Woody Allen Child Molester?

explain how this is a leftwing/rightwing issue.

It isn't, other than it is mainly left wingers giving him the benefit of the doubt.

That is what I said, I am not sure if you have any ability to distinguish the difference.

Or, perhaps that it is a coincidence that mainly left wingers that yell things like innocent till proven guilty for Woody Allen. Was ted Nugent convicted of anything? What? I looked up stuff.

But, he is a gun advocate......so.....

The lefties bring up his name. Notice they did not even address the Roman Polanski conviction. Want me to cite the support he gets from Hollywood left wing kooks?

Thought not.

It has always amazed me how the left will defend individuals like Polanski and Allen to the death.

I was watching the View the day Whoopi Goldberg uttered her famous words exonerating Roman Polanski.

Well it really wasn't rape rape

Holy toledo I almost stroked out. I thought I was having the big one. :lol:

Roman Polanski: backlash as Whoopi Goldberg says director didn't commit 'rape-rape'
Whoopi Goldberg is facing a fierce backlash after saying that film director Roman Polanski didn't commit "rape-rape" when he had unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl.

Roman Polanski: backlash as Whoopi Goldberg says director didn't commit 'rape-rape' - Telegraph

Whoopi is an ignorant racist asshole. She was on Leno the other day supporting Obamacare so 'all the people of Appalachia will have health care.' Sheesh.
Dunno if it came about because of Polanski, or existed prior, but coercive sex involving drugs and alcohol is "rape rape." At least now, here. Dunno what the statutes were in California back then. Assume he was charged with statutory rape.

I'm willing to give Goldberg the benefit of the doubt though and explain her remark as there's statutory rape which is simply breaking a law that came arbitraily into existence, but where often no one complained who was actually involved, and there's rape where your victim's kicking and screaming. Latter being a completely seperate and more serious crime statutorily.

As with (being fair (and moderate) as ever) that politician's use of 'legitimate rape' was illustrating this same sentiment, though not as well :)

Statutory rape may not be forcible rape, but it is still rape.
Statutory rape may not be forcible rape, but it is still rape.

It is considered a kin of forcible rape if the victim are/were addled on drugs. It is aggravated also by presence of mental illness. Often, the guy in my signature chose minor/teen orphaned victims who were suffering from both drug addiction and mental illness.

Often pedophiles will choose retarded or mentally ill children to approach for sex. Easier that way. They sometimes aren't even aware of what's going on, or are so desperate mentally that they latch onto any adult willing to give them the time of day. Who's going to believe a retarded kid anyway, or one mentally ill? The "imagined crime" will just be pinned on the victim's "delusions" and the perp gets off scott free.

This is probably why some creeps rape very little children, so they cannot talk or don't know how to talk about what's going on with themselves. Being very young is the ultimate state of vulnerability. Such appears to be the case with the Woody Allen perversion.
Woody Allen was not charged with anything, much less convicted of anything.

True pedophiles stack up victims like empty beer cans - they molest for a lifetime and will not stop unless made to stop.

Sandusky had hundreds of victims - they could pick and choose the very best witnesses in order to convict him.

This thread is just another example of hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Will you scorned women carry on for 20 years like Mia Farrow? Will you suborn perjury from the help and twist your adopted daughter's fears of a tiny, dingy attic into your revenge fantasy?

No, because you most likely are not a sick twisted bitch like Mia Farrow.

Unless, of course,, you are.

Get over yourselves, ladies. No proof of being a pedo is still, 20+ years later, no proof of being a pedo.

Regards from Rosie
Woody Allen was not charged with anything, much less convicted of anything.

True pedophiles stack up victims like empty beer cans - they molest for a lifetime and will not stop unless made to stop.

Sandusky had hundreds of victims - they could pick and choose the very best witnesses in order to convict him.

This thread is just another example of hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Will you scorned women carry on for 20 years like Mia Farrow? Will you suborn perjury from the help and twist your adopted daughter's fears of a tiny, dingy attic into your revenge fantasy?

No, because you most likely are not a sick twisted bitch like Mia Farrow.

Unless, of course,, you are.

Get over yourselves, ladies. No proof of being a pedo is still, 20+ years later, no proof of being a pedo.

Regards from Rosie

Just a question.

Who did you vote for, Obama or Romney?

We already know, the person that thanked you is a staunch lefty. Figures on that one. Figures.
Statutory rape may not be forcible rape, but it is still rape.

It is considered a kin of forcible rape if the victim are/were addled on drugs. It is aggravated also by presence of mental illness. Often, the guy in my signature chose minor/teen orphaned victims who were suffering from both drug addiction and mental illness.

Often pedophiles will choose retarded or mentally ill children to approach for sex. Easier that way. They sometimes aren't even aware of what's going on, or are so desperate mentally that they latch onto any adult willing to give them the time of day. Who's going to believe a retarded kid anyway, or one mentally ill? The "imagined crime" will just be pinned on the victim's "delusions" and the perp gets off scott free.

This is probably why some creeps rape very little children, so they cannot talk or don't know how to talk about what's going on with themselves. Being very young is the ultimate state of vulnerability. Such appears to be the case with the Woody Allen perversion.

True, but I was speaking generally to Whoopasse's ignorant statement. Well, they do believe the mentally retarded girls when they turn up pregnant.

Depending on state, there are several 'varieties' of rape which can be dealt with legally. There is forcible rape, statutory rape, rape of a child (if that 11 year old consents, it is rape of a child, not statutory rape), rape of an incompetent person, rape by deception, etc. There are special laws to address them all as well as prison rape, and staff who have sex with patients in mental facilities.
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Woody Allen was not charged with anything, much less convicted of anything.

True pedophiles stack up victims like empty beer cans - they molest for a lifetime and will not stop unless made to stop.

Sandusky had hundreds of victims - they could pick and choose the very best witnesses in order to convict him.

This thread is just another example of hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Will you scorned women carry on for 20 years like Mia Farrow? Will you suborn perjury from the help and twist your adopted daughter's fears of a tiny, dingy attic into your revenge fantasy?

No, because you most likely are not a sick twisted bitch like Mia Farrow.

Unless, of course,, you are.

Get over yourselves, ladies. No proof of being a pedo is still, 20+ years later, no proof of being a pedo.

Regards from Rosie

Rosie there are a million cases where the abuse is strictly a "family affair". Where the diddler keeps it "in house". And never strays from his or her "pet victim".

Farrow was blindsided by this according to testimony given under oath. One babysitter was so stressed out by what she witnessed she told her employer who in turn felt it necessary to alert Farrow.

Catch that oh pompous one?

Timeline is important here. Two other child care individuals also testified . One that Dylan had gone missing on the day that Dylan remembered the molestation and another testified seeing Dylan with Woody on the couch with no underwear on.


Now with all due respect, don't freaking lecture us on a discussion board over our opinions and our attempts to wrap our brains about a very serious accusation.

Get it? It's a discussion board. If you don't like the thread and you don't want to be part of the discussion, feel free to move on to another thread.
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Woody Allen was not charged with anything, much less convicted of anything.

True pedophiles stack up victims like empty beer cans - they molest for a lifetime and will not stop unless made to stop.

Sandusky had hundreds of victims - they could pick and choose the very best witnesses in order to convict him.

This thread is just another example of hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Will you scorned women carry on for 20 years like Mia Farrow? Will you suborn perjury from the help and twist your adopted daughter's fears of a tiny, dingy attic into your revenge fantasy?

No, because you most likely are not a sick twisted bitch like Mia Farrow.

Unless, of course,, you are.

Get over yourselves, ladies. No proof of being a pedo is still, 20+ years later, no proof of being a pedo.

Regards from Rosie

Rosie there are a million cases where the abuse is strictly a "family affair". Where the diddler keeps it "in house". And never strays from his or her "pet victim".

Farrow was blindsided by this according to testimony given under oath. One babysitter was so stressed out by what she witnessed she told her employer who in turn felt it necessary to alert Farrow.

Catch that oh pompous one?

Timeline is important here. Two other child care individuals also testified . One that Dylan had gone missing on the day that Dylan remembered the molestation and another testified
seeing Dylan with Woody on the couch with no underwear on.


Now with all due respect, don't freaking lecture us on a discussion board over our opinions and our attempts to wrap our brains about a very serious accusation.

Get it? It's a discussion board. If you don't like the thread and you don't want to be part of the discussion, feel free to move on to another thread.

Many do keep it in the family. And they also couch it in terms of 'teaching' that child or adolescent. Multigenerational child sex abuse was rampant in one area of TN where I worked. I didn't treat children, but I had several women with the oldest child being retarded and the rest being perfectly normal. That one is just not that hard to figure out.
FYI I thought I should put this story up from People Magazine to battle back against the accusations that Farrow has been going nutso koo koo bye bye as a scorned woman for twenty years. Hell's bells why do people make up crap?

Truth out.

Unlike Allen, Mia Farrow has refrained from talking directly to the press.

Which hasn't protected her from "revelations" in the New York tabloids—stories that she takes a number of tranquilizers and antidepressants, and that last Valentine's Day she presented Allen with a silk heart with a knife plunged into it.

Soon-Yi also weighed in, accusing Farrow of being "hot-tempered."

Last winter, says Doumanian, Allen told her that Farrow terrified him by threatening to commit suicide—leaving a note, then opening the balcony windows of his 20th-floor East Side duplex to suggest that she had jumped.

(Dershowitz says Farrow is not taking prescription drugs and that he knows nothing of any suicide threats.)

The War in the Trenches : People.com
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Like Delta mentioned....IF Allen is so innocent, why has he not sued Mia and Dylan? Possibly because he will be probed more on his perv ways and found guilty himself? Betcha.
It doesn't matter how many times you echo "adopted stepdaughter." HE never adopted her, nor was she his stepdaughter.

Oh bite me.

That's idiotic. Woody was considered their father by the most important people in this sorry case. The children. They all thought of Woody as "Daddy".

"Daddy" was banging their sister. That's all I need to know to put him in the "creep father file".

Yes, why use words that actually apply when you can just say any unfounded, untrue thing you wish.
It doesn't matter how many times you echo "adopted stepdaughter." HE never adopted her, nor was she his stepdaughter.

Oh bite me.

That's idiotic. Woody was considered their father by the most important people in this sorry case. The children. They all thought of Woody as "Daddy".

"Daddy" was banging their sister. That's all I need to know to put him in the "creep father file".

Yes, why use words that actually apply when you can just say any unfounded, untrue thing you wish.

There is no doubt that Woody was having and affair with Mia's daughter Soon Yi.

This is not debatable.

And Soon Yi was sister to Mia's other children having been adopted at age seven by Mia and Andre Previn.

Again this is not debatable.

So technically Seamus, Woody's biological son has Soon Yi as his step mother and Woody Allen is his father but now also his brother in law.

Pretty fucked up by anyone's standard but a whack job liberal.
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Oh bite me.

That's idiotic. Woody was considered their father by the most important people in this sorry case. The children. They all thought of Woody as "Daddy".

"Daddy" was banging their sister. That's all I need to know to put him in the "creep father file".

Yes, why use words that actually apply when you can just say any unfounded, untrue thing you wish.

There is no doubt that Woody was having and affair with Mia's daughter Soon Yi.

This is not debatable.

And Soon Yi was sister to Mia's other children having been adopted at age seven by Mia and Andre Previn.

Again this is not debatable.

So technically Seamus, Woody's biological son has Soon Yi as his step mother and Woody Allen is his father but now also his brother in law.

Pretty fucked up.

This thread is about Dylan NOT SOON YI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord! you people are thick!
Yes, why use words that actually apply when you can just say any unfounded, untrue thing you wish.

There is no doubt that Woody was having and affair with Mia's daughter Soon Yi.

This is not debatable.

And Soon Yi was sister to Mia's other children having been adopted at age seven by Mia and Andre Previn.

Again this is not debatable.

So technically Seamus, Woody's biological son has Soon Yi as his step mother and Woody Allen is his father but now also his brother in law.

Pretty fucked up.

This thread is about Dylan NOT SOON YI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord! you people are thick!

Dont like it when the pattern of his sick actions are shown?
Oh bite me.

That's idiotic. Woody was considered their father by the most important people in this sorry case. The children. They all thought of Woody as "Daddy".

"Daddy" was banging their sister. That's all I need to know to put him in the "creep father file".

Yes, why use words that actually apply when you can just say any unfounded, untrue thing you wish.

There is no doubt that Woody was having and affair with Mia's daughter Soon Yi.

This is not debatable.

And Soon Yi was sister to Mia's other children having been adopted at age seven by Mia and Andre Previn.

Again this is not debatable.

So technically Seamus, Woody's biological son has Soon Yi as his step mother and Woody Allen is his father but now also his brother in law.

Pretty fucked up.

Some people will forgive anything to a celebrity as if they are somehow above being perverted child molesters.
There is no doubt that Woody was having and affair with Mia's daughter Soon Yi.

This is not debatable.

And Soon Yi was sister to Mia's other children having been adopted at age seven by Mia and Andre Previn.

Again this is not debatable.

So technically Seamus, Woody's biological son has Soon Yi as his step mother and Woody Allen is his father but now also his brother in law.

Pretty fucked up.

This thread is about Dylan NOT SOON YI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord! you people are thick!

Dont like it when the pattern of his sick actions are shown?

The only pattern shown here is the one of your stupidity! :dunno:
Yes, why use words that actually apply when you can just say any unfounded, untrue thing you wish.

There is no doubt that Woody was having and affair with Mia's daughter Soon Yi.

This is not debatable.

And Soon Yi was sister to Mia's other children having been adopted at age seven by Mia and Andre Previn.

Again this is not debatable.

So technically Seamus, Woody's biological son has Soon Yi as his step mother and Woody Allen is his father but now also his brother in law.

Pretty fucked up.

This thread is about Dylan NOT SOON YI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord! you people are thick!

Unfortunately in this sordid tale, one cannot discuss Dylan without discussing Soon Yi because the events leading up to the scandal are intertwined.

AND with all due respect Skye, you must understand that Woody's most ardent fans and defenders bring up on a continual basis that the molestation charges are directly related to as the defenders put it "Mia Farrow is a woman scorned and fabricated the accusations". That's their defense of Woody.

So you see, one cannot possibly discuss one issue without the other.
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Dont like it when the pattern of his sick actions are shown?

The only pattern shown here is the one of your stupidity! :dunno:

Would you remain blind if it was someone close to you he abused?

of course not!

if it's proven that the terrible deed was done I would certainly not remain blind!

otherwise I am not going to lynch him just because I find him "creepy"...... he might be creepy but that doesn't mean he is a child molester.

in the absence of proof of his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, I am not going to ruin a life just to make Mia Farrow happy....in many cases lives have been destroyed for things they "probably did" but actually didn't do.

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