Will Obama do anything about ISIS


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
I would like to hear some opinions on whether Obama will take any action against the growing threat of ISIS in light of the recent murders of innocent Japanese and Jordanians.

Who does he really side with on this issue? Why does he refuse to call them islamic terrorists? What is his real agenda?

I would like to hear some opinions on whether Obama will take any action against the growing threat of ISIS in light of the recent murders of innocent Japanese and Jordanians.

Who does he really side with on this issue? Why does he refuse to call them islamic terrorists? What is his real agenda?

His agenda is to facilitate the overthrow of Assad like he did with Khadafi and Mubarak, and further the cause of "moderate Muslims", which do not actually exist as a political force, except in his delusional mind.
Will Congress allocate the resources necessary or will he have to wade through a series of partisan shenanigans to take more action?

When will the Republican Congress do something about ISIS affiliated , Ebola laden children coming from Latin America?
You mean in addition to the more than 2000 air strikes?

And more planned....

How about you stop lying about your own country? How about you side with your own country, for a frikken change.

Jordan executed 2 ISIS terrorists in retaliation for ISIS murdering their pilot. Obama sets terrorists free from Gitmo. Do you understand the difference?

I side with my country when it does the right thing. My country caused the unnecessary deaths of 58,000 americans in viet nam for absolutely nothing. Those who died in Iraq and Afghanistan will probably also have died for nothing.

Obama refuses to call these animals what they are, islamic terrorists. Jordan understands how to deal with them, Israel inderstands how to deal with them. Do we need another 9/11 before obama and you libs understand?
Will Congress allocate the resources necessary or will he have to wade through a series of partisan shenanigans to take more action?

When will the Republican Congress do something about ISIS affiliated , Ebola laden children coming from Latin America?

obama didn't need congress to set terrorists free from Gitmo, he didn't need congress to give amnesty to millions of illegals, why does he need them now?
King Abdallah of Jordan and all Muslim leaders say ISIS has nothing to do with Islam and Pub/hater dupe insistence that it does is destructive, bigoted, and STUPID. Obama is doing everything chickenhawk fools are asking for. RW infotainment bought off BS, for Fox/Rush bots ONLY. And obviously getting the ME involved and not making US the target, like the idiots Bush, Cheney and the chumps did.
What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.
Will Congress allocate the resources necessary or will he have to wade through a series of partisan shenanigans to take more action?

When will the Republican Congress do something about ISIS affiliated , Ebola laden children coming from Latin America?

obama didn't need congress to set terrorists free from Gitmo, he didn't need congress to give amnesty to millions of illegals, why does he need them now?

You didn't ask about Gitmo or the temporary status the President has given undocumented workers. You asked about ISIS. Rather than taking a stand, you and the rabid wing of the GOP would rather take partisan swipes at any decision made by the President.
The King of Jordan knows that obumble is on the side of isis and Jordan has no friend in the white house. It wasn't lost on him that obumble releases terrorists from Gitmo to Yemen and now Yemen is gone.
Will Congress allocate the resources necessary or will he have to wade through a series of partisan shenanigans to take more action?

When will the Republican Congress do something about ISIS affiliated , Ebola laden children coming from Latin America?

The Do Nothings doing what they do best - nothing.

Remember the Republican who said they would not do anything because they wanted to force the president to act alone in hopes they could criticize his actions.

And of course, then lie about the legality of executive orders.
What is Obama supposed to do? Why hasn't Congress even addressed the issue? Answer those questions first. The OP is a partisan hack. Obama could nuke the killer muslims, and he would criticize him. What do you want Obama to do? Please be specific.

call for a world coalition to eradicate ISIS and radical islam from the face of the earth. Get every nation to commit resources, their military, and their financial support to eliminate this band of animals.

Call Putin and get Russia involved, we have a common enemy. We need to deal with it.
The King of Jordan knows that obumble is on the side of isis and Jordan has no friend in the white house. It wasn't lost on him that obumble releases terrorists from Gitmo to Yemen and now Yemen is gone.

The lying, drunk cat lover aka katzendogs the traitor, lies again.

If President Obama is on the side of Isis, why is he killing them?

Why do the Republicans refuse to kill them?
Will Congress allocate the resources necessary or will he have to wade through a series of partisan shenanigans to take more action?

When will the Republican Congress do something about ISIS affiliated , Ebola laden children coming from Latin America?

obama didn't need congress to set terrorists free from Gitmo, he didn't need congress to give amnesty to millions of illegals, why does he need them now?

You didn't ask about Gitmo or the temporary status the President has given undocumented workers. You asked about ISIS. Rather than taking a stand, you and the rabid wing of the GOP would rather take partisan swipes at any decision made by the President.

you said he has to wait on congress, I was merely pointing out that he did not wait for congress on those issues.

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