Women are banned from Starbucks in Saudi Arabia


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Women are BANNED from Starbucks in Saudi Arabia

At some point the non-Muslim peoples of the world have to decide that we are angry and aren't going to take it any more.

And this is it for me, the straw that broke the camel's back.

So long as Starbucks remains closed to women at any location, I will boycott all Starbucks.

There are plenty of places that sell coffee, and we can teach Starbucks that we don't need them, they need us.

I look forward to all the liberals and feminists on this forum to join this boycott. If you don't speak up here, I will assume that you hate women, and want to put them in their place inferior to men.

And if any of you liberals and feminists defend this, I will write your names on a list and I will never forget who you are.
:talktothehand: I haven't needed them since they got rid of the Orange Valencia coffee.
I understand that Starbucks has to abide by the regs of the country they are in, but when you are a global corporation, you don't need idiot nations like SA who are intolerant of women's rights.

Besides............the Starbucks logo is female, do they have to change their cups too?

Nope, I'm switching to Dunkin Donuts.
Blackrook, women are banned from a great many things and places in SA. Why does the fact that they can't go into an over-priced and over-marketed chain coffee shop make such a difference to you?
They should just go all the way, and ban Starbucks
After a "gender barrier" collapsed.

Making it apparently the only one in the entire middle east to do so...

I have no desire to travel to these horrible countries,

I have felt this way for 20 years after I read the book Not without my daughter...
The women are treated horrible..


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I would just like to know how many here actually go to Starbucks. It's real easy not to do something you already don't do.
Women are BANNED from Starbucks in Saudi Arabia

At some point the non-Muslim peoples of the world have to decide that we are angry and aren't going to take it any more.

And this is it for me, the straw that broke the camel's back.

So long as Starbucks remains closed to women at any location, I will boycott all Starbucks.

There are plenty of places that sell coffee, and we can teach Starbucks that we don't need them, they need us.

I look forward to all the liberals and feminists on this forum to join this boycott. If you don't speak up here, I will assume that you hate women, and want to put them in their place inferior to men.

And if any of you liberals and feminists defend this, I will write your names on a list and I will never forget who you are.

I hope women get mad. However it is not Starbucks policy, it is the vice police that ordered it. The barrier for a women's only area came down. Hard to drink with face covered.

vice police were also responsible for not allowing girls to be rescued during a fire because they were not properly covered to be seen in public
Good for Saudi Arabia...... :thup:

Starbucks is just an over priced caffeinated den of iniquity. ....... :cool:

Only the men can drink coffee.
Starbucks was not closed, just could not serve women. Over priced by american standards or not, people are still willing to pay the price.

Even a denny's or mcDonalds coffee starts at $2 and up. dunkin cappuccinos start at over $2.50
Women are BANNED from Starbucks in Saudi Arabia

At some point the non-Muslim peoples of the world have to decide that we are angry and aren't going to take it any more.

And this is it for me, the straw that broke the camel's back.

So long as Starbucks remains closed to women at any location, I will boycott all Starbucks.

There are plenty of places that sell coffee, and we can teach Starbucks that we don't need them, they need us.

I look forward to all the liberals and feminists on this forum to join this boycott. If you don't speak up here, I will assume that you hate women, and want to put them in their place inferior to men.

And if any of you liberals and feminists defend this, I will write your names on a list and I will never forget who you are.

How does a national policy in Saudi Arabia (or anywhere) translate to "Muslims"?

By your own logic this....


--- must be "Christian".
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See....liberals are ok with this you must respect their culture. All they need is diversity. Just add a bunch of Westerners there and they'll change. Or...bring a shit load of Muslims here and let them assimilate and see the light.

Guys....it works...trust libs.
I do like to go to Starbucks, but there are plenty of alternatives in Las Vegas. There's a place called Tea Leaf and Coffee Bean. I think I'll go there from now on.
"Women are banned from Starbucks in Saudi Arabia"

You and others on the social right want government to force women to give birth against their will – you live in a very large glass house, put down the stones.
Women are BANNED from Starbucks in Saudi Arabia

At some point the non-Muslim peoples of the world have to decide that we are angry and aren't going to take it any more.

And this is it for me, the straw that broke the camel's back.

So long as Starbucks remains closed to women at any location, I will boycott all Starbucks.

There are plenty of places that sell coffee, and we can teach Starbucks that we don't need them, they need us.

I look forward to all the liberals and feminists on this forum to join this boycott. If you don't speak up here, I will assume that you hate women, and want to put them in their place inferior to men.

And if any of you liberals and feminists defend this, I will write your names on a list and I will never forget who you are.

How does a national policy in Saudi Arabia (or anywhere) translate to "Muslims"?

By your own logic this....


--- must be "Christian".

So by THAT logic a bakery should be able to ban gays and it doesn't have anything to do with "Christian".

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