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Jihad begins in Europe?
posted 11/06/05 (edited Tuesday, Nov 08, 2005 01:05)
As many observers have noted, the mainstream media (MSM) have marched in lockstep in their desperation to minimize the role that Islamism may be playing in the wave of rioting and vandalism plaguing France during the past two weeks. Typical of this effort by "reporters" not to report the bald (if politically incorrect) facts is The New York Times of November 5, which declared: "While the vast majority of the young people behind the nightly attacks are Muslim, experts and residents warned against seeing the violence through the prism of religion." Apparently we are to believe that the more significant causal factor is the fact that they are "youths," or "young people," or even "youngsters" -- words which appear prominently in every article, in order to bury any rare, passing mentions of the word "Muslim."
But truth will out, and it's getting harder and harder for the Leftist press to maintain this fiction. References to Islam are increasing, and even Newsweek now speculates about the role of Islamists in the Paris terror. If this trend continues, pretty soon the MSM might even begin to acknowledge the wisdom in columns by Mark Steyn.
But what is the specific cause of the Muslim uprising in France?
Jeff Jacoby blames "multicultural relativism" -- the trendy notion that all cultures are morally equivalent. Western society is no better than any other, the multicult proclaims -- and, in fact, is in many ways far worse: it is racist, imperialist, hegemonic, sexist, etc., etc. On that premise, multiculturalists have for decades tried to appease the world's butchers and barbarians, most recently those who go on nihilistic rampages in the name of Allah. In doing so, these "intellectuals" have only empowered and emboldened the savages.
Now multiculturalism's chickens are coming home to roost. In the latest issue of The New Individualist, Bruce Thornton points out the role of multiculturalism in the July terrorist bombings in London. Tell thugs that they are moral in their aspirations and justified in their grievances, and pretty soon they begin to believe you -- and act accordingly. Appease them when they bomb and behead, and they quickly learn that terrorism works -- and act accordingly. Invite them into your own country while assuring them that they don't have to abandon their doctrines of hatred, and they will accept the invitations -- and act accordingly.
Take France -- please. The cradle of Rousseau, Sartre, Foucault, and postmodernism has long been the international poster child of multicultural relativism, where quote intellectuals unquote equate Sophistication with a sneering renunciation of Western Enlightenment values. The practical implication of that Sophistication has been to appease and embrace Noble Savages wherever they appear, whether they be named Arafat or Saddam or the "alienated youths" from Muslim nations whom they have invited to their shore and accommodated by the millions. "Accommodated," literally. Says the New York Times: "Most of the country's immigrants are housed in government-subsidized apartments on the outskirts of industrial cities. They benefit from generous welfare programs, but the government's failure to provide jobs has created a sense of disenfranchisement among the young. A highly observant form of Islam has grown popular among the mostly Muslim population."
Now the French culturati are shocked -- shocked! -- that their once-Sophisticated rues have become frontline battlefields in the Islamist anti-Western jihad. Why us? they wail, especially after all they've done to "understand" and coddle Islamists at home and abroad. According to Amir Tahiri, in the best article I have yet read on the current French crisis, "President Jacques Chirac and Premier de Villepin are especially sore because they had believed that their opposition to the toppling of Saddam Hussein in 2003 would give France a heroic image in the Muslim community. That illusion has now been shattered -- and the Chirac administration, already passing through a deepening political crisis, appears to be clueless about how to cope with what the Parisian daily France Soir has called a 'ticking time bomb.'"
Of course, rather than re-examining their corrupt philosophical premises, French leaders are addressing the thugs with more of the same moral appeasement that encouraged them to riot in the first place.
Reports the previously cited Newsweek article: "In Clichy-sous-Bois, where it all began, calm was restored after the fourth night by young men from the local mosque. The government was thankful and hopes similar measures can work elsewhere. Some analysts are wary. Calling on mosques to restore order 'validates the postulate that Islam is the answer to everything,' says Dounia Bouzar, author of several books on French Muslims."
Uh huh.
And how's this for a tough response: "Evreux mayor Jean-Louis Debre, a confidant of President Jacques Chirac and speaker of the lower house of parliament, told France Info radio: 'To those responsible for the violence, I want to say: Be serious ... If you want to live in a fairer, more fraternal society, this is not how to go about it.'"
Come, children, let us reason together.
Or this, from the same piece: "Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin...has combined a call for an end to the riots with dialogue with community leaders, youngsters [ "youngsters"!] and local officials, and has promised an action plan for 750 tough neighborhoods. 'I'll make proposals as early as this week,' the weekly Journal du Dimanche quoted him as saying."
Get the message?
You can be sure that the nihilists do.
Ultimately, the war for civilization is philosophical -- and it is not primarily against Islamists or the proponents of similar death-worshipping doctrines. Without the aid and comfort of Western benefactors and apologists, these backwater barbarians would have no power, prestige, or prospects.
No, the war for civilization first must be waged against the pampered postmodernists of the West -- those poseurs who serve as nihilism's Excuse-Making Industry.
Because multiculturalists are the intellectual enablers of nihilism.