Woody Allen Child Molester?

And yet It is not yet under consideration that Moses saw nothing BECAUSE NOTHING HAPPENED.

Perjury on behalf of a powerful employer? And nothing came of that, now did it.

These allegations always were about a whole lot of nothing.

Regards from Rosie

More likely scenario to explain why Moses didn;t see anything?

Daddy didn't invite him to the attic to watch him finger fuck Dylan. Ever consider that Rosie?

That Daddy chose someplace "away" from the family instead to doing the "dirty" in the living room or the television room where every body could witness him molesting Dylan?

Gee, to me it's a no brainer that Woody didn't want a freaking audience.
so you have no actual proof like i've been saying all along. Let me know when you have more than Probables and suspicions.

I don't have to prove jack shit to you. I've put up testimony and court documents. Hey go be a Woody fan. Knock yourself out!

I don't care.

more nothing from tabloid trash. nothing you've posted proves Allen did anything. Speculation isnt facts. Typical of you and your kind. When actually challenged you cry and whine because you have nothing.

Ah Plas. You just haven't read my posts. I have not linked to one tabloid. Court documents and reported testimony in the New York Times.

Is the New York Times Archives tabloid trash?


And who's crying? Not me. Who's whining? Not me. You're doing the imaginary projection thingy again.
Only a lazy clinician lumps clients into only one category.

The reasons kids become cutters are myriad, many having nothing to do with sex and more to do with gender roles and bullying and stress, among other things:

Teens Cutting & Other Self Injurious Behavior in Children & Adolescents

And here is a short review of reasons Dylan Farrow was not believed at the time, in a very recent article which also describes in detail the vengeful females seen in this thread:

Brian Dickerson: In case against Woody Allen, emotion outruns the evidence | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

If you own a pipe, shove these sources in it.

Regards from Rosie

Well, you have just earned a big fat NEG!

It takes years of study and thousands of dollars to become a clinician. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground on the topic. And this post just proved it.
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I have everything to do with this thread and discussed that which I felt interested me. We view things differently. I am at a stage in my life where I look at people who would be good for my son or bad for my son. This thread has been very enlightening in both the OP and responses. Which is why I have had meaningful and well thought out discussions with those who I enjoyed sharing thoughts with.

Are you suggesting I leave this thread, am posting in an inappropriate way, derailing or otherwise acting in an untoward manner? In other words I see you are still trying to provoke....:nono:

Wow so you are a typical parent. Congrats on that accomplishment.

Beyond you discovering how to be a parent, you are here to discuss his guilt. You've already stated as much that you do not trust him.nothing wrong with that if you do not, but that is not what people are doing are they. They are professing guilt with little to no proof.

I have discussed what I felt was germane to the topic.


And I have discussed it from the point of view of a clinician. Yet, they simply refuse to see reality.

When my children were VERY young and I was a stay at home mom, I saw a TV show about people who had been molested as children. They didn't have 'good touch bad touch' then, but the recommendation was to give children permission to decline to associate with anyone who made them feel uncomfortable. On the show it said that most victims knew something was wrong but did not leave the situation because the person was a family member or a trusted friend. That is what I did with my children. I told them that if ANYONE, no matter who it was, made them uncomfortable not to be around the person. Years later, my daughter told me of someone in my late husband's family she really felt was a creep and had avoided like the plague when she was very young because of what I told her would not stay around him. I was glad to know that. I don't know if he ever perpetrated anyone, but he was a sleaze bag.

Years later after I had been to school and was working I asked all of my patients who were survivors if they had any inkling that something was wrong. To the person, Just as on the show, they all said 'yes' but that the person was a trusted relative, family friend, bus driver, teacher, shopkeeper, neighbor, etc. Most of us have gut feelings. Few of us have permission to follow our gut feelings.

I recommend a book: The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. Anyone who reads it will have no problem believing in and heeding their gut feelings about other people.

As we progress to the master's level as clinicians, we learn the models and theories, but we never forget that if we walk into a group of people and the hair on the back of our necks stands up, something is definitely wrong.
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I don't have to prove jack shit to you. I've put up testimony and court documents. Hey go be a Woody fan. Knock yourself out!

I don't care.

more nothing from tabloid trash. nothing you've posted proves Allen did anything. Speculation isnt facts. Typical of you and your kind. When actually challenged you cry and whine because you have nothing.

Ah Plas. You just haven't read my posts. I have not linked to one tabloid. Court documents and reported testimony in the New York Times.

Is the New York Times Archives tabloid trash?


And who's crying? Not me. Who's whining? Not me. You're doing the imaginary projection thingy again.

i never claimed you did, I have dubbed your nickname as tabloid trash.
Dylan Farrow's Brother Moses Defends Woody Allen

"Of course Woody did not molest my sister," says Moses, who is estranged from Farrow and many of his siblings and is close to Allen and Soon-Yi. "She loved him and looked forward to seeing him when he would visit. She never hid from him until our mother succeeded in creating the atmosphere of fear and hate towards him. The day in question, there were six or seven of us in the house. We were all in public rooms and no one, not my father or sister, was off in any private spaces. My mother was conveniently out shopping. I don’t know if my sister really believes she was molested or is trying to please her mother. Pleasing my mother was very powerful motivation because to be on her wrong side was horrible."

Dylan Farrow's Brother Moses Defends Woody Allen - Scandals & Feuds, Dylan Farrow, Mia Farrow, Ronan Farrow, Woody Allen : People.com

That link isn't working.

How would Moses know? Truly how would Moses know?

You have situations like the crazy dude who had those girls locked up for years, and the other children didn't know that Daddy had these three women

Ariel Castro. He held these women for over a decade and raped them and no one in the family knew.

ETA: I can give you a quizzillion examples where family members didn't have a clue what the perpetrator was doing. That's just a no brainer.

It is also typical behavior for a perp to single out one 'special' child to molest sometimes years at a time.
In 25 years no one but sexual abuse survivors presented as self mutilators to my clinic. You are simply a celebrity worshiper who will not see what has happened to an innocent child.

I do not worship Woody Allen in any way, shape or form. I think he's a good director, average actor, and have seen about three of his 40 movies.

I just want evidence.

And as to your first sentence above? I simply don't believe you...

that's because her first sentence is false. while cutting is a common indicator for sexual abuse, any trauma, sociopathy or depression can lead to cutting.

anorexia and bulimia also occur after sexual abuse. but they frequently occur for many other reasons, as well.

Links? Studies? Creds? Oh, right. You have none.
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Moses was 13 or 14 at the time and wouldn't have given a rats ass what his baby sister was doing. And of course he didn't see anything.

It's not like Woody was going to finger fuck Dylan in the living room now would he?

And by the way, when awarding total custody to Farrow whether you like it or not the Justice thought Woody's affair with Soon Yi part of his decision.

Bottom line Woody fucking Mia's daughter and every one else in the family's sister shows how self absorbed he was. And the Judge took that into account.

It really was relevant. Woody lost custody of his children over it.

You are suddenly in love with the word "finger-fuck", aren't you?

Judges usually side with the mother on custody issues, so that's really nothing new, and really doesn't prove anything.

Hey, here's a whacky idea. Convince me that he was guilty of molesting Dylan without mentioning Soon-Yi.

That would be impressive.

There's a real simple explanation for "finger fuck" I sprained my wrist and I'm stuck typing with only one hand and it's making me crazy to type this slow.

Consequently I'm taking short cuts with words and phrases and "finger fuck" is a hell of a lot easier than continually typing in "vaginal penetration with his finger while kissing her all over".

Regarding the Judge. It was his open attack on what a piece of shit Woody was as a father that was astonishing.

I mean he ripped Woody a new asshole in his judgement.

Re: Dylan well hell's bells I've brought up the testimony of the babysitters, court documents and today I brought to the board a fabulous op ed of a professional child abuse investigator who really pointed out in this piece how horrifically this case was handled.

It's worth the read. I don't know if Dylan was molested or not. I only jumped in on the Dylan part to try to smack down those who were just rabidly going after Mia Farrow.

I mean hell's bells your babysitters employer calls you and tells you she saw Woody on his knees in front of Dylan with his head in her lap and then Dylan tells Mia what Daddy did, what the hell was Mia to do?

Ignore it? Tell the child she's imagining shit? Tell her she's a bad girl for making up lies?

I believe Mia did the only thing she could do. Take her to a doctor and have an investigation started.

Frankly I was just keeping to the "creepy" part of Soon Yi before certain individuals wanted to get into a dust up. I will always oblige :eusa_angel:

This really really worth the read.

Patrick Perion is a child abuse investigator in Illinois. In this article he gives his professional opinion on the Woody Allen/Dylan Farrow abuse case.

A Child Abuse Investigator's View of the Woody Allen/Dylan Farrow Case | The Daily Banter
I do not worship Woody Allen in any way, shape or form. I think he's a good director, average actor, and have seen about three of his 40 movies.

I just want evidence.

And as to your first sentence above? I simply don't believe you...

that's because her first sentence is false. while cutting is a common indicator for sexual abuse, any trauma, sociopathy or depression can lead to cutting.

anorexia and bulimia also occur after sexual abuse. but they frequently occur for many other reasons, as well.

Links? Studies? Creds? Oh, right. You have none.

as opposed to your made up anecdotal "evidence"?

Wow so you are a typical parent. Congrats on that accomplishment.

Beyond you discovering how to be a parent, you are here to discuss his guilt. You've already stated as much that you do not trust him.nothing wrong with that if you do not, but that is not what people are doing are they. They are professing guilt with little to no proof.

I have discussed what I felt was germane to the topic.


And I have discussed it from the point of view of a clinician. Yet, they simply refuse to see reality.

When my children were VERY young and I was a stay at home mom, I saw a TV show about people who had been molested as children. They didn't have 'good touch bad touch' then, but the recommendation was to give children permission to decline to associate with anyone who made them feel uncomfortable. On the show it said that most victims knew something was wrong but did not leave the situation because the person was a family member or a trusted friend. That is what I did with my children. I told them that if ANYONE, no matter who it was, made them uncomfortable not to be around the person. Years later, my daughter told me of someone in my late husband's family she really felt was a creep and had avoided like the plague when she was very young because of what I told her would not stay around him. I was glad to know that. I don't know if he ever perpetrated anyone, but he was a sleaze bag.

Years later after I had been to school and was working I asked all of my patients who were survivors if they had any inkling that something was wrong. To the person, Just as on the show, they all said 'yes' but that the person was a trusted relative, family friend, bus driver, teacher, shopkeeper, neighbor, etc. Most of us have gut feelings. Few of us have permission to follow our gut feelings.

I recommend a book: The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. Anyone who reads it will have no problem believing in and heeding their gut feelings about other people.

As we progress to the master's level as clinicians, we learn the models and theories, but we never forget that if we walk into a group of people and the hair on the back of our necks stands up, something is definitely wrong.

Thank you for your thoughtful post. In my various capacities scout leader, volunteer at my son's school etc I am around children a great deal and I am required to take numerous courses regarding some of the issues expressed in this thread. I have read what many people have said, I have taken in constructive posts such as yours and they gave me pause and time to reflect on different elements of Allen's behavior, Dylan's behavior and that of the family unit. I looked at this thread in a global way rather than the sole issue of Allen's guilt or innocence. In fact, I have not thought much about that , although I have tried to look at all the facts, circumstances etc. that were available.

One thing I do know...kid's can tell tales, kids have very active and vivid imaginations and kids can easily be manipulated by those they love and trust. IMO the telltale sign is in the behavior of the child and whether that behavior is aberrant or within normal parameters and from there with counseling the truth can be drawn out over time. Then perhaps the road to healing can traversed it is rife with pain, however, when the other end is reached the person may begin to feel whole.
From the professional child abuse investigator comes one major part of the jig saw puzzle on the "why" Dylan became so stressed out .

The idea of a team of 3 doctors interviewing a frightened 7 year old child individually or as a group over 6 months is reprehensible. There’s a reason we do one interview on tape. Asking Dylan to relive and retell the account of her abuse over and over again victimized her even further.

It’s not shocking that she said first she wasn’t touched, then she was, then she wasn’t.

Children who are repeatedly interviewed about the same incident often change an answer to please the person doing the interview. We see this in custody cases all the time. When the kids at mom’s they say they hate dad, when they’re at dad’s vice versa.

It’s not a giant leap to think that Dylan was confused and scared by these three adult men asking her questions about her private parts for SIX MONTHS.

It’s inconceivable to anyone who practices social work today. It’s entirely possible that she was “emotionally” disturbed because of the way she was dealt with by people who should have known better.

A Child Abuse Investigator's View of the Woody Allen/Dylan Farrow Case | The Daily Banter
Well, everyone is entitled to speak their opinion. Some agree with each other. Some don't. My stance is Allen is a perv, boinked SoonYi and groomed her to take Mia's place because he likes boinking children, and then he fondled and wanted to boink Dylan and did but maybe not with is penis. Boinking is boinking. He is a perv. In my opinion only. I believe Dylan. Period.

I disagree. I think he likes bonking young women - note I say women not girls. Going by most of his scripts that is...
Well, everyone is entitled to speak their opinion. Some agree with each other. Some don't. My stance is Allen is a perv, boinked SoonYi and groomed her to take Mia's place because he likes boinking children, and then he fondled and wanted to boink Dylan and did but maybe not with is penis. Boinking is boinking. He is a perv. In my opinion only. I believe Dylan. Period.

I disagree. I think he likes bonking young women - note I say women not girls. Going by most of his scripts that is...

Based on his movies, I'd agree with this. We cannot know or decide what he did, but look at what evidence there may be (there is no physical evidence), and logically reason what might have happened. His films indicate he has a thing for young women, not children. But his other behavior indicates he is somewhat amoral and certainly doesn't put the needs of his children above himself. Witnesses, the child's statements, those things support he did. Other issues support he didn't. I want to stress, however, that the fact he was allowed to adopt 2 children with Soon Yi does not indicate anything about his character. Most likely these were private adoptions through an attorney. He would not have been investigated. People his age are not normally allowed to adopt if you go through an agency. Wealthy people pay high prices for private adoptions through attorneys. You work with the attorney and the mother. Hypothetically it isn't selling the baby because the mother, hypothetically, does not profit.
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My question is..that pic of him with that young girl where she is grasping the railing..is that a young soon yi or one of his new adoptive daughters?

Second question is...would ANYONE here on this thread ever let Woody Allen be alone with your 7 year old kid for an hour or two?
My question is..that pic of him with that young girl where she is grasping the railing..is that a young soon yi or one of his new adoptive daughters?

Second question is...would ANYONE here on this thread ever let Woody Allen be alone with your 7 year old kid for an hour or two?

Fuck no

tapatalk post
I am curious as to those who are claiming Allen is innocent due to no proof. Would THEY let their 7 year old child be with Allen for an hour or two, alone?
I am curious as to those who are claiming Allen is innocent due to no proof. Would THEY let their 7 year old child be with Allen for an hour or two, alone?

I would, because I would not subject my daughter to Mia Farrow' s rages or slapping children around.

Given a choice between Mia Farrow and Woody Allen - Farrow is the abuser.

I believe the Yale professionals who did the work up on Dylan; I believe in the fact that no charges were ever brought against Allen and

I believe the employee and adopted child (Moses) who both said Farrow was out of control.

I have sufficient evidence - real, personal testimony concerning Farrow and concerning the failure if a 7 year old to convince the pros of abuse -

- to believe my child would be much safer with Allen.

And I find overwrought, manipulative and enraged women are unhealthy for children to be around.

Leave my girl for 2 hours with Allen, fine, but no way with Farrow.

Your opinion that I am wrong lacks merit. It is merely your opinion; which you are entitled to, but you underestimate me totally.

And that is that.

Regards from Rosie
My question is..that pic of him with that young girl where she is grasping the railing..is that a young soon yi or one of his new adoptive daughters?

Second question is...would ANYONE here on this thread ever let Woody Allen be alone with your 7 year old kid for an hour or two?

Well, I'm not ever likely to have any contact with Allen, but most likely, with any man or woman who has been accused of molesting a child, I might not want to leave a 7 year old, male or female with him.

However, I have a personal experience with this type of situation. At one time while living in Seattle, I decided to rent out my extra bedroom as I was short of cash. The woman who rented it was someone who had accused her husband of child molestation. The court had found no evidence and given him custody of the kids. (I found all of this out after she moved in, didn't realize she was such a nutter before she moved in.) She had then tried to take them out of the country and got caught at the airport, so her only contact with her kids was a telephone call a couple times a week. Well, I would have no problem leaving a 7 year old with her husband, who had remarried by that time. I don't think the allegations were true, but that is because I got to know her and heard her side in depth. I don't know Mia Farrow or what she is like and do not want to make assumptions based on media coverage of the whole thing. However, the judge in the custody case did not seem to think she was a nut or anything.
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I am curious as to those who are claiming Allen is innocent due to no proof. Would THEY let their 7 year old child be with Allen for an hour or two, alone?

personal opinion does not equal guilt under law.

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