Will Democrats Immediately Naturalize 14 Million Illegal Migrants ?


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Will Democrats Immediately Naturalize 14 Million Illegal Migrants ? "

* Teetering Destruction of America Straight Ticket Voting *

There is a silence of inquiry hidden below the surface for consequences that could result should the house , senate and presidency all be captured by the democrats .

The opposite of progress is congress , but that only occurs when the house , senate and presidency are split .

Should democrats capture all three , do its politicians intend to naturalize the 14 million illegal migrants currently in the country ?
There are probably more than 14 million. It's highly unlikely the Democrats would cross their corporate sponsors in this way.
" Silent Hand Wringing Anticipating Advantages Of Opportunity "

* Caveat Emptor And Getting What They Bought *

There are probably more than 14 million. It's highly unlikely the Democrats would cross their corporate sponsors in this way.
That may be an optimistic theory , if the possibility were not real , but would it be prudent to have the question posed to the candidates ?
" Will Democrats Immediately Naturalize 14 Million Illegal Migrants ? "

* Teetering Destruction of America Straight Ticket Voting *

There is a silence of inquiry hidden below the surface for consequences that could result should the house , senate and presidency all be captured by the democrats .

The opposite of progress is congress , but that only occurs when the house , senate and presidency are split .

Should democrats capture all three , do its politicians intend to naturalize the 14 million illegal migrants currently in the country ?

Biden intends to make good on Obama's promise to Dreamers. The rest should be given a PATHWAY to citizenship. IOW, speak the language, pay income taxes, take a basic US Civics class, pass a test, etc. This would take minimally a year and they must complete all steps.

We cannot deport 11 million (or 14m as you claim) people. That would be logistically impossible and the cost would be in the tens of billions.
" Will Democrats Immediately Naturalize 14 Million Illegal Migrants ? "

* Teetering Destruction of America Straight Ticket Voting *

There is a silence of inquiry hidden below the surface for consequences that could result should the house , senate and presidency all be captured by the democrats .

The opposite of progress is congress , but that only occurs when the house , senate and presidency are split .

Should democrats capture all three , do its politicians intend to naturalize the 14 million illegal migrants currently in the country ?
Sure they will. Why? Taxes.
" Emerald Triangle Thought Patterns "

* Dream Of Somewhere Else *

Biden intends to make good on Obama's promise to Dreamers. The rest should be given a PATHWAY to citizenship. IOW, speak the language, pay income taxes, take a basic US Civics class, pass a test, etc. This would take minimally a year and they must complete all steps.
We cannot deport 11 million (or 14m as you claim) people. That would be logistically impossible and the cost would be in the tens of billions.
One is not required to be a us citizen to pay income taxes and the vagrants do not need to be afforded citizenship , so the inclination is idiotic and unfounded .

The way to stop the madness is to no longer offer , or significantly reduce , an extension for legal citizenship to individuals seeking legal migration from countries based on the number of illegal migrants from those countries .
" Will Democrats Immediately Naturalize 14 Million Illegal Migrants ? "

* Teetering Destruction of America Straight Ticket Voting *

There is a silence of inquiry hidden below the surface for consequences that could result should the house , senate and presidency all be captured by the democrats .

The opposite of progress is congress , but that only occurs when the house , senate and presidency are split .

Should democrats capture all three , do its politicians intend to naturalize the 14 million illegal migrants currently in the country ?
yes. and those immigrants will be forced to vote for Democrats for 4 generations. i read it on Facebook.
" Silent Hand Wringing Anticipating Advantages Of Opportunity "

* Caveat Emptor And Getting What They Bought *

There are probably more than 14 million. It's highly unlikely the Democrats would cross their corporate sponsors in this way.
That may be an optimistic theory , if the possibility were not real , but would it be prudent to have the question posed to the candidates ?

Sure....here is the problem though. Both will lie.
" Will Democrats Immediately Naturalize 14 Million Illegal Migrants ? "

* Teetering Destruction of America Straight Ticket Voting *

There is a silence of inquiry hidden below the surface for consequences that could result should the house , senate and presidency all be captured by the democrats .

The opposite of progress is congress , but that only occurs when the house , senate and presidency are split .

Should democrats capture all three , do its politicians intend to naturalize the 14 million illegal migrants currently in the country ?

There will be a lot more than 14 million as President Biden opens up the border. I don't think he can do it "immediately" because of logistics problems, but he will definitely be moving right along on it
There are far more than 14 million illegal aliens, they've claimed 11 million for two decades now, as if the claimed 11 million illegal aliens live in some sort of stasis, absent wives, children, and extended family! The true figures are very likely north of 35 million, and its within realm of possibility there are as many as 50 million illegal aliens. Another thing, a Biden win, thrusts gate wide open to unchecked hordes of illegals, and the illegal population of democratic voters could easily double, and that last is most important, only the most impossibly stupid believe millions of these illegal aliens don't vote in, and subvert sovereign US elections every two & four years....
" First Come First Served Immigration System "

* Very Real Motives To Foster Social Dependents *

Sure they will. Why? Taxes.
They will do it for votes and the socialist dream state run by bureaucratic despots .

The left is also hand wringing to strike a death blow against the political and financial affluence of its evil whitey scapegoat .
There are far more than 14 million illegal aliens, they've claimed 11 million for two decades now, as if the claimed 11 million illegal aliens live in some sort of stasis, absent wives, children, and extended family! The true figures are very likely north of 35 million, and its within realm of possibility there are as many as 50 million illegal aliens. Another thing, a Biden win, thrusts gate wide open to unchecked hordes of illegals, and the illegal population of democratic voters could easily double, and that last is most important, only the most impossibly stupid believe millions of these illegal aliens don't vote in, and subvert sovereign US elections every two & four years....

Mr. Biden would like to get in position where the border patrol are converted into border greeters, like at Costco or Walmart, welcoming people into the country and handing them brochures with directions to the welfare and immigration offices so they can get their EBT cards and voters registration documents ASAP
" Informed Consent Of Voters Due "

* Opportunity To See Through The Lies *

Sure....here is the problem though. Both will lie.
They will definitely lie but voters need to be presented with the very real possibility that such a public policy could be decided .
" Informed Consent Of Voters Due "

* Opportunity To See Through The Lies *

Sure....here is the problem though. Both will lie.
They will definitely lie but voters need to be presented with the very real possibility that such a public policy could be decided .

I can't take those who will lie as all that serious. Wall Street runs this country. Ask yourself what Wall Street wants and that is what is most likely going to happen. In this case, nothing.
" Theft By Populism Is Already Bad Enough "

* Subenious Plan Not Available *

No one will need to be naturalized. Remove the whole idea of citizenship instead.
Stop with none need be naturalized .

With what will citizenship be replaced as a criteria in voting for representatives of the republic , will only property owners , LLCs and corporations be allowed to cast votes for elect officials ?
Will Republican remain hypocritical and still pay them to mow their yards, pour the foundations for their houses, harvest their crops and work in the food plant industry?

Just asking-
" Will Democrats Immediately Naturalize 14 Million Illegal Migrants ? "

* Teetering Destruction of America Straight Ticket Voting *

There is a silence of inquiry hidden below the surface for consequences that could result should the house , senate and presidency all be captured by the democrats .

The opposite of progress is congress , but that only occurs when the house , senate and presidency are split .

Should democrats capture all three , do its politicians intend to naturalize the 14 million illegal migrants currently in the country ?
That still doesn't solve our Institutional illegal problem nor the Institutional illegal underclass created by right wing bigotry and false witness bearing to our federal Constitution.
" Will Democrats Immediately Naturalize 14 Million Illegal Migrants ? "

* Teetering Destruction of America Straight Ticket Voting *

There is a silence of inquiry hidden below the surface for consequences that could result should the house , senate and presidency all be captured by the democrats .

The opposite of progress is congress , but that only occurs when the house , senate and presidency are split .

Should democrats capture all three , do its politicians intend to naturalize the 14 million illegal migrants currently in the country ?
That still doesn't solve our Institutional illegal problem nor the Institutional illegal underclass created by right wing bigotry and false witness bearing to our federal Constitution.

If Biden legalizes the Illegals, how does that not resolve the problem? I might not like the resolution, but I understand how that is a resolution
" Collaboration Among Opportunistic Thieves "

* Untouchable And Indifferent To Social Consequences *

I can't take those who will lie as all that serious. Wall Street runs this country. Ask yourself what Wall Street wants and that is what is most likely going to happen. In this case, nothing.
Is wall street vying for tax increases on us industry ?

The wall street autocrats are not affected by discontent within the rat race and only see opportunity for inexpensive labor and profit margins through the gluttony of population .

Consider the wall street equivalent of slave owners in the south who managed to find themselves outnumbered in population by as many as 2 to 4 to one .

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