World's coral reefs succumbing to global warming


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
For those who have been claiming there have been no untoward effects. Let's talk about what effects a large loss of the world's coral will have on marine life and those who depend on it for food and coastal shelter.

For those who have been claiming there have been no untoward effects. Let's talk about what effects a large loss of the world's coral will have on marine life and those who depend on it for food and coastal shelter.

Of course chemical pollution, micro plastics and humans handling the coral don't have anything to do with it. Let's just jump right to "gwobal warming" Climate changes--what we are seeing in climate is no different than climate swings that have been in our history forever. The sky is falling.
I’ve been an avid diver since the late 70s. Mostly in the Caribbean, Bahamas, and the Florida Keys. I’ve seen the decline in the reefs and the fish population firsthand in that short a period.
“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22 NOT going to destroy the earth. He might cause it harm but he's not going to end it.
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I’ve been an avid diver since the late 70s. Mostly in the Caribbean, Bahamas, and the Florida Keys. I’ve seen the decline in the reefs and the fish population firsthand in that short a period

It is cyclical. And i've no doubt that people meddling in and around those reefs have caused some problems.
I’ve been an avid diver since the late 70s. Mostly in the Caribbean, Bahamas, and the Florida Keys. I’ve seen the decline in the reefs and the fish population firsthand in that short a period.
That is correct. However, global warming/climate change is not the problem. You have also seen the price and availability of king crab change as well in the past 10 years the price of this one species has increased by 30% or more if you can find it. Same for halibut. Can you say "overfishing?" Can you say "increase in population?" World population has nearly doubled since 1975. That could have an effect on the world's ocean food resources, don't you agree?
For those who have been claiming there have been no untoward effects. Let's talk about what effects a large loss of the world's coral will have on marine life and those who depend on it for food and coastal shelter.

So an environmental group that survives off of donations and grants has done their own study about what is harming coral reefs?...even though coral reefs have been getting smaller since the 1950's....numerous climate hoaxes have been attributed to it like global cooling and acid rain....and now a less than 1.5 degree in higher global temperature is the cause??? yeah right.....
For those who have been claiming there have been no untoward effects. Let's talk about what effects a large loss of the world's coral will have on marine life and those who depend on it for food and coastal shelter.

Listen and learn.
For those who have been claiming there have been no untoward effects. Let's talk about what effects a large loss of the world's coral will have on marine life and those who depend on it for food and coastal shelter.

Oceans not warming.

Ocean "warming" hence not causing anything, including more canes...

Those who parrot should be ignored. Parrots are not people, they are "sub..."

See the source image

overpopulation! You know what we need...something that will decrease that popula.............hmmmm.
And that's why the left love it so. It means that all of us icky-poo conservative redneck bubba sinners will die painfully and leave them, who are the righteous social justice warriors and so much more deserving of all the goodies in life that somebody else paid for, in charge.

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