Would you be a cop in todays America?

Good gosh...im glad im out of LE. Dont know if I could do it today.

Ambushes. People hating you for what you do...or dont do...just damned if you do or dont. People hating you but calling 911 in a panic when they're in danger.

People calling you to discipline their children. Suicidal people murdering cops.

People thinking the "serve" part is like how a waitresses or butler serves...like you must coddle their every gripe.

One mistake or stressful event away from going from anonymous random middle class policeman earning 40k a year....to a national enemy of half the country and even having terrorists overseas commenting on you.

Shitty hours. Usually mediocre pay. Stress. Hated by errbody.

Who the fuck would do.this job anymore? And how do we control the criminals if GOOD people stop applying to this career?

No. I keep telling my kid not to do it because cops are hated and because he will pay for somebodies mistake that happened six years ago or something that he will have no control over or something that occurred thousands of miles away. That and the death/injury thing.

I keep trying to gently drop his idealism now instead of having it all blown to hell later.

Why did you leave?

I was medically retired. Got into a fight with a husband who had a shotgun trying to beat his wife with it. Gun went off and some buckshot got in my knee. Tore up ACL/MCL. Bad guy actually jumped back and surrendered immediately thank God...and we didnt shoot him.

Anyway...tried to rehab it. Stilk have a lot of pain. But the dept was great and allowed me to just retire. To this day I dont think the guy even knew it was loaded. Just a drunk ass hole trying to hit his wife with it. He got more time for assaulting her than he did for my injury bc of "intent".

Shitty part is I had just got off work and happened to be driving by that street when the call went out and was right there within seconds and it was going down in their front yard. Otherwise there woulda been 2-3 of us showing up at once.

Anyway....glad im out of it. The officers today have it pretty bad compared to when I was in it.
It's pretty much a given that female patrol officers will drive past street corner hoodlums rather than stop and frisk. I know if I were a patrol officer I wouldn't want to partner with a female and have to worry that she'd have her weapon taken from her. I know that's "sexist" and "misogynist" and so on but soldiering and policing should be man's work and anybody who says different doesn't believe it in private. As the "thin blue line" continues to get thinner, and blonder, encounters with weight-lifting male thugs gets less likely to have good outcomes.
It's pretty much a given that female patrol officers will drive past street corner hoodlums rather than stop and frisk. I know if I were a patrol officer I wouldn't want to partner with a female and have to worry that she'd have her weapon taken from her. I know that's "sexist" and "misogynist" and so on but soldiering and policing should be man's work and anybody who says different doesn't believe it in private. As the "thin blue line" continues to get thinner, and blonder, encounters with weight-lifting male thugs gets less likely to have good outcomes.

Hate to agree...but you're mostly right. The push for fairness and diversity has hit police hard. A push to outfit minority and female officers has resulted in a lot of substandard hires. Mainly because historically those groups didnt wanna be cops.

The PC police are forcing the military into the same problem.

Crime has been declining for two decades since the chaos of the 80s.

But current events and cop hate is going to cause police to stand down and disengage...like we saw Monday.

A big spike in crime is coming.
Hate to agree...but you're mostly right. The push for fairness and diversity has hit police hard. A push to outfit minority and female officers has resulted in a lot of substandard hires. Mainly because historically those groups didnt wanna be cops.

The PC police are forcing the military into the same problem.

Crime has been declining for two decades since the chaos of the 80s.

But current events and cop hate is going to cause police to stand down and disengage...like we saw Monday.

A big spike in crime is coming.

Would you agree less and less people are getting involved with crack and meth these days? That would account for a drop in crime along with the stiffer sentencing ie 3 strikes. Seems to me the rioting in Ferguson was made mandatory by Sharpton and Holder showing up to give them an air of official sanction. Holder will indict Wilson on federal charges before he leaves office while ignoring the criminality of the administration he's protected for 6 years. And then the NY Times prints Wilson's home address...imagine telling your wife you can't live there anymore and can't sell the house because nobody would dare buy it.
Its a hard job, and not always with good pay for the work they do. Can understand how even under normal conditions (without riots or violent protests), people would want to avoid the profession.

But like in every profession, not everyone does their job well, some cops do engage in brutality or break codes of conduct. Unfortunately in the case of Wilson, following procedure meant the death of Brown. But what happened to Brown was hyped by media, and so much hate has been pushed on the police I bet their job is even harder now.
No, because I'd prefer to do something that benefits people in the market, rather than being a leech on their productive activity.

Fair enough. But without cops...that free market business of yours? 50 Michael Browns would come in, steal your product, kill you, and rape your female employees.

But its ok...keep trashing some of the people, along with the military, that makes your life of comfort possible.
Yes, because the police in Ferguson really stopped all those protestors from destroying people's property, right? Nobody had to turn to private security at all did they?
Didn't know you were part of the Grand Jury.

This problem Joe, is we are not required to follow your bias and prejudice.

The problem Joe, is your facts don't follow the forensic evidence.

The problem Joe, you don't know what any of the witnesses said.

The problem Joe, you don't know why the Grand Jury decided the way they did.

The problem Joe, is you don't know all the facts or know all the evidence.

The problem Joe, is you go to whacked out websites looking for evidence to support your bias and prejudice.

All you have Joe is an opinion that means nothing, I'm thankful that you weren't on the Grand Jury because you made up your mind without seeing any real evidence,

NPR was a whacked out website? Really?

Incidently, I know exactly what happened, a bunch of white people listened to a nice, clean cut police officer tell them a story, and the prosecutor totally didn't challenge it. This really isn't fucking complicated.
Would you like to bet whether or not Officer Wilson will be found guilty of civil rights violations? I mean I doubt it goes to trail ... But seriously doubt any charges will stick.

You can rant a rave about your perceived injustices ... But that doesn't mean they will ever meet the burden of proof.

As long as we economically bankrupt him and make sure he never, ever works as a cop again, I'm good with that.

But someone needs to point out this Grand Jury proceeding was a farce.
Didn't know you were part of the Grand Jury.

This problem Joe, is we are not required to follow your bias and prejudice.

The problem Joe, is your facts don't follow the forensic evidence.

The problem Joe, you don't know what any of the witnesses said.

The problem Joe, you don't know why the Grand Jury decided the way they did.

The problem Joe, is you don't know all the facts or know all the evidence.

The problem Joe, is you go to whacked out websites looking for evidence to support your bias and prejudice.

All you have Joe is an opinion that means nothing, I'm thankful that you weren't on the Grand Jury because you made up your mind without seeing any real evidence,

NPR was a whacked out website? Really?

Incidently, I know exactly what happened, a bunch of white people listened to a nice, clean cut police officer tell them a story, and the prosecutor totally didn't challenge it. This really isn't fucking complicated.

All you have is an opinion based on nothing but supposition.

Clear cut case of Justice and Joe crying and throwing a temper tantrum because it did go his way.
Hate to agree...but you're mostly right. The push for fairness and diversity has hit police hard. A push to outfit minority and female officers has resulted in a lot of substandard hires. Mainly because historically those groups didnt wanna be cops.

The PC police are forcing the military into the same problem.

Crime has been declining for two decades since the chaos of the 80s.

But current events and cop hate is going to cause police to stand down and disengage...like we saw Monday.

A big spike in crime is coming.

Would you agree less and less people are getting involved with crack and meth these days? That would account for a drop in crime along with the stiffer sentencing ie 3 strikes. Seems to me the rioting in Ferguson was made mandatory by Sharpton and Holder showing up to give them an air of official sanction. Holder will indict Wilson on federal charges before he leaves office while ignoring the criminality of the administration he's protected for 6 years. And then the NY Times prints Wilson's home address...imagine telling your wife you can't live there anymore and can't sell the house because nobody would dare buy it.

Yes less are. But more are abusing prescription pills like oxy and Percocet and others. Pills are the new heroine.
All you have is an opinion based on nothing but supposition.

Clear cut case of Justice and Joe crying and throwing a temper tantrum because it did go his way

I'm sorry, shooting an unarmed man over a petty theft is not justice.

I'm sorry you got the dialogue wrong, the officer was attacked and he charged him, that is the facts, so you are way off and you are throwing a hissy fit because your agenda needs there to be hate, division and racism. You aren't getting your way by ignoring the facts.
No, because I'd prefer to do something that benefits people in the market, rather than being a leech on their productive activity.

Fair enough. But without cops...that free market business of yours? 50 Michael Browns would come in, steal your product, kill you, and rape your female employees.

But its ok...keep trashing some of the people, along with the military, that makes your life of comfort possible.
Yes, because the police in Ferguson really stopped all those protestors from destroying people's property, right? Nobody had to turn to private security at all did they?

You just admitted my point. When police and national guard cracked down the violence ceased. When they back down...the town burned.
I wouldn't want to be a cop in a culture that is so over-reactive in regards to worries about racism that I could only perform my duties when the perpetrators are of my own skin color.

Identity politics have rendered us a country where the color of one's skin now provides them special licence for criminality.
'm sorry you got the dialogue wrong, the officer was attacked and he charged him, that is the facts, so you are way off and you are throwing a hissy fit because your agenda needs there to be hate, division and racism. You aren't getting your way by ignoring the facts.

Like I said, when it become clearer what a farce this investigation was, there will be a real investigation at the state or federal level.
'm sorry you got the dialogue wrong, the officer was attacked and he charged him, that is the facts, so you are way off and you are throwing a hissy fit because your agenda needs there to be hate, division and racism. You aren't getting your way by ignoring the facts.

Like I said, when it become clearer what a farce this investigation was, there will be a real investigation at the state or federal level.

Um...is the evidence gonna change?

Fact- Gentle Giant was a robbery suspect who Ofc Wilson was lawfully trying to stop
Fact- Gentle Giant attacked the cop IN the cops car
Fact- Gentle Giants hands were in contact with Wilsons gun- forensics proved it
Fact- Gentle Giant turned and came back for more

Those facts are indisputable. No way Wilson will be charged with any crime.
'm sorry you got the dialogue wrong, the officer was attacked and he charged him, that is the facts, so you are way off and you are throwing a hissy fit because your agenda needs there to be hate, division and racism. You aren't getting your way by ignoring the facts.

Like I said, when it become clearer what a farce this investigation was, there will be a real investigation at the state or federal level.
Like the Zimmerman case, aren't they about to arrest Zimmerman on federal civil rights charges?

Please keep me posted.

Until then we will continue to see you not recognizing the facts and you throwing an emotional hissy fit.
Um...is the evidence gonna change?

Fact- Gentle Giant was a robbery suspect who Ofc Wilson was lawfully trying to stop
Fact- Gentle Giant attacked the cop IN the cops car
Fact- Gentle Giants hands were in contact with Wilsons gun- forensics proved it
Fact- Gentle Giant turned and came back for more

Those facts are indisputable. No way Wilson will be charged with any crime.


At the time he was shot, he was not in the car, not touching the gun and not any danger to Officer Fife.

He was a long distance away, with his hands up, on his knees yelling " I don't have a gun!"
Like the Zimmerman case, aren't they about to arrest Zimmerman on federal civil rights charges?

Please keep me posted.

Until then we will continue to see you not recognizing the facts and you throwing an emotional hissy fit.

Zimmerman will probably get killed by a concerned citizen or a cop before we get around to charging him.
I agree because they have nothing and will never charge him.

In fact Wilson has less of a chance because of all the eyewitnesses that agreed with the facts he presented.

Keep crying Joe, it doesn't change a thing.

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