Will Republicans shut down the Government over Planned Parenthood?

Unwanted children are much more likely to be abused.

So being anti abortion is being pro child abuse.

One more Republican evil.

I can only assume that this was sarcasm, right? Anyone who argues that abortion benifits the aborted is arguing an oxymoron. To say that being dead is better than alive in any context is pretty silly, but in the case of an otherwise healthy child because of a higher instance of abuse posibly being a factor? Wow, again, this has to be sarcastic, right?

You cannot assume that when it comes off the fingertips of Chris.

Will Republicans shut down the Government over Planned Parenthood?

well looks like they didn't, but DC woman who need a abortion on the gov,. dime are out of luck.....hummmmmm
Unwanted children are much more likely to be abused.

So being anti abortion is being pro child abuse.

One more Republican evil.

I can only assume that this was sarcasm, right? Anyone who argues that abortion benifits the aborted is arguing an oxymoron. To say that being dead is better than alive in any context is pretty silly, but in the case of an otherwise healthy child because of a higher instance of abuse posibly being a factor? Wow, again, this has to be sarcastic, right?

There are no "aborted."

Embryos are not people.

There are millions of them frozen in labs all over the country.

They are not people, they are only a collection cells.

And yes, giving women the right to chose reduces child abuse.

So the Republican Party is pro child abuse.
lol, well the GOP caved, so this is a moot point.

John Boehner's job is so easy...

...a Caveman can do it.

Yep. Now DC can continue killing their babbies on schedule without fear of their funding being cut off for largely minority communities.

You must be so proud.
Unwanted children are much more likely to be abused.

So being anti abortion is being pro child abuse.

One more Republican evil.

I can only assume that this was sarcasm, right? Anyone who argues that abortion benifits the aborted is arguing an oxymoron. To say that being dead is better than alive in any context is pretty silly, but in the case of an otherwise healthy child because of a higher instance of abuse posibly being a factor? Wow, again, this has to be sarcastic, right?

There are no "aborted."

Embryos are not people.

There are millions of them frozen in labs all over the country.

They are not people, they are only a collection cells.

And yes, giving women the right to chose reduces child abuse.

So the Republican Party is pro child abuse.
Funny. You're trillions of cells. I do believe you qualify as an unwanted tissue mass. Can we abort you too as you're not a people by this philosophical foundation?
Will Republicans shut down the Government over Planned Parenthood?

well looks like they didn't, but DC woman who need a abortion on the gov,. dime are out of luck.....hummmmmm

You know the DC "ban" on federal funding for abortions is nothing more than political theater, right?

A DC woman who needed an abortion on "the government dime" was shit out of luck last month. And the month before. And the years before.This "ban" affected nothing, federal funding of abortions was already "banned" by the Hyde amendment.

This is another example of a complete non-issue, blown out of proportion to appeal to the far right base, nothing more...
No, they won't shut it down over Planned Parenthood because Kyl already admitted he lied about them doing abortions..
Unwanted children are much more likely to be abused.

So being anti abortion is being pro child abuse.

One more Republican evil.

I can only assume that this was sarcasm, right? Anyone who argues that abortion benifits the aborted is arguing an oxymoron. To say that being dead is better than alive in any context is pretty silly, but in the case of an otherwise healthy child because of a higher instance of abuse posibly being a factor? Wow, again, this has to be sarcastic, right?

There are no "aborted."

Embryos are not people.

There are millions of them frozen in labs all over the country.

They are not people, they are only a collection cells.

And yes, giving women the right to chose reduces child abuse.

So the Republican Party is pro child abuse.

That's about as convoluted an analogy as I've ever heard. You don't know how a non-aborted fetus is going to be treated once it comes out of the womb. However you do know how an aborted fetus will be treated.


Unwanted children are much more likely to be abused.

So being anti abortion is being pro child abuse.

One more Republican evil.

I can only assume that this was sarcasm, right? Anyone who argues that abortion benifits the aborted is arguing an oxymoron. To say that being dead is better than alive in any context is pretty silly, but in the case of an otherwise healthy child because of a higher instance of abuse posibly being a factor? Wow, again, this has to be sarcastic, right?

There are no "aborted."

Embryos are not people.

There are millions of them frozen in labs all over the country.

They are not people, they are only a collection cells.

And yes, giving women the right to chose reduces child abuse.

So the Republican Party is pro child abuse.

It only reduces the number of children, not the likelihood of abuse. There is nothing to suggest that availability of abortion reduces abuse toward children. Of course by your distorted logic the Nazis were trying to end anti-Semitism by eliminating the possible victims, so the Allies were anti-Semitic, right?

It is idiocy to argue abortion benefiting the aborted, or that aborted pregnancies were any more or less likely to be abusive childhoods.

The majority of women who get abortions aren’t in a position that makes raising a child likely to result in abuse. On the contrary, most abortions are women over 20, not in indigent circumstances and with no unreasonable personal risk, incest or rape. The main reasons given include money, but breakdown demographics show that it isn’t due to inability to feed a child, but that it would be expensive enough to change the women’s lifestyles.

In short, your contention is completely ludicrous and unsupportable in any way. Either you lack critical thinking skills or you are a programmed tool. Either way, you should probably stop talking to whatever idiot got you spewing that crap, they are probably laughing at you right now anyway.
Will Republicans shut down the Government over Planned Parenthood?

well looks like they didn't, but DC woman who need a abortion on the gov,. dime are out of luck.....hummmmmm

You know the DC "ban" on federal funding for abortions is nothing more than political theater, right?

A DC woman who needed an abortion on "the government dime" was shit out of luck last month. And the month before. And the years before.This "ban" affected nothing, federal funding of abortions was already "banned" by the Hyde amendment.

This is another example of a complete non-issue, blown out of proportion to appeal to the far right base, nothing more...

Define "need".
Federally funded abortions, care of the same party that claims CO2 is a poison, when it's really a gas that is essential for life on this planet. :eusa_whistle:

High arsenic levels in water are always ok with Republicans. Not certain what talking point regarding Co2 levels you are taking out of context now.

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