Worst Canadian Prime Minister in History

Who is the Worst Prime Minister Canada Has Ever Had?

  • Justin Trudeau

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • His father. Just kidding. It's still Justin.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity

GDP per capita in Canada has fallen since Justin Trudeau was sworn in as Prime Minister in 2015. Canadians are poorer than they were a decade ago.

Immigration is out of control. It is absolutely insane to bring in 5% of the population into the country via immigration over two years when there is a housing shortage. Housing costs across the country are way higher than they were at the peak of the housing bubble here 15 years ago.

We were looking at a 1600 sq ft house in St John NB on the Bay of Fundy listed at $1.3 million similar to ones you'd see in the poorer parts of the small Saskatchewan city where I grew up. St John is a hardscrabble, gritty port city. That's nuts. We were looking at buying a retirement place in Canada. We are starting to rethink that.

But I'm reasonably well-off. For us, it's an inconvenience. Who this is really hurting are the poor. My brother is poor. He lived on the street when he was younger. He's handicapped and works sporadically. 18 months ago, he moved from Calgary to live with my mother because she has health issues. He was living in a lower middle class rental apartment in an OK part of the city. Since that time, the rent on that unit has risen from $1000 a month to $1400 because of the crush of demand. He wasn't making ends meet when he was there.

On top of that, the healthcare system is bursting at the seems. There've always been issues, but its getting severe now. Friends of ours in Calgary are worried about their GP who will retire in a few years. There's a waiting list to get a GP. It can take years to get one. They have a handicapped son, and they are worried about their care.

I am pro-immigrant. I am an immigrant. I have immigrants on my staff. But the government has to think about the people inside the country first, not the people outside the country.

The incompetence is staggering. I didn't think one individual could fuck up the entire country. I was wrong.
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I can see the mistake of people electing him once. Under the right circumstances, just about anybody can get elected once. Look at Trump, but they went ahead and reelected Trudeau, so now I have no sympathy for Canada.

GDP per capita in Canada has fallen since Justin Trudeau was sworn in as Prime Minister in 2015. Canadians are poorer than they were a decade ago.

Immigration is out of control. It is absolutely insane to bring in 5% of the population into the country via immigration over two years when there is a housing shortage. Housing costs across the country are way higher than they were at the peak of the housing bubble here 15 years ago.

We were looking at a 1600 sq ft house in St John NB on the Bay of Fundy listed at $1.3 million similar to ones you'd see in the poorer parts of the small Saskatchewan city where I grew up. St John is a hardscrabble, gritty port city. That's nuts. We were looking at buying a retirement place in Canada. We are starting to rethink that.

But I'm reasonably well-off. For us, it's an inconvenience. Who this is really hurting are the poor. My brother is poor. He lived on the street when he was younger. He's handicapped and works sporadically. 18 months ago, he moved from Calgary to live with my mother because she has health issues. He was living in a lower middle class rental apartment in an OK part of the city. Since that time, the rent on that unit has risen from $1000 a month to $1400 because of the crush of demand. He wasn't making ends meet when he was there.

On top of that, the healthcare system is bursting at the seems. There've always been issues, but its getting severe now. Friends of ours in Calgary are worried about their GP who will retire in a few years. There's a waiting list to get a GP. It can take years to get one. They have a handicapped son, and they are worried about their care.

I am pro-immigrant. I am an immigrant. I have immigrants on my staff. But the government has to think about the people inside the country first, not the people outside the country.

The incompetence is staggering. I didn't think one individual could fuck up the entire country. I was wrong.

trudeau is castro.jpg

Trudeau racist Castro Trudeau.jpg


trudeau disarm the canucks 229.jpg
How about this Pierre Poilievre guy? I like his style, but don't know enough about Canadian government to assess whether he actually has good ideas or is just bad-mouthing Trudeau.
Trudeau has done nearly everything his bosses at the WEF have requested and therefore remains a Deep State poster boy .

If Trump takes over the US for a term Justin might need to move sideways for a time ( UN ? ) before joining the really big boys when they have to make a final stand against a much wider and more powerful BRICS cabal .

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