Will Biden Build Concentration Camps If You Get Coronavirus? Will He Declare That The Government Take Control Over Everything?

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015
One of the ways libturds have found to control the masses is through covid-19. It means government knows best NOW and to stay home until we get more answers to our questions such as if we get covid-19, then how long does the immunity last? CDC is saying they don't know and think it could be like the common cold and only last six months to a year. IOW, getting covid-19 doesn't guarantee immunity. One can get it again and again. Even the vaccine prolly doesn't guarantee immunity despite the claims. You'll prolly have to take one bi-annually or annually. What it may ultimately boil down to is controlling the amount of deaths and finding why it kills people. There may be no known cure. And there lies the rub and where Joe Biden's government steps in.


I started thinking this way because of the results of the election and how some of the countries who have been successful in controlling the deaths have done. It was unheard of in a Trump Presidency, but not anymore. Can someone create the Joe Biden is a coronavirus meme now?

"Fact check: Quarantine 'camps' are real, but COVID-19 camp claim stretches truth
Miriam Fauzia

The claim: U.S. military has approved COVID-19 quarantine 'camps' that will access personal information and be monitored by militarized CDC police
Early in the coronavirus pandemic, the Department of Defense's approval of military facilities for quarantine use was theorized to be much more than a public health effort.
"A coming digital 5G biometric tracking surveillance CHECKPOINT service that accesses your entire data from financial status, tax history, social credit score, social media ranking, watch history, sexual preference, political views, will be monitored by armed militarized CDC police will determine who is desirable for society and who goes to camp," an Instagram post by user liftingtheveilofficial claims.

The post, from early in the pandemic but which remained viral well into late spring, also incorporates copied text from a February Daily Mail UK article that claims the Pentagon has approved "11 quarantine camps on military bases near major airports across the US in anticipation of an influx of American citizens returning from China in need of monitoring for the deadly coronavirus that is now being called COVID-19."

Liftingtheveiloffical told USA TODAY that his claim was "mostly my own personal sarcastic speculation, and (I'm) being a bit hyperbolic as well." But, he later asserted his speculations were indeed substantiated and made allusions to Bill Gates, various world organizations and secret societies."

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Yes OP, so if I were you, I'd get outta Dodge...NOW!!

The truth hurts, but there is no cure for a virus. We've been living like that since... well, that's just the way it is.

Again, the CDC says one can't get immunity by getting covid-19. It doesn't last as they said it prolly lasts from 6 mos to a year like immunity to a common cold virus. Thus, this vaccine that we are supposed to get prolly won't last.
CDC finally revealed how long coronavirus immunity lasts – and it looks like bad news
  • How long does coronavirus immunity last after infection? The CDC quietly published the first defined COVID-19 immunity period on its website.
  • The virus is too young for healthcare professionals to have an exact timeframe for protection against reinfection.
  • The CDC quarantine page was updated a few days ago with information that offers a minimum period of immunity.
"How long does novel coronavirus immunity last? That’s a question health officials can’t answer for certain since COVID-19 hasn’t existed for long enough to tell. But it’s an answer we need not just for vaccine development, but also for the next stages of pandemic management. How long is a COVID-19 survivor protected for? How bad would a second COVID-19 bout be for people who already had it?

Scientists initially said that coronavirus immunity might match the immunity we get from the other human coronaviruses that cause common colds. That’s anywhere from six to 12 months, and that’s how long we expect vaccines to last as well. Recent data showed that neutralizing antibodies may disappear from the bloodstream within three months, but the immune system also has backup T cells that can kill the virus upon reinfection by kickstarting the production of antibodies. Those cells live longer than antibodies, though it’s unclear how long their lifespan is. It’s also believed that exposure to human coronaviruses that cause common colds provides some protection against the virus.

Health authorities have not actually offered a clearly defined period for coronavirus immunity, because there’s not enough scientific data to back any of it up. That recently changed though, when the CDC quietly updated one of its main guidelines with information that explicitly mentions a COVID-19 immunity timeframe."

Couldn't we just refurbish the old FEMA camps. Building new is just to expensive these days!
One of the ways libturds have found to control the masses is through covid-19. It means government knows best NOW and to stay home until we get more answers to our questions such as if we get covid-19, then how long does the immunity last? CDC is saying they don't know and think it could be like the common cold and only last six months to a year. IOW, getting covid-19 doesn't guarantee immunity. One can get it again and again. Even the vaccine prolly doesn't guarantee immunity despite the claims. You'll prolly have to take one bi-annually or annually. What it may ultimately boil down to is controlling the amount of deaths and finding why it kills people. There may be no known cure. And there lies the rub and where Joe Biden's government steps in.

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I started thinking this way because of the results of the election and how some of the countries who have been successful in controlling the deaths have done. It was unheard of in a Trump Presidency, but not anymore. Can someone create the Joe Biden is a coronavirus meme now?

"Fact check: Quarantine 'camps' are real, but COVID-19 camp claim stretches truth
Miriam Fauzia

The claim: U.S. military has approved COVID-19 quarantine 'camps' that will access personal information and be monitored by militarized CDC police
Early in the coronavirus pandemic, the Department of Defense's approval of military facilities for quarantine use was theorized to be much more than a public health effort.
"A coming digital 5G biometric tracking surveillance CHECKPOINT service that accesses your entire data from financial status, tax history, social credit score, social media ranking, watch history, sexual preference, political views, will be monitored by armed militarized CDC police will determine who is desirable for society and who goes to camp," an Instagram post by user liftingtheveilofficial claims.

The post, from early in the pandemic but which remained viral well into late spring, also incorporates copied text from a February Daily Mail UK article that claims the Pentagon has approved "11 quarantine camps on military bases near major airports across the US in anticipation of an influx of American citizens returning from China in need of monitoring for the deadly coronavirus that is now being called COVID-19."

Liftingtheveiloffical told USA TODAY that his claim was "mostly my own personal sarcastic speculation, and (I'm) being a bit hyperbolic as well." But, he later asserted his speculations were indeed substantiated and made allusions to Bill Gates, various world organizations and secret societies."

Americans have been a few steps from reeducation camps for about five or six years. Twitter, Facebook, You Tube and other major social media platforms scored absolute victories against our key constitutional rights at least a decade back. Those global information harvesting platforms were the vanguard forces cutting paths to a totalitarian America; they were and remain ahead of their time in that regard. Resistance to these social media giants was always weak but it was there. Now? Now all resistance to their domination of all American individuals has been eliminated, in effect.

Enter COVID-19 in 2020, which is the second of two knockout punches aimed at the destruction of American individual rights and freedoms. Social media platforms were designed to enslave our minds. COVID-19 was unleashed to enslave our physical bodies. I and many other Americans have zero doubt that COVID internment camps will go up around the globe and will be stuffed full of Americans, but not for the purpose of quarantine. These camps will be used to detain political dissidents who express love for traditional American values and whose ideas are deemed high risk. Christians for instance will likely see the inside of such places—at least until they renounce Christ as their savior. If you think 2020 was no joke just wait a few months; 2021 will really bring on the tears.

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