Woman accusing Trump of harassment tried to get job with Trump after the supposed harassment!

It doesn't matter if they are true or not at this point. The media has presented it as the truth and the sheeple are eating it up. The media won't investigate it or present any holes into the story.

It reminds me of the torpedoing of the Herman Cain. It did come out to after he dropped the 4 allegations against all had major holes and was only sparsely reported on when it was:
(1) "Victim 1": Was a habitual sexual harassment accuser. She accused 3separate employers of sexual harassment any all, includes the one against Cain, was determined not to have any legs.

(2) "Victim 2": Was a mentally unstable women who appeared to be more of a stalker than a victim. She was photographed at numerous Cain events. She did even bring formal complaint, had numerous documented mental health issues in the past and her story was clearly debunked.

(3) "Victim 3": The was complain against Cain, but they never really described. The complaint alleged the women saw across from the room Cain describing her in a demeaning way. Cain claimed he was describing his wife and only pointed to the victim saying they had similar body features. The claim went no where and the victim continued to work at the company and with Cain.

(4) "Victim 4": An anonymous victim whose story was never total. All the Was states was an unnamed victim was sexually harassed by Cain. The victims identity was never revealed nor were details of the story. I honestly think Gloria made her up.

All 4 of these victims were so shady the media should have questioned them and seek the through. But that is not what they did. It was a 24/7 news cycle and the statements were take. At face value. They never questions the allegations. At the time Cain was coming off of a great debate win and leading in the polls. The media torpedoed him into 5th place with these false accusations.

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