World Is more violent because of Biden’s ‘lack of Support for israel’


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Lack of support for Israel is one of the most glaring problems with the biden regime....still yet most U.S. Jews vote democratic though that is slowly changing...mainly amongst the younger Jewish Population

Lack of support for Israel is one of the most glaring problems with the biden regime....still yet most U.S. Jews vote democratic though that is slowly changing...mainly amongst the younger Jewish Population

What a lying POS, the Orange God impeach and voted out of office, X-president is. If he had supported Israel. He would have sold them the weapons they wanted, including air refuel capability, as they asked, so they could defend from all comers. Breitbart can keep MaraLardo in their thoughts to ease his pain,... and yours.
An aggressively violent, oppressive, openly racist apartheid regime, financed by US taxpayers is facing some pushback from the oppressed and it is the fault of the potus?
So, do you have anything beyond the hackneyed cliches Islamists created for useful idiots with very low IQs to repeat?

Let's see here -- Hamas promises to kill Jews "until they hide behind rocks and trees", yet you try to portray the targets of their desire for genocide as the evil ones. Arabs control VAST territories and have over 20 states, yet it is tiny Israel who is the oppressor.

Damn, but you stupid, uneducated fucks have led me to despise the democratic party to which I once belonged.
Western intervention has caused this 100-year problem and only Western non-intervention will fix it.

Stop protecting the Jews, but stop getting in their way. Let WAR actually be on the table in the region, without big brother to step in and save one or both of them, and this problem gets fixed VERY QUICKLY.
When somebody shows up to your home with a bulldozer, be comforted that you have a whole country to be relocated to.
You forgot to mention how your home just happens to be sitting on top of a supply tunnel you dug in order to smuggle guns to be used to kill those Jews you hate so much.

Why worry about important details when you are trying to fool people into supporting terrorism, eh?
Lack of support for Israel is one of the most glaring problems with the biden regime....still yet most U.S. Jews vote democratic though that is slowly changing...mainly amongst the younger Jewish Population

What a lying POS, the Orange God impeach and voted out of office, X-president is. If he had supported Israel. He would have sold them the weapons they wanted, including air refuel capability, as they asked, so they could defend from all comers. Breitbart can keep MaraLardo in their thoughts to ease his pain,... and yours.
Moving the Embassy isn't bout all the peace treaties with their claim Trump didn't support them is to lie
Lack of support for Israel is one of the most glaring problems with the biden regime....still yet most U.S. Jews vote democratic though that is slowly changing...mainly amongst the younger Jewish Population
Gee whiz. The Jews got their own guns, but the damn RINOs, JINOs, and the AIPAC lobby want us to "support Israel" but they refuse to allow non-Jews to possess or carry Firearms or other weapons in the U.S. except for "police and active duty military only." They treat us all as criminals and felons no matter what in a fucking red light district of universal circumcision in a court of law.
Lack of support for Israel is one of the most glaring problems with the biden regime....still yet most U.S. Jews vote democratic though that is slowly changing...mainly amongst the younger Jewish Population

What a lying POS, the Orange God impeach and voted out of office, X-president is. If he had supported Israel. He would have sold them the weapons they wanted, including air refuel capability, as they asked, so they could defend from all comers. Breitbart can keep MaraLardo in their thoughts to ease his pain,... and yours.
Moving the Embassy isn't bout all the peace treaties with their claim Trump didn't support them is to lie
He continued the policy of not selling the air tanker refueling capability, they requested for years. That is what I was referring to. It places Israel in the position of basically having to say mother may I, before setting up long range missions to hand threat against their county. I liked moving the embassy and thought Israel was in favor of the move also. Is that not the case? I support free hand autonomy for Israel. Treaties with neighbors are a good thing, though I am not a big fan of some of those neighbors, as I am not the trusting type. Don't think Israel is totally trusting either, but high time they got a closer relationship with some. I will say, Obama and Bush did neither, to their mutual discredit.
I haven't looked into the situation but off hand my view is that it never ends up good when we stick our nose into these foreign affairs.
No. It’s because of his support of Israel.
Israel love them or hate them, are our proxy war along with the Ukraine...if we allow either which we are doing to fall---our enemies will see this as weakness and keep getting more and more brazen in their attacks here.
Lack of support for Israel is one of the most glaring problems with the biden regime....still yet most U.S. Jews vote democratic though that is slowly changing...mainly amongst the younger Jewish Population

Brietbart? Really? We already know that Bibi hates the Jay Street Jews who support peace in Palestine.

Remember, before Obama pledged another $50 Billion to Israel Bibi called him a damned Jay Street Jew.
Lack of support for Israel is one of the most glaring problems with the biden regime....still yet most U.S. Jews vote democratic though that is slowly changing...mainly amongst the younger Jewish Population

Brietbart? Really? We already know that Bibi hates the Jay Street Jews who support peace in Palestine.

Remember, before Obama pledged another $50 Billion to Israel Bibi called him a damned Jay Street Jew.

"Peace in Palestine"? There is no country called Palestine.

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