With Trump and Sanders Win, Are We Seeing a Full Scale Revolt in America?

what the hell does that got to do with campaign donation ??? absolutely nothing ... they Clinton foundation takes money from all countries ...whats wrong with thats you nut cases ..

Awwww, isn't that cute. You naively believe that Hillary separates her "Foundation' money from her campaign money AND believe that donations to the 'Foundation' are not PAYOFFS.

For example, a certain billionaire foreign company owner made a large donation to Hillary's 'Foundation'. She in turn, while serving as Sect of State, ensured his company received no punishment when they were caught violating the US Sanctions against Iran by running 'illegal' contraband' to Iran.

Clinton Foundation Donor Violated US Iran Sanctions (as usual, clueless Obama knows nothing)

Another donor got a weapons deal from the State Dept...

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department

These are some of the cases are why the FBI is also investigating Hillary for 'Corruption'.

FBI's Clinton probe expands to public corruption track | Fox News

Report: FBI Now Investigating Hillary’s State Department For Corruption

Trump and Sanders actually have some similarities. They both won't waffle. They're both goin all-in. And that's what's really resonating with the People. Most are so sick of the bland wafflers. So love em or hate em, they're both being straight with the People. You gotta give em big props for that.
Trump and Sanders actually have some similarities. They both won't waffle. They're both goin all-in. And that's what's really resonating with the People. Most are so sick of the bland wafflers. Love em or hate em, they're being straight with the People. You gotta give em both big props for that.
I don't think they're being anymore straight than any other pol. People, both young white and idealist, and old white and tired, are seeing the American dream is no longer a reality.

How either of these guys does with non-whites ... I dunno. Hell, I'm not angry and even I couldn't work up the enthusiasm to vote for Rubio jeb or Christie, and Kasich looks like a pale shadow of his 90s self.
We are seeing a populist revolt.

It did not go well in 1896 or 1964 or 1984.

However, this time the strain is very pronounced in both parties.
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I think you're seeing angry, ignorant people on the left wing, and angry, ignorant people on the right. That's what you saw in the New Hampshire vote.

The candidates that they support Bernie Sanders/Donald Trump don't have solutions to this countries problems, they just stoke the fire of anger.

On CNN--the least important issue on these voters minds tonight was electability. They didn't care if Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump could win the White House, they wanted to make a statement.

Will Democrats and Republicans wake up tomorrow and change course?
Probably--because ultimately all the ranting and raving in the world isn't going to cut it, if you nominate a candidate that can't win the White House.


I thnk both parties in new Hampshire were misguided.

however, trump feeds on the base's hate. Bernie feeds on it's hope. that isn't divisive, it's just naïve.

I agree
Then kindly point out where Trump said anything that was hate speech. You libtards keep going on and on about Trump tapping into the hate vote, but it is all nothing more than a bullshit smear job without specific quotes.
your kidding right ???
No, I am not kidding. I do know that Trump opening campaign speech has been labeled as hate speech toward Hispanics when he never said any thing pf the kind. But I dont want to set up a Straw Man here; either put up some links to Trumps supposedly racist speech or shut the hell up about it.

You libtards repeat bullshit lies among each other so much you simply assume the lies are true because everyone you know regards it as true based on ZERO evidence, so, come on; put up or shut up.
that is your opinion that I don't agree with ... it was his implications that are racist ... he said mexican, drug dealers, murders, and rapist are coming across our boarders ... that statement alone is saying to mexican who came across the boarder are murders rapist and drug dealers ... he didn't say some of the part of them his implication was all of them... he said that to arouse the bigoted republican base ... which it did .. I not saying all republicans are bigoted i saying he woke up a lot of them ... whats bull shit here is you not seeing that which tells me you too might be a bigot
Trump and Sanders actually have some similarities. They both won't waffle. They're both goin all-in. And that's what's really resonating with the People. Most are so sick of the bland wafflers. Love em or hate em, they're being straight with the People. You gotta give em both big props for that.
I don't think they're being anymore straight than any other pol. People, both young white and idealist, and old white and tired, are seeing the American dream is no longer a reality.

How either of these guys does with non-whites ... I dunno. Hell, I'm not angry and even I couldn't work up the enthusiasm to vote for Rubio jeb or Christie, and Kasich looks like a pale shadow of his 90s self.

I disagree. They're both goin all-in. There's no waffling with em. And if it pisses some off, than so be it. I like it. It's refreshing.

Gotta admit, that's gonna work with many voters. Especially young people. The Republican Party is known to many as the party of greedy white dudes who want slave workers. I give Sanders credit, he's goin all-in. And so is Trump. I think that's why so many are supporting them. They aren't waffling like the others.
Yep the party actually running two Hispanics and one black man is the old white party... you regressives are ignorant.

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Just stating how many feel about the Republican Party. Many do see it as the party of greedy old white dudes who want slaves. Sanders is tapping into that. It's working.
Sanders like you is a communist elitist asshole .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Many, especially young people, don't see it that way. They see him as caring about them. They see y'all greedy white Republican dudes as not giving a shit whether they live or die. They feel y'all would pay em $1 an hr if you thought you could get away with it. So, Sanders is onto something. His message is resonating with many.
Young people are stupid.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Trump and Sanders actually have some similarities. They both won't waffle. They're both goin all-in. And that's what's really resonating with the People. Most are so sick of the bland wafflers. Love em or hate em, they're being straight with the People. You gotta give em both big props for that.
I don't think they're being anymore straight than any other pol. People, both young white and idealist, and old white and tired, are seeing the American dream is no longer a reality.

How either of these guys does with non-whites ... I dunno. Hell, I'm not angry and even I couldn't work up the enthusiasm to vote for Rubio jeb or Christie, and Kasich looks like a pale shadow of his 90s self.

I disagree. They're both goin all-in. There's no waffling with em. And if it pisses some off, than so be it. I like it. It's refreshing.
They go all in, but how can the Donald possibly be telling what he really thinks, when he's flip flopped on everything he's been saying for years?

Bernie may be telling what he actually thinks, but he's got no more chance of getting single payer or a more progressive tax code than he does of finding that purple unicorn he's been chasing for 50 years.
that is your opinion that I don't agree with ... it was his implications that are racist ... he said mexican, drug dealers, murders, and rapist are coming across our boarders ... that statement alone is saying to mexican who came across the boarder are murders rapist and drug dealers ... he didn't say some of the part of them his implication was all of them... he said that to arouse the bigoted republican base ... which it did .. I not saying all republicans are bigoted i saying he woke up a lot of them ... whats bull shit here is you not seeing that which tells me you too might be a bigot
lol, so you admit that Trump did not say those things but you think he implied them, meaning the racist statements are all in your little noggin.

And because I dont believe the spin you read into Trumps statements that also makes me a bigot.

roflmao, the libtard social Marxist trifecta all in one post; intolerance, race baiting and subjective opinion forced on people or be branded racists.
Gotta admit, that's gonna work with many voters. Especially young people. The Republican Party is known to many as the party of greedy white dudes who want slave workers. I give Sanders credit, he's goin all-in. And so is Trump. I think that's why so many are supporting them. They aren't waffling like the others.
Yep the party actually running two Hispanics and one black man is the old white party... you regressives are ignorant.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Just stating how many feel about the Republican Party. Many do see it as the party of greedy old white dudes who want slaves. Sanders is tapping into that. It's working.
Sanders like you is a communist elitist asshole .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Many, especially young people, don't see it that way. They see him as caring about them. They see y'all greedy white Republican dudes as not giving a shit whether they live or die. They feel y'all would pay em $1 an hr if you thought you could get away with it. So, Sanders is onto something. His message is resonating with many.
Young people are stupid.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

It's not only young people who are supporting him.
Trump and Sanders actually have some similarities. They both won't waffle. They're both goin all-in. And that's what's really resonating with the People. Most are so sick of the bland wafflers. Love em or hate em, they're being straight with the People. You gotta give em both big props for that.
I don't think they're being anymore straight than any other pol. People, both young white and idealist, and old white and tired, are seeing the American dream is no longer a reality.

How either of these guys does with non-whites ... I dunno. Hell, I'm not angry and even I couldn't work up the enthusiasm to vote for Rubio jeb or Christie, and Kasich looks like a pale shadow of his 90s self.

I disagree. They're both goin all-in. There's no waffling with em. And if it pisses some off, than so be it. I like it. It's refreshing.
They go all in, but how can the Donald possibly be telling what he really thinks, when he's flip flopped on everything he's been saying for years?

Bernie may be telling what he actually thinks, but he's got no more chance of getting single payer or a more progressive tax code than he does of finding that purple unicorn he's been chasing for 50 years.

All the other Candidates just aren't saying anything. It's the same ole waffling gibberish. I like that Sanders and Trump piss so many people off. It means they're saying something.
Both Bernie and Donald have changed the debate, but their dialogue (stump speech) is quite different.

IMO the vast majority of Americans are fed up with the pissing contest between the D' and the R's, but unwilling to seek a solution outside of those parameters.

As for a revolution within the meaning of the OP don't count on it. What I think the vast majority of American voters want is stability, and equal opportunity to succeed for themselves and their children and grand children.

We have seen nothing positive from The Congress in decades. If a sea change is needed, and I believe it is, all of us, D's and R's and the fence sitters need to evaluate our representatives in Congress and our St. Legislatures.
  • Do they work across the aisle
  • Do they vote their conscience or follow the leader
  • Do they put our country first, or their reelection
  • Are they fiscally responsible, or penny wise and pound foolish
Those are how I'll evaluate my representatives, how will you evaluate yours?
Trump and Sanders actually have some similarities. They both won't waffle. They're both goin all-in. And that's what's really resonating with the People. Most are so sick of the bland wafflers. Love em or hate em, they're being straight with the People. You gotta give em both big props for that.
I don't think they're being anymore straight than any other pol. People, both young white and idealist, and old white and tired, are seeing the American dream is no longer a reality.

How either of these guys does with non-whites ... I dunno. Hell, I'm not angry and even I couldn't work up the enthusiasm to vote for Rubio jeb or Christie, and Kasich looks like a pale shadow of his 90s self.

I disagree. They're both goin all-in. There's no waffling with em. And if it pisses some off, than so be it. I like it. It's refreshing.
They go all in, but how can the Donald possibly be telling what he really thinks, when he's flip flopped on everything he's been saying for years?

Bernie may be telling what he actually thinks, but he's got no more chance of getting single payer or a more progressive tax code than he does of finding that purple unicorn he's been chasing for 50 years.

All the other Candidates just aren't saying anything. It's the same ole waffling gibberish. I like that Sanders and Trump piss so many people off. It means they're saying something.
Ah, but whether they're actually offering anything other than piss is the question.
what the hell does that got to do with campaign donation ??? absolutely nothing ... they Clinton foundation takes money from all countries ...whats wrong with thats you nut cases ..

Awwww, isn't that cute. You naively believe that Hillary separates her "Foundation' money from her campaign money AND believe that donations to the 'Foundation' are not PAYOFFS.

For example, a certain billionaire foreign company owner made a large donation to Hillary's 'Foundation'. She in turn, while serving as Sect of State, ensured his company received no punishment when they were caught violating the US Sanctions against Iran by running 'illegal' contraband' to Iran.

Clinton Foundation Donor Violated US Iran Sanctions (as usual, clueless Obama knows nothing)

Another donor got a weapons deal from the State Dept...

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department

These are some of the cases are why the FBI is also investigating Hillary for 'Corruption'.

FBI's Clinton probe expands to public corruption track | Fox News

Report: FBI Now Investigating Hillary’s State Department For Corruption

all campaign donation has to be reported to campaign finance ..... thats the law ... anything thats questionable they will ask that campaign ... so what you are wanting us to believe is that she is tapping the till from the foundation ... thats what you want us to believe... where you haven't any proof she did this at all ... all you have is your hatred toward Hillary clinton to push this bull shit post and your absurdities on here ...got it
Keep one thing in mind people, politicians are gutless cowards. When the people whack the fools upside the head they snap to attention and get their shit together at least temporarily. The last few elections the establishment on both sides talked shit thinking they have the elections rigged, well the people are saying HEY you politician fuckers let me show you who's in charge. Call it an attitude correction.
We are seeing a populist revolt.

It did not go well in 1896 or 1964.

However, this time the strain is very pronounced in both parties.
Interesting that Randian Paul went nowhere. Quasi-Libertarians don't seem to have fared well.

Rand Paul doesn't fit in with the current Republican Party. He's presented some pretty revolutionary ideas. He's proposing things like releasing all non-violent drug offenders from our prisons, ending Big Government spying abuse, and ending our Permanent War foreign policy. Those are things Conservatives/Neocons can't support.

I really do hate to say it, but the current Republican Party resembles the Nazi Party at this point. They truly want a Police State and WWIII. I mean, how many countries are they calling for war with these days? How many they up to now? Rand Paul will likely be ostracized like his pops was. The Party isn't ready for people like him yet.
We are seeing a populist revolt.

It did not go well in 1896 or 1964.

However, this time the strain is very pronounced in both parties.
Interesting that Randian Paul went nowhere. Quasi-Libertarians don't seem to have fared well.

Rand Paul doesn't fit in with the current Republican Party. He's presented some pretty revolutionary ideas. He's proposing things like releasing all non-violent drug offenders from our prisons, ending Big Government spying abuse, and ending our Permanent War foreign policy. Those are things Conservatives/Neocons can't support.

I really do hate to say it, but the current Republican Party resembles the Nazi Party at this point. They truly want a Police State and WWIII. I mean, how many countries are they calling for war with these days? How many they up to now? Rand Paul will likely be ostracized like his pops was. The Party isn't ready for people like him yet.
I didn't post to diss Paul. Imo, some of his views are anything but libertarian, but he's got good points. He got absolutely nowhere with his college tour, and the kids flocked to Bernie. IF Paul has the will and ability to communicate and sway people, he could remake the party in a way similar to what Reagan did.

Now Bernie and the Donald are different. Bernie's promising a purple unicorn and the Donald cannot be saying what he really thinks ... whatever it is that he thinks. They're both trashing the "establishment." Although in many cases I'm not sure what the establishment is .... beyond being beholden to very rich people.
what the hell does that got to do with campaign donation ??? absolutely nothing ... they Clinton foundation takes money from all countries ...whats wrong with thats you nut cases ..

Awwww, isn't that cute. You naively believe that Hillary separates her "Foundation' money from her campaign money AND believe that donations to the 'Foundation' are not PAYOFFS.

For example, a certain billionaire foreign company owner made a large donation to Hillary's 'Foundation'. She in turn, while serving as Sect of State, ensured his company received no punishment when they were caught violating the US Sanctions against Iran by running 'illegal' contraband' to Iran.

Clinton Foundation Donor Violated US Iran Sanctions (as usual, clueless Obama knows nothing)

Another donor got a weapons deal from the State Dept...

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department

These are some of the cases are why the FBI is also investigating Hillary for 'Corruption'.

FBI's Clinton probe expands to public corruption track | Fox News

Report: FBI Now Investigating Hillary’s State Department For Corruption

in each of your sources they have said time and time again that they had donated to the foundation ... but the foundation had nothing to do with their criminal dealings... the foundation deals in helping people across the world in need of help ... where their money comes from isn't an issue until the get accused of doing something wrong ... when that happens and donations were given to the foundation now in your opinion they arte getting campgn donations ... thats bull shit too... the fact that these people got caught doing illegal activities, has nothing to do in how their foundation is run ...if someone donates to them and they haven't been accused or caught violating the law, then there is nothing wrong with them getting donations from them, ... you act like ok clinton foundation were going into some illegal activities so clinton foundation we will give you money if you look the other way and give us break if were get caught ... thats what your trying to imply and thats total bull shit ... these if's and maybes is nothing more then wishful thinking on your part
We are seeing a populist revolt.

It did not go well in 1896 or 1964.

However, this time the strain is very pronounced in both parties.
Interesting that Randian Paul went nowhere. Quasi-Libertarians don't seem to have fared well.

Rand Paul doesn't fit in with the current Republican Party. He's presented some pretty revolutionary ideas. He's proposing things like releasing all non-violent drug offenders from our prisons, ending Big Government spying abuse, and ending our Permanent War foreign policy. Those are things Conservatives/Neocons can't support.

I really do hate to say it, but the current Republican Party resembles the Nazi Party at this point. They truly want a Police State and WWIII. I mean, how many countries are they calling for war with these days? How many they up to now? Rand Paul will likely be ostracized like his pops was. The Party isn't ready for people like him yet.
I didn't post to diss Paul. Imo, some of his views are anything but libertarian, but he's got good points. He got absolutely nowhere with his college tour, and the kids flocked to Bernie. IF Paul has the will and ability to communicate and sway people, he could remake the party in a way similar to what Reagan did.

Now Bernie and the Donald are different. Bernie's promising a purple unicorn and the Donald cannot be saying what he really thinks ... whatever it is that he thinks. They're both trashing the "establishment." Although in many cases I'm not sure what the establishment is .... beyond being beholden to very rich people.

Yeah, Rand isn't as dynamic as many would like him to be. Not a great politician. But it's also about what he's standing for. He's just out of step with the current Republican Party. Conservatives/Neocons are not about 'Small/Less Government.' They haven't been for many many years. These days they're all about the Police State and WWIII. Rand Paul's beliefs and ideas just don't fit.

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