‘Witness’ Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call – But Very Upset

REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment ‘Witness’ Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call – But was Very Upset with Call – Huh? (VIDEO)

REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment 'Witness' Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call - But was Very Upset with Call - Huh? (VIDEO)

Former White House adviser Fiona Hill testified before Democrat investigators Monday as part of their closed door impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.

The liberal media pushed the line all day that she was a very important Russia adviser — they really propped her up.
This can only mean that they know she is an anti-Trump hack.

Intel expert Tony Shaffer has no idea who she is which says a lot about the Democratic party witness.

LOL – I know most of @realDonaldTrump "top advisors" and I've never even heard of Ms Hill… apparently she is a top advisor in @cnn's alternate universe… USE-FULL-LINK-2NLM74iLFV

— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) October 14, 2019

(Excerpt) Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...

Just more bullshit from the left that they keep stepping in!

This hoax has to be pressed as fast as possible, otherwise these....little....problems will keep being exposed......

The democrats are just calling up Trump haters, implying that they have some sort of information...then they let them bitch about getting canned by Trump....and the democrat press reports it like it has some relevance to the fake impeachment...
Again, retard, Hill was not testifying about the phone call.

Try to catch up, retards!

Then what the fuck was she doing there, you dumb ass?
The President of the United States was attempting to rig the 2020 election by having Crazy Eyes Rudy fabricate manufactured bullshit about his main political rival. And the President of the United States was attempting to collude with a foreign leader in that effort.

Giuliani was using criminals and corrupt foreign officials to create this pile of bullshit. He was being fed himself by bullshit from a known hack and liar.

This is what is coming out in the hearings.
There in no Manufactured Bullshit unless you are talking about The Ukrainian-Russian Dirty Dossier that The Obama Administration, Clinton, Biden, Comey, and McCabe cooked up and tried to use to over turn our Democracy.

Biden Came out and OPENLY BRAGGED ABOUT EXTORTION. It's on the record, and the Ukraine Investigation Biden got shut down in to his son's and his corruption, was re-opened a full 6 months ago and was ongoing.

We have a cooperation agreement with them since The Ukraine Election in matters of political corruption so there was nothing wrong with asking The Ukraine President to update The US President with anything they find out about an already ongoing investigation in to political corruption.
The President of the United States was attempting to rig the 2020 election by having Crazy Eyes Rudy fabricate manufactured bullshit about his main political rival. And the President of the United States was attempting to collude with a foreign leader in that effort.

Giuliani was using criminals and corrupt foreign officials to create this pile of bullshit. He was being fed himself by bullshit from a known hack and liar.

This is what is coming out in the hearings.

You can always tell what the democrats did, and what they are doing because that is what they accuse the Republicans of doing...hilary, obama and their minions actually did use the Ukraine to attack Trump, as well as Russia, Britain and Australia, but now try to hide what they did by saying Trump is doing it...
How would she know about a call she was not authorized to listen in on, or even read The Transcripts of?

This sounds more like fragile, sensitive snowflakes being offended by / reacting to what they hear rather than an actual 'Whistle Blower' ....
When ambassador Yovanovitch began questioning Giuliani's activities in the Ukraine, Giuliani started a campaign of lies against her to have her removed. A fake "do not prosecute" list was created by Giuliani's associates and used as a reason to fire her.

The man is sick.

This is what is coming out in the hearings.

A wall of facts are building that long before the phone call, Trump and Giuliani were engaged in a propaganda campaign against Trump's chief political rival in the 2020 election.
REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment ‘Witness’ Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call – But was Very Upset with Call – Huh? (VIDEO)
Fiona Hill was aware of other efforts by Trump and Giuliani to force Ukraine to get dirt on a political rival, idiot. The phone call was not the only thing going on.

There was an ongoing campaign.

Try to catch up.
We have a mutual legal assistance treaty with Ukraine. There simply is no need for the US to "force" them to share info on the Bidens.

What did take coercion was Biden getting Ukraine to fire Prosecutor General Shokin after the failed assassination attempt.

And BTW, that assassination attempt against the Prosecutor General that Biden wanted to get rid of is still an open case actively under investigation. And there's no doubt that since Biden obviously had a motive, he's on the list of suspects.
How would she know about a call she was not authorized to listen in on, or even read The Transcripts of?

This sounds more like fragile, sensitive snowflakes being offended by / reacting to what they hear rather than an actual 'Whistle Blower' ....
But sharing even 2nd, 3rd or 4th accounts of a classified and privileged conversation is a FELONY.

That is what I was getting at.

The FBI and DOJ should be prosecuting these people and not letting them walk around free.
Donald Trump’s explicitly declared position in the scandal consuming his presidency is that pressuring a foreign power to “investigate” a leading domestic political opponent absolutely falls within his rightfully exercised authority. Trump has said this, and so has his White House counsel, making this the White House’s official political, substantive and legal position.

But this defense is cracking up. That’s because we’re now learning, one after another, that all of the people around him knew that it was grievously wrong — that is, all except for those who were carrying out Trump’s corrupt scheme.

REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment ‘Witness’ Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call – But was Very Upset with Call – Huh? (VIDEO)

REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment 'Witness' Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call - But was Very Upset with Call - Huh? (VIDEO)

Former White House adviser Fiona Hill testified before Democrat investigators Monday as part of their closed door impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.

The liberal media pushed the line all day that she was a very important Russia adviser — they really propped her up.
This can only mean that they know she is an anti-Trump hack.

Intel expert Tony Shaffer has no idea who she is which says a lot about the Democratic party witness.

LOL – I know most of @realDonaldTrump "top advisors" and I've never even heard of Ms Hill… apparently she is a top advisor in @cnn's alternate universe… USE-FULL-LINK-2NLM74iLFV

— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) October 14, 2019

(Excerpt) Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...

Just more bullshit from the left that they keep stepping in!
As you can now see, your propagandists have deliberately misled you. Hill's testimony had nothing to do with the phone call, dipshit.

All caught up now?

Somehow, I just know you will continue to chug their piss even though you know they are lying to you.

You DESERVE to be lied to.

This is about more than just a phone call. This is about a campaign that was going on months or even years before the call. It was a ongoing effort by Giuliani to run a rogue foreign policy. You are the one being lied to and passing them on.
REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment ‘Witness’ Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call – But was Very Upset with Call – Huh? (VIDEO)
Fiona Hill was aware of other efforts by Trump and Giuliani to force Ukraine to get dirt on a political rival, idiot. The phone call was not the only thing going on.

There was an ongoing campaign.

Try to catch up.
We have a mutual legal assistance treaty with Ukraine. There simply is no need for the US to "force" them to share info on the Bidens.

What did take coercion was Biden getting Ukraine to fire Prosecutor General Shokin after the failed assassination attempt.

And BTW, that assassination attempt against the Prosecutor General that Biden wanted to get rid of is still an open case actively under investigation. And there's no doubt that since Biden obviously had a motive, he's on list of suspects.
Not only did Biden get the Ukraine Prosecutor fired, he and The Obama Administration probably put an Assassination Contract out on The Prosecutor just like they did to Qaddafi.
things are really complex for some folks to grasp such as Fiona.

Your sources are what Trump tells you even though Trump is a proven liar. Trump is a idiot and easily the stupidest President we have ever had.
REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment ‘Witness’ Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call – But was Very Upset with Call – Huh? (VIDEO)

REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment 'Witness' Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call - But was Very Upset with Call - Huh? (VIDEO)

Former White House adviser Fiona Hill testified before Democrat investigators Monday as part of their closed door impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.

The liberal media pushed the line all day that she was a very important Russia adviser — they really propped her up.
This can only mean that they know she is an anti-Trump hack.

Intel expert Tony Shaffer has no idea who she is which says a lot about the Democratic party witness.

LOL – I know most of @realDonaldTrump "top advisors" and I've never even heard of Ms Hill… apparently she is a top advisor in @cnn's alternate universe… USE-FULL-LINK-2NLM74iLFV

— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) October 14, 2019

(Excerpt) Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...

Just more bullshit from the left that they keep stepping in!
As you can now see, your propagandists have deliberately misled you. Hill's testimony had nothing to do with the phone call, dipshit.

All caught up now?

Somehow, I just know you will continue to chug their piss even though you know they are lying to you.

You DESERVE to be lied to.

This is about more than just a phone call. This is about a campaign that was going on months or even years before the call. It was a ongoing effort by Giuliani to run a rogue foreign policy. You are the one being lied to and passing them on.

The Investigation in to Political Corruption of Joe, Hunter Biden and Soros had been going on since late 2013 and only after Joe Biden used Extortion on The UKRAINE did the Investigation in to Soros, Biden and Burisma get dropped.

An Election occurred and The Ukraine President was elected on an Anti-Corruption Platform, and most of the people The Ukraine Prosecutor was investigating previously FLED TO RUSSIA.

The Investigation was re-opened 6 months agon.

So how in THE HELL did RUDY know clear back in 2013 that President Trump was going to run for President and he'd be working for him?

How did Rudy know Trump was going to call The Ukraine 6 years later?

Care to explain that LOON TARD?

You Tards make no sense. Like Lemmings going over a cliff, you have NO Mental Awareness of your surroundings or The Facts even.
REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment ‘Witness’ Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call – But was Very Upset with Call – Huh? (VIDEO)

REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment 'Witness' Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call - But was Very Upset with Call - Huh? (VIDEO)

Former White House adviser Fiona Hill testified before Democrat investigators Monday as part of their closed door impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.

The liberal media pushed the line all day that she was a very important Russia adviser — they really propped her up.
This can only mean that they know she is an anti-Trump hack.

Intel expert Tony Shaffer has no idea who she is which says a lot about the Democratic party witness.

LOL – I know most of @realDonaldTrump "top advisors" and I've never even heard of Ms Hill… apparently she is a top advisor in @cnn's alternate universe… USE-FULL-LINK-2NLM74iLFV

— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) October 14, 2019

(Excerpt) Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ...

Just more bullshit from the left that they keep stepping in!
As you can now see, your propagandists have deliberately misled you. Hill's testimony had nothing to do with the phone call, dipshit.

All caught up now?

Somehow, I just know you will continue to chug their piss even though you know they are lying to you.

You DESERVE to be lied to.

This is about more than just a phone call. This is about a campaign that was going on months or even years before the call. It was a ongoing effort by Giuliani to run a rogue foreign policy. You are the one being lied to and passing them on.

You guys are hysterical...in more ways than one.....

REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment ‘Witness’ Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call – But was Very Upset with Call – Huh? (VIDEO)
Fiona Hill was aware of other efforts by Trump and Giuliani to force Ukraine to get dirt on a political rival, idiot. The phone call was not the only thing going on.

There was an ongoing campaign.

Try to catch up.

Several people around Trump were concerned about Giuliani and Trump's illegal activities way before the phone call. And when they began expressing their concerns, Giulian began sabotaging them. Including the ambassador to Ukraine. He and the corrupt prosecutor in Ukraine manufactured a fake "list of people not to prosecute" that they attributed to the ambassador to make the ambassador look crooked.

Giuliani is one sick fucker, people. You better catch up or you are at peril of looking like retards.

You were pegged as a retard after the first post of yours that I read.
REVEALED: Latest Dem Impeachment ‘Witness’ Fiona Hill WAS NOT EVEN WORKING IN WHITE HOUSE at Time of Trump Call – But was Very Upset with Call – Huh? (VIDEO)
Fiona Hill was aware of other efforts by Trump and Giuliani to force Ukraine to get dirt on a political rival, idiot. The phone call was not the only thing going on.

There was an ongoing campaign.

Try to catch up.

No, not false. The phone call transcript reveals that Giuliani was already trying to contact Zelensky before Trump and Zelensky spoke on the phone.
Giuliani ran a shadow foreign policy to personally benefit Trump, ex-adviser testifies

In a closed-door session that lasted roughly 10 hours, Hill told lawmakers that she confronted Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, about Giuliani’s activities which, she testified, were not coordinated with the officials responsible for carrying out U.S. foreign policy, these people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to disclose details of her deposition.


Sondland is set to appear before lawmakers later this week.

Sondland was also confronted by the top diplomat at the US embassy in Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as this text exchange reveals:

Taylor: I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.

Sondland: I suggest we stop the back and forth by text.

BOOM. Sondland didn't want there to be a record of this conversation. He gets Taylor to continue the conversation over the phone so there will be no record.

But Taylor isn't stupid.

After a phone conversation with Sondland, Taylor texts: “As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.”

Four and a half hours later, Sondlond responds, “Bill, I believe you are incorrect about President Trump’s intentions,” Sondland writes. “The President has been crystal clear: no quid pro quo’s of any kind."

Here's where it gets sick.

Trump has claimed his innocence is proven by Sondland saying there was no quid pro quo in those texts. He has used that as his defense.

But Sondland is going to testify that Trump told him to say that in the text.

Taylor tells Sondland it is wrong to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign. Sondland then takes this message to Trump and Trump tells Sondland to say there was no quid pro quo. Sondland then relays that message. Trump then claims that Sondland's parroting of his own words is proof there was no quid pro quo!

We have gone full Orwell, folks.

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