Will the open faucet put a strain on certain communities supplies?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Everybody notices certain shortages, but will anyone dare to equate some shortages with the overbearing pressure put on our supply infrastructures through excessive entrance into our country above set SAFE numbers and therefore DANGEROUS LEVEL additions to our supply demand chain?
Example (please don't take this the wrong way it is based on safe levels logic no matter who & therefore not race related in concept)
My town demographics show 2.3% of the town is Hispanic (during last census before the open borders), yet the Super Walmart which has had off the shelf shortages of various items had guessing 75% Hispanic population, most with overloaded carts full of items and at 9am certain shelves bare to the bone. Many people are hoarding, somewhat due to issues with finding things in stock, so it's somewhat cause and affect circular issue.
So if you let millions in over what your country can withstand, way above safe numbers, then that stress is felt in many ways not realized nor discussed, in certain communities those migrants gravitate to. Those communities who's
Supply and demand chain* is not ready for sudden surges of demand and shortages of workers in the infrastructure needed to move it along in a timely fashion= shortages.
*(store stock buyers have to allot these new influx demand numbers)
So you have a tripple whammy, Surge of people, hoarding surge adding extra surge in demand along with those higher unexpected population demand along with supply chain glitches due to shortage of drivers, trucks and production inventories. End result=local shortages.
By not turning off this faucet over flowing the communities, will more then stress test them, they will spread out those shortages and increase issues to more and more regions.
There's a reason why we have a cap on LEGAL IMMIGRATION, it's for the safety and welfare of our communities. We haven't even caught up to the bottleneck of problems this is causing and will cause.
Perhaps they knew this would cause supply concerns and snowball, as a method to further rely on the Gov't and control the people and institute their Totalitarian socialist vision.
If you see them offering a swap of your guns for food-RUN-because it means it's happening like we never thought possible.
Today's shopping trip was just as crowded and hectic, but demographics were closer to normal this time. Store baked Bread rolls like French and Italian loaf bread whole and sliced was totally out by 8:30 am. Only the baged sliced bread existed. Most prepackaged side salads like macaroni and potato chicken and tuna and egg salad were mostly sold out again.
Most imitation butter -margerine brands were sold out, many butter brands were missing off the shelf as well as juices.
I joked with people in line pointing to abandoned carts from people who gave up on the long checkout lines-that it was why nothing was on the shleves, everything is in the carts left behind. Our luck the stuff needing refrigeration is put back unsuspected to the spoilage=playing russian roulette with your food.
This is just Monday, God help you if you shop in the middle of the week or middle to late hours of the day.
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Perhaps they knew this would cause supply concerns and snowball, as a method to further rely on the Gov't and control the people and institute their Totalitarian socialist vision.
Indeed. To believe everything any administration announces and assume governmental motivations remain untainted from greed for power, wealth, and control… one lacks knowledge of historical events proving acts of subterfuge of various administrations.

To believe anything that a government’s spokespeople say about unknown medical procedures is in error. Particularly, when top experts in the field are debating multiple disputed details including many of the main players (doctor who invented spike protein method as well as a former Pfizer head coming out strongly against intentionally producing spike proteins on cells due to known risk).

It would be a lot more understandable if this happened prior to the internet, over 20 years ago give or take a year. There is no excuse in 2021 for educated adults to not learn the facts beyond what we hear from uninformed spokespeople and informed but corrupt government/medical mouthpieces (Fauci). To fully accept what you hear from any governmental head without checking the statements, one by one even if necessary, is like closing your eyes and inhaling smoke. With this situation, a lot of smoke and a few mirrors.
Indeed. To believe everything any administration announces and assume governmental motivations remain untainted from greed for power, wealth, and control… one lacks knowledge of historical events proving acts of subterfuge of various administrations.

To believe anything that a government’s spokespeople say about unknown medical procedures is in error. Particularly, when top experts in the field are debating multiple disputed details including many of the main players (doctor who invented spike protein method as well as a former Pfizer head coming out strongly against intentionally producing spike proteins on cells due to known risk).

It would be a lot more understandable if this happened prior to the internet, over 20 years ago give or take a year. There is no excuse in 2021 for educated adults to not learn the facts beyond what we hear from uninformed spokespeople and informed but corrupt government/medical mouthpieces (Fauci). To fully accept what you hear from any governmental head without checking the statements, one by one even if necessary, is like closing your eyes and inhaling smoke. With this situation, a lot of smoke and a few mirrors.
Well when they decided to lie about the littlest most insignificant stuff through the last few years, and continued to get caught lying to shape a narrative and maintain control, that trust that went out the window follows through to all aspects in life and their authority, not just political posteuring, but every aspect of media and info that now has to be taken with a grain of salt and assumed suspicious.
The blame for questioning the vax is the cause and affect of lying continually about unrelated things=trust issue.
To get trust back takes admission of past sociopathic lying which will never happen, because they teach their progressive radicals to "admit nothing".
They'd need to not insist on to much identification to get more takers, as some fear the lacking security or third party usage of said info, others fear it could be targeted, or some fear warrants out on them or prison releases would make them at risk of being sent back, or some just fear tracking in general. There's also a great number of natural immune already had it types not being vaccinated wrongly included in the wrong column of those percentage figures.
Lastly those figures the more people got vaccinated, the lower the vaccinated percentage went down instead of up, so how can people trust the vaccone counts and covid counts when it looks like a Dominion machine count swap number count?
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Today's shopping trip was just as crowded and hectic, but demographics were closer to normal this time. Store baked Bread rolls like French and Italian loaf bread whole and sliced was totally out by 8:30 am. Only the baged sliced bread existed. Most prepackaged side salads like macaroni and potato chicken and tuna and egg salad were mostly sold out again.
Most imitation butter -margerine brands were sold out, many butter brands were missing off the shelf as well as juices.
I joked with people in line pointing to abandoned carts from people who gave up on the long checkout lines-that it was why nothing was on the shleves, everything is in the carts left behind. Our luck the stuff needing refrigeration is put back unsuspected to the spoilage=playing russian roulette with your food.
This is just Monday, God help you if you shop in the middle of the week or middle to late hours of the day.
Same thing is happening my area with shelves half stocked and popular items (bread) sell out quickly. Grocers in the area can’t find workers and there are longer and fewer lines to check out. You are right about shopping late in the day; you want to go early to find it available.
Same thing is happening my area with shelves half stocked and popular items (bread) sell out quickly. Grocers in the area can’t find workers and there are longer and fewer lines to check out. You are right about shopping late in the day; you want to go early to find it available.
Well places like Walmart have covid hours shorter then the normal 24 hour stores, so you'd think they would be stocking during those closed hours and by open have shelves stocked, but going early is also problematic, with similar stocked shelf issues, less checkout isles open, and even more stock people and carts all in the way of shopping. They get the slowest stock clerks *L* and they still place things in the wrong spot.
Hiring sloths to stock the shelves would be faster and more accurate and the same amount of hair would still get on the food. :p
Considering that food is a basic need that all humans have to live, who controls the food supply and chain has full control over the rest of us.

Along that same line with respect to resolving world hunger, genetically produced corn could feed the whole world but distribution is the hold up. If there’s a will there’s a way. Obviously, it doesn’t pay off to distribute genetic corn for the masses.

In another thread you might have caught it, there was a discussion about how China is buying up so much American land and has been doing so for decades. A most dangerous practice in my mind, particularly when acres and acres of land used for grazing cattle and for raising crops have been purchased by the highest bidder, Chinese investors. I believe there’s currently congressional effort to establish a law preventing additional land grabs by Chinese investors. I either read that here on this board or received an email about a bill in the house, but don’t know what stage it’s in currently.
Considering that food is a basic need that all humans have to live, who controls the food supply and chain has full control over the rest of us.

Along that same line with respect to resolving world hunger, genetically produced corn could feed the whole world but distribution is the hold up. If there’s a will there’s a way. Obviously, it doesn’t pay off to distribute genetic corn for the masses.

In another thread you might have caught it, there was a discussion about how China is buying up so much American land and has been doing so for decades. A most dangerous practice in my mind, particularly when acres and acres of land used for grazing cattle and for raising crops have been purchased by the highest bidder, Chinese investors. I believe there’s currently congressional effort to establish a law preventing additional land grabs by Chinese investors. I either read that here on this board or received an email about a bill in the house, but don’t know what stage it’s in currently.
They can also poison ground water or use the address for nefarious other reasons, like shell companies or use with their collected American Citizen I.D.'s for scams/fraud.
Is the CCP also doing these land grabs in India?
I ask, because their interest there has suspiciously progressed the last few years.
They can also poison ground water or use the address for nefarious other reasons, like shell companies or use with their collected American Citizen I.D.'s for scams/fraud.
Is the CCP also doing these land grabs in India?
I ask, because their interest there has suspiciously progressed the last few years.
Indeed they could and I have read about that as a possibility. I don’t know if they are in India but a great question and I’ll use it as my next mini-research project! Lol I needed one as I’m going overboard with my dislike of CDC on various posts at the moment, so this will give me something else to be thinking about lol I can only hope that the decision makers in India are well aware of CCP tactics. India is definitely a strong world player, but they seem to choose to stay out of things and it’s actually a very good strategy in my opinion. I’ll let you know if I find anything out on that score.
Indeed they could and I have read about that as a possibility. I don’t know if they are in India but a great question and I’ll use it as my next mini-research project! Lol I needed one as I’m going overboard with my dislike of CDC on various posts at the moment, so this will give me something else to be thinking about lol I can only hope that the decision makers in India are well aware of CCP tactics. India is definitely a strong world player, but they seem to choose to stay out of things and it’s actually a very good strategy in my opinion. I’ll let you know if I find anything out on that score.
Recently they both had troops at the border.
I had thought why would China "purposely" spread a tweaked covid (variant) in India (if it wasn't natural to dense populated areas they have). They were recently seeking business ties in India I thought it dismissed any notion of a tactical spread, then I saw the build up of troops and there's something we just aren't getting info on and it can't be ruled out as a slight possibility that was a biological attack.
India was stepping in as the new supply source to many countries, during Chinas manufacturing slow downs and halts during the pandemic.
That would be a reason China would want to put India in it's place in a way that wouldn't provoke direct blame and global ally retaliation.
Recently they both had troops at the border.
I had thought why would China "purposely" spread a tweaked covid (variant) in India (if it wasn't natural to dense populated areas they have). They were recently seeking business ties in India I thought it dismissed any notion of a tactical spread, then I saw the build up of troops and there's something we just aren't getting info on and it can't be ruled out as a slight possibility that was a biological attack.
India was stepping in as the new supply source to many countries, during Chinas manufacturing slow downs and halts during the pandemic.
That would be a reason China would want to put India in it's place in a way that wouldn't provoke direct blame and global ally retaliation.
It is a volatile situation. If there’s one thing you can always count on with China, historically speaking, any failure is quickly deflected and/or covered up when they lose face in the public limelight. CCP’s stringent control over its citizens has led to magnificent mishaps, such as an entire generation of men having no wives during the 1 child policy period. Now that China has recently enacted a 3 child policy, it would be interesting to see how they eventually react when they have an overpopulation issue again.

It reminds me of American politics, when the political pendulum swings too far in either direction you can pretty much count on it swinging the opposite direction next time around.

Intentionally poisoning a water supply is absolutely evil, yet I can imagine it happening if CCP benefitted. I should’ve connected the origin (India) of the new variant to these types of possibilities and CCP motivations. They’ve buried the information that could’ve been obtained possibly by the first team who went into investigate the origins of the virus in Wuhan. As one team member stated, “Chinese politics never left the room”, implying that they were never given access to the area where they needed to investigate. Reportedly, China was “going to allow” a second team from Australia and another country to go in but I need to check for an update. Clearly CCP had time to bury all evidence by now, at least by the technology that’s current…in the future who knows.
It is a volatile situation. If there’s one thing you can always count on with China, historically speaking, any failure is quickly deflected and/or covered up when they lose face in the public limelight. CCP’s stringent control over its citizens has led to magnificent mishaps, such as an entire generation of men having no wives during the 1 child policy period. Now that China has recently enacted a 3 child policy, it would be interesting to see how they eventually react when they have an overpopulation issue again.

It reminds me of American politics, when the political pendulum swings too far in either direction you can pretty much count on it swinging the opposite direction next time around.

Intentionally poisoning a water supply is absolutely evil, yet I can imagine it happening if CCP benefitted. I should’ve connected the origin (India) of the new variant to these types of possibilities and CCP motivations. They’ve buried the information that could’ve been obtained possibly by the first team who went into investigate the origins of the virus in Wuhan. As one team member stated, “Chinese politics never left the room”, implying that they were never given access to the area where they needed to investigate. Reportedly, China was “going to allow” a second team from Australia and another country to go in but I need to check for an update. Clearly CCP had time to bury all evidence by now, at least by the technology that’s current…in the future who knows.
The initial wuhan market info fooled me, I saw an unusual anomaly of washed up sea cucumbers and thought it could be tied to Covid, because people eat them raw, so I notified the CDC during their early investigation and told them about the dying Sea Cucumbers and also to look at snake blood they drink raw.
If you think about bat caves that exist at ocean sides like in Borneo, bat guano and dead bats (from birds attacking them) falling to the sea floor could taint sea creatures like the sea cucumbers and infected creatures could be harvested and eaten even though you aren't supposed to eat dead washed up fish/sea creatures, I'm sure desperate or unscrupulous dealers sell tainted fish products.
Needless to say they wasted everyones time running us in circles trying to figure out what they already knew. Also, those days of eating stuff raw should be in the past, even our own raw oysters were killing people over the years with bacteria.
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