Would anyone go to see a female lead sci fi movie...if it wasn't supported by the words "Star Wars?"

Kill Bill, Aliens, Sarah Conor in Terminator, Lucy, Hunger Games, Residential Evil,

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All addressed earlier in the thread......

Sarah Connor .....not the lead....the Terminator was the lead....in the first movie.....she was a damsel in distress. Lucy ..... that was a bait and switch, they claimed it was an action movie when it was actually more a think piece on the human brain...the action was little and rare......and the fact that action Producer Luc Besson was behind it drove up the numbers more than Johansen being in it....

That's some funny shit right there... you're going so deep as to say that people went to see Lucy because of the action producer... the fucking action producer? You're a fucking loon.
Kill Bill, Aliens, Sarah Conor in Terminator, Lucy, Hunger Games, Residential Evil,

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All addressed earlier in the thread......

Sarah Connor .....not the lead....the Terminator was the lead....in the first movie.....she was a damsel in distress. Lucy ..... that was a bait and switch, they claimed it was an action movie when it was actually more a think piece on the human brain...the action was little and rare......and the fact that action Producer Luc Besson was behind it drove up the numbers more than Johansen being in it....

That's some funny shit right there... you're going so deep as to say that people went to see Lucy because of the action producer... the fucking action producer? You're a fucking loon.

And guys went to see John Woo films because he directed them........you really need to think more deeply about these topics....

Luc Besson did the 5th Element....it starred...Bruce Willis......and Mila Javovich was also in it......
The truth is.....boys and men go to see action movies, women do not.......that is the general rule. As such they like to see men in the lead......and unless you have a successful video game lead in to a movie like Tomb Raider, if you have a female lead, the movie will not do as well...

The question is...with the new P.C. nature of Star Wars....would any of these sci fi movies have done well if they didn't have Star Wars in the title? Would these movies draw audience if they were originals, and had female leads to headline the movie?

I think not.......

So.....lazy, P.C. hollywood has to pass off their P.C. agenda like hilary...on the Coat tails of others who are successful......

A recent case in point......Mila Kunis....Jupiter Ascending...true...it was just a bad movie.....but did the fact that she was the lead hurt the money it made....until of course the first showing killed it once everyone saw it was a horrible movie and tweeted and facebooked it to death?
Jennifer Lawrence has been in a few non-Star Wars money-makers. So has Sigourney Weaver.
Vampires vs. Werewolves.....

You are so full of excuses...just admit you are wrong and move on.

Nope...not wrong......female stars are paid less, their movies earn less.....and the only reason they will be successful in the Star Wars movies as the leads....is because they are Star Wars movies....

How much have the Underworld movies made? How much has Angelina Jolie made? How much has the chick from Resident Evil made? Now remember she was also in the The Fifth Element.

Again...Underworld was a movie about Vampires and Werewolves fighting a war......immediate guy attraction factor.....the female lead did not generate the viewership.....Angelina Jolie.....starred in Tomb Raider...a video game movie, which I already pointed out was one of the only ways to get guys to see female leads....Resident Evil...another video game movie....

Do you guys think, or do you just react emotionally if your P.C. world view is challenged by truth, facts and reality....?

Angelina Jolie was also in Salt and Wanted.

QUIT MAKING EXCUSES... you said Sci-Fi and Action. Now when I say Underworld... you say it is because of the Vampires and Werewolves... you are full of shit. :)

He shot his mouth off and now that he's being proven wrong, he keeps moving the bar and quibbling.
Kill Bill, Aliens, Sarah Conor in Terminator, Lucy, Hunger Games, Residential Evil,

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All addressed earlier in the thread......

Sarah Connor .....not the lead....the Terminator was the lead....in the first movie.....she was a damsel in distress. Lucy ..... that was a bait and switch, they claimed it was an action movie when it was actually more a think piece on the human brain...the action was little and rare......and the fact that action Producer Luc Besson was behind it drove up the numbers more than Johansen being in it....

That's some funny shit right there... you're going so deep as to say that people went to see Lucy because of the action producer... the fucking action producer? You're a fucking loon.

And guys went to see John Woo films because he directed them........you really need to think more deeply about these topics....

Luc Besson did the 5th Element....it starred...Bruce Willis......and Mila Javovich was also in it......

It's real funny you are trying to come off as some conservative, because I'm a lot more conservative than you and YOu are arguing like a liberal.

Moving the bar when the facts disagree with you and equivocating.
The truth is.....boys and men go to see action movies, women do not.......that is the general rule. As such they like to see men in the lead......and unless you have a successful video game lead in to a movie like Tomb Raider, if you have a female lead, the movie will not do as well...

The question is...with the new P.C. nature of Star Wars....would any of these sci fi movies have done well if they didn't have Star Wars in the title? Would these movies draw audience if they were originals, and had female leads to headline the movie?

I think not.......

So.....lazy, P.C. hollywood has to pass off their P.C. agenda like hilary...on the Coat tails of others who are successful......

A recent case in point......Mila Kunis....Jupiter Ascending...true...it was just a bad movie.....but did the fact that she was the lead hurt the money it made....until of course the first showing killed it once everyone saw it was a horrible movie and tweeted and facebooked it to death?
Jennifer Lawrence has been in a few non-Star Wars money-makers. So has Sigourney Weaver.

Jennifer Lawerence has been in movies based on books and comic books.....and made the real name for herself in actual dramatic movies......

Sigourney Weaver.......was one of the cast in Alien, and then resumed her horror film role in Aliens after the marines were killed....
Kill Bill, Aliens, Sarah Conor in Terminator, Lucy, Hunger Games, Residential Evil,

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All addressed earlier in the thread......

Sarah Connor .....not the lead....the Terminator was the lead....in the first movie.....she was a damsel in distress. Lucy ..... that was a bait and switch, they claimed it was an action movie when it was actually more a think piece on the human brain...the action was little and rare......and the fact that action Producer Luc Besson was behind it drove up the numbers more than Johansen being in it....

That's some funny shit right there... you're going so deep as to say that people went to see Lucy because of the action producer... the fucking action producer? You're a fucking loon.

And guys went to see John Woo films because he directed them........you really need to think more deeply about these topics....

Luc Besson did the 5th Element....it starred...Bruce Willis......and Mila Javovich was also in it......

It's real funny you are trying to come off as some conservative, because I'm a lot more conservative than you and YOu are arguing like a liberal.

Moving the bar when the facts disagree with you and equivocating.

I haven' moved anything...re read my first post.....

Thanks for bringing that up...did you see the honest Trailers from Youtube.......there was also a review that pointed out that that movie was a bait and switch...they promised Mad Max...and gave us Charlize Theron.......had it been a Charlize Theron movie........half as successful....if successful at all.....

That's sheer and utter bullshit. I am a Mad Max fan from the very first film (which I saw in the theatre in Melbourne!) and WE all love the new flick. In fact I think Hardy is the weakest link in the movie.

This Honest Trailer encapsulates Mad Max: Fury Road....

That was pretty funny. And they even say that Charlize was the LEAD. Hardy was just along for the ride! It was nice having the Toecutter back as the bad guy too.

Thanks for bringing that up...did you see the honest Trailers from Youtube.......there was also a review that pointed out that that movie was a bait and switch...they promised Mad Max...and gave us Charlize Theron.......had it been a Charlize Theron movie........half as successful....if successful at all.....

That's sheer and utter bullshit. I am a Mad Max fan from the very first film (which I saw in the theatre in Melbourne!) and WE all love the new flick. In fact I think Hardy is the weakest link in the movie.

And Andrew Klavan reviews the movie accurately as well....

'Mad Max' -- The Critics Are Lying for Political Reasons

What Fury Road does have is a female warrior (played by the always-watchable Charlize Theron) who does the work that any good story would have reserved for its central character. She has a back story that matters. She performs the major action tasks. She travels over a personal arc within the plot. Some in Hollywood fear that female action leads bomb. So Fury Road sneaks the female lead in by giving the female sidekick all the good stuff to do. As a result, however, the center of the movie is empty and the story collapses into it.

As readers of this blog know, I hate giving bad reviews. Writing good books and making good movies are very hard things to accomplish and I'd much rather praise the best and let the worst pass by in silence. My point is not to pick on the film, but simply to make myself blue in the face reminding conservatives who complain about the leftist monopoly on the arts that it didn't happen by accident and it won't go away by itself. It is kept in place by gray-lists and lies and it needs to be overturned by talented artistic effort, fresh and honest critical voices, smart capitalist investment, grants and awards.


But of course, reality does have its revenge from time to time. For all the critics' furious attempts to make Fury Road a smash, it was trumped at the box office by — wait for it — Pitch Perfect 2, the sequel to a cute little musical about a college girls a cappella singing group. Women showed up in droves for the picture because they preferred a song-fest to slam-bang action.

The ENTIRE premise of Fury Road is laughable. What we love is the action, the vehicles and the cinematography which was awesome. The story was a joke, as most of them were. The first one was great. The second one was the best, and Thunderdome was retarded but fun to watch and Tina Turner was a hoot.

Thanks for bringing that up...did you see the honest Trailers from Youtube.......there was also a review that pointed out that that movie was a bait and switch...they promised Mad Max...and gave us Charlize Theron.......had it been a Charlize Theron movie........half as successful....if successful at all.....

That's sheer and utter bullshit. I am a Mad Max fan from the very first film (which I saw in the theatre in Melbourne!) and WE all love the new flick. In fact I think Hardy is the weakest link in the movie.

This Honest Trailer encapsulates Mad Max: Fury Road....

That was pretty funny. And they even say that Charlize was the LEAD. Hardy was just along for the ride! It was nice having the Toecutter back as the bad guy too.

You didn't like Hardy's role my son didn't like it either. But I thought he did very well and fit in the character or casting.

On the side. Latest bad casting I saw was new Benhur movie.

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