Woman killed in Capitol during pro-Trump breach

Meanwhile there's a thread calling it a "peaceful protest".

Cops shot an unarmed woman and you're cheering it.

1) What did the woman do?
2).Did a Trump protester shoot her?
Answer both.

Just watched the live stream from somebody there in front of the smashed glass doors in the Capital. Heard the shot, then heard somebody shouting "Active Shooter" as they were laying her down. I do not know who shot her or why. Too early to assume.

Thanks. It looks like the guy who said a cop shot her was making things up. Because she may or may not have been shot by a cop.

I can find the link if you want it. Kind of grizzly. Part of two live streams posted on facebook from the scene when it happened.
There were no Trump rioters. The people who broke into the Capitol Building are Antifa as many have been identified from previous Antifa appearances as Antifa.

Furthermore, you would have thought that the Capitol Building would have maximum. In fact, a video shows a group of them being allowed through police lines.

Trump supporters were peaceful.

Why were they all wearing MAGA hats?

Is that all it takes to fool you?


The leftist posters are fools, useful idiots.
Meanwhile there's a thread calling it a "peaceful protest".

And whomever shot her should be brought up on charges right?

No, but everyone who can be identified being in the Capitol, will be considered a domestic terrorist and brought up on charges, and they won't have Trump around to pardon them in another 13 days. When the DOJ changes hands, the FBI can methodically go through the tapes and camera footage, Identify the terrorists, and a whole lot of maga pukes will be doing some quality time behind bars next year.

Yes, because walking on public spaces is terrorism.

Scratch a leftist, find a fascist.
I don't know the circumstances other than the fact that she was involved in violently breaking into the Capitol Bldg while Congress was in session
"Violently"? Post your proof, liar.
They BROKE INTO the Capitol Bldg you piece of shit...they broke through doors...they were invading the Capitol Chambers

They were UNARMED protesters. This, my friend , is what democracy looks like.
They BROKE INTO the Capitol Bldg you piece of shit...they broke through doors...they were invading the Capitol Chambers
I would like an account that doesn't come from a leftist stooge and known liar, thanks anyway.
This woman broke down some doors on the Capitol Building. I think not.
Meanwhile there's a thread calling it a "peaceful protest".

Cops shot an unarmed woman and you're cheering it.

1) What did the woman do?
2).Did a Trump protester shoot her?
Answer both.

Just watched the live stream from somebody there in front of the smashed glass doors in the Capital. Heard the shot, then heard somebody shouting "Active Shooter" as they were laying her down. I do not know who shot her or why. Too early to assume.

Thanks. It looks like the guy who said a cop shot her was making things up. Because she may or may not have been shot by a cop.

I can find the link if you want it. Kind of grizzly. Part of two live streams posted on facebook from the scene when it happened.

You're going to live give me a link that doesn't show a cop shooting a woman.
BLM and ANTIFA are probably organizing a protest in her honor. CNN will be covering it and applauding the burning of cities as "people are angry".

How many of them on CNN are asking why this woman was shot?

such a program would, at least, be ACCEPTABLE
in the USA today and EXPECIALLY of the biden/hump
era. A NECESSARY RESPONSE to police brutality
against those who adhere to the race "patriot"
If the woman who was shot today had not decided to be part of a mob that besieged the capitol building, she would be alive today. This Mob, incited by Trump, broke the law and had members of Congress gearing for their lives. Trump bears responsibility for her death, she was i]encourages to break the law, and paid with her life.

Condolences to her family, but she made the choice to be part of a mob.

So who incited the BLM and ANTIFA attacks? Lost businesses, burnt to the ground and countless dead people, not just one
What does that have do with today’s events?

Everything. You are asking for a different set of standards for some but not for others. He didn't tell followers to attack the Capitol Building. Meanwhile I have heard some politicians tell their supporters to get in the face of Trump supporters and worse.

They have done so, multiple times. For weeks in fact.
Oh. So he wasn’t specific enough?

And Trump encouraged these violent assholes.

He told them they were "special people"

Looks like she was shot by the cops. Do you always cheer when that happens, or just this time?

are you always concerned about cops shooting civilians...
or just this time...

Always, but it's interesting to note you're cheering it this time. Why?

having hard time believing you...
since i can smell balooney from a mile...

You didn't answer my question. Why are you cheering an unarmed woman executed by a cop?

since you celebrated black people getting shot by cops from left and right for no reason, you think everyone else posses the same hypocrisy...

but you are wrong...

dead wrong...

Once again, you failed to condemn this unarmed woman executed by a cop. Why?

she was not executed...
she just happened to be stupid enough to be in the middle of all this...

The debt of the leaders to the American people has become insurmountable.

Add her life to that debt.

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