Will the "rich" hide tax savings in backyard,or under mattress or what?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
All the "TAX the rich advocates" MUST think that the "RICH" do that with the tax cuts!

From the IRS 2009 tax analysis
Total returns over $500,000 3,895,526

Represents 4.7570% of all returns

Taxes paid by returns over $500,000:

Total taxes paid under Bush tax cuts: $380,490,075,000

Bus Tax cuts expire return to 39.5% $ 397,612,128,000

Total additional taxes $ 17,122,053,000 difference from 35% to 39.5%

"Table 1.1 Selected Income and Tax Items, by Size and Accumulated Size of
Adjusted Gross Income, Tax Year 2009"
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

So Do those WEALTHY evil $17 billion BURIED in back yard or under their mattresses?
What happens to it do you anti-capitalists think happens to that money
All the "TAX the rich advocates" MUST think that the "RICH" do that with the tax cuts!

From the IRS 2009 tax analysis
Total returns over $500,000 3,895,526

Represents 4.7570% of all returns

Taxes paid by returns over $500,000:

Total taxes paid under Bush tax cuts: $380,490,075,000

Bus Tax cuts expire return to 39.5% $ 397,612,128,000

Total additional taxes $ 17,122,053,000 difference from 35% to 39.5%

"Table 1.1 Selected Income and Tax Items, by Size and Accumulated Size of
Adjusted Gross Income, Tax Year 2009"
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

So Do those WEALTHY evil $17 billion BURIED in back yard or under their mattresses?
What happens to it do you anti-capitalists think happens to that money

If anyone knows a tax is coming, what are you going to do? Protect it. This means park it in Burmuda, Caymans, Switz......all wealthy do this, Left and Right alike. Big G. sees that $17B that can go into programs where cronies and unions can get paid off. Then, they will come back and still find out that the "wealthy are not paying their fair share."
So Do those WEALTHY evil $17 billion BURIED in back yard or under their mattresses?
What happens to it do you anti-capitalists think happens to that money

Hookers and blow.

So $17 billion spent on "hookers and blow" ?
What do the "hookers and drug dealers" spend the $17 billion on?
Did they pay taxes on the $17 billion? Maybe sales taxes.. maybe hookers on condoms which generated sales taxes or I know the hookers Padded their mattresses with the $17 billion!
That's the ticket!!!
So all you Obamatron, tax the rich where are your alternatives to the rich burying in their backyards or under their mattresses?

What do the rich do then other then
1) spending on
a) yachts (which keeps people employed!)
b) multiple homes which pay local property taxes keep groundskeepers employed..
2) investing
a) stocks, bonds, savings... ALL of which are used by companies to expand,etc..
b) start up venture capital

So again... if the stinking rich don't bury or hide and they invest why are you idiots wanting more
of this money to go to an organization that sends it OVERSEAS to fund studies of Vietnamese male prostitutes, or studies to help Chinese prostitutes drink less alchohol?

Really which means more productivity in here rich keeping money and investing or
rich being taxed and $2 billion being spent on Muslim Brotherhood that wants to see the USA gone!

Do you independents that were fooled by Obama the first time now see how stupid this class warfare agenda is ? I mean seriously are you in favor of the Richs' taxes going to lend Brazil $2 billion so the USA could be their best customers???

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