Will Hillary finally be locked up?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

More political prisoners for Trumpland drones to exploit and torture...Will Trump see jailtime for his lies and deceit not to mention the lives lost over his "live the lie" rhetorical propaganda about a "stolen" election with baseless allegations of "massive fraud"?

Isn't Machiavellian politics fun!?
No she won't. That bitch has money, power, influence and more importantly she is a democrat and we have seen how democrats will do anything to keep their people protected even if it means lying and ruining the country.

I expect one of two things. Either someone else will take the fall and they will end it there instead of letting things go up the ladder farther. Or, there will be a lot of talking and at the end of the day it just fades away with nothing happening.

Then again, maybe she will. I mean she is of no real use to Biden and his administration. But then again, letting her be at fault shows their own weakness and makes their party look bad by comparison.
No she won't. That bitch has money, power, influence and more importantly she is a democrat and we have seen how democrats will do anything to keep their people protected even if it means lying and ruining the country.

I expect one of two things. Either someone else will take the fall and they will end it there instead of letting things go up the ladder farther. Or, there will be a lot of talking and at the end of the day it just fades away with nothing happening.

Then again, maybe she will. I mean she is of no real use to Biden and his administration. But then again, letting her be at fault shows their own weakness and makes their party look bad by comparison.
Or Durham ends up mysteriously committing suicide?
More political prisoners for Trumpland drones to exploit and torture...Will Trump see jailtime for his lies and deceit not to mention the lives lost over his "live the lie" rhetorical propaganda about a "stolen" election with baseless allegations of "massive fraud"?

Isn't Machiavellian politics fun!?
The baseless allegations were the Democrat led conspiracy that Trump colluded in order to get elected which the Left and the media harped about for four years 24\7. The rabid animals undermined the presidency and even tried to impeach Trump twice. Now we find out that they themselves were actually guilty of what they were accusing Trump and those around him of. Karma will be a bitch.
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Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?

don't forget about Barry the Magnificent's involvement in the coup also
In a word, "no."

Hillary is a Nazi of Rank, she is above the law.

Any fantasy of a Nazi being held to the law is destined to disappointment.
She’s a deep state character with ties to other deep state individuals and institutions, so if she goes down, so will many other powerful people in various govt. institutions like Comey and probably a few congressmen, senators and media personalities that were all part of this treasonous conspiracy to bring Trump down.
The baseless allegations were the Democrat led conspiracy that Trump colluded in order to get elected which the Left and the media harped about for four years 24\7. Now we find out that they themselves were actually guilty of what they were accusing Trump and those around him.
Is that why Trump was scared and said "I'm fucked" when he found out he was being investigated?
Is that why Flynn admitted guilt in lying?

He then told Sessions he should resign, the report said. Sessions agreed, left the Oval Office, and the next day returned to the White House to hand Trump his resignation letter, according to the report.

Also to include the people associated with Trump and his campaign that were prosecuted...

  • So far, Mueller's team has charged eight Americans once affiliated with Trump's campaign or administration, 13 Russian nationals, 12 Russian intelligence officers, three Russian companies, and two other people with federal crimes.
Is that why Trump was scared and said "I'm fucked" when he found out he was being investigated?
Is that why Flynn admitted guilt in lying?

He then told Sessions he should resign, the report said. Sessions agreed, left the Oval Office, and the next day returned to the White House to hand Trump his resignation letter, according to the report.

Also to include the people associated with Trump and his campaign that were prosecuted...

  • So far, Mueller's team has charged eight Americans once affiliated with Trump's campaign or administration, 13 Russian nationals, 12 Russian intelligence officers, three Russian companies, and two other people with federal crimes.
Why don’t you keep up? They used this false information to frame Flynn, a four star general and a hero. Trump said he’s fucked because his presidency would be mired in defending himself against these Leftist enemies of the state. And despite this and two impeachment’s and non stop barrage from the hyenas in the media, he still managed to be a great prescient and do a lot for this country. Mueller was a deep state buffoon who’s purpose was to bring Trump down and came up with zero, nada against Teump or anyone around him having to do with collision. He should have focused on the Democrats as we can see.
Now that someone inside Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has been indicted for lying to FBI and a deep state conspiracy to collude with the Russians in a plot to falsely feed information about Trump to the FBI and other govt. agencies in order to frame and remove a duly elected president…will Hillary Clinton finally be locked up for treason and other high crimes against her country?
No, the Loser had his goons screeching "Lock her up!" at his pep rallies, but he failed to contrive any pretext for indicting her throughout the four years he had the full apparatus of the U.S. Justice Department under his command to do so.

Declassified documents show Danchenko was previously the subject of a counterintelligence investigation examining whether he was an agent of Russia, and no connection to Hillary Clinton was ever even suggested. (The FBI, NSA, CIA and two Republican-run Senate Intelligence Committees did establish that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton.) . The FBI said many of Danchenko's claims were based on rumors and hearsay.

Trump's impressive losing string continues - the election, multiple re-counts, audits, court challenges, appeals, etc.

If Danchenko is ever convicted of anything, the fact that his unsubstantiated rumors and hearsay concerning Trump never resulted in charges against him will mitigate his sentence.
Nah, that soulless shit beast is "too big to jail".

It's enough that the deep state didn't steal the election for her and yet went the extra mile for that stuttering, drooling shit clown. Let that sink in. I'm fine with her having to drink a quart of gin everyday just to get through it. That ain't no picnic..... ask pelosi.
Trump's impressive losing string continues - the election, multiple re-counts, audits, court challenges, appeals, etc
You see, that's what happens when you have criminal filth in positions of power. But you're too much of a liar to admit that fact.

Here it is 4 days after my great error of taking all you scum off ignore, I find myself wondering what the hell was I thinking?

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