Woody Allen Child Molester?


Oh bite me. You just displayed "extreme ignorance". Mia Farrow never had to marry a soul to get ahead.

She could have Hollywood on a silver platter if she had wanted to. You obviously don't know who her parents were.

Mia starred in probably the hottest ground breaking show at the time Peyton Place. And went on to star in movies. Her humanitarian efforts consume her now.

She's no flake.

Farrow has appeared in more than 50 films and won numerous awards, including a Golden Globe award, received seven additional Golden Globe nominations, three BAFTA nominations and a best actress award at the San Sebastian International Film Festival.

Farrow is also known for her extensive humanitarian work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. She is involved in humanitarian activities in Darfur, Chad, and the Central African Republic. In 2008,

Time magazine named her one of the most influential people in the world.

Mia Farrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mia Farrow is a horrible actress.

Seriously, the thing I remember her for was "Rosemary's Baby", a movie that should have ended the careers of everyone involved.

And like most actresses, the minute she gets too old to look at, Hollywood was done with her.
Also find it funny you guys think it is fine if a person rapes a child but marrying a 17 year old is not..... warped logic

tapatalk post

no one thought it was okay to rape a child.

We just don't think that we should take the word of a crazy jilted actress at face value when there was a complete lack of other evidence.

And shit, I don't even LIKE Woody Allen. But I don't like people getting accused of things they didn't do for other agendas.

Oh bite me. You just displayed "extreme ignorance". Mia Farrow never had to marry a soul to get ahead.

She could have Hollywood on a silver platter if she had wanted to. You obviously don't know who her parents were.

Mia starred in probably the hottest ground breaking show at the time Peyton Place. And went on to star in movies. Her humanitarian efforts consume her now.

She's no flake.

Farrow has appeared in more than 50 films and won numerous awards, including a Golden Globe award, received seven additional Golden Globe nominations, three BAFTA nominations and a best actress award at the San Sebastian International Film Festival.

Farrow is also known for her extensive humanitarian work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. She is involved in humanitarian activities in Darfur, Chad, and the Central African Republic. In 2008,

Time magazine named her one of the most influential people in the world.

Mia Farrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mia Farrow is a horrible actress.

Seriously, the thing I remember her for was "Rosemary's Baby", a movie that should have ended the careers of everyone involved.

And like most actresses, the minute she gets too old to look at, Hollywood was done with her.

Wtf does your opinion of her acting have to do with Allen molesting her kids?

tapatalk post
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Also find it funny you guys think it is fine if a person rapes a child but marrying a 17 year old is not..... warped logic

tapatalk post

no one thought it was okay to rape a child.

We just don't think that we should take the word of a crazy jilted actress at face value when there was a complete lack of other evidence.

And shit, I don't even LIKE Woody Allen. But I don't like people getting accused of things they didn't do for other agendas.

It was the child who said it moron

tapatalk post

Oh bite me. You just displayed "extreme ignorance". Mia Farrow never had to marry a soul to get ahead.

She could have Hollywood on a silver platter if she had wanted to. You obviously don't know who her parents were.

Mia starred in probably the hottest ground breaking show at the time Peyton Place. And went on to star in movies. Her humanitarian efforts consume her now.

She's no flake.

Farrow has appeared in more than 50 films and won numerous awards, including a Golden Globe award, received seven additional Golden Globe nominations, three BAFTA nominations and a best actress award at the San Sebastian International Film Festival.

Farrow is also known for her extensive humanitarian work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. She is involved in humanitarian activities in Darfur, Chad, and the Central African Republic. In 2008,

Time magazine named her one of the most influential people in the world.

Mia Farrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mia Farrow is a horrible actress.

Seriously, the thing I remember her for was "Rosemary's Baby", a movie that should have ended the careers of everyone involved.

And like most actresses, the minute she gets too old to look at, Hollywood was done with her.

Wtf does your opinion of her acting have to do with Allen molesting her kids?

tapatalk post

Because, honestly, you guys don't have any evidence he did... but that's okay.

Honestly, the woman was a flake who slept around Hollywood until it got tired of her.
Mia Farrow is a horrible actress.

Seriously, the thing I remember her for was "Rosemary's Baby", a movie that should have ended the careers of everyone involved.

And like most actresses, the minute she gets too old to look at, Hollywood was done with her.

Wtf does your opinion of her acting have to do with Allen molesting her kids?

tapatalk post

Because, honestly, you guys don't have any evidence he did... but that's okay.

Honestly, the woman was a flake who slept around Hollywood until it got tired of her.

Again you fucking idiot it was the child who said he molested her. You are a sick fuck

tapatalk post
Wtf does your opinion of her acting have to do with Allen molesting her kids?

tapatalk post

Because, honestly, you guys don't have any evidence he did... but that's okay.

Honestly, the woman was a flake who slept around Hollywood until it got tired of her.

Again you fucking idiot it was the child who said he molested her. You are a sick fuck

tapatalk post

No, it was a child who was coached by a crazy woman, but there was no physical evidence found to back it up.
Because, honestly, you guys don't have any evidence he did... but that's okay.

Honestly, the woman was a flake who slept around Hollywood until it got tired of her.

Again you fucking idiot it was the child who said he molested her. You are a sick fuck

tapatalk post

No, it was a child who was coached by a crazy woman, but there was no physical evidence found to back it up.
You're taking advantage of records sealed to protect a child from further damages. The justice knew things in those sealed records only medical tests would show, imloho.
Yep. Gaslighting...

..."What you see right in front of your face, isn't really true. It's not really happening the way you think. It never happened at all...and everyone agrees...and if you disagree, you are an outcase...bad..." [see my signature]...

There is nothing more psychologically abusive than being told your real experiences don't exist; and getting some gaslighter to get an entire cabal together to agree to remake the reality that actually is, because of their own discomfort with confronting it head on.

Will there be a Woody Allen postage stamp next?

Yeap, and Roman Polanski is on that list, along with Michael Jackson.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Funny..I don't remember Woody Allen attending a State of the Union, like say, Ted Nugent. Or getting an award from Rick Santorum for helping kids, like say, Sandusky.

And as Allen has been convicted of nothing, you are taking this account at face value to be true. Given his relationship with Mia Farrow, it makes it all the more suspicious.

Liberals are so pathetic. Such hypocrites. Especially this asshole. I guess we should wait around to see if he sues for defamation of character. I mean would there be a such a thing as libel if this was totally false?

Oh, and Roman Polanski was convicted, and he is still a big liberal hero. Still. You fucking blob.

Have to say that when, as an adult, I saw Mr. Allen's MANHATTAN, I was shocked at the portrayal of a middle-aged man having a sexual relationship with a high school student. How that somehow got overlooked at the time of the movie's release is pretty much beyond me. I couldn't watch it. It certainly didn't seem brilliant - merely sick, perverted and disturbed. Guess none of this is a surprise coming from a guy who went on to marry his 21 year-old daughter after probably having had a sexual relationship with her who knows how many years prior. The statute of limitations on a crime with a child victim should be extended.
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Again you fucking idiot it was the child who said he molested her. You are a sick fuck

tapatalk post

No, it was a child who was coached by a crazy woman, but there was no physical evidence found to back it up.
You're taking advantage of records sealed to protect a child from further damages. The justice knew things in those sealed records only medical tests would show, imloho.

The things that are on the record is that Farrow took Dylan to two doctors, neither of whom could find physical evidence of abuse.

So what you really have is the word of an easily manipulated child who is being raised in an environment that another one of her sons described as "Brainwashing".

Moses Farrow, now 36, and an accomplished photographer, has been estranged from Mia for several years. During a recent conversation, he spoke of “finally seeing the reality” of Frog Hollow and used the term “brainwashing” without hesitation. He recently reestablished contact with Allen and is currently enjoying a renewed relationship with him and Soon-Yi.

Now, frankly, I think both Farrow and Allen are genuinely unpleasent people, and I have no use for either one of them. I'm sorry that any children had to be raised by them, as they are going to keep the psychotherapy industry afloat for years.

But in terms of justice and law, no evidence means exactly that- NO EVIDENCE.

You don't convict people if you want them to be guilty. Isn't this the kind of thing you "conservatives" always complain that "Statists" want to do?
Oh boy..another USMB right wing lynch mob.

Graphic Image Deleted

Not a pretty sight.
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No, it was a child who was coached by a crazy woman, but there was no physical evidence found to back it up.
You're taking advantage of records sealed to protect a child from further damages. The justice knew things in those sealed records only medical tests would show, imloho.

The things that are on the record is that Farrow took Dylan to two doctors, neither of whom could find physical evidence of abuse.

So what you really have is the word of an easily manipulated child who is being raised in an environment that another one of her sons described as "Brainwashing".

Moses Farrow, now 36, and an accomplished photographer, has been estranged from Mia for several years. During a recent conversation, he spoke of “finally seeing the reality” of Frog Hollow and used the term “brainwashing” without hesitation. He recently reestablished contact with Allen and is currently enjoying a renewed relationship with him and Soon-Yi.

Now, frankly, I think both Farrow and Allen are genuinely unpleasent people, and I have no use for either one of them. I'm sorry that any children had to be raised by them, as they are going to keep the psychotherapy industry afloat for years.

But in terms of justice and law, no evidence means exactly that- NO EVIDENCE.

You don't convict people if you want them to be guilty. Isn't this the kind of thing you "conservatives" always complain that "Statists" want to do?

Your talking out of your ass again. Seeing his track record it is more then believable. The fact that the court didn't think they would get a conviction isn't the same as saying a sick fuck who would marry his own stepdaughter Is innocent

tapatalk post
Lets see if there is anywhere near the level of disgust.


What’s your favorite Woody Allen movie? Before you answer, you should know: when I was seven years old, Woody Allen took me by the hand and led me into a dim, closet-like attic on the second floor of our house. He told me to lay on my stomach and play with my brother’s electric train set. Then he sexually assaulted me. He talked to me while he did it, whispering that I was a good girl, that this was our secret, promising that we’d go to Paris and I’d be a star in his movies. I remember staring at that toy train, focusing on it as it traveled in its circle around the attic. To this day, I find it difficult to look at toy trains.

For as long as I could remember, my father had been doing things to me that I didn’t like. I didn’t like how often he would take me away from my mom, siblings and friends to be alone with him. I didn’t like it when he would stick his thumb in my mouth. I didn’t like it when I had to get in bed with him under the sheets when he was in his underwear. I didn’t like it when he would place his head in my naked lap and breathe in and breathe out. I would hide under beds or lock myself in the bathroom to avoid these encounters, but he always found me. These things happened so often, so routinely, so skillfully hidden from a mother that would have protected me had she known, that I thought it was normal. I thought this was how fathers doted on their daughters. But what he did to me in the attic felt different. I couldn’t keep the secret anymore.

When I asked my mother if her dad did to her what Woody Allen did to me, I honestly did not know the answer. I also didn’t know the firestorm it would trigger. I didn’t know that my father would use his sexual relationship with my sister to cover up the abuse he inflicted on me. I didn’t know that he would accuse my mother of planting the abuse in my head and call her a liar for defending me. I didn’t know that I would be made to recount my story over and over again, to doctor after doctor, pushed to see if I’d admit I was lying as part of a legal battle I couldn’t possibly understand. At one point, my mother sat me down and told me that I wouldn’t be in trouble if I was lying – that I could take it all back. I couldn’t. It was all true. But sexual abuse claims against the powerful stall more easily. There were experts willing to attack my credibility. There were doctors willing to gaslight an abused child.

Sandusky was brought to trial and convicted.

Allen hasn't even been charged.

Before passing judgement on a non-issue basing everything on ALLEGATIONS, (which by the by were refuted by law enforcement) I'd examine what your personal motivations are. Not you OP, am speaking generally since many have seemed to make up their minds on nothing more than a claim.

Liberals are so pathetic. Such hypocrites. Especially this asshole. I guess we should wait around to see if he sues for defamation of character. I mean would there be a such a thing as libel if this was totally false?

Oh, and Roman Polanski was convicted, and he is still a big liberal hero. Still. You fucking blob.

Have to say that when, as an adult, I saw Mr. Allen's MANHATTAN, I was shocked at the portrayal of a middle-aged man having a sexual relationship with a high school student. How that somehow got overlooked at the time of the movie's release is pretty much beyond me. I couldn't watch it. It certainly didn't seem brilliant - merely sick, perverted and disturbed. Guess none of this is a surprise coming from a guy who went on to marry his 21 year-old daughter after probably having had a sexual relationship with her who knows how many years prior. The statue of limitations on a crime with a child victim should be extended.

What does that have to do with your point?

Ted Nugent is a big conservative hero, and he likes them young.

I don't like Woody Allen, I think his relationship with the Previn Girl was kind of creepy, but as far as I can tell, there's no crime involved here.

And a lot of men have gotten their lives ruined because someone in a divorce decided to up the ante by convincing kids to lie.

Your talking out of your ass again. Seeing his track record it is more then believable. The fact that the court didn't think they would get a conviction isn't the same as saying a sick fuck who would marry his own stepdaughter Is innocent

tapatalk post

Hey, dumbass, she wasn't his "Stepdaughter".

He wasn't married to her, he never adopted or assumed parental authority over any of her kids with Andre Previn.

so all you have is a jerk who married a girl who was a lot younger than he was...

Which a lot of these folks in Hollywood do.

Again, we don't convict people because we "want" them to be guilty.

We use something called "evidence".
I could have sworn there was at least one witness. The nanny, and I also think there were others that claimed molestation.

I do find it rather funny though how the left wingers give him the benefit of the doubt. That is what I find hilarious.


In the letter, published in its entirety online, Farrow described how the alleged abuse was "skillfully hidden."

"That he got away with what he did to me haunted me as I grew up," she wrote. "I was stricken with guilt that I had allowed him to be near other little girls. I was terrified of being touched by men. I developed an eating disorder. I began cutting myself."

The claims, which first surfaced in Vanity Fair in 1992, were brought into stark relief again last month when Allen received a lifetime achievement award at the Gold Globes.

"A woman has publicly detailed Woody Allen's molestation of her at age 7," Mia Farrow wrote on Twitter. "GoldenGlobe tribute showed contempt for her & all abuse survivors."

"Missed the Woody Allen tribute," Ronan Farrow, Allen and Mia Farrow's son and MSNBC host, wrote on Twitter. "Did they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7 before or after Annie Hall?"
I could have sworn there was at least one witness. The nanny, and I also think there were others that claimed molestation.

I do find it rather funny though how the left wingers give him the benefit of the doubt. That is what I find hilarious.


In the letter, published in its entirety online, Farrow described how the alleged abuse was "skillfully hidden."

"That he got away with what he did to me haunted me as I grew up," she wrote. "I was stricken with guilt that I had allowed him to be near other little girls. I was terrified of being touched by men. I developed an eating disorder. I began cutting myself."

The claims, which first surfaced in Vanity Fair in 1992, were brought into stark relief again last month when Allen received a lifetime achievement award at the Gold Globes.

"A woman has publicly detailed Woody Allen's molestation of her at age 7," Mia Farrow wrote on Twitter. "GoldenGlobe tribute showed contempt for her & all abuse survivors."

"Missed the Woody Allen tribute," Ronan Farrow, Allen and Mia Farrow's son and MSNBC host, wrote on Twitter. "Did they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7 before or after Annie Hall?"

explain how this is a leftwing/rightwing issue.
I could have sworn there was at least one witness. The nanny, and I also think there were others that claimed molestation.

I do find it rather funny though how the left wingers give him the benefit of the doubt. That is what I find hilarious.


In the letter, published in its entirety online, Farrow described how the alleged abuse was "skillfully hidden."

"That he got away with what he did to me haunted me as I grew up," she wrote. "I was stricken with guilt that I had allowed him to be near other little girls. I was terrified of being touched by men. I developed an eating disorder. I began cutting myself."

The claims, which first surfaced in Vanity Fair in 1992, were brought into stark relief again last month when Allen received a lifetime achievement award at the Gold Globes.

"A woman has publicly detailed Woody Allen's molestation of her at age 7," Mia Farrow wrote on Twitter. "GoldenGlobe tribute showed contempt for her & all abuse survivors."

"Missed the Woody Allen tribute," Ronan Farrow, Allen and Mia Farrow's son and MSNBC host, wrote on Twitter. "Did they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7 before or after Annie Hall?"

explain how this is a leftwing/rightwing issue.

It isn't, other than it is mainly left wingers giving him the benefit of the doubt.

That is what I said, I am not sure if you have any ability to distinguish the difference.

Or, perhaps that it is a coincidence that mainly left wingers that yell things like innocent till proven guilty for Woody Allen. Was ted Nugent convicted of anything? What? I looked up stuff.

But, he is a gun advocate......so.....

The lefties bring up his name. Notice they did not even address the Roman Polanski conviction. Want me to cite the support he gets from Hollywood left wing kooks?

Thought not.
I could have sworn there was at least one witness. The nanny, and I also think there were others that claimed molestation.

I do find it rather funny though how the left wingers give him the benefit of the doubt. That is what I find hilarious.


In the letter, published in its entirety online, Farrow described how the alleged abuse was "skillfully hidden."

"That he got away with what he did to me haunted me as I grew up," she wrote. "I was stricken with guilt that I had allowed him to be near other little girls. I was terrified of being touched by men. I developed an eating disorder. I began cutting myself."

The claims, which first surfaced in Vanity Fair in 1992, were brought into stark relief again last month when Allen received a lifetime achievement award at the Gold Globes.

"A woman has publicly detailed Woody Allen's molestation of her at age 7," Mia Farrow wrote on Twitter. "GoldenGlobe tribute showed contempt for her & all abuse survivors."

"Missed the Woody Allen tribute," Ronan Farrow, Allen and Mia Farrow's son and MSNBC host, wrote on Twitter. "Did they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7 before or after Annie Hall?"

explain how this is a leftwing/rightwing issue.

It isn't, other than it is mainly left wingers giving him the benefit of the doubt.

That is what I said, I am not sure if you have any ability to distinguish the difference.

Or, perhaps that it is a coincidence that mainly left wingers that yell things like innocent till proven guilty for Woody Allen. Was ted Nugent convicted of anything? What? I looked up stuff.

But, he is a gun advocate......so.....

The lefties bring up his name. Notice they did not even address the Roman Polanski conviction. Want me to cite the support he gets from Hollywood left wing kooks?

Thought not.

you should have stopped after "it isn't". the rest is dribble as usual.
explain how this is a leftwing/rightwing issue.

It isn't, other than it is mainly left wingers giving him the benefit of the doubt.

That is what I said, I am not sure if you have any ability to distinguish the difference.

Or, perhaps that it is a coincidence that mainly left wingers that yell things like innocent till proven guilty for Woody Allen. Was ted Nugent convicted of anything? What? I looked up stuff.

But, he is a gun advocate......so.....

The lefties bring up his name. Notice they did not even address the Roman Polanski conviction. Want me to cite the support he gets from Hollywood left wing kooks?

Thought not.

you should have stopped after "it isn't". the rest is dribble as usual.

Ok we will agree then. It is just one of those bizarre coincidences that it is mainly left wingers in this thread, and demented left wing Hollywood morons that defend him. Of course, I do not remember them saying the same things for Sandusky before he was convicted.

Oh never mind.

The hypocrisy continues proudly among the know it alls on the left.

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