Women need birth control because "they can't control their libido"

The onus is now on you to prove that Huckabee is correct that the Dems are "evangelizing" to the women of America that "they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

Please provide the exact "verses and hymnals" used by the Dems and explain exactly how they conflate the control of women's sex drive to government assistance. Given that you allege that this has been "loudly expressed" for the last "5+ years" you should be able to provide a wealth of them, right?

Ok then, why this?

Democrats draw criticism for platform supporting abortion without exceptions | Fox News

That's wrong, too, in my opinion, and 75 to 80% of Americans believe that abortions should be regulated to a greater or lesser extent.

Your opinion does not nullify reality, Jake. With all due respect.
One big problem, Mert, the Senate is controlled by the Democrats, 53 D, 45 R. Your polls be damned, milady. Instead of working on a compromise, Democrats sat there and played the blame game. They didn't work in good faith to strike a deal, and in my mind, didn't want to. Had they given a damn, miss, they would have had this wrapped up and put under the tree for the holidays.
Yeah, blame the Democrats because they don't cave in to the inane demands of Mitch McConnell, to kill Obamacare. Obamacare is the law, only the inane would insist that it be killed, considering how difficult it has been to get it passed - so, no, it appears Congress conservatives are only looking for excuses to get out of doing what the majority of the country wants done....that's why they're losing.

The women I named, are women. Being Republicans don't make them any less of a woman. I'm not lying. I'm disproving the notion that your party has a monopoly on the female species. Women's rights as you define them aren't strictly confined to abortifacients, or abortions.
Now that makes a lot of sense..."the women I named are women" - as if I had misunderstood them for "men"! And, I never said that Democrats have a monopoly on the female species, but more women are refuting the Republican party and its stance on women and the things that help women.....such as equal pay for equal work, insurance paid birth control same as insurance paid Viagra for men", etc.

Some people can work, and should be working, but they are begging for more welfare and food stamps. If your party ever gave a flying rat's hide, they'd put able bodied people to work, not feed their self-pity and lack of self worth with welfare checks and food stamps. Come on now. Jay Carney is a paid liar. He lies for money. Quoting him is like citing citing Obama's "if you like it you can keep it" line. He's a liar. Since when has Obama ever worked with the other side?
Obama has "tried" to work with the other side plenty of times, that they have refused to work with him is no wonder that he has recently decided "to hell with 'em" (my words) - and many people are working, but they work for companies like Wal-Mart, which conservatives defend, when Wal-Mart doesn't pay them enough to feed their families they have to resort to Welfare. So, your party is in reality subsiding Wal-Mart. You are making up the difference, because you would rather Wal-Mart keep more of its money that you are willing to give of your money to subsidize their low paid employees. Your claim that everybody on Welfare doesn't work is just a myth that your party has perpetrated to try and get out of helping the poor, while all the time ready and willing to help the rich.

And what good does swapping money do? When you give them money, they spend the money, you tax the money, and you wind up GETTING LESS OF IT BACK. So, how does this stimulate anything? How are you making any of them rich by subsidizing them?
This statement makes absolutely no sense. I don't know what you are talking about, swapping money - what on earth are you going on about, who is giving who money?
Huckabee: Dems say women need government to 'control their libido' - NBC Politics

"If the Democrats want to insult women by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system

What is the matter with you women? Can't keep your legs closed?

Another stark reminder of why conservative politicians lack the mental capacity to make decisions regarding healthcare.

You mean health "Insurance"....
A thing you lefties have allowed yourselves to be convinced that you cannot live without.
That's why there's no point in trying to discuss it with them. They argue on emotion, and ignore reality to embrace whatever hysterical meme is making the rounds. And always with the motivation of getting something for nothing and adjusting the world so that they can engage in whatever negative, harmful and dangerous behavior they so desire...and someone else always must foot the bill.
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One big problem, Mert, the Senate is controlled by the Democrats, 53 D, 45 R. Your polls be damned, milady. Instead of working on a compromise, Democrats sat there and played the blame game. They didn't work in good faith to strike a deal, and in my mind, didn't want to. Had they given a damn, miss, they would have had this wrapped up and put under the tree for the holidays.
Yeah, blame the Democrats because they don't cave in to the inane demands of Mitch McConnell, to kill Obamacare. Obamacare is the law, only the inane would insist that it be killed, considering how difficult it has been to get it passed - so, no, it appears Congress conservatives are only looking for excuses to get out of doing what the majority of the country wants done....that's why they're losing.

The women I named, are women. Being Republicans don't make them any less of a woman. I'm not lying. I'm disproving the notion that your party has a monopoly on the female species. Women's rights as you define them aren't strictly confined to abortifacients, or abortions.
Now that makes a lot of sense..."the women I named are women" - as if I had misunderstood them for "men"! And, I never said that Democrats have a monopoly on the female species, but more women are refuting the Republican party and its stance on women and the things that help women.....such as equal pay for equal work, insurance paid birth control same as insurance paid Viagra for men", etc.

Some people can work, and should be working, but they are begging for more welfare and food stamps. If your party ever gave a flying rat's hide, they'd put able bodied people to work, not feed their self-pity and lack of self worth with welfare checks and food stamps. Come on now. Jay Carney is a paid liar. He lies for money. Quoting him is like citing citing Obama's "if you like it you can keep it" line. He's a liar. Since when has Obama ever worked with the other side?
Obama has "tried" to work with the other side plenty of times, that they have refused to work with him is no wonder that he has recently decided "to hell with 'em" (my words) - and many people are working, but they work for companies like Wal-Mart, which conservatives defend, when Wal-Mart doesn't pay them enough to feed their families they have to resort to Welfare. So, your party is in reality subsiding Wal-Mart. You are making up the difference, because you would rather Wal-Mart keep more of its money that you are willing to give of your money to subsidize their low paid employees. Your claim that everybody on Welfare doesn't work is just a myth that your party has perpetrated to try and get out of helping the poor, while all the time ready and willing to help the rich.

And what good does swapping money do? When you give them money, they spend the money, you tax the money, and you wind up GETTING LESS OF IT BACK. So, how does this stimulate anything? How are you making any of them rich by subsidizing them?
This statement makes absolutely no sense. I don't know what you are talking about, swapping money - what on earth are you going on about, who is giving who money?

actually, according to the polls, the majority of americans do not support obamacare. so in that respect they are going against the will of the nation
Huckabee: Dems say women need government to 'control their libido' - NBC Politics

"If the Democrats want to insult women by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system

What is the matter with you women? Can't keep your legs closed?

Another stark reminder of why conservative politicians lack the mental capacity to make decisions regarding healthcare.

You mean health "Insurance"....
A thing you lefties have allowed yourselves to be convinced that you cannot live without.

Pretty much so....yes
You can cull just that part of his remarks. He said women are sluts who use contraceptives to avoid the consequences of their libidos, or words very much like that. All of your pufferwally in defense will be ignored by women.

Stupid, stupid comment by Huck, who now will not be a candidate for President.

He said "Democrats" are telling women that. Maybe you can take remedial reading with RW.

Maybe you and Huck need to put up some proof that any Democrat has ever said that to a woman. Huckabee saying that "Democrats are telling women" is Huck's way of trying to fool women into thinking that Democrats think they are sluts who want free bc pills, when in reality, since Republicans are the ones fighting this issue, are the ones that think women are sluts for needing bc pills. Your very own Rush Limbaugh called Fluke a slut, for standing up and defending this part of healthcare, and Rush is no Democrat.....:razz::razz:
You argue on emotion Mert. Your party strictly believes in abortion on demand. No need for the back and forth.

You're confused. My party believes in letting women choose. Your party would have a raped woman bear the child of a rapist.....defend that.
Another stark reminder of why conservative politicians lack the mental capacity to make decisions regarding healthcare.

You mean health "Insurance"....
A thing you lefties have allowed yourselves to be convinced that you cannot live without.

Pretty much so....yes

Ha,ha, they can live without it until they have an illness, then they run to the ER and expect taxpayers to pay for it.
You argue on emotion Mert. Your party strictly believes in abortion on demand. No need for the back and forth.

You're confused. My party believes in letting women choose. Your party would have a raped woman bear the child of a rapist.....defend that.

republicans would prefer to allow a woman to arm and protect herself so she never has to go through the trauma of rape in the first place.
Yeah, blame the Democrats because they don't cave in to the inane demands of Mitch McConnell, to kill Obamacare. Obamacare is the law, only the inane would insist that it be killed, considering how difficult it has been to get it passed - so, no, it appears Congress conservatives are only looking for excuses to get out of doing what the majority of the country wants done....that's why they're losing.

The implication is, ObamaCare is the law, and thus we can't change it.

Is that logic universally true? Because slavery was the law of the land long ago. Aren't you glad Conservative Republicans didn't listen to your logic back then?

Further, the majority never wanted, nor supported ObamaCare. Sorry.

Now that makes a lot of sense..."the women I named are women" - as if I had misunderstood them for "men"! And, I never said that Democrats have a monopoly on the female species, but more women are refuting the Republican party and its stance on women and the things that help women.....such as equal pay for equal work, insurance paid birth control same as insurance paid Viagra for men", etc.

Equal pay for equal work, will harm women. Women may not understand that, and may still be in favor of it, but it will without any doubt harm women.

Just like equal treatment laws in Europe have harmed women. Gender discrimination laws, passed by the European Union, instantly drove up the cost of auto insurance on women. Men have more accidents than women do, and thus typically women were charged a lower rate. The law made that illegal, thus companies were more than happy to charge both a higher rate.

Similarly, if you make it illegal to pay women a lower rate, you also inherently make them less appealing to hire as employees, and thus companies will be more than happy to not hire women.

Put another way.... if the government made a law that made it illegal hire a lawn mower for less money than another... would you hire someone to mow your lawn knowing you risked being sued? Most won't. Same thing will happen with women, if this law is passed.

Obama has "tried" to work with the other side plenty of times, that they have refused to work with him is no wonder that he has recently decided "to hell with 'em" (my words) - and many people are working, but they work for companies like Wal-Mart, which conservatives defend, when Wal-Mart doesn't pay them enough to feed their families they have to resort to Welfare. So, your party is in reality subsiding Wal-Mart. You are making up the difference, because you would rather Wal-Mart keep more of its money that you are willing to give of your money to subsidize their low paid employees. Your claim that everybody on Welfare doesn't work is just a myth that your party has perpetrated to try and get out of helping the poor, while all the time ready and willing to help the rich.

Walmart pays better rates than other comparable jobs. It's not Wal-Mart duty to pay you anything but what the job is worth. You can feed your family on very little. It's a choice, not a absolute sum of money. When I was in high school, a guy from Romania, was feeding his family of four, working at Wendy's where I worked. Are you seriously suggesting that an uneducated immigrant who barely speaks English, can do what a born educated American can not? No, that's just excuse making.

Yes, I would rather have Walmart keep more of it's money. Walmart has provided 2.2 million jobs, and billions of wealth for our country. If government steals it, they will not be as able to create more jobs, and more wealth, while government will blow the money on crap that does little to no good to anyone.
You argue on emotion Mert. Your party strictly believes in abortion on demand. No need for the back and forth.

You're confused. My party believes in letting women choose. Your party would have a raped woman bear the child of a rapist.....defend that.

republicans would prefer to allow a woman to arm and protect herself so she never has to go through the trauma of rape in the first place.

And the spin is based on the fact that they think women are too stupid to understand what Huckabee said.

They honestly believe they can say "are you going to believe your ears or what we tell you Huckabee said about women" and stupid women are going to believe it.

Some women do believe it...the progressive ones. They've been well programmed to believe anything they're told, and to ignore reality that conflicts with the ideology of the left.

I think they understand what he said...

Keep your legs closed bitch and you don't need birth control

You keep going with that...See how it turns out....:clap2:
You argue on emotion Mert. Your party strictly believes in abortion on demand. No need for the back and forth.

You're confused. My party believes in letting women choose. Your party would have a raped woman bear the child of a rapist.....defend that.

republicans would prefer to allow a woman to arm and protect herself so she never has to go through the trauma of rape in the first place.

A good point. Which group is more pro-woman: the one that thinks she should have a good abortion clinic after she's raped, or the one that thinks she should explain to the cops why her would-be rapist has that fatal gunshot wound?
You argue on emotion Mert. Your party strictly believes in abortion on demand. No need for the back and forth.

You're confused. My party believes in letting women choose. Your party would have a raped woman bear the child of a rapist.....defend that.

republicans would prefer to allow a woman to arm and protect herself so she never has to go through the trauma of rape in the first place.

Having a gun doesn't mean you will necessarily be able to defend yourself.

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