Will the Ukraine-Russia war give GOP the chance to de-Trump itself to success, or will Donald bull-moose them?

Stormy Daniels

Gold Member
Mar 19, 2018
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Republicans in Congress are looking for a neo-neocon approach to the war in Ukraine, setting up a much more traditional political battle in coming months than we've been accustomed to in recent years. Attacking Biden as weak on support for Ukraine is just the logical course to take. It's a low risk/high reward strategy. Only the trashiest of human trash would begrudge the party for strong support of Ukraine in the face of Russia's invasion.

The Republican party could rebuild the GOP brand into a political machine that dominates the midterms based on its own return to something resembling normal order. Eschewing Russian influence in America, a resurgent romanticism for America as the golden city on a hill, attacking Biden on legitimate policy differences even while standing in solidarity over the most pressing issue facing the nation, a mostly clean fight all the way around. This is the kind of thing that could make Donald's sway with the trash base obsolete. And by the 2024 primary, as Donald repeatedly doubles down on his bromance with Putin, he'll simply be too toxic.

Republicans try to out-hawk Biden on Ukraine aid
The corrupt Democrat Politicians have been using Ukraine to launder bribes for years.
Biden's crackhead son said that the "big guy" gets a 10% cut from his influence peddling.
Hunter made millions in his fake Oil Consultant job in the Ukraine.
Did Biden pay any taxes on his 10% cut of the bribe money?
Ukraine was the #1 foreign donor to Hillary Clinton's fake money laundering charity.
Pelosi and Kerry have family members on the Ukraine payroll.
This will be an issue in the 2022 election.
Donald has had his moment. He will fade away. Both parties will need to redefine who they are and who they represent.
As long as he controls the donations and the donor money, he is not going anywhere.

And apparently they do not want him to go anywhere. They have him on Fox News and at events all the time still. Ranting about windmills and God knows what.
The war will be over a long time before 2024 elections. It will end within a week or two of Zelenskyy being killed or finally fleeing the country. Until then, it is just one more glaring failure of the democrats going into the midterms.
Republicans in Congress are looking for a neo-neocon approach to the war in Ukraine, setting up a much more traditional political battle in coming months than we've been accustomed to in recent years. Attacking Biden as weak on support for Ukraine is just the logical course to take. It's a low risk/high reward strategy. Only the trashiest of human trash would begrudge the party for strong support of Ukraine in the face of Russia's invasion.

The Republican party could rebuild the GOP brand into a political machine that dominates the midterms based on its own return to something resembling normal order. Eschewing Russian influence in America, a resurgent romanticism for America as the golden city on a hill, attacking Biden on legitimate policy differences even while standing in solidarity over the most pressing issue facing the nation, a mostly clean fight all the way around. This is the kind of thing that could make Donald's sway with the trash base obsolete. And by the 2024 primary, as Donald repeatedly doubles down on his bromance with Putin, he'll simply be too toxic.

Republicans try to out-hawk Biden on Ukraine aid
The Republicans just have to put it all on idle through election day and will be the beneficiaries of the biggest wave election in history.

Just run against Joe Biden's and Kamala's record. Nothing fancy or complicated, just bury the opposition in the truth and let the votes fall where they may.

If we're dumb enough as a nation to keep the status quo, we deserve whatever we get.
The corrupt Democrat Politicians have been using Ukraine to launder bribes for years.
Biden's crackhead son said that the "big guy" gets a 10% cut from his influence peddling.
Hunter made millions in his fake Oil Consultant job in the Ukraine.
Did Biden pay any taxes on his 10% cut of the bribe money?
Ukraine was the #1 foreign donor to Hillary Clinton's fake money laundering charity.
Pelosi and Kerry have family members on the Ukraine payroll.
This will be an issue in the 2022 election.
Those are either Russian Owned or Financed through Russia's corrupt banking system and the individuals were Pro Russian Oligarchs form both Russia and Ukraine.

Our own political corruption in this country should be a national embarrassment but we never seem to spend much time on that.
The war will be over a long time before 2024 elections. It will end within a week or two of Zelenskyy being killed or finally fleeing the country. Until then, it is just one more glaring failure of the democrats going into the midterms.
No possible chance of that being the outcome.

Even if the Ukrainian Army is completely and utterly destroyed the coming insurgency will make the middle east look like a girl scout cookout.

These people are fighters and won't be giving up as long as there's something left for them to fight with.
The Republicans just have to put it all on idle through election day and will be the beneficiaries of the biggest wave election in history.

Just run against Joe Biden's and Kamala's record. Nothing fancy or complicated, just bury the opposition in the truth and let the votes fall where they may.

If we're dumb enough as a nation to keep the status quo, we deserve whatever we get.

This administration is a disaster.

And, it's pretty damn rich suggesting the Republicans need to clean house. The Curroptocrats rule the Democratic party from top to bottom. Are you kidding? Pelosi made 30 million from insider trading, Biden got 10% of the 3.5 million his son got from Elena Baturina, and don't even start me on Hillary cause this would be a LONG fukkin post

These progressives need to go. They're screwing up everything they touch.
Republicans in Congress are looking for a neo-neocon approach to the war in Ukraine, setting up a much more traditional political battle in coming months than we've been accustomed to in recent years. Attacking Biden as weak on support for Ukraine is just the logical course to take. It's a low risk/high reward strategy. Only the trashiest of human trash would begrudge the party for strong support of Ukraine in the face of Russia's invasion.

The Republican party could rebuild the GOP brand into a political machine that dominates the midterms based on its own return to something resembling normal order. Eschewing Russian influence in America, a resurgent romanticism for America as the golden city on a hill, attacking Biden on legitimate policy differences even while standing in solidarity over the most pressing issue facing the nation, a mostly clean fight all the way around. This is the kind of thing that could make Donald's sway with the trash base obsolete. And by the 2024 primary, as Donald repeatedly doubles down on his bromance with Putin, he'll simply be too toxic.

Republicans try to out-hawk Biden on Ukraine aid
"returning to normal order" mean getting rid of Biden.

What "russian influence? The only people who have dealings with the Russians are Hillary and her minions. You can't have a "clean fight" with a gang of scumbags. Is a "clean fight" where you frame you opponet as a traitor and get the FBI and the CIA to slaner themselves lying about him?

Since when did Biden support Ukraine? He obviously doesn't want to arm them

This administration is a disaster.

And, it's pretty damn rich suggesting the Republicans need to clean house. The Curroptocrats rule the Democratic party from top to bottom. Are you kidding? Pelosi made 30 million from insider trading, Biden got 10% of the 3.5 million his son got from Elena Baturina, and don't even start me on Hillary cause this would be a LONG fukkin post

These progressives need to go. They're screwing up everything they touch.
I hope you're not waiting on me to argue, if so, best boil some coffee and make a bunch of sandwiches.

Biden/Harris are a national disgrace and we'll be damned lucky if there's enough left of this country in 3 years for the next president to start pulling us back from the brink.
"returning to normal order" mean getting rid of Biden.

What "russian influence? The only people who have dealings with the Russians are Hillary and her minions. You can't have a "clean fight" with a gang of scumbags. Is a "clean fight" where you frame you opponet as a traitor and get the FBI and the CIA to slaner themselves lying about him?

Since when did Biden support Ukraine? He obviously doesn't want to arm them
Since someone at the WH found out there's a war where thousands of innocents are being brutally killed by foreign invaders and read the polls on where Americans sit on aid to Ukraine.

The problem he wanted to pretend would go away on it's own blew up in his face.
This is a direct quote from Trump on the Jeanine Pirro Tunnel of Towers Foundation Radio show on Sunday March 13th as he and she discussed the reasons for Putin's action against Ukraine.
TRUMP: "You say what's the purpose of this. They had a country, you could see it was a country where there was a lot of LOVE." "And WE'RE doing it because, you know, somebody wants to make his country larger, or he wants to put it back the way it was."

This is the guy who you right-wing morons thought would push back against Putin? Thank goodness that there is truth in Freudian Slips because there is never truth from Trump voluntarily. Remember whe he said in Helsinki that he can't see why interference in the 2016 elections could possibly be Putin? Then tried to backtrack and say he meant, "I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be!" That correction made no logical sense at all.
Republicans in Congress are looking for a neo-neocon approach to the war in Ukraine, setting up a much more traditional political battle in coming months than we've been accustomed to in recent years. Attacking Biden as weak on support for Ukraine is just the logical course to take. It's a low risk/high reward strategy. Only the trashiest of human trash would begrudge the party for strong support of Ukraine in the face of Russia's invasion.

The Republican party could rebuild the GOP brand into a political machine that dominates the midterms based on its own return to something resembling normal order. Eschewing Russian influence in America, a resurgent romanticism for America as the golden city on a hill, attacking Biden on legitimate policy differences even while standing in solidarity over the most pressing issue facing the nation, a mostly clean fight all the way around. This is the kind of thing that could make Donald's sway with the trash base obsolete. And by the 2024 primary, as Donald repeatedly doubles down on his bromance with Putin, he'll simply be too toxic.

Republicans try to out-hawk Biden on Ukraine aid
The GOP always finds a way to shoot themselves in the foot.
"And WE'RE doing it because, you know, somebody wants to make his country larger, or he wants to put it back the way it was

Or you are too dumb to know the difference between “we’re” and “were”.
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