Woud you impoverish your family to give grandpa another five years of life?

Is it worth it?

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Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2016
Your 80-year-old grandfather, in good health for his age, develops a melanoma that has metastasized. A treatment is available that will extend his life another five years, but that treatment will cost the family everything they have. They will have to sell the house, forget about the kids college tuition and put on hold any family vacations for many years to come.
What price life? I can make more money--I cannot make more time with those I love. But i guess how important you view the lives of those you love..when balanced against monetary interest--differs from person to person.

I suspect you are leading into the larger question...how much treasure should we spend...to possibly save our older generation..in these pandemic times?
My Father passed years ago...and yeah....I'd give up a pretty penny to have one more conversation with him...now that I'm older than he was..when he died. Hell, just a hug would nice. But I get it..not all families are close...and the seniors are seen as disposable...to some.
Yes. :)

Of course!

It would have been 10 to 20 more years of grandpa's life in my family.... he died in his 90's and it was due to medical malpractice, he had another 10 years in him!

Money isn't everything! But the love of money is the root of evil! People first, then things....

Trust and have faith in God, that he will provide..... He clothes and feeds all animals on Earth, and we are made in His image, do you think He would not do the same for us....? Is what the bible teaches....

Do good, in all that you do.

And yes, those seem like crazy words.....

But now that I've lived through several decades of life, and have gone through different periods of life's hardships and what I have thought were circumstances of being impoverished and unsurvivable.... feast or famine times... but the famine part..... and survived them.... and learned from them, especially how to pick oneself up by the boot straps and just keep plowing forward....

it all works out.... and as the saying goes, for a reason....

again, do good in all that you do and God will provide!

Hey!!! It's Sunday! Everybody preaches on Sunday! :D
one grandfather and both grandmothers....and my father.....my mother just passed and the last ten years were hell...and i gladly admit i was glad she passed before this mess started...i would give anything to sit on the porch with big bear one last time..watch him smoke unfiltered pall malls and drink whiskey

guess it all depends on the person who has passed....my mothers father..not a damn dime for a damn minute...he can rot in hell now and forever...so that is a no on that one
Hopefully none of you reading this will be in such a position

And gawd help you are, because i know how the insurance cabal would vote

Your 80-year-old grandfather, in good health for his age, develops a melanoma that has metastasized. A treatment is available that will extend his life another five years, but that treatment will cost the family everything they have. They will have to sell the house, forget about the kids college tuition and put on hold any family vacations for many years to come.
..I think that is kind of unrealistic ...maybe realistic for very few.....but there are programs that help people without insurance .....and payment plans
vacation--my family and I haven't even been on a vacation--that's no big deal at all .....there are many, many college plans--ever hear of FAFSA? etc
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My duty is to prepare and provide for my offspring and set them up for success.
My grandfather would not have allowed me to do such a thing, even if I was inclined to. He would have considered it a dishonor to all his efforts, and I agree, it would be.
Your 80-year-old grandfather, in good health for his age, develops a melanoma that has metastasized. A treatment is available that will extend his life another five years, but that treatment will cost the family everything they have. They will have to sell the house, forget about the kids college tuition and put on hold any family vacations for many years to come.
can't they also refinance the house? ..there are many options
Granpa should man the F up...get right with Jesus...ask for the big kitchen knife, and seppuku himself in the back yard, Bushido style.
one grandfather and both grandmothers....and my father.....my mother just passed and the last ten years were hell...and i gladly admit i was glad she passed before this mess started...i would give anything to sit on the porch with big bear one last time..watch him smoke unfiltered pall malls and drink whiskey

guess it all depends on the person who has passed....my mothers father..not a damn dime for a damn minute...he can rot in hell now and forever...so that is a no on that one
I went though the same thing, practically everyone that knew me as a child is dead now and I am only in my mid-fifties. All my grandparents, both parents, brother, sister, most of my aunts and uncles, gone. I would give a ridiculous amount just to speak to my mother again. The holes these people leave in your life can never be filled by any material thing.
Anthropologists mark the beginning of human self-awareness when they begin finding fossils of the elderly and those who survived serious injury. Even hunter-gatherers saw some practicality to using scant resources to keep these "unproductive" individuals alive. Now here we are with a bunch of tiny frontal lobe minds wondering why we don't just leave the sick and elderly behind on the trail without a second thought.
What price life? I can make more money--I cannot make more time with those I love. But i guess how important you view the lives of those you love..when balanced against monetary interest--differs from person to person.

I suspect you are leading into the larger question...how much treasure should we spend...to possibly save our older generation..in these pandemic times?
My Father passed years ago...and yeah....I'd give up a pretty penny to have one more conversation with him...now that I'm older than he was..when he died. Hell, just a hug would nice. But I get it..not all families are close...and the seniors are seen as disposable...to some.
I'm surprised at how many are willing to let go of older relatives for money and economy.

My family is close. I would not be willing to let any of them go for the sake of money. Old or young. I want them all more than I want money.

I would give up everything to save any one of them.
Very tough question! I can see people answering on either side of this one.

For me...I have no kids & all my grandfolks were dead by the time I was 11 or 12...so Yup...I'll trade my wealth for another 5 years with gramps!

If I had kids & any had dreams that would require college...I might have to say no.

Also...what if the following year your youngest child now came down with melanoma that has metastasized?

You would have (unknowingly) traded your childs life for gramps'.
This question is about prioritizing resource allocation, and those questions are best resolved without much emotion.

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