Wil You Vote for 82 Year Old Joe Biden?

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Knowing he'll be 86 years old if he's able to finish out his s second term?

Personally I think it's madness

according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that shows just 37% of Democrats say they want him to seek a second term, down from 52% in the weeks before last year’s midterm elections.

Knowing he'll be 86 years old if he's able to finish out his s second term?

Personally I think it's madness

according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that shows just 37% of Democrats say they want him to seek a second term, down from 52% in the weeks before last year’s midterm elections.

Fuuuuuuuuck no.

I love the USA, NOT CHINA!
Well, yeah.

First, he's literally much smarter than every conservative on this board. It's not even close. Not that it's difficult, given what imbeciles the conservatives here are. Sweet Jeebus, are they stupid.

Second, he's more loyal to the USA than to TheParty, Russia, or China, which puts him above almost all Republicans.

I took a solemn oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Most Republicans are domestic enemies of the Constitution, so I am bound by a sacred oath to vote against them. It is not optional for me.

Anways, it's good to see how terrified of Biden the Republicans are. Looks like they know they can't beat him. Why else would they be begging Democrats not to run him?
Knowing he'll be 86 years old if he's able to finish out his s second term?

Personally I think it's madness

according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that shows just 37% of Democrats say they want him to seek a second term, down from 52% in the weeks before last year’s midterm elections.

I will indeed.

I find it hilarious that the people getting all bent out of shape about Biden’s age fully support Trump who is… two years younger and tremendously overweight
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Well, yeah.

First, he's literally much smarter than every conservative on this board. It's not even close. Not that it's difficult, given what imbeciles the conservatives here are. Sweet Jeebus, are they stupid.

Second, he's more loyal to the USA than to TheParty, Russia, or China, which puts him above almost all Republicans.

I took a solemn oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Most Republicans are domestic enemies of the Constitution, so I am bound by a sacred oath to vote against them. It is not optional for me.

Anways, it's good to see how terrified of Biden the Republicans are. Looks like they know they can't beat him. Why else would they be begging Democrats not to run him?
I knew you were among the insane
BTW, I KNOW right THINKING Americans won't vote for a dementia patient for president. The question was directed at the lunatic left here. Just curious how far removed they are from even their own party
Knowing he'll be 86 years old if he's able to finish out his s second term?

Personally I think it's madness

according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that shows just 37% of Democrats say they want him to seek a second term, down from 52% in the weeks before last year’s midterm elections.

I'd rather not. He is to old for my tastes but I will vote for him if he runs against a trump Republican.
Depends on who he is running against. If the GOP were to nominate a Bush or a Cheney, or one of their RINO allies like Gov. Hogan, I'd vote for Sleepy Joe in a flash.

At least Biden is open and clear about his hatred for the millions of little Trumpsters.
For those whose memories are longer than that of a housefly, Joe Biden has been soundly rejected by the electorate THREE TIMES, and that was when he was in tip top shape and had all of his limited mental faculties intact. It was only by blatant theft that he won in 2020, and it will only be by theft that he secures the nomination in 2024 (Oh God, please let it be so!).

No rational person would vote for Joe Biden. They might vote AGAINST the Republican, but no rational person WANTS Joe Biden as president, regardless of his diminished mental capacity.
For those whose memories are longer than that of a housefly, Joe Biden has been soundly rejected by the electorate THREE TIMES, and that was when he was in tip top shape and had all of his limited mental faculties intact. It was only by blatant theft that he won in 2020, and it will only be by theft that he secures the nomination in 2024 (Oh God, please let it be so!).

No rational person would vote for Joe Biden. They might vote AGAINST the Republican, but no rational person WANTS Joe Biden as president, regardless of his diminished mental capacity.
I really doubt the guy will be living at age 86. If he is, he'll be in hospice.
The lefts HATE drives them to be willing to destroy the country if it means keeping a sane American out of the WH
I really doubt the guy will be living at age 86. If he is, he'll be in hospice.
The lefts HATE drives them to be willing to destroy the country if it means keeping a sane American out of the WH

A lot of people live to age 86 or even beyond.
Knowing he'll be 86 years old if he's able to finish out his s second term?

Personally I think it's madness

according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that shows just 37% of Democrats say they want him to seek a second term, down from 52% in the weeks before last year’s midterm elections.

Depends on whether or not Corn Pop will be on the ticket. :thup:
I find it hilarious that the people getting all bent out of shape about Biden’s age fully support Trump who is… two years younger and tremendously overweight
Glad to know you view the leadership of our country as a comedy show. Age is a factor that should be considered, although the effects of aging differ among individuals. Biden is mentally incompetent, but may live to be 100. Trump is mentally sharp, but could die sooner. In either case, we should insist that a capable person should be selected as Vice President. In that regard, the Democrats have failed miserably.

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