They even marketed "Stop snitching" tee shirts
If the person with the gun was attacked by the black man....and the black man tried to take that gun from him during an assault....yeah you'll end up with a dead black guy.

How is that so difficult to understand?

The parts where these guys claim that someone was trying to take their penis compensater, and they are the only witnesses.

If Wilson really thought Brown was dangerous, then getting into a physical confrontation with him and hid friend without backup was really kind of a stupid thing to do.
You were told to stop making up your own reality.
Have you noticed that you are the ONLY poster taking up this stand?...
Or have your stupid pills kicked in?
Darren Wilson did nothing wrong.
It's assholes like you whop come to irrational conclusions.
YOU people think you have the right to do whatever you wish with zero consequences.
When you are pulled over for a traffic stop, you don't blame yourself. You get mad at the cop. he or she should have "just looked the other way"...
You whine "why me?".....You protest.."well everyone else is speeding. Go after them!"
You make threats of lawsuits and all other kinds of nonsense. You use the tired old "I pay your salary" excuse.
Among friends you refer to cops in all sorts of vile manner.

Shooting an unarmed kid 8 times when he was trying to give up and yelling "I don't have a gun" is a little more serious than getting pulled over for a traffic violation.

But as long as we are on the subject, I"m White. The last time I was pulled over for a traffic violation was 2005. My problem with traffic enforcement is that it's really a highway tax, when you get down to it. Cops are expected to make a quota, and they are actually judged on how many tickets they write.

Of course, what I don't get is what is lovingly referred to as DWB (Driving While Black), which I see pretty much every day. Sneak a quick peek at the guy who just got pulled over. Yup, he's usually a person of color.
Not near as stupid as thinking a cop is going to let you beat the shit out of him or steal his firearm.

At the point he put the fatal bullet in Brown, Brown was 120 feet away from his cruiser and in no danger of getting his gun.

Again, if Brown had been fatally wounded when they were tussling in the car, I'd probably give Wilson the benefit of the doubt.

When he's 120 feet away from the car and sixteen witnesses say he had his hands up, not so much.

Define "up" ... Like in the air above his head or extended forward and not by his sides. You keep trying to adjust the evidence to suit your desires ... Not what was presented and out of context.

Are you aware that Officer Wilson doesn't need any benefit of doubt on your part ... And the Grand Jury indicated there was no probable cause ... Not reasonable doubt?

Speaking of reality- Here's a chart of the witnesses who testified.


16 of them said that Brown had his hands up when he was shot. Only two said he didn't. (And Officer Fife wasn't one of them.)

15 said that Wilson fired at Brown when he was running away. Only four said he didn't.

Only seven said that he charged Wilson.
Define "up" ... Like in the air above his head or extended forward and not by his sides. You keep trying to adjust the evidence to suit your desires ... Not what was presented and out of context.

Are you aware that Officer Wilson doesn't need any benefit of doubt on your part ... And the Grand Jury indicated there was no probable cause ... Not reasonable doubt?

Actually, the more the proceding of this farce that come out, the more obvious it will become this was a whitewash.

Which means either the feds will appoint a Civil RIghts prosecution or Jay Nixon will appoint a special prosecutor, which is what he should have done from the get go.
You have no proof whatsoever that Wilson is a "bad apple. All you have is your fantasy world.

The testimony from eye witnesses even under the pressure of their own black community and the liberal nut jobs, supported his version.

Of course a liberal will claim all of those that supported Wilsons version were all "uncle Toms."

Again, here's a chart of what the "Witnesses" said and saw.


15 of them said that WIlson was firing at Brown while was running away. (Wilson admitted as much).

16 Witnesses said he had his hands up when shot. Only two said he didn't.

Only seven said that he charged Wilson, five said he didn't and the rest weren't sure.

The Witnesses did not vindicate Wilson's version of things, by and large. The Jury just decided that a White Officer was more credible than a bunch of black folks. .
Didn't know you were part of the Grand Jury.

This problem Joe, is we are not required to follow your bias and prejudice.

The problem Joe, is your facts don't follow the forensic evidence.

The problem Joe, you don't know what any of the witnesses said.

The problem Joe, you don't know why the Grand Jury decided the way they did.

The problem Joe, is you don't know all the facts or know all the evidence.

The problem Joe, is you go to whacked out websites looking for evidence to support your bias and prejudice.

All you have Joe is an opinion that means nothing, I'm thankful that you weren't on the Grand Jury because you made up your mind without seeing any real evidence,
Which means either the feds will appoint a Civil RIghts prosecution or Jay Nixon will appoint a special prosecutor, which is what he should have done from the get go.

Would you like to bet whether or not Officer Wilson will be found guilty of civil rights violations? I mean I doubt it goes to trail ... But seriously doubt any charges will stick.

You can rant a rave about your perceived injustices ... But that doesn't mean they will ever meet the burden of proof.

We arm police like soldiers and then wonder why they act like soldiers. By the way, the Pentagon has confirmed that some of the equipment used by police in Ferguson is from their stockpile.
Good gosh...im glad im out of LE. Dont know if I could do it today.

Ambushes. People hating you for what you do...or dont do...just damned if you do or dont. People hating you but calling 911 in a panic when they're in danger.

People calling you to discipline their children. Suicidal people murdering cops.

People thinking the "serve" part is like how a waitresses or butler serves...like you must coddle their every gripe.

One mistake or stressful event away from going from anonymous random middle class policeman earning 40k a year....to a national enemy of half the country and even having terrorists overseas commenting on you.

Shitty hours. Usually mediocre pay. Stress. Hated by errbody.

Who the fuck would do.this job anymore? And how do we control the criminals if GOOD people stop applying to this career?

No. I keep telling my kid not to do it because cops are hated and because he will pay for somebodies mistake that happened six years ago or something that he will have no control over or something that occurred thousands of miles away. That and the death/injury thing.

I keep trying to gently drop his idealism now instead of having it all blown to hell later.

Why did you leave?

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