Will the Catholic Church Crash And Burn?

Ok then since you are not a Christian and are ignorant of Christian theology then I will give you a pass. I on the other hand have studied the bible extensively and can tell you clearly that the Pope is following the mandate of his office and faith and doing much to refresh the image of the church he leads.
Which part of the Christian Bible advocates coddling murderers and terrorists?
The part where Jesus urged us to forgive our enemies:

Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:17-21
Do the Church would have been right in cozying up to the Nazis even more than they did?
And Pope John Paul II was wrong for opposing the communists in his native Poland?
I think you know about as much about Christian theology as you do about economics or anything else you post about here.
I know more than you apparently. You asked where the christian bible urged one to be kind to people you want to kill and I quoted chapter and verse. If you disagree with the philosophy that's your choice but the pope has to follow it and I applaud him for having the courage to do so rather than bowing to political pressure.
You're avoiding the question:
Was Pope JPII wrong for opposing the communists?
You know substantially less than most people on this board. That's some kind of accomplishment, btw.
apparently you dont recognize that treating your enemies kindly does not mean that you must agree with or capitulate to them.

Popes come and go but the left will always hate Catholics for their public stand against abortion. Wishful thinking aside, the Catholic Church is strong and well respected throughout the world.
"The left"

This is what you get for lumping people together. im catholic and part of "the left" I'm not alone, either
Last edited:
Ok then since you are not a Christian and are ignorant of Christian theology then I will give you a pass. I on the other hand have studied the bible extensively and can tell you clearly that the Pope is following the mandate of his office and faith and doing much to refresh the image of the church he leads.
Which part of the Christian Bible advocates coddling murderers and terrorists?
The part where Jesus urged us to forgive our enemies:

Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:17-21
Do the Church would have been right in cozying up to the Nazis even more than they did?
And Pope John Paul II was wrong for opposing the communists in his native Poland?
I think you know about as much about Christian theology as you do about economics or anything else you post about here.
I know more than you apparently. You asked where the christian bible urged one to be kind to people you want to kill and I quoted chapter and verse. If you disagree with the philosophy that's your choice but the pope has to follow it and I applaud him for having the courage to do so rather than bowing to political pressure.
You're avoiding the question:
Was Pope JPII wrong for opposing the communists?
You know substantially less than most people on this board. That's some kind of accomplishment, btw.
I ignored your diversionary tactic on purpose, any pope has the duty to oppose tyranny in any form be it Soviets or Zionists or Americans looking to impose their will through militaristic violence or coercion.
Which part of the Christian Bible advocates coddling murderers and terrorists?
The part where Jesus urged us to forgive our enemies:

Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:17-21
Do the Church would have been right in cozying up to the Nazis even more than they did?
And Pope John Paul II was wrong for opposing the communists in his native Poland?
I think you know about as much about Christian theology as you do about economics or anything else you post about here.
I know more than you apparently. You asked where the christian bible urged one to be kind to people you want to kill and I quoted chapter and verse. If you disagree with the philosophy that's your choice but the pope has to follow it and I applaud him for having the courage to do so rather than bowing to political pressure.
You're avoiding the question:
Was Pope JPII wrong for opposing the communists?
You know substantially less than most people on this board. That's some kind of accomplishment, btw.
I ignored your diversionary tactic on purpose, any pope has the duty to oppose tyranny in any form be it Soviets or Zionists or Americans looking to impose their will through militaristic violence or coercion.
So the Palestinian Authority does not represent tyranny? Abbas lost the only election they had, dolt.
You clearly are making this up as you go. Ad libbing on a forum is designed to make you look ridiculous.
Which part of the Christian Bible advocates coddling murderers and terrorists?
The part where Jesus urged us to forgive our enemies:

Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:17-21
Do the Church would have been right in cozying up to the Nazis even more than they did?
And Pope John Paul II was wrong for opposing the communists in his native Poland?
I think you know about as much about Christian theology as you do about economics or anything else you post about here.
I know more than you apparently. You asked where the christian bible urged one to be kind to people you want to kill and I quoted chapter and verse. If you disagree with the philosophy that's your choice but the pope has to follow it and I applaud him for having the courage to do so rather than bowing to political pressure.
You're avoiding the question:
Was Pope JPII wrong for opposing the communists?
You know substantially less than most people on this board. That's some kind of accomplishment, btw.
apparently you dont recognize that treating your enemies kindly does not mean that you must agree with or capitulate to them.

Yes, it is possible and preferable to fight evil without being evil. We used to be seen as the good guys before the conservatives had their fit of Middle Eastern "nation building" and I really want the US to be the good guys again by playing tough but fair in all it's international dealings.
The part where Jesus urged us to forgive our enemies:

Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:17-21
Do the Church would have been right in cozying up to the Nazis even more than they did?
And Pope John Paul II was wrong for opposing the communists in his native Poland?
I think you know about as much about Christian theology as you do about economics or anything else you post about here.
I know more than you apparently. You asked where the christian bible urged one to be kind to people you want to kill and I quoted chapter and verse. If you disagree with the philosophy that's your choice but the pope has to follow it and I applaud him for having the courage to do so rather than bowing to political pressure.
You're avoiding the question:
Was Pope JPII wrong for opposing the communists?
You know substantially less than most people on this board. That's some kind of accomplishment, btw.
I ignored your diversionary tactic on purpose, any pope has the duty to oppose tyranny in any form be it Soviets or Zionists or Americans looking to impose their will through militaristic violence or coercion.
So the Palestinian Authority does not represent tyranny? Abbas lost the only election they had, dolt.
You clearly are making this up as you go. Ad libbing on a forum is designed to make you look ridiculous.
The topic is on the Pope's attitude towards the people you want to kill. I gave you the biblical basis for his decisions but you need to be reminded that the Pope leads an international church and necessarily does not automatically align with western interests. If you simply want to argue the Israel-Palestinian conflict you may post a topic on it and I might come comment on it. If you simply cannot understand why the Pope does what he does then carefully read his statements on the subject and return back for further instruction on the basis of Christian theology.
Do the Church would have been right in cozying up to the Nazis even more than they did?
And Pope John Paul II was wrong for opposing the communists in his native Poland?
I think you know about as much about Christian theology as you do about economics or anything else you post about here.
I know more than you apparently. You asked where the christian bible urged one to be kind to people you want to kill and I quoted chapter and verse. If you disagree with the philosophy that's your choice but the pope has to follow it and I applaud him for having the courage to do so rather than bowing to political pressure.
You're avoiding the question:
Was Pope JPII wrong for opposing the communists?
You know substantially less than most people on this board. That's some kind of accomplishment, btw.
I ignored your diversionary tactic on purpose, any pope has the duty to oppose tyranny in any form be it Soviets or Zionists or Americans looking to impose their will through militaristic violence or coercion.
So the Palestinian Authority does not represent tyranny? Abbas lost the only election they had, dolt.
You clearly are making this up as you go. Ad libbing on a forum is designed to make you look ridiculous.
The topic is on the Pope's attitude towards the people you want to kill. I gave you the biblical basis for his decisions but you need to be reminded that the Pope leads an international church and necessarily does not automatically align with western interests. If you simply want to argue the Israel-Palestinian conflict you may post a topic on it and I might come comment on it. If you simply cannot understand why the Pope does what he does then carefully read his statements on the subject and return back for further instruction on the basis of Christian theology.
Thank you for wimping out and showing how little you know.
The thread concerns the pope's embrace of both Abbas and Castro, both murdering thugs who have brought tremendous misery and suffering on their respective populations. What justifies embracing such bad actors rather than condemning them, as any religious person would?
I like this Pope. He's the first in a long time who is truly walking the walk of his teachings in regards to peace, charity, humility and caring for the disadvantaged. He is condemning the attacks on Christianity in the ME and at the same time supporting the rights of the stateless and dispossed.

He is simply awesome.
I know more than you apparently. You asked where the christian bible urged one to be kind to people you want to kill and I quoted chapter and verse. If you disagree with the philosophy that's your choice but the pope has to follow it and I applaud him for having the courage to do so rather than bowing to political pressure.
You're avoiding the question:
Was Pope JPII wrong for opposing the communists?
You know substantially less than most people on this board. That's some kind of accomplishment, btw.
I ignored your diversionary tactic on purpose, any pope has the duty to oppose tyranny in any form be it Soviets or Zionists or Americans looking to impose their will through militaristic violence or coercion.
So the Palestinian Authority does not represent tyranny? Abbas lost the only election they had, dolt.
You clearly are making this up as you go. Ad libbing on a forum is designed to make you look ridiculous.
The topic is on the Pope's attitude towards the people you want to kill. I gave you the biblical basis for his decisions but you need to be reminded that the Pope leads an international church and necessarily does not automatically align with western interests. If you simply want to argue the Israel-Palestinian conflict you may post a topic on it and I might come comment on it. If you simply cannot understand why the Pope does what he does then carefully read his statements on the subject and return back for further instruction on the basis of Christian theology.
Thank you for wimping out and showing how little you know.
The thread concerns the pope's embrace of both Abbas and Castro, both murdering thugs who have brought tremendous misery and suffering on their respective populations. What justifies embracing such bad actors rather than condemning them, as any religious person would?

What tremendous misery and suffering has Abbas brought and who has he murdered?
I know more than you apparently. You asked where the christian bible urged one to be kind to people you want to kill and I quoted chapter and verse. If you disagree with the philosophy that's your choice but the pope has to follow it and I applaud him for having the courage to do so rather than bowing to political pressure.
You're avoiding the question:
Was Pope JPII wrong for opposing the communists?
You know substantially less than most people on this board. That's some kind of accomplishment, btw.
I ignored your diversionary tactic on purpose, any pope has the duty to oppose tyranny in any form be it Soviets or Zionists or Americans looking to impose their will through militaristic violence or coercion.
So the Palestinian Authority does not represent tyranny? Abbas lost the only election they had, dolt.
You clearly are making this up as you go. Ad libbing on a forum is designed to make you look ridiculous.
The topic is on the Pope's attitude towards the people you want to kill. I gave you the biblical basis for his decisions but you need to be reminded that the Pope leads an international church and necessarily does not automatically align with western interests. If you simply want to argue the Israel-Palestinian conflict you may post a topic on it and I might come comment on it. If you simply cannot understand why the Pope does what he does then carefully read his statements on the subject and return back for further instruction on the basis of Christian theology.
Thank you for wimping out and showing how little you know.
The thread concerns the pope's embrace of both Abbas and Castro, both murdering thugs who have brought tremendous misery and suffering on their respective populations. What justifies embracing such bad actors rather than condemning them, as any religious person would?
Not any religious person, just the judgmental and unforgiving kind that give the rest a bad name and drive people like me away from organized religion. If you were not such a blind partisan you would see that peace is never achieved until someone decides to be the better man and actually work for it.
You're avoiding the question:
Was Pope JPII wrong for opposing the communists?
You know substantially less than most people on this board. That's some kind of accomplishment, btw.
I ignored your diversionary tactic on purpose, any pope has the duty to oppose tyranny in any form be it Soviets or Zionists or Americans looking to impose their will through militaristic violence or coercion.
So the Palestinian Authority does not represent tyranny? Abbas lost the only election they had, dolt.
You clearly are making this up as you go. Ad libbing on a forum is designed to make you look ridiculous.
The topic is on the Pope's attitude towards the people you want to kill. I gave you the biblical basis for his decisions but you need to be reminded that the Pope leads an international church and necessarily does not automatically align with western interests. If you simply want to argue the Israel-Palestinian conflict you may post a topic on it and I might come comment on it. If you simply cannot understand why the Pope does what he does then carefully read his statements on the subject and return back for further instruction on the basis of Christian theology.
Thank you for wimping out and showing how little you know.
The thread concerns the pope's embrace of both Abbas and Castro, both murdering thugs who have brought tremendous misery and suffering on their respective populations. What justifies embracing such bad actors rather than condemning them, as any religious person would?

What tremendous misery and suffering has Abbas brought and who has he murdered?
He was instrumental in the murder of the Israeli athletes in Munich as well as the Achille Lauro hijacking. The Palestinians labor under 50% unemployment, poverty and misery, largely because of his policies. He has consistently rejected peace accords with Israel. But you knew all that.
I ignored your diversionary tactic on purpose, any pope has the duty to oppose tyranny in any form be it Soviets or Zionists or Americans looking to impose their will through militaristic violence or coercion.
So the Palestinian Authority does not represent tyranny? Abbas lost the only election they had, dolt.
You clearly are making this up as you go. Ad libbing on a forum is designed to make you look ridiculous.
The topic is on the Pope's attitude towards the people you want to kill. I gave you the biblical basis for his decisions but you need to be reminded that the Pope leads an international church and necessarily does not automatically align with western interests. If you simply want to argue the Israel-Palestinian conflict you may post a topic on it and I might come comment on it. If you simply cannot understand why the Pope does what he does then carefully read his statements on the subject and return back for further instruction on the basis of Christian theology.
Thank you for wimping out and showing how little you know.
The thread concerns the pope's embrace of both Abbas and Castro, both murdering thugs who have brought tremendous misery and suffering on their respective populations. What justifies embracing such bad actors rather than condemning them, as any religious person would?

What tremendous misery and suffering has Abbas brought and who has he murdered?
He was instrumental in the murder of the Israeli athletes in Munich
Mahmoud Abbas - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Abu Daoud, who planned the 1972 Munich massacre, where members of the Israeli team at the Munich Olympic Games were taken hostage, and which ended in the murder of eleven Israeli athletes and coaches as well as a West German policeman, wrote that funds for the operation were provided by Abbas, though without knowledge of the money's intended purpose

as well as the Achille Lauro hijacking.

I think you have the wrong Abbas: CNN.com - U.S. captures mastermind of Achille Lauro hijacking - Apr. 16 2003

The Palestinians labor under 50% unemployment, poverty and misery, largely because of his policies. He has consistently rejected peace accords with Israel. But you knew all that.

Actually - that is a very subjective accounting of the reasons for unemployment, poverty, and misery much of which is also blamed on Israeli policies.

I just am not seeing how he is comparable to Castro or a "murdering thug".
So the Palestinian Authority does not represent tyranny? Abbas lost the only election they had, dolt.
You clearly are making this up as you go. Ad libbing on a forum is designed to make you look ridiculous.
The topic is on the Pope's attitude towards the people you want to kill. I gave you the biblical basis for his decisions but you need to be reminded that the Pope leads an international church and necessarily does not automatically align with western interests. If you simply want to argue the Israel-Palestinian conflict you may post a topic on it and I might come comment on it. If you simply cannot understand why the Pope does what he does then carefully read his statements on the subject and return back for further instruction on the basis of Christian theology.
Thank you for wimping out and showing how little you know.
The thread concerns the pope's embrace of both Abbas and Castro, both murdering thugs who have brought tremendous misery and suffering on their respective populations. What justifies embracing such bad actors rather than condemning them, as any religious person would?

What tremendous misery and suffering has Abbas brought and who has he murdered?
He was instrumental in the murder of the Israeli athletes in Munich
Mahmoud Abbas - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Abu Daoud, who planned the 1972 Munich massacre, where members of the Israeli team at the Munich Olympic Games were taken hostage, and which ended in the murder of eleven Israeli athletes and coaches as well as a West German policeman, wrote that funds for the operation were provided by Abbas, though without knowledge of the money's intended purpose

as well as the Achille Lauro hijacking.

I think you have the wrong Abbas: CNN.com - U.S. captures mastermind of Achille Lauro hijacking - Apr. 16 2003

The Palestinians labor under 50% unemployment, poverty and misery, largely because of his policies. He has consistently rejected peace accords with Israel. But you knew all that.

Actually - that is a very subjective accounting of the reasons for unemployment, poverty, and misery much of which is also blamed on Israeli policies.

I just am not seeing how he is comparable to Castro or a "murdering thug".
Are you trying to prove there is no intelligence test to become a moderator?
The topic is on the Pope's attitude towards the people you want to kill. I gave you the biblical basis for his decisions but you need to be reminded that the Pope leads an international church and necessarily does not automatically align with western interests. If you simply want to argue the Israel-Palestinian conflict you may post a topic on it and I might come comment on it. If you simply cannot understand why the Pope does what he does then carefully read his statements on the subject and return back for further instruction on the basis of Christian theology.
Thank you for wimping out and showing how little you know.
The thread concerns the pope's embrace of both Abbas and Castro, both murdering thugs who have brought tremendous misery and suffering on their respective populations. What justifies embracing such bad actors rather than condemning them, as any religious person would?

What tremendous misery and suffering has Abbas brought and who has he murdered?
He was instrumental in the murder of the Israeli athletes in Munich
Mahmoud Abbas - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Abu Daoud, who planned the 1972 Munich massacre, where members of the Israeli team at the Munich Olympic Games were taken hostage, and which ended in the murder of eleven Israeli athletes and coaches as well as a West German policeman, wrote that funds for the operation were provided by Abbas, though without knowledge of the money's intended purpose

as well as the Achille Lauro hijacking.

I think you have the wrong Abbas: CNN.com - U.S. captures mastermind of Achille Lauro hijacking - Apr. 16 2003

The Palestinians labor under 50% unemployment, poverty and misery, largely because of his policies. He has consistently rejected peace accords with Israel. But you knew all that.

Actually - that is a very subjective accounting of the reasons for unemployment, poverty, and misery much of which is also blamed on Israeli policies.

I just am not seeing how he is comparable to Castro or a "murdering thug".
Are you trying to prove there is no intelligence test to become a moderator?


You provide false information and then flail around. Nice try :)
I know more than you apparently. You asked where the christian bible urged one to be kind to people you want to kill and I quoted chapter and verse. If you disagree with the philosophy that's your choice but the pope has to follow it and I applaud him for having the courage to do so rather than bowing to political pressure.
You're avoiding the question:
Was Pope JPII wrong for opposing the communists?
You know substantially less than most people on this board. That's some kind of accomplishment, btw.
I ignored your diversionary tactic on purpose, any pope has the duty to oppose tyranny in any form be it Soviets or Zionists or Americans looking to impose their will through militaristic violence or coercion.
So the Palestinian Authority does not represent tyranny? Abbas lost the only election they had, dolt.
You clearly are making this up as you go. Ad libbing on a forum is designed to make you look ridiculous.
The topic is on the Pope's attitude towards the people you want to kill. I gave you the biblical basis for his decisions but you need to be reminded that the Pope leads an international church and necessarily does not automatically align with western interests. If you simply want to argue the Israel-Palestinian conflict you may post a topic on it and I might come comment on it. If you simply cannot understand why the Pope does what he does then carefully read his statements on the subject and return back for further instruction on the basis of Christian theology.
Thank you for wimping out and showing how little you know.
The thread concerns the pope's embrace of both Abbas and Castro, both murdering thugs who have brought tremendous misery and suffering on their respective populations. What justifies embracing such bad actors rather than condemning them, as any religious person would?

You embrace Netanyahu which makes you far worse.
Thank you for wimping out and showing how little you know.
The thread concerns the pope's embrace of both Abbas and Castro, both murdering thugs who have brought tremendous misery and suffering on their respective populations. What justifies embracing such bad actors rather than condemning them, as any religious person would?

What tremendous misery and suffering has Abbas brought and who has he murdered?
He was instrumental in the murder of the Israeli athletes in Munich
Mahmoud Abbas - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Abu Daoud, who planned the 1972 Munich massacre, where members of the Israeli team at the Munich Olympic Games were taken hostage, and which ended in the murder of eleven Israeli athletes and coaches as well as a West German policeman, wrote that funds for the operation were provided by Abbas, though without knowledge of the money's intended purpose

as well as the Achille Lauro hijacking.

I think you have the wrong Abbas: CNN.com - U.S. captures mastermind of Achille Lauro hijacking - Apr. 16 2003

The Palestinians labor under 50% unemployment, poverty and misery, largely because of his policies. He has consistently rejected peace accords with Israel. But you knew all that.

Actually - that is a very subjective accounting of the reasons for unemployment, poverty, and misery much of which is also blamed on Israeli policies.

I just am not seeing how he is comparable to Castro or a "murdering thug".
Are you trying to prove there is no intelligence test to become a moderator?


You provide false information and then flail around. Nice try :)
Please cite what information I provided that was false. This ought to be good.
You're avoiding the question:
Was Pope JPII wrong for opposing the communists?
You know substantially less than most people on this board. That's some kind of accomplishment, btw.
I ignored your diversionary tactic on purpose, any pope has the duty to oppose tyranny in any form be it Soviets or Zionists or Americans looking to impose their will through militaristic violence or coercion.
So the Palestinian Authority does not represent tyranny? Abbas lost the only election they had, dolt.
You clearly are making this up as you go. Ad libbing on a forum is designed to make you look ridiculous.
The topic is on the Pope's attitude towards the people you want to kill. I gave you the biblical basis for his decisions but you need to be reminded that the Pope leads an international church and necessarily does not automatically align with western interests. If you simply want to argue the Israel-Palestinian conflict you may post a topic on it and I might come comment on it. If you simply cannot understand why the Pope does what he does then carefully read his statements on the subject and return back for further instruction on the basis of Christian theology.
Thank you for wimping out and showing how little you know.
The thread concerns the pope's embrace of both Abbas and Castro, both murdering thugs who have brought tremendous misery and suffering on their respective populations. What justifies embracing such bad actors rather than condemning them, as any religious person would?

You embrace Netanyahu which makes you far worse.
Remind me which terrorist organization Netanyahu was ever part of.
What tremendous misery and suffering has Abbas brought and who has he murdered?
He was instrumental in the murder of the Israeli athletes in Munich
Mahmoud Abbas - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Abu Daoud, who planned the 1972 Munich massacre, where members of the Israeli team at the Munich Olympic Games were taken hostage, and which ended in the murder of eleven Israeli athletes and coaches as well as a West German policeman, wrote that funds for the operation were provided by Abbas, though without knowledge of the money's intended purpose

as well as the Achille Lauro hijacking.

I think you have the wrong Abbas: CNN.com - U.S. captures mastermind of Achille Lauro hijacking - Apr. 16 2003

The Palestinians labor under 50% unemployment, poverty and misery, largely because of his policies. He has consistently rejected peace accords with Israel. But you knew all that.

Actually - that is a very subjective accounting of the reasons for unemployment, poverty, and misery much of which is also blamed on Israeli policies.

I just am not seeing how he is comparable to Castro or a "murdering thug".
Are you trying to prove there is no intelligence test to become a moderator?


You provide false information and then flail around. Nice try :)
Please cite what information I provided that was false. This ought to be good.

You had the wrong Abbas for starters :lol:
He was instrumental in the murder of the Israeli athletes in Munich
Mahmoud Abbas - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Abu Daoud, who planned the 1972 Munich massacre, where members of the Israeli team at the Munich Olympic Games were taken hostage, and which ended in the murder of eleven Israeli athletes and coaches as well as a West German policeman, wrote that funds for the operation were provided by Abbas, though without knowledge of the money's intended purpose

as well as the Achille Lauro hijacking.

I think you have the wrong Abbas: CNN.com - U.S. captures mastermind of Achille Lauro hijacking - Apr. 16 2003

The Palestinians labor under 50% unemployment, poverty and misery, largely because of his policies. He has consistently rejected peace accords with Israel. But you knew all that.

Actually - that is a very subjective accounting of the reasons for unemployment, poverty, and misery much of which is also blamed on Israeli policies.

I just am not seeing how he is comparable to Castro or a "murdering thug".
Are you trying to prove there is no intelligence test to become a moderator?


You provide false information and then flail around. Nice try :)
Please cite what information I provided that was false. This ought to be good.

You had the wrong Abbas for starters :lol:
I did not. I was absolutely correct.

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