Woman killed in Capitol during pro-Trump breach

the shaman is a known pro trump q anon supporter. View attachment 438312

trump might pardon him.
jake angeli

Leftists are liars. They supported days, weeks, months of mob violence.

No, we didn't. You're lying outright about us.

The Nazis faked stories of violent Jews to justify their violence against Jews.

The Trump cult fakes stories of violent Democrats to justify their violence against Democrats.

It's not a question of whether Trump cultists are similar to Nazis. It's only a question of whether they differ in any significant way. They really don't. They're running straight out of the fascist playbook.

Now, run along. You've got a fascist coup to support, after all.
The left went after Senator Hawley's wife and newborn baby a few days ago and the left shrugged.
Meanwhile there's a thread calling it a "peaceful protest".

And whomever shot her should be brought up on charges right?

No, but everyone who can be identified being in the Capitol, will be considered a domestic terrorist and brought up on charges, and they won't have Trump around to pardon them in another 13 days. When the DOJ changes hands, the FBI can methodically go through the tapes and camera footage, Identify the terrorists, and a whole lot of maga pukes will be doing some quality time behind bars next year.

Yes, because walking on public spaces is terrorism.

Scratch a leftist, find a fascist.

They breeched barriers. They were violent radicals. They were common criminals. The Capitol police missed a golden opportunity with their riot pump shotguns, to lay waste to a lot of maga pukes.

That opportunity won't be missed a second time.
Meanwhile there's a thread calling it a "peaceful protest".

And whomever shot her should be brought up on charges right?

No, but everyone who can be identified being in the Capitol, will be considered a domestic terrorist and brought up on charges, and they won't have Trump around to pardon them in another 13 days. When the DOJ changes hands, the FBI can methodically go through the tapes and camera footage, Identify the terrorists, and a whole lot of maga pukes will be doing some quality time behind bars next year.

Yes, because walking on public spaces is terrorism.

Scratch a leftist, find a fascist.

They breeched barriers. They were violent radicals. They were common criminals. The Capitol police missed a golden opportunity with their riot pump shotguns, to lay waste to a lot of maga pukes.

That opportunity won't be missed a second time.

You're as paranoid and stupid as the nuts on the left.
Meanwhile there's a thread calling it a "peaceful protest".

Cops shot an unarmed woman and you're cheering it.

1) What did the woman do?
2).Did a Trump protester shoot her?
Answer both.

Just watched the live stream from somebody there in front of the smashed glass doors in the Capital. Heard the shot, then heard somebody shouting "Active Shooter" as they were laying her down. I do not know who shot her or why. Too early to assume.

Thanks. It looks like the guy who said a cop shot her was making things up. Because she may or may not have been shot by a cop.

I can find the link if you want it. Kind of grizzly. Part of two live streams posted on facebook from the scene when it happened.

You're going to live give me a link that doesn't show a cop shooting a woman.

Saw both streams. Did not show the shooter as far as I could see. You may have seen the live streams and seen something I didn't if you want the link, contact by PM. I will not post a young woman shot, killed and dying on this board in open forum. Don't know board rules, but White 6 rules are solid.
They breeched barriers. They were violent radicals. They were common criminals. The Capitol police missed a golden opportunity with their riot pump shotguns, to lay waste to a lot of maga pukes.

That opportunity won't be missed a second time.
So you think the police should murder unarmed citizens protesting the theft of the presidential election.

If fact you are stating it will happen soon and are encouraging the police to murder unarmed citizens.

Scratch an unhinged leftist and there is a brutal blood thirsty fascist not far from the surface.
Thanks for outing yourself.

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