Would Any Moderates like to Discuss How the Democrats Can Return to Being a National Party Again?

The Democrats did make a mistake with big money. They also need to embrace many of the positions Bernie Sanders brought to the table. Other than that, they did win the popular vote -- by more than 2.7 million -- so they still did a pretty good job despite interference from Comey, Russia, and voter suppression in several GOP controlled swing states.
It is not necessary for the Democratic Party to survive or exist, nor the Republican, either. Both have betrayed the real interests and spirit if America, or at least the country of respect, honor and human ideals so many of us believed in very young.
America does need re-invigorated spirit. It needs realistic intellectualism as much as it needs simple, determined hard work. It does not need a power élite of any party or part.
They've now won more votes than the gop in six of the last seven national elections, and trump won promising not to cut medicare and soc sec, which he is going to cut.


OMG, another leftist dufus who thinks they run for the popular vote. Damn you people are dumb. A good game of fetch is more your speed
Actually I'm a republican. But the gop is declining as a natl party.


You're a Republican? Of course you are! Well, you are a hoot.

Let me guess, you were in the military and you own guns too, right? Democrats always say that
Had Bernie ran against Trump, I do believe the outcome would have been different, yet the DNC succumbed to Hillary and her underhanded ways of trying to tilt the system her way, which bastardized the process..

Succumbed? It was a joint exercise. And if you think Bernie was going to win, I have this bridge I own that connects Manhattan to Brooklyn that you might be interested in ...
They've now won more votes than the gop in six of the last seven national elections, and trump won promising not to cut medicare and soc sec, which he is going to cut.


OMG, another leftist dufus who thinks they run for the popular vote. Damn you people are dumb. A good game of fetch is more your speed
Actually I'm a republican. But the gop is declining as a natl party.


You're a Republican? Of course you are! Well, you are a hoot.

Let me guess, you were in the military and you own guns too, right? Democrats always say that
And you're a loon.

Trump got fewer votes than McCain or Mitt. Nothing's changed. People in rural states are electing gopers at the state level. Than keeps the gop in the ball game in congress.
Had Bernie ran against Trump, I do believe the outcome would have been different, yet the DNC succumbed to Hillary and her underhanded ways of trying to tilt the system her way, which bastardized the process..

Succumbed? It was a joint exercise. And if you think Bernie was going to win, I have this bridge I own that connects Manhattan to Brooklyn that you might be interested in ...
Frankly I couldn't care what you have, since this discussion is for moderates...
Had Bernie ran against Trump, I do believe the outcome would have been different, yet the DNC succumbed to Hillary and her underhanded ways of trying to tilt the system her way, which bastardized the process..

Succumbed? It was a joint exercise. And if you think Bernie was going to win, I have this bridge I own that connects Manhattan to Brooklyn that you might be interested in ...
Frankly I couldn't care what you have, since this discussion is for moderates...

Yes, you're a moderate!

Had Bernie ran against Trump, I do believe the outcome would have been different, yet the DNC succumbed to Hillary and her underhanded ways of trying to tilt the system her way, which bastardized the process..

Succumbed? It was a joint exercise. And if you think Bernie was going to win, I have this bridge I own that connects Manhattan to Brooklyn that you might be interested in ...
Frankly I couldn't care what you have, since this discussion is for moderates...

Yes, you're a moderate!

They've now won more votes than the gop in six of the last seven national elections, and trump won promising not to cut medicare and soc sec, which he is going to cut.


OMG, another leftist dufus who thinks they run for the popular vote. Damn you people are dumb. A good game of fetch is more your speed
Actually I'm a republican. But the gop is declining as a natl party.


You're a Republican? Of course you are! Well, you are a hoot.

Let me guess, you were in the military and you own guns too, right? Democrats always say that
And you're a loon.

Trump got fewer votes than McCain or Mitt. Nothing's changed. People in rural states are electing gopers at the state level. Than keeps the gop in the ball game in congress.

That isn't what I addressed. Popular vote is irrelevant since no one runs for that. Also, guess what, the voters know it too. Like the tens of millions of Republicans in blue States who know they have no chance in the election.

And seriously, when do you ever depart from Democrats?
Had Bernie ran against Trump, I do believe the outcome would have been different, yet the DNC succumbed to Hillary and her underhanded ways of trying to tilt the system her way, which bastardized the process..

Succumbed? It was a joint exercise. And if you think Bernie was going to win, I have this bridge I own that connects Manhattan to Brooklyn that you might be interested in ...
Frankly I couldn't care what you have, since this discussion is for moderates...
The dems did make a mistake in thinking Trump's immigration "policy" was an end all to end alls. Trump did use racist speech, but legal Hispanic immigrants tend to do much of the low wage work. So, despite the dems winning with them by something like 70%, they are open to a populist economic argument, so I agree with you there.

And populism is not necessarily about min wage and gvot handouts. It's about your kids doing better than you. Mitt got that right. He just didn't know how to say it .... after being so rich for those years.
I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

They run a better candidate than Hillary and they will easily win in 2020.
Before they even think of that, a rational party (I know, I know) would have to clean up the image of the perennial crybaby sore loser, and since they haven't managed to get a handle on that, I wouldn't put much faith in a comeback anytime soon. My serious opinion.

The Right has been crying for 8 years over Obama's 2 wins.
I think it's more like screaming. LOL

They elected a Birther and now turn around and call the Democrats the crybabies.
They's a whole lotta dims crying, you is one of dem.
I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

They run a better candidate than Hillary and they will easily win in 2020.
Before they even think of that, a rational party (I know, I know) would have to clean up the image of the perennial crybaby sore loser, and since they haven't managed to get a handle on that, I wouldn't put much faith in a comeback anytime soon. My serious opinion.

Your little opinion has been noted.
Read it and weep. You guys will never hold any high office until you get that through your heads, and it don't look like you have the ability. People are dropping the democrat party like a bad disease. Hillarys donors are starting to ask serious questions and they aren't getting no answers.
I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.

They run a better candidate than Hillary and they will easily win in 2020.
Before they even think of that, a rational party (I know, I know) would have to clean up the image of the perennial crybaby sore loser, and since they haven't managed to get a handle on that, I wouldn't put much faith in a comeback anytime soon. My serious opinion.

Your little opinion has been noted.
Read it and weep. You guys will never hold any high office until you get that through your heads, and it don't look like you have the ability. People are dropping the democrat party like a bad disease. Hillarys donors are starting to ask serious questions and they aren't getting no answers.

The Democrats won the popular vote and gained seats in the House and Senate. Save your Chicken Little dramatics.
They run a better candidate than Hillary and they will easily win in 2020.
Before they even think of that, a rational party (I know, I know) would have to clean up the image of the perennial crybaby sore loser, and since they haven't managed to get a handle on that, I wouldn't put much faith in a comeback anytime soon. My serious opinion.

The Right has been crying for 8 years over Obama's 2 wins.
I think it's more like screaming. LOL

They elected a Birther and now turn around and call the Democrats the crybabies.
They's a whole lotta dims crying, you is one of dem.

You elected a Birther AND you've been crying about Obama for 8 years.
I think it can be done, but I would like to find a group of rational moderates to engage in said discussion, absent the usual trolls and bomb throwers.

Anyone interested? (conservatives as well)

I'll check back in a couple of hours to see if there are any takers.
Not a moderate but I'll give it a shot trying my very best not to troll or throw explosives.

Get rid of your leadership, they have failed you they certainly don't care about your opinion nowhere is that more apparent than in the emails that were released. Separate the Clintons from your party they are politically toxic. Don't trumpet the Obama legacy. under his administration you went from a Majority to the Minority in 2 years this should also be the reason you get rid of Pelosi. Get back to believing the Constitution is the law of the land and dump the SJW mentality. Last but not least stop the the Trump drama move forward and consider other ways of winning back the country.

Being a Conservative I'm not particularly worried about them using any of this advice to improve their lot. All indications are they are going to stubbornly plow forward doing all the same things that brought their party to such a low point.
Carter more charismatic than Ford, Reagan more charismatic than Carter and Mondale, Bush more charismatic than Dukakis, Clinton more charismatic than Bush and Dole, GW Bush more charismatic than Gore and Kerry,
Obama far more charismatic than McCain and Romney,

and Trump more charismatic than Hillary Clinton.

A 100% indicator for forty years.
No, that is a tautology with you defining who is "more charismatic" by who wins the election, roflmao.
Had Bernie ran against Trump, I do believe the outcome would have been different, yet the DNC succumbed to Hillary and her underhanded ways of trying to tilt the system her way, which bastardized the process..
I agree, though Bernie needs to revise his Identity Politics mantra.

But over all it doesnt look like too many people are interested in such a reasonable thread, so maybe I will just do PMs.
Carter more charismatic than Ford, Reagan more charismatic than Carter and Mondale, Bush more charismatic than Dukakis, Clinton more charismatic than Bush and Dole, GW Bush more charismatic than Gore and Kerry,
Obama far more charismatic than McCain and Romney,

and Trump more charismatic than Hillary Clinton.

A 100% indicator for forty years.
No, that is a tautology with you defining who is "more charismatic" by who wins the election, roflmao.

Which ones do you disagree with?

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