Wife of muslim immigrant screams: “F*** AMERICA!”

Muslims are inbred sacks of shit withering away in human bodies. Not one of these cockroaches has the gall to come out and state their true intention of waging an imperial jihad against the U.S......they haven't forgotten or forgiven the crusades. They think that all of the problems in the Islamic world today are the result of Western civilization.
How many western countries have the Mid-East Muslims installed dictators in? How many have they tried to conquer for control of their natural resources?

Muslims permanently destroyed half of world Christendom of the middle ages prior to the 1st crusade. Spain, Portugal, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Sicily were all conquered and subjugated by the Islamic sword for centuries......all of which was redressed only through the military endeavors of Western/Christian forces.

Muslims initiated the very first conflict with Christians back during pedophile Muhammad's time.
Muslims are inbred sacks of shit withering away in human bodies. Not one of these cockroaches has the gall to come out and state their true intention of waging an imperial jihad against the U.S......they haven't forgotten or forgiven the crusades. They think that all of the problems in the Islamic world today are the result of Western civilization.
How many western countries have the Mid-East Muslims installed dictators in? How many have they tried to conquer for control of their natural resources?

Muslims permanently destroyed half of world Christendom of the middle ages prior to the 1st crusade. Spain, Portugal, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Sicily were all conquered and subjugated by the Islamic sword for centuries......all of which was redressed only through the military endeavors of Western/Christian forces.

Muslims initiated the very first conflict with Christians back during pedophile Muhammad's time.
And Christians initiated the very first conflict with the Jews.

It is the progression of the Abrahamic religions. I wonder what newer, more violent religion will spring up next?
All we're saying is that opening the borders to people who hate us is a bad idea.
As a wingnut whose brain never fires on all cylinders, you don't take into account context, or circumstance. While there is no evidence of her committing fraud, she was obviously very upset that her husband was being deported (and, in effect, her too) and lashed out while in a highly emotional state.

You, being a political hack and craven opportunist to shill for your side, decide to use this isolated example to smear an entire group of people.

You are transparent, and you're not fooling anyone with your fake p@triotism.
You hate this country with a passion, that much is obvious from your endless hate-filled posts, and I'm sure you're white. Get the fuck out.

I do like reading fantasy stories where people can read other people's minds, but I also know it's fiction. Which begs the question of how you know he hates America...

Pretty sure even a retard could figure out that Patriot hates America. Here's a small sampling of the seething hate from this imbecile:

ENOUGH....Time for Liberty....NOW

Anyone who hates liberals and liberalism in general hates America, since America was founded on principles of liberalism. If there's anything good about America, we have liberalism to thank. If Patriot hates everything good that America represents, then he can get the fuck out of here and move to Somalia where he belongs.
So desiring actual liberty means one hates America??? :cuckoo:

You're just angry that people continue to fight to end the socialism you've come to depend on.
How many gummint checks do you get each month?

I get one gimmie government check every month, SS retirement. I started paying into that fund in 1967 and the money is due back to me. I asked the SSA officer if I could cash it out and he said no with a middle east English accent.
You forgot to add that you started paying into that in 1967 when the government put a gun to your head and forced you into your own "retirement savings" against your will.

You know something is wrong when it can only be achieved through force. Slavery. Occupation. The Holocaust. Rape.

When something is right - it never has to be achieved through force.
All we're saying is that opening the borders to people who hate us is a bad idea.
As a wingnut whose brain never fires on all cylinders, you don't take into account context, or circumstance. While there is no evidence of her committing fraud, she was obviously very upset that her husband was being deported (and, in effect, her too) and lashed out while in a highly emotional state.

You, being a political hack and craven opportunist to shill for your side, decide to use this isolated example to smear an entire group of people.

You are transparent, and you're not fooling anyone with your fake p@triotism.
Whooooo....someone is angry.

"If you want to anger a conservative - lie to them. If you want to anger a liberal - tell them the truth".
And yet Hillary Clinton and the Democrats want to import as many of these people as possible in hopes that it can win them elections (ironic since a large portion of the left is made up of atheists which will enrage their muslim base they are attempting to pander to).

WIFE OF MUSLIM Immigrant Screams: "F*CK AMERICA!" After Husband Is Threatened With Deportation For Major Food Stamp Fraud In NY [VIDEO] » 100percentfedUp.com
She was pissed. I get the whole story here lol. Saying she stands for all muslim refugees is insane.
I do like reading fantasy stories where people can read other people's minds, but I also know it's fiction. Which begs the question of how you know he hates America...

Pretty sure even a retard could figure out that Patriot hates America. Here's a small sampling of the seething hate from this imbecile:

ENOUGH....Time for Liberty....NOW

Anyone who hates liberals and liberalism in general hates America, since America was founded on principles of liberalism. If there's anything good about America, we have liberalism to thank. If Patriot hates everything good that America represents, then he can get the fuck out of here and move to Somalia where he belongs.
So desiring actual liberty means one hates America??? :cuckoo:

You're just angry that people continue to fight to end the socialism you've come to depend on.
How many gummint checks do you get each month?

I get one gimmie government check every month, SS retirement. I started paying into that fund in 1967 and the money is due back to me. I asked the SSA officer if I could cash it out and he said no with a middle east English accent.
You forgot to add that you started paying into that in 1967 when the government put a gun to your head and forced you into your own "retirement savings" against your will.

You know something is wrong when it can only be achieved through force. Slavery. Occupation. The Holocaust. Rape.

When something is right - it never has to be achieved through force.

My first job was working for a hog farmer when I was 16. The hog farmer had a college degree and had once been agricultural commissioner of Franklin County, Ohio. I wrote down my hours using the honor system and he made sure that I started paying into SSA on my first paycheck. He said you will not like this but when you retire your check will be bigger than others that proved true.
So.....? It's not illegal, it's protected by the US Constitution, white people do it, American white people do it.

So why do you come to my country if you hate it so much? That makes zero sense to invade a country you hate. It's a very special kind of stupid.
Says the pro-secessionist
Yeah....and? Secession isn't "hating" America - it's an attempt to save it from the cancer known as progressivism.
Suuure. And Men divorce their wives to save them from the cancer of a secure future.

You're soooo full of shit.
Your analogy makes no sense (typical). An accurate analogy would be "and men divorce their wives who are drunk and high and spending them into bankruptcy". Which is frighteningly close to what progressives are actually doing to America.
False. Liberal policies lead to a secure future.
So.....? It's not illegal, it's protected by the US Constitution, white people do it, American white people do it.

Food stamp fraud IS illegal. if you do it and your a store owner you should go to jail. If your a new immigrant and you get deported, who cares? Immigrants take an oath when they are sworn in as a citizen, they should take it seriously if they respect the country giving them opportunity

Does the oath say they shouldn't say "f*ck America"?

No, it doesn't.

Saying Fuck America isnt the problem, being a thief is, and I'm sure those people had aid and support in the process of moving here. Apparently they don't appreciate that help. I'm sure that someone who shouts F*** America instantly endears themselves to you, but even so I have to wonder why you have so much sympathy for people who abuse the system. If I as an American go to live in Spain as a guest worker and I go around shouting F*** Spain because I'm unhappy about something, I should get my ass thrown out.... why do you lower the bar so much?

These people are guests in our country , not even citizens and you would applaud if they Shit on the flag, its no wonder many immigrants from the ME have no respect for us. Look at the video again, they dont have any respect.
You hate this country with a passion, that much is obvious from your endless hate-filled posts, and I'm sure you're white. Get the fuck out.

I do like reading fantasy stories where people can read other people's minds, but I also know it's fiction. Which begs the question of how you know he hates America...

Pretty sure even a retard could figure out that Patriot hates America. Here's a small sampling of the seething hate from this imbecile:

ENOUGH....Time for Liberty....NOW

Anyone who hates liberals and liberalism in general hates America, since America was founded on principles of liberalism. If there's anything good about America, we have liberalism to thank. If Patriot hates everything good that America represents, then he can get the fuck out of here and move to Somalia where he belongs.
So desiring actual liberty means one hates America??? :cuckoo:

You're just angry that people continue to fight to end the socialism you've come to depend on.
How many gummint checks do you get each month?

I get one gimmie government check every month, SS retirement. I started paying into that fund in 1967 and the money is due back to me. I asked the SSA officer if I could cash it out and he said no with a middle east English accent.
SS isn't a gummint check - you paid into it and deserve to get money out of it.
Wife of muslim immigrant screams: “F*** AMERICA!”
Who gives a shit?

And please explain how this isn't rightwing Political Correctness?

Wife of muslim immigrant screams: “F*** AMERICA!”
Who gives a shit?

And please explain how this isn't rightwing Political Correctness?

Is it political correctness to be against food stamp fraud? screaming F*** America is just a good indicator of the families attitude
What does food stamp fraud have to do with political correctness?

And does the extreme Rightwing now want to censor people's attitudes, too?

Right, I cant figure out why you think FoodStamp fraud and burglary has something to do with Political Correctness, because that is the real issue in this case, but go right on and defend their behavior.

Its not illegal to take notice of someones attitude and comment on it. They are not even living here as citizens, they are guests in the country from what I read. I would say the burden of the burden of responsibility for their own actions IS ON THEM, not American citizens
So.....? It's not illegal, it's protected by the US Constitution, white people do it, American white people do it.

Food stamp fraud IS illegal. if you do it and your a store owner you should go to jail. If your a new immigrant and you get deported, who cares? Immigrants take an oath when they are sworn in as a citizen, they should take it seriously if they respect the country giving them opportunity

Does the oath say they shouldn't say "f*ck America"?

No, it doesn't.

Saying Fuck America isnt the problem, being a thief is, and I'm sure those people had aid and support in the process of moving here. Apparently they don't appreciate that help. I'm sure that someone who shouts F*** America instantly endears themselves to you, but even so I have to wonder why you have so much sympathy for people who abuse the system. If I as an American go to live in Spain as a guest worker and I go around shouting F*** Spain because I'm unhappy about something, I should get my ass thrown out.... why do you lower the bar so much?

These people are guests in our country , not even citizens and you would applaud if they Shit on the flag, its no wonder many immigrants from the ME have no respect for us. Look at the video again, they dont have any respect.

Bring back work ethic and everything is solved.
Muslims are inbred sacks of shit withering away in human bodies. Not one of these cockroaches has the gall to come out and state their true intention of waging an imperial jihad against the U.S......they haven't forgotten or forgiven the crusades. They think that all of the problems in the Islamic world today are the result of Western civilization.
How many western countries have the Mid-East Muslims installed dictators in? How many have they tried to conquer for control of their natural resources?

Muslims permanently destroyed half of world Christendom of the middle ages prior to the 1st crusade. Spain, Portugal, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Sicily were all conquered and subjugated by the Islamic sword for centuries......all of which was redressed only through the military endeavors of Western/Christian forces.

Muslims initiated the very first conflict with Christians back during pedophile Muhammad's time.

As if Christians haven't ever done anything.

Wait, let's see, well apart from converting the whole of the Americas to Christianity from Columbus to the present day, there are the invasions of most Muslim countries, the interference, the re-invading etc.

Find a Muslim country that wasn't invaded by the British or the French...... there are some, I know of one.

Then you have countries like Iraq which were inventions of the Christian powers, and which have caused problems ever since because they were unnatural unions.
So.....? It's not illegal, it's protected by the US Constitution, white people do it, American white people do it.

Food stamp fraud IS illegal. if you do it and your a store owner you should go to jail. If your a new immigrant and you get deported, who cares? Immigrants take an oath when they are sworn in as a citizen, they should take it seriously if they respect the country giving them opportunity

Does the oath say they shouldn't say "f*ck America"?

No, it doesn't.

Saying Fuck America isnt the problem, being a thief is, and I'm sure those people had aid and support in the process of moving here. Apparently they don't appreciate that help. I'm sure that someone who shouts F*** America instantly endears themselves to you, but even so I have to wonder why you have so much sympathy for people who abuse the system. If I as an American go to live in Spain as a guest worker and I go around shouting F*** Spain because I'm unhappy about something, I should get my ass thrown out.... why do you lower the bar so much?

These people are guests in our country , not even citizens and you would applaud if they Shit on the flag, its no wonder many immigrants from the ME have no respect for us. Look at the video again, they dont have any respect.

Bring back work ethic and everything is solved.

So were we talking about thieves?

Well thanks for agreeing that saying "f*ck America" isn't an issue.

I'm assuming that guests in a country are able to do everything that's legal.

Why do you care? They came to the US, they spent their money and they'll leave. So what?
And yet Hillary Clinton and the Democrats want to import as many of these people as possible in hopes that it can win them elections (ironic since a large portion of the left is made up of atheists which will enrage their muslim base they are attempting to pander to).

WIFE OF MUSLIM Immigrant Screams: "F*CK AMERICA!" After Husband Is Threatened With Deportation For Major Food Stamp Fraud In NY [VIDEO] » 100percentfedUp.com
If the story is true, and if the fraud allegation is true, then, phukk 'em... ship their nasty asses back to whatever third-world ShitHole-Istan that they came from.

That's just "takin' out the trash"... a routine public service.
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You still havent explained how you know which people hate america and which ones dont.
You need that explained to you? :lmao:

Dude - this isn't some super-secret decoder ring thing. There is this thing called "communication". Sometimes it is written - but most often it is verbal. Verbal means that someone speaks (and then the other person can hear them). Here is an example...

Yes. I need it explained to me why you think you can read peoples minds.

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