CDZ With rising gun violence, hand gun violence, British officials think shotguns are less powerful....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
You have more gun crime in Britain today, an increase of 42% in London alone, and all across England you have more and more criminals using guns on each other......

There is a trend among the criminals where they are now trending toward hand guns...banned and confiscated in 1996....and away from shot guns....

The British authorities claim that hand guns are more powerful than shotguns.....

Are they right?

Liverpool Echo: Handguns More Lethal Than Shotguns - The Truth About Guns

“A surge in the availability of handguns is blighting Merseyside’s criminal underworld and intensifying the brutality of gangland disputes,” reports. “Police fear a rise in handgun shootings is making gun crime more lethal due to increased power packed by the weapons compared to shotguns.” Wait. What?

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