Will Smith, Antoine Fuqua Won’t Shoot ‘Emancipation’ in Georgia Because of Voting Restrictions


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I support them with this 100%.

I support any and all who pull their business not just from Georgia but from any and all states that pass these draconian and very unAmerican voter suppression laws.

I'm very proud that my state has not even introduced any of these voter suppression laws. Republicans are the minority in my state and can't do anything to pass any voting suppression laws.

Boycotts are as American as apple pie.

If those actors do not wish to film in Georgia, that is their right, and they will no doubt receive many kudos from people who agree with them.

And, on the other hand, those people who think the Georgia laws are fair and sensible may visit Georgia in order to show their support by contributing to the hospitality industry during their stay.

Bottom line: The courts will make sure that every eligible voter gets to cast a vote.
I thought the world stopped spinning suddenly. Now I know it's because some crap movie with crap actors won't be filmed in Georgia.

The left is staking everything on being able to stop Georgia from instituting modest voting reforms.
We know now for sure how important it is to them to be able to commit voter fraud with impunity.
OMG having ID to prove who you are is so horrific!!!
Its not just ID. The law says you cant vote and sit down for a nice lunch and refreshments at the same time.
How horrible?

I have been voting since 1976....I never worried about water or food at the polls. I went there to vote. I only cared about having my proof of who I am and ensure no one else used my name. I WAS THERE TO VOTE.

Its all childish BS.
I support them with this 100%.

I support any and all who pull their business not just from Georgia but from any and all states that pass these draconian and very unAmerican voter suppression laws.

I'm very proud that my state has not even introduced any of these voter suppression laws. Republicans are the minority in my state and can't do anything to pass any voting suppression laws.

This is what statists like Stacey Abrams brings to the table. Destruction when they are finished. They talk about how great Mandela was for South Africa. That nation is on its way to impoverishment now. Georgia better wise up or people will bypass it.

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