Women need birth control because "they can't control their libido"

Spoonman, Huck is being criticized, rightfully so. The GOP cannot win elections when women think they are being attacked. They won't even listen to such a defense of Huck as yours.

women don't think they are being attacked. only liberal idiots think they are being attacked

"Women don't think they are being attacked?"

So - you're saying that the only women who view this as an insult are "liberal idiots."

Is that correct.

Yup. Progressive nutbags who don't have the sense to listen to what was said, but instead prefer to believe what others TELL them was said. That's you.

You are the same pathetic creatures who support the very laws that demean and victimize you, all the while screeching that being killed, victimized, and told that your children are without worth and your primary function is to provide sex free of consequence EMPOWERS you.

You're morons, and you're sad, and there aren't very many of you. Those of you that exist are downtrodden, desperate, ignorant, and dependent.
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You can cull just that part of his remarks. He said women are sluts who use contraceptives to avoid the consequences of their libidos, or words very much like that. All of your pufferwally in defense will be ignored by women.

Stupid, stupid comment by Huck, who now will not be a candidate for President.

Lets take a look at what Huckabee actually said -

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says that Democrats are pushing women to believe “they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

So he never called women sluts, he never said women can't control their libidos, he never said women were incapable of anything. he said democrats are pushing women to believe.

He went on to say -

"Let us take this discussion all across America because women are far more than the Democrats have played them to be."

so he complimented women saying they are much more than democrats give them credit for.

When we take a look at what he actually said it becomes very evident that not a single liberal here has a clue what he said. or in typical liberal fashion are trying to spin the facts. Either way libs really need to hone their comprehension skills. if they think they can spin his comments in to a negative on women and believe they can get women to buy into it. Well then Huckabee's words really ring true. The left thinks women are idiots.

This is exactly what I have a problem with;

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says that Democrats are pushing women to believe...

Huckabee is neither a Dem nor a woman. He is not privy to their beliefs either.

He is essentially making an allegation about which he has, at best, a biased partisan opinion but absolutely zero first hand knowledge at all.

So it is understandable that this appears to be a partisan misogynistic slur aimed at moderate/liberal women who know exactly what they believe.

Before one speaks it is often worthwhile to put oneself in the shoes of the audience. It might be exactly what those he was speaking to wanted to hear but it wasn't as well received by the wider audience who would have to embrace what he just said if the GOP wants to take the Whitehouse in 2016.

Huckabee is neither a dem nor a woman. He is not privy to their beliefs either.

He doesn't need to be either to be privy to beliefs that are loudly expressed to the rest of America. Liberals say "you don't know what I believe," to the contrary; they've spent the past 5+ years making us aware of them.
If you believe that government money is confiscated, then you obviously do not believe in the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution gives the federal government the authority to tax, so it's money is not 'confiscated'. You are contradicting yourself.

The government certainly does have the constitutional authority to provide birth control, if it is considered to be in the interest of the "General Welfare" of the American people.

The American people have the right as individuals to their own religious beliefs. To many people taking birth control is exercising personal responsibility. That may not be your belief, but you do not have the authority to dictate your interpretation of 'responsibility' to other people.

Therefore the government may provide birth control to facilitate people exercising their personal responsibility if it is deemed to be in the interest of the "general Welfare' of the American people.

Agreed: Furthermore--birth control pills are a prescription only drug. Insurers are and have been mandated for decades now to pay for them. As is the same for Viagra and all of the male enhancement prescription drugs that are advertised on television.

Now if men want to stop having sex with women--then we probably could get away from the birth control pill topic. But I don't see that happening anytime soon---:razz:

birth control does not correct a physical ailment or disease. in cases where it is used as hormone replacement therapy, it should be. but as a birth control it becomes an elective or convenience. much like plastic surgery. that should not be paid for

I understand that point, but when sociological and economic data point to the fact that unwanted pregnancy causes significant problems for our society, then the government has a responsibility to to provide birth control.

Hillary Clinton spoke on this issue. To sum up what she said is that the best way to reduce the rate of abortion is by providing birth control. She agreed that abortion is a fundamentally bad thing, but that it was necessary.

Do conservatives at all see the relationship between increased access to birth control and a reduction in abortions?

I am very much against abortion. I agree with Hillary that it must remain legal, but I feel that we should do everything we can to reduce the number of abortions.

Did you all know that in the Soviet Union abortion was legal, but that almost no one ever had abortions?

That's because women will usually opt to bear the children if it is economically possible. Young people will choose marriage. In the Soviet Union it was economically possible for young unwed women to raise children and for young people to get married.

Unfortunately, in our capitalist society it is not economically feasible for young unwed women to raise children and it is not economically feasible for young people to get married and raise a family.

Think about all the working people you know. When do they marry?

As soon as it's economically feasible.
Lets take a look at what Huckabee actually said -

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says that Democrats are pushing women to believe “they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

So he never called women sluts, he never said women can't control their libidos, he never said women were incapable of anything. he said democrats are pushing women to believe.

He went on to say -

"Let us take this discussion all across America because women are far more than the Democrats have played them to be."

so he complimented women saying they are much more than democrats give them credit for.

When we take a look at what he actually said it becomes very evident that not a single liberal here has a clue what he said. or in typical liberal fashion are trying to spin the facts. Either way libs really need to hone their comprehension skills. if they think they can spin his comments in to a negative on women and believe they can get women to buy into it. Well then Huckabee's words really ring true. The left thinks women are idiots.

This is exactly what I have a problem with;

Huckabee is neither a Dem nor a woman. He is not privy to their beliefs either.

He is essentially making an allegation about which he has, at best, a biased partisan opinion but absolutely zero first hand knowledge at all.

So it is understandable that this appears to be a partisan misogynistic slur aimed at moderate/liberal women who know exactly what they believe.

Before one speaks it is often worthwhile to put oneself in the shoes of the audience. It might be exactly what those he was speaking to wanted to hear but it wasn't as well received by the wider audience who would have to embrace what he just said if the GOP wants to take the Whitehouse in 2016.

Huckabee is neither a dem nor a woman. He is not privy to their beliefs either.

He doesn't need to be either to be privy to beliefs that are loudly expressed to the rest of America. Liberals say "you don't know what I believe," to the contrary; they've spent the past 5+ years making us aware of them.

The onus is now on you to prove that Huckabee is correct that the Dems are "evangelizing" to the women of America that "they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

Please provide the exact "verses and hymnals" used by the Dems and explain exactly how they conflate the control of women's sex drive to government assistance. Given that you allege that this has been "loudly expressed" for the last "5+ years" you should be able to provide a wealth of them, right?
This is exactly what I have a problem with;

Huckabee is neither a Dem nor a woman. He is not privy to their beliefs either.

He is essentially making an allegation about which he has, at best, a biased partisan opinion but absolutely zero first hand knowledge at all.

So it is understandable that this appears to be a partisan misogynistic slur aimed at moderate/liberal women who know exactly what they believe.

Before one speaks it is often worthwhile to put oneself in the shoes of the audience. It might be exactly what those he was speaking to wanted to hear but it wasn't as well received by the wider audience who would have to embrace what he just said if the GOP wants to take the Whitehouse in 2016.

Huckabee is neither a dem nor a woman. He is not privy to their beliefs either.

He doesn't need to be either to be privy to beliefs that are loudly expressed to the rest of America. Liberals say "you don't know what I believe," to the contrary; they've spent the past 5+ years making us aware of them.

The onus is now on you to prove that Huckabee is correct that the Dems are "evangelizing" to the women of America that "they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

Please provide the exact "verses and hymnals" used by the Dems and explain exactly how they conflate the control of women's sex drive to government assistance. Given that you allege that this has been "loudly expressed" for the last "5+ years" you should be able to provide a wealth of them, right?

Your sarcasm discredits your argument. If you don't already watch liberal news or read it, whenyou hear offhand comments made by random liberal politicians, its quite easy to know what they believe in.
He doesn't need to be either to be privy to beliefs that are loudly expressed to the rest of America. Liberals say "you don't know what I believe," to the contrary; they've spent the past 5+ years making us aware of them.

The onus is now on you to prove that Huckabee is correct that the Dems are "evangelizing" to the women of America that "they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

Please provide the exact "verses and hymnals" used by the Dems and explain exactly how they conflate the control of women's sex drive to government assistance. Given that you allege that this has been "loudly expressed" for the last "5+ years" you should be able to provide a wealth of them, right?

Your sarcasm discredits your argument. If you don't already watch liberal news or read it, whenyou hear offhand comments made by random liberal politicians, its quite easy to know what they believe in.

Do you think women on birth control struggle to control their libido?
Lets take a look at what Huckabee actually said -

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says that Democrats are pushing women to believe “they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

So he never called women sluts, he never said women can't control their libidos, he never said women were incapable of anything. he said democrats are pushing women to believe.

He went on to say -

"Let us take this discussion all across America because women are far more than the Democrats have played them to be."

so he complimented women saying they are much more than democrats give them credit for.

When we take a look at what he actually said it becomes very evident that not a single liberal here has a clue what he said. or in typical liberal fashion are trying to spin the facts. Either way libs really need to hone their comprehension skills. if they think they can spin his comments in to a negative on women and believe they can get women to buy into it. Well then Huckabee's words really ring true. The left thinks women are idiots.

This is exactly what I have a problem with;

Huckabee is neither a Dem nor a woman. He is not privy to their beliefs either.

He is essentially making an allegation about which he has, at best, a biased partisan opinion but absolutely zero first hand knowledge at all.

So it is understandable that this appears to be a partisan misogynistic slur aimed at moderate/liberal women who know exactly what they believe.

Before one speaks it is often worthwhile to put oneself in the shoes of the audience. It might be exactly what those he was speaking to wanted to hear but it wasn't as well received by the wider audience who would have to embrace what he just said if the GOP wants to take the Whitehouse in 2016.

Huckabee is neither a dem nor a woman. He is not privy to their beliefs either.

He doesn't need to be either to be privy to beliefs that are loudly expressed to the rest of America. Liberals say "you don't know what I believe," to the contrary; they've spent the past 5+ years making us aware of them.

Huckabee fired off his mouth in such a fashion that it will be him and the GOP the majority of women will blame.
women don't think they are being attacked. only liberal idiots think they are being attacked

"Women don't think they are being attacked?"

So - you're saying that the only women who view this as an insult are "liberal idiots."

Is that correct.

Yup. Progressive nutbags who don't have the sense to listen to what was said, but instead prefer to believe what others TELL them was said. That's you.

You are the same pathetic creatures who support the very laws that demean and victimize you, all the while screeching that being killed, victimized, and told that your children are without worth and your primary function is to provide sex free of consequence EMPOWERS you.

You're morons, and you're sad, and there aren't very many of you. Those of you that exist are downtrodden, desperate, ignorant, and dependent.

55% of women voted against your type of spoken ignorance, kg, in the last national election.

You are in the minority, the defeated minority of women, on this issue.
He doesn't need to be either to be privy to beliefs that are loudly expressed to the rest of America. Liberals say "you don't know what I believe," to the contrary; they've spent the past 5+ years making us aware of them.

The onus is now on you to prove that Huckabee is correct that the Dems are "evangelizing" to the women of America that "they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

Please provide the exact "verses and hymnals" used by the Dems and explain exactly how they conflate the control of women's sex drive to government assistance. Given that you allege that this has been "loudly expressed" for the last "5+ years" you should be able to provide a wealth of them, right?

Your sarcasm discredits your argument. If you don't already watch liberal news or read it, whenyou hear offhand comments made by random liberal politicians, its quite easy to know what they believe in.

No sarcasm was intended. I was taking Huckabee quite literally using the same terminology that he used. Since he used to be a preacher it is readily understandable how he perceives it in those terms. Since you support his allegations it is to be expected that you understand them in that context too.

However since you have now backed away from "loudly expressed" for the last "5+ years" to mere "offhand comments made by random liberal politicians" your task should be considerably less onerous.
Agreed: Furthermore--birth control pills are a prescription only drug. Insurers are and have been mandated for decades now to pay for them. As is the same for Viagra and all of the male enhancement prescription drugs that are advertised on television.

Now if men want to stop having sex with women--then we probably could get away from the birth control pill topic. But I don't see that happening anytime soon---:razz:

birth control does not correct a physical ailment or disease. in cases where it is used as hormone replacement therapy, it should be. but as a birth control it becomes an elective or convenience. much like plastic surgery. that should not be paid for

I understand that point, but when sociological and economic data point to the fact that unwanted pregnancy causes significant problems for our society, then the government has a responsibility to to provide birth control.

Hillary Clinton spoke on this issue. To sum up what she said is that the best way to reduce the rate of abortion is by providing birth control. She agreed that abortion is a fundamentally bad thing, but that it was necessary.

Do conservatives at all see the relationship between increased access to birth control and a reduction in abortions?

I am very much against abortion. I agree with Hillary that it must remain legal, but I feel that we should do everything we can to reduce the number of abortions.

Did you all know that in the Soviet Union abortion was legal, but that almost no one ever had abortions?

That's because women will usually opt to bear the children if it is economically possible. Young people will choose marriage. In the Soviet Union it was economically possible for young unwed women to raise children and for young people to get married.

Unfortunately, in our capitalist society it is not economically feasible for young unwed women to raise children and it is not economically feasible for young people to get married and raise a family.

Think about all the working people you know. When do they marry?

As soon as it's economically feasible.

interesting that epidemic unwanted pregnancies weren't an issue until abortions became legal. people didn't have the level of birth control available to them that is today even if they elected to pay for it themselves. but we didn't have the issues we have today. we have these issues because government has taken away the need for personal responsibility. and as usual their solution is let the taxpayer pay for it. guess what, the government can't keep paying for everyones lack of responsibility. because we're doing it on borrowed money. 5 years ago the debt was $10 trillion, now it's almost $17. austerity, cutbacks, and there are a lot more to come. people have to realize and accept there are consequences for their actions. and government isn't going to be there to pick up the pieces at someone eleses expense
The onus is now on you to prove that Huckabee is correct that the Dems are "evangelizing" to the women of America that "they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

Please provide the exact "verses and hymnals" used by the Dems and explain exactly how they conflate the control of women's sex drive to government assistance. Given that you allege that this has been "loudly expressed" for the last "5+ years" you should be able to provide a wealth of them, right?

Your sarcasm discredits your argument. If you don't already watch liberal news or read it, whenyou hear offhand comments made by random liberal politicians, its quite easy to know what they believe in.

Do you think women on birth control struggle to control their libido?
Huckabee doesn't, and never said they did. contrary to the shit you are trying to spin here
birth control does not correct a physical ailment or disease. in cases where it is used as hormone replacement therapy, it should be. but as a birth control it becomes an elective or convenience. much like plastic surgery. that should not be paid for

I understand that point, but when sociological and economic data point to the fact that unwanted pregnancy causes significant problems for our society, then the government has a responsibility to to provide birth control.

Hillary Clinton spoke on this issue. To sum up what she said is that the best way to reduce the rate of abortion is by providing birth control. She agreed that abortion is a fundamentally bad thing, but that it was necessary.

Do conservatives at all see the relationship between increased access to birth control and a reduction in abortions?

I am very much against abortion. I agree with Hillary that it must remain legal, but I feel that we should do everything we can to reduce the number of abortions.

Did you all know that in the Soviet Union abortion was legal, but that almost no one ever had abortions?

That's because women will usually opt to bear the children if it is economically possible. Young people will choose marriage. In the Soviet Union it was economically possible for young unwed women to raise children and for young people to get married.

Unfortunately, in our capitalist society it is not economically feasible for young unwed women to raise children and it is not economically feasible for young people to get married and raise a family.

Think about all the working people you know. When do they marry?

As soon as it's economically feasible.

interesting that epidemic unwanted pregnancies weren't an issue until abortions became legal. people didn't have the level of birth control available to them that is today even if they elected to pay for it themselves. but we didn't have the issues we have today. we have these issues because government has taken away the need for personal responsibility. and as usual their solution is let the taxpayer pay for it. guess what, the government can't keep paying for everyones lack of responsibility. because we're doing it on borrowed money. 5 years ago the debt was $10 trillion, now it's almost $17. austerity, cutbacks, and there are a lot more to come. people have to realize and accept there are consequences for their actions. and government isn't going to be there to pick up the pieces at someone eleses expense

What about he epidemic of unwanted pregnancies among married women? The number of children has dropped almost in half since birth control

Is Huckabee concerned with the libido of married women?
This is exactly what I have a problem with;

Huckabee is neither a Dem nor a woman. He is not privy to their beliefs either.

He is essentially making an allegation about which he has, at best, a biased partisan opinion but absolutely zero first hand knowledge at all.

So it is understandable that this appears to be a partisan misogynistic slur aimed at moderate/liberal women who know exactly what they believe.

Before one speaks it is often worthwhile to put oneself in the shoes of the audience. It might be exactly what those he was speaking to wanted to hear but it wasn't as well received by the wider audience who would have to embrace what he just said if the GOP wants to take the Whitehouse in 2016.

Huckabee is neither a dem nor a woman. He is not privy to their beliefs either.

He doesn't need to be either to be privy to beliefs that are loudly expressed to the rest of America. Liberals say "you don't know what I believe," to the contrary; they've spent the past 5+ years making us aware of them.

The onus is now on you to prove that Huckabee is correct that the Dems are "evangelizing" to the women of America that "they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

Please provide the exact "verses and hymnals" used by the Dems and explain exactly how they conflate the control of women's sex drive to government assistance. Given that you allege that this has been "loudly expressed" for the last "5+ years" you should be able to provide a wealth of them, right?

Ok then, why this?

Democrats draw criticism for platform supporting abortion without exceptions | Fox News
Your sarcasm discredits your argument. If you don't already watch liberal news or read it, whenyou hear offhand comments made by random liberal politicians, its quite easy to know what they believe in.

Do you think women on birth control struggle to control their libido?
Huckabee doesn't, and never said they did. contrary to the shit you are trying to spin here

He didn't?

Why did he say Republicans think that women can control their libido without birth control?

Why does he even care?
I understand that point, but when sociological and economic data point to the fact that unwanted pregnancy causes significant problems for our society, then the government has a responsibility to to provide birth control.

Hillary Clinton spoke on this issue. To sum up what she said is that the best way to reduce the rate of abortion is by providing birth control. She agreed that abortion is a fundamentally bad thing, but that it was necessary.

Do conservatives at all see the relationship between increased access to birth control and a reduction in abortions?

I am very much against abortion. I agree with Hillary that it must remain legal, but I feel that we should do everything we can to reduce the number of abortions.

Did you all know that in the Soviet Union abortion was legal, but that almost no one ever had abortions?

That's because women will usually opt to bear the children if it is economically possible. Young people will choose marriage. In the Soviet Union it was economically possible for young unwed women to raise children and for young people to get married.

Unfortunately, in our capitalist society it is not economically feasible for young unwed women to raise children and it is not economically feasible for young people to get married and raise a family.

Think about all the working people you know. When do they marry?

As soon as it's economically feasible.

interesting that epidemic unwanted pregnancies weren't an issue until abortions became legal. people didn't have the level of birth control available to them that is today even if they elected to pay for it themselves. but we didn't have the issues we have today. we have these issues because government has taken away the need for personal responsibility. and as usual their solution is let the taxpayer pay for it. guess what, the government can't keep paying for everyones lack of responsibility. because we're doing it on borrowed money. 5 years ago the debt was $10 trillion, now it's almost $17. austerity, cutbacks, and there are a lot more to come. people have to realize and accept there are consequences for their actions. and government isn't going to be there to pick up the pieces at someone eleses expense

What about he epidemic of unwanted pregnancies among married women? The number of children has dropped almost in half since birth control

Is Huckabee concerned with the libido of married women?

among minorities? I don't think so
He doesn't need to be either to be privy to beliefs that are loudly expressed to the rest of America. Liberals say "you don't know what I believe," to the contrary; they've spent the past 5+ years making us aware of them.

The onus is now on you to prove that Huckabee is correct that the Dems are "evangelizing" to the women of America that "they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

Please provide the exact "verses and hymnals" used by the Dems and explain exactly how they conflate the control of women's sex drive to government assistance. Given that you allege that this has been "loudly expressed" for the last "5+ years" you should be able to provide a wealth of them, right?

Ok then, why this?

Democrats draw criticism for platform supporting abortion without exceptions | Fox News

That's wrong, too, in my opinion, and 75 to 80% of Americans believe that abortions should be regulated to a greater or lesser extent.
Do you think women on birth control struggle to control their libido?
Huckabee doesn't, and never said they did. contrary to the shit you are trying to spin here

He didn't?

Why did he say Republicans think that women can control their libido without birth control?

Why does he even care?

he didn't say that either. and once again I notice no quote attached with your spin. but that's par for your course
He doesn't need to be either to be privy to beliefs that are loudly expressed to the rest of America. Liberals say "you don't know what I believe," to the contrary; they've spent the past 5+ years making us aware of them.

The onus is now on you to prove that Huckabee is correct that the Dems are "evangelizing" to the women of America that "they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government.”

Please provide the exact "verses and hymnals" used by the Dems and explain exactly how they conflate the control of women's sex drive to government assistance. Given that you allege that this has been "loudly expressed" for the last "5+ years" you should be able to provide a wealth of them, right?

Your sarcasm discredits your argument. If you don't already watch liberal news or read it, whenyou hear offhand comments made by random liberal politicians, its quite easy to know what they believe in.

Yes, I'll remember that the next time you employ sarcasm.

That's not a true statement, by the way. Sarcasm is nothing but a highlighter for the idiocy you are spouting.
And that is where both Limbagh and Huckabee blew it

If they wanted to say government or insurance should not cover birth control.....then say it

Linking it to a woman's ability to control her sex drive is offensive

You liars are the one's linking it to their sex drive. So you're being offensive.

Another example of the left blaming us for their guilt.

What do you think is the definition of libido?

No answer? My work here is done. :cool:

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