if police did to whites what they do to blacks, there would be a revolution


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i ask my fellow white brothers and sisters to imagine how they would feel if police and judges treated them the way blacks are treated

LA police chief Daryl Gates once said that there is something about the anatomy of blacks that makes them susceptible to serious injury from choke holds, because their arteries do not open as fast as arteries do on normal people

an LAPD officer described the reaction of a person being choked to "doing the chicken", in reference to the reaction of a chicken when its neck is wrung

Public Enemy once said: "it takes a nation of millions to hold us back"...Actually all it takes is the Chokehold. it is the invisible fist of the law.

after the civil rights movement of the 60s, the national capitalist economy still required black bodies to exploit. The Chokehold evolved as a "colorblind" method of keeping blacks down, and then blaming them for their own degradation.

the Chokehold doesnt stem from hate of blacks. its anti-blackness is instrumental rather than emotional

the Chokehold is how the police get away with shooting unarmed black people. cops are rarely prosecuted because they are literally just doing their jobs

lets keep it real. cops, politicians, and ordinary whites all see blacks as a threat. the Chokehold is the legal and social response.

the chokehold impacts everything from the neighborhood you choose to live in to who you marry to where you look where you get on an elevator. "i like hoodies but i dont wear one because i'm afraid of the police" - my black friend Bam told be. when the sight of a black man makes you walk quicker or check to see if your car door is locked, you are enforcing the chokehold.

"As a black woman, i've been one of the perpetrators of the chokehold. as a prosecutor, i sent a lot of black men to prison. i defended cops who had racially profiled. i regret this. i can't turn back time, but i can expose a morally corrupt system...i was on the frontlines in abusing the Chokehold. now i want to be on the frontlines in helping to crush it" - Paula Butler

"I am a black man who is afraid of some other black men. and then i get mad when people act afraid of me...i have been disgusted and angry with some of my brothers. i read about black-on-black murderes in LA and Chicago. i listen to hip-hop music that celebrates thug life. as a kid i got bullied by other black males...sometimes i think if brothers would just do right, we wouldn't have to worry about police being afraid of us. i wonder if we brought the chokehold on ourselves" - Larry Elder

maybe some folks are just ordinary people who are sometimes afraid of black men. they're not racists, they just need to know the facts, my friends

the Chokehold is perfectly legal. like all law, it promotes the interests of the rich and powerful. the criminalizing of blackness also brings psychic rewards. American criminal justice enhances the property value of whiteness.

oh the places black men dont go because of the chokehold. it frees up space for coffeehouses and beer gardens

it is also a stimulus plan for whites, who dont have to compete for jobs with all the black men who are locked up...or you know, DEAD!

libs slam whites for voting Trump, and claim that those votes are
not in their best interest. but low income white folks have better sense than pundits. a vote for a conservative is an investment in the property value of one's whiteness.
Choke holds are the opposite of dangerous. The most dangerous fighters on Earth can be subdued in seconds with proper technique, and they wake up safe and sound every single time. It happens thousands of times every single day in BJJ gyms all over the world. We need to train our police to learn basic Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (i.e. "rear naked chokes", "guillotines" and "head and arm chokes"). If you choke a guy out, his fat ass wont die of a heart attack from struggling with the cops..
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let me break it down for you my friends:

racism does not erupt from nothing, it is embedded in society. it's in the core of how the state is set up. it's not external. it's in the system

BROTHERS AND SISTERS: I personally used to have a feeling, a vague sense of security in the back of my mind, that if i returned home one day to find my belongings stolen, i could call the police and they would help me. but after Floyd's murder, i no longer trust the police to act fairly to all people.

folks think that if a racist killing has not occured, or the N word has not been used, then an action can't be racist. the problem runs deeper than that, my friends
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because a police career is based on seniority, the first posting a policeman obtains corresponds to the least desirable precincts, in the outer cities, where they work with a disadvantaged minority population. they will feel sentiments of hostility and strangeness when discovering this new urban environment

under Trump, law enforcement has become an instrument for conquering white power. the ideal of equality for blacks progressively vanishes every day

instead of enforcing the law, the officers patrolling black neighborhoods are actually enforcing a social order of violent racism and inequality of justice.

faced with what he WRONGLY INTERPRETS as a refusal to cooperate, the police officer switches to intimidation tactics, causing the black suspect to become hostile, causing the officer to shoot and kill the unarmed black man and claim he did it with justification
i ask my fellow white brothers and sisters to imagine how they would feel if police and judges treated them the way blacks are treated

LA police chief Daryl Gates once said that there is something about the anatomy of blacks that makes them susceptible to serious injury from choke holds, because their arteries do not open as fast as arteries do on normal people

an LAPD officer described the reaction of a person being choked to "doing the chicken", in reference to the reaction of a chicken when its neck is wrung

Public Enemy once said: "it takes a nation of millions to hold us back"...Actually all it takes is the Chokehold. it is the invisible fist of the law.

after the civil rights movement of the 60s, the national capitalist economy still required black bodies to exploit. The Chokehold evolved as a "colorblind" method of keeping blacks down, and then blaming them for their own degradation.

the Chokehold doesnt stem from hate of blacks. its anti-blackness is instrumental rather than emotional

the Chokehold is how the police get away with shooting unarmed black people. cops are rarely prosecuted because they are literally just doing their jobs

lets keep it real. cops, politicians, and ordinary whites all see blacks as a threat. the Chokehold is the legal and social response.

the chokehold impacts everything from the neighborhood you choose to live in to who you marry to where you look where you get on an elevator. "i like hoodies but i dont wear one because i'm afraid of the police" - my black friend Bam told be. when the sight of a black man makes you walk quicker or check to see if your car door is locked, you are enforcing the chokehold.

"As a black woman, i've been one of the perpetrators of the chokehold. as a prosecutor, i sent a lot of black men to prison. i defended cops who had racially profiled. i regret this. i can't turn back time, but i can expose a morally corrupt system...i was on the frontlines in abusing the Chokehold. now i want to be on the frontlines in helping to crush it" - Paula Butler

"I am a black man who is afraid of some other black men. and then i get mad when people act afraid of me...i have been disgusted and angry with some of my brothers. i read about black-on-black murderes in LA and Chicago. i listen to hip-hop music that celebrates thug life. as a kid i got bullied by other black males...sometimes i think if brothers would just do right, we wouldn't have to worry about police being afraid of us. i wonder if we brought the chokehold on ourselves" - Larry Elder

maybe some folks are just ordinary people who are sometimes afraid of black men. they're not racists, they just need to know the facts, my friends

the Chokehold is perfectly legal. like all law, it promotes the interests of the rich and powerful. the criminalizing of blackness also brings psychic rewards. American criminal justice enhances the property value of whiteness.

oh the places black men dont go because of the chokehold. it frees up space for coffeehouses and beer gardens

it is also a stimulus plan for whites, who dont have to compete for jobs with all the black men who are locked up...or you know, DEAD!

libs slam whites for voting Trump, and claim that those votes are
not in their best interest. but low income white folks have better sense than pundits. a vote for a conservative is an investment in the property value of one's whiteness.
Police treat white criminals worse than they treat blacks. White criminals are shot all the time by cops, and at higher rates.

If police didn’t kill any black man for an entire year no matter the circumstance, black homicides wouldn’t even drop 1%.

People may be “afraid” of blacks because blacks have earned that stereotype, not because of “racism”. The “socioeconomic” excuse is a fallacy, since every other race has proven that being poor doesn’t make one a criminal.
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i ask my fellow white brothers and sisters to imagine how they would feel if police and judges treated them the way blacks are treated

LA police chief Daryl Gates once said that there is something about the anatomy of blacks that makes them susceptible to serious injury from choke holds, because their arteries do not open as fast as arteries do on normal people

an LAPD officer described the reaction of a person being choked to "doing the chicken", in reference to the reaction of a chicken when its neck is wrung

Public Enemy once said: "it takes a nation of millions to hold us back"...Actually all it takes is the Chokehold. it is the invisible fist of the law.

after the civil rights movement of the 60s, the national capitalist economy still required black bodies to exploit. The Chokehold evolved as a "colorblind" method of keeping blacks down, and then blaming them for their own degradation.

the Chokehold doesnt stem from hate of blacks. its anti-blackness is instrumental rather than emotional

the Chokehold is how the police get away with shooting unarmed black people. cops are rarely prosecuted because they are literally just doing their jobs

lets keep it real. cops, politicians, and ordinary whites all see blacks as a threat. the Chokehold is the legal and social response.

the chokehold impacts everything from the neighborhood you choose to live in to who you marry to where you look where you get on an elevator. "i like hoodies but i dont wear one because i'm afraid of the police" - my black friend Bam told be. when the sight of a black man makes you walk quicker or check to see if your car door is locked, you are enforcing the chokehold.

"As a black woman, i've been one of the perpetrators of the chokehold. as a prosecutor, i sent a lot of black men to prison. i defended cops who had racially profiled. i regret this. i can't turn back time, but i can expose a morally corrupt system...i was on the frontlines in abusing the Chokehold. now i want to be on the frontlines in helping to crush it" - Paula Butler

"I am a black man who is afraid of some other black men. and then i get mad when people act afraid of me...i have been disgusted and angry with some of my brothers. i read about black-on-black murderes in LA and Chicago. i listen to hip-hop music that celebrates thug life. as a kid i got bullied by other black males...sometimes i think if brothers would just do right, we wouldn't have to worry about police being afraid of us. i wonder if we brought the chokehold on ourselves" - Larry Elder

maybe some folks are just ordinary people who are sometimes afraid of black men. they're not racists, they just need to know the facts, my friends

the Chokehold is perfectly legal. like all law, it promotes the interests of the rich and powerful. the criminalizing of blackness also brings psychic rewards. American criminal justice enhances the property value of whiteness.

oh the places black men dont go because of the chokehold. it frees up space for coffeehouses and beer gardens

it is also a stimulus plan for whites, who dont have to compete for jobs with all the black men who are locked up...or you know, DEAD!

libs slam whites for voting Trump, and claim that those votes are
not in their best interest. but low income white folks have better sense than pundits. a vote for a conservative is an investment in the property value of one's whiteness.
Whites don't resist arrest on the same scale as Blacks. There's a lesson there for Blacks, but they are a little hard of learning.
i ask my fellow white brothers and sisters to imagine how they would feel if police and judges treated them the way blacks are treated

LA police chief Daryl Gates once said that there is something about the anatomy of blacks that makes them susceptible to serious injury from choke holds, because their arteries do not open as fast as arteries do on normal people

an LAPD officer described the reaction of a person being choked to "doing the chicken", in reference to the reaction of a chicken when its neck is wrung

Public Enemy once said: "it takes a nation of millions to hold us back"...Actually all it takes is the Chokehold. it is the invisible fist of the law.

after the civil rights movement of the 60s, the national capitalist economy still required black bodies to exploit. The Chokehold evolved as a "colorblind" method of keeping blacks down, and then blaming them for their own degradation.

the Chokehold doesnt stem from hate of blacks. its anti-blackness is instrumental rather than emotional

the Chokehold is how the police get away with shooting unarmed black people. cops are rarely prosecuted because they are literally just doing their jobs

lets keep it real. cops, politicians, and ordinary whites all see blacks as a threat. the Chokehold is the legal and social response.

the chokehold impacts everything from the neighborhood you choose to live in to who you marry to where you look where you get on an elevator. "i like hoodies but i dont wear one because i'm afraid of the police" - my black friend Bam told be. when the sight of a black man makes you walk quicker or check to see if your car door is locked, you are enforcing the chokehold.

"As a black woman, i've been one of the perpetrators of the chokehold. as a prosecutor, i sent a lot of black men to prison. i defended cops who had racially profiled. i regret this. i can't turn back time, but i can expose a morally corrupt system...i was on the frontlines in abusing the Chokehold. now i want to be on the frontlines in helping to crush it" - Paula Butler

"I am a black man who is afraid of some other black men. and then i get mad when people act afraid of me...i have been disgusted and angry with some of my brothers. i read about black-on-black murderes in LA and Chicago. i listen to hip-hop music that celebrates thug life. as a kid i got bullied by other black males...sometimes i think if brothers would just do right, we wouldn't have to worry about police being afraid of us. i wonder if we brought the chokehold on ourselves" - Larry Elder

maybe some folks are just ordinary people who are sometimes afraid of black men. they're not racists, they just need to know the facts, my friends

the Chokehold is perfectly legal. like all law, it promotes the interests of the rich and powerful. the criminalizing of blackness also brings psychic rewards. American criminal justice enhances the property value of whiteness.

oh the places black men dont go because of the chokehold. it frees up space for coffeehouses and beer gardens

it is also a stimulus plan for whites, who dont have to compete for jobs with all the black men who are locked up...or you know, DEAD!

libs slam whites for voting Trump, and claim that those votes are
not in their best interest. but low income white folks have better sense than pundits. a vote for a conservative is an investment in the property value of one's whiteness.
Are you high?
i ask my fellow white brothers and sisters to imagine how they would feel if police and judges treated them the way blacks are treated

LA police chief Daryl Gates once said that there is something about the anatomy of blacks that makes them susceptible to serious injury from choke holds, because their arteries do not open as fast as arteries do on normal people

an LAPD officer described the reaction of a person being choked to "doing the chicken", in reference to the reaction of a chicken when its neck is wrung

Public Enemy once said: "it takes a nation of millions to hold us back"...Actually all it takes is the Chokehold. it is the invisible fist of the law.

after the civil rights movement of the 60s, the national capitalist economy still required black bodies to exploit. The Chokehold evolved as a "colorblind" method of keeping blacks down, and then blaming them for their own degradation.

the Chokehold doesnt stem from hate of blacks. its anti-blackness is instrumental rather than emotional

the Chokehold is how the police get away with shooting unarmed black people. cops are rarely prosecuted because they are literally just doing their jobs

lets keep it real. cops, politicians, and ordinary whites all see blacks as a threat. the Chokehold is the legal and social response.

the chokehold impacts everything from the neighborhood you choose to live in to who you marry to where you look where you get on an elevator. "i like hoodies but i dont wear one because i'm afraid of the police" - my black friend Bam told be. when the sight of a black man makes you walk quicker or check to see if your car door is locked, you are enforcing the chokehold.

"As a black woman, i've been one of the perpetrators of the chokehold. as a prosecutor, i sent a lot of black men to prison. i defended cops who had racially profiled. i regret this. i can't turn back time, but i can expose a morally corrupt system...i was on the frontlines in abusing the Chokehold. now i want to be on the frontlines in helping to crush it" - Paula Butler

"I am a black man who is afraid of some other black men. and then i get mad when people act afraid of me...i have been disgusted and angry with some of my brothers. i read about black-on-black murderes in LA and Chicago. i listen to hip-hop music that celebrates thug life. as a kid i got bullied by other black males...sometimes i think if brothers would just do right, we wouldn't have to worry about police being afraid of us. i wonder if we brought the chokehold on ourselves" - Larry Elder

maybe some folks are just ordinary people who are sometimes afraid of black men. they're not racists, they just need to know the facts, my friends

the Chokehold is perfectly legal. like all law, it promotes the interests of the rich and powerful. the criminalizing of blackness also brings psychic rewards. American criminal justice enhances the property value of whiteness.

oh the places black men dont go because of the chokehold. it frees up space for coffeehouses and beer gardens

it is also a stimulus plan for whites, who dont have to compete for jobs with all the black men who are locked up...or you know, DEAD!

libs slam whites for voting Trump, and claim that those votes are
not in their best interest. but low income white folks have better sense than pundits. a vote for a conservative is an investment in the property value of one's whiteness.
White perps are treated no differently than blacks, look up the stats. More whites are killed in police custody than blacks for the same percentage of crime.....so stuff a sock in that clueless piehole.
i ask my fellow white brothers and sisters to imagine how they would feel if police and judges treated them the way blacks are treated
They are treated the same way. The difference is, deaths of whites at the hands of police rarely receive the kind of major media attention that black deaths receive. For example, we're all familiar with George Floyd's name, but do you know who Tony Timpa is? He was a white teenager who died with his hands cuffed behind his back and feet zip-tied while police knelt on him for nearly 14 minutes, all captured by police body cameras. The medical examiner ruled the death a homicide. However, the case never went to trial. It was dismissed. Not a single officer was convicted. In fact, four of the officers remain on active duty with the Dallas Police Department, and the fifth retired at age 50.
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i ask my fellow white brothers and sisters to imagine how they would feel if police and judges treated them the way blacks are treated

LA police chief Daryl Gates once said that there is something about the anatomy of blacks that makes them susceptible to serious injury from choke holds, because their arteries do not open as fast as arteries do on normal people

an LAPD officer described the reaction of a person being choked to "doing the chicken", in reference to the reaction of a chicken when its neck is wrung

Public Enemy once said: "it takes a nation of millions to hold us back"...Actually all it takes is the Chokehold. it is the invisible fist of the law.

after the civil rights movement of the 60s, the national capitalist economy still required black bodies to exploit. The Chokehold evolved as a "colorblind" method of keeping blacks down, and then blaming them for their own degradation.

the Chokehold doesnt stem from hate of blacks. its anti-blackness is instrumental rather than emotional

the Chokehold is how the police get away with shooting unarmed black people. cops are rarely prosecuted because they are literally just doing their jobs

lets keep it real. cops, politicians, and ordinary whites all see blacks as a threat. the Chokehold is the legal and social response.

the chokehold impacts everything from the neighborhood you choose to live in to who you marry to where you look where you get on an elevator. "i like hoodies but i dont wear one because i'm afraid of the police" - my black friend Bam told be. when the sight of a black man makes you walk quicker or check to see if your car door is locked, you are enforcing the chokehold.

"As a black woman, i've been one of the perpetrators of the chokehold. as a prosecutor, i sent a lot of black men to prison. i defended cops who had racially profiled. i regret this. i can't turn back time, but i can expose a morally corrupt system...i was on the frontlines in abusing the Chokehold. now i want to be on the frontlines in helping to crush it" - Paula Butler

"I am a black man who is afraid of some other black men. and then i get mad when people act afraid of me...i have been disgusted and angry with some of my brothers. i read about black-on-black murderes in LA and Chicago. i listen to hip-hop music that celebrates thug life. as a kid i got bullied by other black males...sometimes i think if brothers would just do right, we wouldn't have to worry about police being afraid of us. i wonder if we brought the chokehold on ourselves" - Larry Elder

maybe some folks are just ordinary people who are sometimes afraid of black men. they're not racists, they just need to know the facts, my friends

the Chokehold is perfectly legal. like all law, it promotes the interests of the rich and powerful. the criminalizing of blackness also brings psychic rewards. American criminal justice enhances the property value of whiteness.

oh the places black men dont go because of the chokehold. it frees up space for coffeehouses and beer gardens

it is also a stimulus plan for whites, who dont have to compete for jobs with all the black men who are locked up...or you know, DEAD!

libs slam whites for voting Trump, and claim that those votes are
not in their best interest. but low income white folks have better sense than pundits. a vote for a conservative is an investment in the property value of one's whiteness.
...blacks commit crime at much higher rates--especially VIOLENT crime...they graduate less ...stupid and committing crime is why they have problems with the police
..I've got a thread on it--the problem isn't the police-it's the blacks--the stats/etc prove it
i ask my fellow white brothers and sisters to imagine how they would feel if police and judges treated them the way blacks are treated

LA police chief Daryl Gates once said that there is something about the anatomy of blacks that makes them susceptible to serious injury from choke holds, because their arteries do not open as fast as arteries do on normal people

an LAPD officer described the reaction of a person being choked to "doing the chicken", in reference to the reaction of a chicken when its neck is wrung

Public Enemy once said: "it takes a nation of millions to hold us back"...Actually all it takes is the Chokehold. it is the invisible fist of the law.

after the civil rights movement of the 60s, the national capitalist economy still required black bodies to exploit. The Chokehold evolved as a "colorblind" method of keeping blacks down, and then blaming them for their own degradation.

the Chokehold doesnt stem from hate of blacks. its anti-blackness is instrumental rather than emotional

the Chokehold is how the police get away with shooting unarmed black people. cops are rarely prosecuted because they are literally just doing their jobs

lets keep it real. cops, politicians, and ordinary whites all see blacks as a threat. the Chokehold is the legal and social response.

the chokehold impacts everything from the neighborhood you choose to live in to who you marry to where you look where you get on an elevator. "i like hoodies but i dont wear one because i'm afraid of the police" - my black friend Bam told be. when the sight of a black man makes you walk quicker or check to see if your car door is locked, you are enforcing the chokehold.

"As a black woman, i've been one of the perpetrators of the chokehold. as a prosecutor, i sent a lot of black men to prison. i defended cops who had racially profiled. i regret this. i can't turn back time, but i can expose a morally corrupt system...i was on the frontlines in abusing the Chokehold. now i want to be on the frontlines in helping to crush it" - Paula Butler

"I am a black man who is afraid of some other black men. and then i get mad when people act afraid of me...i have been disgusted and angry with some of my brothers. i read about black-on-black murderes in LA and Chicago. i listen to hip-hop music that celebrates thug life. as a kid i got bullied by other black males...sometimes i think if brothers would just do right, we wouldn't have to worry about police being afraid of us. i wonder if we brought the chokehold on ourselves" - Larry Elder

maybe some folks are just ordinary people who are sometimes afraid of black men. they're not racists, they just need to know the facts, my friends

the Chokehold is perfectly legal. like all law, it promotes the interests of the rich and powerful. the criminalizing of blackness also brings psychic rewards. American criminal justice enhances the property value of whiteness.

oh the places black men dont go because of the chokehold. it frees up space for coffeehouses and beer gardens

it is also a stimulus plan for whites, who dont have to compete for jobs with all the black men who are locked up...or you know, DEAD!

libs slam whites for voting Trump, and claim that those votes are
not in their best interest. but low income white folks have better sense than pundits. a vote for a conservative is an investment in the property value of one's whiteness.
..that's a very idiotic, immature/etc statement.......a white lady got shot by a cop for doing ------------NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!
..a white lady holding a baby got shot by a cop for doing -------------NOTHING
..I--I MYSELF got pulled over by the cops for doing -NOTHING
--your OP is very idiotic
--blacks ARE a threat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! commit crime at high rates and graduate at low rates...they HONOR criminals!!!!
i ask my fellow white brothers and sisters to imagine how they would feel if police and judges treated them the way blacks are treated

LA police chief Daryl Gates once said that there is something about the anatomy of blacks that makes them susceptible to serious injury from choke holds, because their arteries do not open as fast as arteries do on normal people

an LAPD officer described the reaction of a person being choked to "doing the chicken", in reference to the reaction of a chicken when its neck is wrung

Public Enemy once said: "it takes a nation of millions to hold us back"...Actually all it takes is the Chokehold. it is the invisible fist of the law.

after the civil rights movement of the 60s, the national capitalist economy still required black bodies to exploit. The Chokehold evolved as a "colorblind" method of keeping blacks down, and then blaming them for their own degradation.

the Chokehold doesnt stem from hate of blacks. its anti-blackness is instrumental rather than emotional

the Chokehold is how the police get away with shooting unarmed black people. cops are rarely prosecuted because they are literally just doing their jobs

lets keep it real. cops, politicians, and ordinary whites all see blacks as a threat. the Chokehold is the legal and social response.

the chokehold impacts everything from the neighborhood you choose to live in to who you marry to where you look where you get on an elevator. "i like hoodies but i dont wear one because i'm afraid of the police" - my black friend Bam told be. when the sight of a black man makes you walk quicker or check to see if your car door is locked, you are enforcing the chokehold.

"As a black woman, i've been one of the perpetrators of the chokehold. as a prosecutor, i sent a lot of black men to prison. i defended cops who had racially profiled. i regret this. i can't turn back time, but i can expose a morally corrupt system...i was on the frontlines in abusing the Chokehold. now i want to be on the frontlines in helping to crush it" - Paula Butler

"I am a black man who is afraid of some other black men. and then i get mad when people act afraid of me...i have been disgusted and angry with some of my brothers. i read about black-on-black murderes in LA and Chicago. i listen to hip-hop music that celebrates thug life. as a kid i got bullied by other black males...sometimes i think if brothers would just do right, we wouldn't have to worry about police being afraid of us. i wonder if we brought the chokehold on ourselves" - Larry Elder

maybe some folks are just ordinary people who are sometimes afraid of black men. they're not racists, they just need to know the facts, my friends

the Chokehold is perfectly legal. like all law, it promotes the interests of the rich and powerful. the criminalizing of blackness also brings psychic rewards. American criminal justice enhances the property value of whiteness.

oh the places black men dont go because of the chokehold. it frees up space for coffeehouses and beer gardens

it is also a stimulus plan for whites, who dont have to compete for jobs with all the black men who are locked up...or you know, DEAD!

libs slam whites for voting Trump, and claim that those votes are
not in their best interest. but low income white folks have better sense than pundits. a vote for a conservative is an investment in the property value of one's whiteness.
i ask my fellow white brothers and sisters to imagine how they would feel if police and judges treated them the way blacks are treated

LA police chief Daryl Gates once said that there is something about the anatomy of blacks that makes them susceptible to serious injury from choke holds, because their arteries do not open as fast as arteries do on normal people

an LAPD officer described the reaction of a person being choked to "doing the chicken", in reference to the reaction of a chicken when its neck is wrung

Public Enemy once said: "it takes a nation of millions to hold us back"...Actually all it takes is the Chokehold. it is the invisible fist of the law.

after the civil rights movement of the 60s, the national capitalist economy still required black bodies to exploit. The Chokehold evolved as a "colorblind" method of keeping blacks down, and then blaming them for their own degradation.

the Chokehold doesnt stem from hate of blacks. its anti-blackness is instrumental rather than emotional

the Chokehold is how the police get away with shooting unarmed black people. cops are rarely prosecuted because they are literally just doing their jobs

lets keep it real. cops, politicians, and ordinary whites all see blacks as a threat. the Chokehold is the legal and social response.

the chokehold impacts everything from the neighborhood you choose to live in to who you marry to where you look where you get on an elevator. "i like hoodies but i dont wear one because i'm afraid of the police" - my black friend Bam told be. when the sight of a black man makes you walk quicker or check to see if your car door is locked, you are enforcing the chokehold.

"As a black woman, i've been one of the perpetrators of the chokehold. as a prosecutor, i sent a lot of black men to prison. i defended cops who had racially profiled. i regret this. i can't turn back time, but i can expose a morally corrupt system...i was on the frontlines in abusing the Chokehold. now i want to be on the frontlines in helping to crush it" - Paula Butler

"I am a black man who is afraid of some other black men. and then i get mad when people act afraid of me...i have been disgusted and angry with some of my brothers. i read about black-on-black murderes in LA and Chicago. i listen to hip-hop music that celebrates thug life. as a kid i got bullied by other black males...sometimes i think if brothers would just do right, we wouldn't have to worry about police being afraid of us. i wonder if we brought the chokehold on ourselves" - Larry Elder

maybe some folks are just ordinary people who are sometimes afraid of black men. they're not racists, they just need to know the facts, my friends

the Chokehold is perfectly legal. like all law, it promotes the interests of the rich and powerful. the criminalizing of blackness also brings psychic rewards. American criminal justice enhances the property value of whiteness.

oh the places black men dont go because of the chokehold. it frees up space for coffeehouses and beer gardens

it is also a stimulus plan for whites, who dont have to compete for jobs with all the black men who are locked up...or you know, DEAD!

libs slam whites for voting Trump, and claim that those votes are
not in their best interest. but low income white folks have better sense than pundits. a vote for a conservative is an investment in the property value of one's whiteness.
let me break it down for you my friends:

racism does not erupt from nothing, it is embedded in society. it's in the core of how the state is set up. it's not external. it's in the system

BROTHERS AND SISTERS: I personally used to have a feeling, a vague sense of security in the back of my mind, that if i returned home one day to find my belongings stolen, i could call the police and they would help me. but after Floyd's murder, i no longer trust the police to act fairly to all people.

folks think that if a racist killing has not occured, or the N word has not been used, then an action can't be racist. the problem runs deeper than that, my friends
..you need mental help ..blacks are more racist than whites

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