Wikileak'd video shows eager-to-kill troops firing on Reuters reporters and children

War isn't pretty.
It is terrible the reporters were killed, but that is what happens.

Sorry, but that looked to me like a successful engagement of insurgents. It sucks that the reporter was killed and it sucks even worse that they were trying to remove bodies and weapons in a hot zone with kids in the car. But when you bring your kids to war, what do you expect?

I feel for the guys that had to pull the trigger. They laughed in the video, but keep in mind where their adrenaline level was at that moment. They were pumped up. They have to be to pull the trigger. The problems start when they come down. I feel for these guys for they had to do. It is despicable, yes, but necessary.

BTW, I bet that douchenozzle armchair warrior in your video has the high score on Call of Duty 4.
there were no weapons and they were Reuters reporters and children... this is no video game these are real children and real people wtf are you talking about...the call of duty reference speaks volumes
5:21-5:35 in the vid, I count 3 assault rifles. AK-47's to be precise.

The COD comment meant that you and this fucker in the video have no idea what you are looking at.
5:21-5:35 in the vid, I count 3 assault rifles. AK-47's to be precise.

The COD comment meant that you and this fucker in the video have no idea what you are looking at.

they are tri pods for cameras as reported by reuters

Negative. Second from the left is carrying a Kalashnikov. And you call me a sheep. Since when do you believe what the media tells you. Those are rifles fuckstick.
Many buildings have Armed security guards, Americans in this video have the attitude of ¨Kill them all, and let god sort out his own¨
I hope they are back in the USA
Many buildings have Armed security guards, Americans in this video have the attitude of ¨Kill them all, and let god sort out his own¨
I hope they are back in the USA

Yet, you have no idea other what you see in the video. How would you expect a soldier to act in the commission of his duties?
How about following the Rules of engagement?
or even the Geneva convention?
How about following the Rules of engagement?
or even the Geneva convention?
Look there are spotters on the ground that probably saw some activity like GUNS, EXPLOSIVES in this group, they send radio that intel in and then they are taken out. IT IS FUCKING WAR not a local bar brawl.

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